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塔里木盆地西克尔地区古岩溶储层露头表征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘伟 《地质学报》2010,84(8):1215-1222
始新世末,喜马拉雅运动引起柯坪—巴楚地区广泛的水平挤压和构造抬升,导致奥陶系碳酸盐岩古岩溶出露地表,为古岩溶储层研究提供了很好的露头表征条件。本次研究选取塔里木盆地西克尔剖面为重点研究对象,探讨了古岩溶储层发育特征和演化模式。指出不同碳酸盐岩岩石结构对岩溶响应表现出明显差异:一间房组礁滩体岩溶储层小型溶孔、溶洞分布广泛;以泥晶灰岩和砂屑灰岩为主的鹰山组,岩溶作用形成裂缝为主控因素的大洞大缝型,非均质性很强的孔隙体系。研究区内同样发现了热液作用形成的深成溶洞,但数量和规模均较小。因此,古岩溶作用及伴生的溶洞系统是储层预测的关键。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西北缘露头区奥陶系古溶洞地质建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
塔里木盆地西北缘奥陶系大型古溶洞广泛出露,为古溶洞露头地质建模提供了优越的条件。综合野外资料和Google Earth影像分析,将大型古溶洞以形态结构特征为依据划分成管道—厅堂连通型溶洞、单一管道孤立型溶洞、流线型溶洞3种类型;以存在形式划分成单一溶洞和溶洞群。其中,管道—厅堂连通型溶洞以潜流带型为主,在平面上沿主方位通过岩溶管道连接厅堂分布,厅堂大小不等,在50~50000m3之间变化;单一管道孤立型溶洞以渗流带型为主,平面上呈现单一管道线条状;流线型溶洞分布在潜流带中,从剖面上看呈近圆形、椭圆形和豆荚状等多种形状,包括顺层和斜交地层2种类型。结合各露头剖面中构造、地层条件及发育溶洞类型,明确管道—厅堂联通型溶洞受不整合面控制,分布在三间房、五道班和西克尔剖面中;单一管道孤立型溶洞受断裂系统控制,分布在一间房和硫磺沟剖面中;流线型溶洞主要分布在西克尔剖面,沿溶蚀沟道两侧分布;多种不同因素的耦合控制了溶洞群的分布。以此建立了综合大型古溶洞特征及其控制因素的古溶洞发育概念地质模型,以溶洞群为主要体积计算单元,通过与塔北奥陶系串珠进行体积对比,明确了地质模型的油气勘探意义。  相似文献   

在现代流水地貌中,由于构造运动、岩性差异以及水流侧蚀等因素,常常出现水系袭夺,并随之伴生一系列特殊的水文地貌现象,如袭夺肘、风峡、袭夺肘以下的深切河谷、断头河和倒淌河等.基于三维地震资料,本文应用地震属性分析及地震成图等相关技术,对塔河油田中一下奥陶统顶部海西早期的岩溶古地貌和古水系进行了恢复识别,发现海西早期也存在类似的水文地貌现象.依据现代水系变迁理论,证实了塔河油田6区岩溶流域早期为南向汇流结构,而后期由于西北部侵蚀基准面下降,本区流域不断被西北部流域袭夺,并大面积倒转为北西向汇流结构,再现了本区岩溶古水系及流域的阶段性演化过程,从而为揭示塔河油田奥陶系古岩溶发育规律提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

为探讨锶同位素在古岩溶研究中的应用,系统分析了塔里木盆地塔河油田奥陶系岩溶缝洞方解石的87Sr/86Sr值。研究结果表明,加里东中期岩溶形成的方解石以低87Sr/86Sr值为特征,其锶同位素组成主要由围岩的重溶锶控制。而海西早期岩溶形成的方解石则以高87Sr/86Sr值为特征,锶同位素组成主要由壳源锶和重溶锶控制;同时,不同产状的方解石锶同位素比值也不相同,渗流岩溶带的方解石比潜流岩溶带富集87Sr,主要受控于岩溶系统的渗流机制和水岩反应。在平面上,桑塔木组覆盖区比北部地区富集87Sr,其主要原因是来源于围岩的重溶锶比重加大。87Sr/86Sr值在区域上的变化,结合区域地质背景,表明海西早期岩溶对北部地区和桑塔木组覆盖区均有重要的影响,是奥陶系岩溶缝洞型储层的主要形成时期。另外,极低的锶同位素比值可能与幔源锶有关,早二叠纪末的火山活动是提供幔源锶的主要时期。通过塔河油田奥陶系古岩溶作用的实例研究,锶同位素具有良好的流体示踪能力,在划分古岩溶期次方面具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

岩溶发育的气候条件是决定碳酸盐岩油气田储集空间和运移通道类型的主要因素,溶缝和溶洞是古潮湿环境下塔里木盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶发育的产物。通过对塔里木盆地北缘奥陶系碳酸盐岩古风化壳岩溶发育特征的调查与分析,掌握了溶缝与溶洞的发育分布规律,认为溶洞与裂缝并不是孤立分布的,溶洞与周边有成因联系的影响带(裂缝密集发育带)一起共同组成一个有机的缝洞系统,从而构成了良好的缝洞型储集层。将溶洞与裂缝有机的结合起来,建立了碳酸盐岩风化壳储集体的非均质分布模型—— 缝洞型油气藏结构模式,并提出将裂缝和溶洞比较集中的彼此互相连通的区域作为油元来研究,有利于从宏观上认识缝洞型油气藏的实质。   相似文献   

哈拉哈塘地区位于塔里木盆地北部隆起轮南低凸起奥陶系潜山背斜西翼上,其中奥陶系一间房组碳酸盐岩岩溶储集层具有成因复杂、非均质性强和识别困难等特点。以该地区现有钻井资料、地震解释成果为基础,在现代岩溶研究成果的指导下,利用分时窗提取、断裂属性(Fault Fracture Attribute,FFA)裂缝预测等特色技术,详细刻画了一间房组孔洞、裂缝型储集层空间分布特征。利用地层CT扫描古河道识别、残厚法古地形恢复、基于优化算法的构造识别体断裂精细刻画等特色技术开展了岩溶储集层控制因素分析,指出古地形较高、水系发达、小断裂发育等是一间房组岩溶储集层发育的有利控制因素。面对现有碳酸盐岩岩溶储集层勘探难题,以现代岩溶理论为指导,钻井—地震结合,综合利用多种地震预测技术是开展研究区碳酸盐岩岩溶储集层识别和控制因素分析的重要手段。  相似文献   

从黔南、桂北的航天遥感图像上可以清楚地看出,地表的宏观岩溶地貌明显地受控于区域性大型“X”共轭节理系统,此类节理构成一幅巨型的渗滤网,成为大气降水下渗的主要通道,从而导致被其穿透的岩石遭受溶蚀,形成以线性岩溶谷地为主体的岩溶景观。即水平地层分布区,呈片状“X”形网络结构;直立地层分布区,呈羽状条带结构。水体下渗至潜水面后,将主要沿“X”节理走向向当地最低侵蚀基准面排泄,从而形成复杂的地下管道网络系统。首次利用网上Google Earth影像研究喀斯特环境,解决了只能依赖航片和卫星照片才能研究地球地貌的瓶颈,这对地貌研究和喀斯特石漠化的研究和治理提供了廉价便利的影像材料。  相似文献   

古岩溶洞穴型储层是一种后期改造形成的特殊碳酸盐岩储层,储层发育复杂,非均质性很强.开展洞穴型储层建模研究对该类储层的三维定量表征以及数值模拟、储量计算等后续工作有重要意义.在古岩溶洞穴型储层成因特征分析的基础上,针对储层建模的几个关键环节开展了讨论,包括建模策略、模拟随机性控制方法以及数学方法等方面.并以塔河油田四区奥陶系储层为例进行了实践应用,在地貌分区、岩溶分带的地质框架下,以井孔数据为基础,优选能够反映洞穴发育概率的波阻抗反演信息及相干信息作为模拟的井间约束条件,选取具有趋势的同位协同序贯指示模拟方法整合多类信息建立了洞穴型储层三维地质模型,并提出了研究区分块设置局部变差函数的思路,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东部奥陶系风化壳天然气勘探的核心问题是寻找储层 ,关键技术是对古沟槽、古台地的识别。该区风化壳储层不发育有两方面的原因 :一是沉积相带不利 ;二是风化壳岩溶部位不利 ,属于岩溶洼地 ,溶蚀作用较弱 ,充填作用较强。鄂尔多斯盆地东部奥陶系风化壳古岩溶地貌为地势平坦、向东开口的半封闭岩溶盆地 ,这就为该区古风化壳岩溶的发育创造了相对于其他全封闭盆地更好的条件。将岩溶盆地划分为谷地、台地、残丘、沟槽、浅洼 5种三级地貌单元类型 ,东部发育 3个水平岩溶带 ,第三水平岩溶带距夷平面 70~ 85m。根据观察结果及地下水的渗流规律 ,提出深潜流溶蚀带—深泉排水模式 ,为岩溶盆地风化壳储集体的发育提供了另一种可能的溶蚀作用方式。岩溶盆地在中深埋藏期压释岩溶作用较强 ,有利于储集体孔渗的改善、上古生界烃类的带入、古台地边缘致密带的产生及圈闭的形成。综合利用地质、钻井、地震及测井手段精细刻画了神木—榆林地区奥陶系风化壳古地貌 ,结果表明该地区古台地规模适中、古沟槽较多 ,认为东部是较有利的勘探区带  相似文献   

塔里木盆地奥陶系古潜山碳酸盐岩岩溶储层具有埋藏深、非均质性强的特点。岩溶储集空间主要为后期溶蚀孔、溶洞和溶缝为主。通过古地貌恢复及岩溶垂向分带研究,结合油藏开采动态,对轮古7井区以东地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶储层评价与预测。研究认为:高产高效井主要位于岩溶缓坡地的峰丘洼地、丘峰洼地及岩溶峰丛谷地的溶丘、溶峰及其边坡部位。垂向上表层岩溶带和垂向渗滤带的上部,开发效果较好,多发育裂缝-孔洞型、洞穴型储层;径流溶蚀带、潜流溶蚀带岩溶发育相对较弱,局部发育小规模溶洞或岩溶管道,岩溶储层以裂缝型或孔洞型为主。在此基础上预测出五个高产高效油气储层岩溶区,为油气勘探与开发提供依据。   相似文献   

With a comprehensive study on the petrology, geology and geochemistry of some Ordovician granule limestone samples in the Tahe Oiifieid of the Tarim Basin, two stages of burial dissolution were put forward as an in-source dissolution and out-source dissolution based on macro-microcosmic petrology and geochemistry features. The main differences in the two stages are in the origin and moving pass of acid fluids. Geochemical evidence indicates that burial dissolution fluids might be ingredients of organic acids, CO2 and H2S associated with organic matter maturation and hydrocarbon decomposition, and the in-source fluid came from organic matter in the granule limestone itself, but the out-source was mainly from other argillaceous carbonate rocks far away. So, the forming of a burial dissolution reservoir resulted from both in-source and the out-source dissolutions. The granule limestone firstly formed unattached pinholes under in-source dissolution in situ, and afterwards suffered wider dissolution with out-source fluids moving along unconformities, seams, faults and associate fissures. The second stage was much more important, and the mineral composition in the stratum and heat convection of the fluid were also important in forming favorable reservoirs.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西北缘乌什县东南亚科瑞克剖面奥陶系发育,并且该剖面也是塔里木盆地上奥陶统沉积最为齐全的露头剖面之一,尤其是上奥陶统的中—上部发育了许多重要的牙形石属种。本文通过对剖面上灰岩层样品的系统采集和牙形石分析鉴定,将该剖面的奥陶系分为4个牙形石组合和2个牙形石带。自下而上依次为:Serratognathus diversus - Bergstroemognathus extensus 组合 , Protopanderodus calceatus - Periodon aculeatus 组合 ,A phelognathus sp. - Tasmanognathus sp. 组合, Belodina confluens- Phragmodus undatus 组合 , Yaoxianog-nathus neimengguensis 带和 A phelognathus pyramidalis带。其中,上奥陶统上部牙形石的重要属种A. pyramida-lis、A. politus、Y. yaoxianensis 和 A. neimengguensis以及上奥陶统上部的A.pyramidalis带与Y.neimengguensis带是首次在柯坪地层分区发现。这些发现初步解决了塔里木盆地覆盖区与露头区上奥陶统不能进行精细生物地层对比的问题。  相似文献   

为论证T67界面性质并探索碳酸盐岩层系不整合的识别方法,文章综合利用柯坪—巴楚地区露头和塔河地区钻井、测井和地震资料,研究了塔里木盆地塔河地区中下奥陶统鹰山组内幕不整合面T67。在露头上, T67界面表现为岩相转换面,但在不同剖面的暴露强度存在差异。在地化数据上, T67不整合面之下碳酸盐岩地层碳氧同位素值出现明显偏负;Sc,Co,Ni,Ba,U,Sr等微量元素表现出同样的特点,而Li和V在T67界面之下富集。在自然伽马测井与自然伽马能谱测井曲线上, T67不整合面之下的鹰山组下段自然伽马测井曲线明显较界面之上的鹰山组上段齿化剧烈,经过滤波处理的Th/U曲线在T67界面处呈现出明显的低值。在地震剖面上,难以从地震同相轴反射终止现象中识别出T67界面,但“串珠”状反射沿T67不整合面发育,这些串珠状反射被解释为与喀斯特作用相关的岩溶洞穴。T67界面属于海平面相对下降形成的短暂暴露面(<1,Ma),其主要受控于海平面升降和古地貌,在塔河不同区域的暴露、剥蚀强度不同,强暴露区主要位于中东部,弱暴露区域主要位于西北部。T67不整合面对塔河地区鹰山组内幕碳酸盐岩储集层发育具有重要意义,既可为层间岩溶的发育提供条件,亦可与断裂构成连通体系为大气淡水提供通道,从而对塔河地区深部碳酸盐岩储集层起到积极的改造作用。  相似文献   

塔河油田碳酸盐岩缝洞型油气藏的特征及缝洞单元划分   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩缝洞型油气藏的主要特征表现为油气藏高度远大于残丘圈闭幅度,油气分布受储集体发育程度控制,纵向上不连续,储集体主要为岩溶-构造作用所形成的缝洞,单个缝洞储集体为独立的油水系统等。运用油藏压力降落法、类干扰试井法和流体性质变化法等方法将塔河油田主体开发区划分出10个连通储渗单元和20个孤立或相对定容封闭体,对这些缝洞单元的特点作了描述。塔河油田整体上不具统一的底水;各油气藏流体性质变化较大。  相似文献   

This study examines the rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) concentrations of twenty-five samples from the reef outcrop exposed along the Lianglitage Mountain in the Ordovician, Tarim Basin in China. The concentration analysis provides constraints on the paleoenvironment during reef deposition. Based on the detailed sedimentology and petrographic work, we divide the reef facies into four sub-facies: the base facies, reef-core facies, reef-flank facies, and sealing facies. The geochemical data (such as major and trace elements, carbon and oxygen isotopes, and REYs) are further used to study the coeval seawater characteristics as well as potential diagenesis overprints. The result indicated that the diagenesis has little effect on the REY patterns of the reefal limestones. The REY concentrations of the reefal limestones are overall low (ranging from 3.69 to 19.60 ppm, arithmetic mean=10.22 ppm, SD=5.4). The PAAS-normalized REY patterns are consistently flat compared to the typical well-oxidized, shallow marine water patterns. However, the light REE (LREE) depletions, positive La anomalies, negative Ce anomalies and positive Y anomalies, suggest that these reefal limestones are likely an indicative of contemporaneous seawater REY signals. The seawater-like Y/Ho ratios (average at 37.51) further support that REY signals in these limestones are likely a reflection of seawater with little diagenetic modifications. The low Y/Ho ratios presented only in the reef-flank facies and sealing facies are likely a suggestion of detrital contamination. Hence, this study confirms that REY patterns of the limestones at the base facies and reef-core facies can record ancient seawater information, and reefs can be used as a potential geochemical proxy for paleoenvironment studies throughout the Earth’s history.  相似文献   

Middle and lower Ordovician carbonate rock in the Tabei Uplift of the Tarim Basin forms important fractured reservoir beds. Core and log data indicate that tectonic fractures, as the main fractures in the Tabei Uplift, could be mainly classified into two types: oblique fractures and approximately vertical fractures. The fractures are mainly NNW‐trending and NNE‐trending, coincident with the large faults nearby. Fracture abundance was also controlled by lithology, and faults nearby played a significant role. Cores, thin sections and tests show that these carbonate rocks have as much as 2.5% fracture porosity and as much as 150 md fracture permeability. Based on the intersection of fractures in cores, together with fluid inclusion temperature data, and the timing of faulting from seismic profiles, tectonic fractures were considered to be mainly formed in three periods: the late Silurian when the first‐stage oblique fractures were formed, the late Permian when approximately vertical fractures were formed, and the late Tertiary when the second‐stage oblique fractures were formed. Lower Cambrian source rocks started to enter the stage of generous hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in the Silurian. Ordovician source rocks started to enter the stage of generous hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in the Permian and enter the over‐mature stage in the late Tertiary when light oil was generated. Timing of tectonic fractures formation and burial history analysis suggest that fractures formation might coincide with oil accumulation when fractures provided the pathway and storage space for the low permeability and low porosity reservoir beds caused by previous compaction and cementation. Considering the presence of a large amount of fracture‐developed dolomite in the deeper Ordovician Penglaiba Formation, the undrilled Penglaiba Formation should be paid more attention. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rare earth element compositions of Lower Ordovician dolomites in the Central and Northern Tarim Basin are studied. Most dolomite samples are more or less contaminated by clay minerals. Their rare earth element compositions have been consequently changed, showing both seawater-like and non-seawater-like features. The clay contamination should be disposed before the REE data are used. Through ICP-MS and ICP-AES analyses, the REE features are well documented. The clay contamination is quantitatively determined by microscopic investigation, trace elements and REE contents. The dolomites, at least in the Tarim Basin, are thought to be pure when their total LREE contents are less than 3×10^-6. Through comparison, the pure dolomites show similarities in REE patterns but differences in REE contents with co-existing pure limestone, which indicates that dolomitization may slightly change the REE compositions. Nevertheless, whatever the change is, the pure dolomites may act as a potential REE proxy for Ordovician seawater, which would be significant for ancient massive dolomite strata that lack limestone.  相似文献   

Rare earth dement compositions of Lower Ordovician dolomites in the Central and Northern Tarim Basin are studied. Most dolomite samples are more or less contaminated by clay minerals. Their rare earth element compositions have been consequently changed, showing both seawater-like and non-seawater-like features. The clay contamination should be disposed before the REE data are used. Through ICP-MS and ICP-AES analyses, the REE features are well documented. The clay contamination is quantitatively determined by microscopic investigation, trace elements and REE contents. The dolomites, at least in the Tarim Basin, are thought to be pure when their total LREE contents are less than 3x10-6. Through comparison, the pure dolomites show similarities in REE patterns but differences in REE contents with co-existing pure limestone, which indicates that dolomitization may slightly change the REE compositions. Nevertheless, whatever the change is, the pure dolomites may act as a potential REE proxy for Ordovician seawater, which would be significant for ancient massive dolomite strata that lack limestone.  相似文献   

志留纪是晚加里东运动对塔里木盆地古地理和古构造格局产生重要影响的构造变格阶段,以全盆地规模的不整合面为界,前志留纪以海相碳酸盐岩沉积为主的古环境转变为志留纪以海相碎屑岩沉积为主的古环境.开展志留纪沉积充填序列及岩矿特征研究,有助于进一步认识塔里木盆地该变格阶段构造运动特征及其沉积充填响应.为此,精选柯坪露头区志留系出露...  相似文献   

断裂相的概念为断裂带的内部结构研究提供了新的思路与建模方法,通过塔里木盆地柯坪露头断裂带的分析,碳酸盐岩断裂相特征有别于碎屑岩.柯坪露头碳酸盐岩断裂带不连续构造以滑动面、裂缝带和变形带发育为特征.根据形态识别出平直截切型、弯曲起伏型、渐变条带型三种类型滑动面.破碎带中裂缝带发育,裂缝充填少,是良好输导通道;断层核部存在...  相似文献   

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