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主动电场探测技术依靠激励源发射电场信号,通过测量电位信号实现目标探测。根据当前主动电场探测掩埋目标研究进展,简要介绍了其原理,对国内外掩埋大目标领域的关键技术(海洋可控源电磁法) 的研究现状以及发展趋势进行了归纳整理;针对主动电场探测水下掩埋小目标的问题,详细介绍了国外实验、 先进设备的工作机理,总结了国内相关领域的研究;通过对水下电场传感器国内外研究现状的分析,指出国内在水下掩埋目标主动电场探测领域已有的基础。最终对该技术的发展及应用前景进行了展望。 相似文献
针对固定粒子数PF-TBD算法计算量大、复杂环境下地波雷达海上船只目标检测与跟踪性能不佳的问题,本文将粒子滤波方法应用于地波雷达船只目标检测与跟踪中,提出了基于自适应粒子滤波的地波雷达目标检测与跟踪联合处理方法。该方法结合地波雷达回波谱中目标展宽特性,充分利用了地波雷达回波谱中面目标的粒子权重信息来设置粒子自适应采样策略,提高了目标检测和跟踪联合处理的效果。通过地波雷达实测数据的目标跟踪结果及与同步AIS信息的比对分析,结果表明:提出的检测跟踪联合处理方法在对低信噪比、快速机动等复杂环境下的多目标跟踪时,可提高目标整体跟踪性能。 相似文献
上层海洋中浪致混合研究评述——研究进展及存在问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文较系统地分析和总结了海浪在上层海洋中的混合作用研究的国内外现状,分别探讨了海浪破碎、波生运动以及波-湍相互作用导致的混合作用,指出了现有研究存在的问题。对今后研究做一展望,并指出实验室热分层水槽中的系统实验研究的必要性。 相似文献
Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR)has become one of the important tools for shallow water bathymetry surveys.This has significant economic efficiency compared with the traditional bathymetry surveys.Numerical models have been developed to simulate shallow water bathymetry SAR images.Inversion of these models makes it possible to assess the water depths from SAR images.In this paper,these numerical models of SAR technique are reviewed,and examples are illustrated including in the coastal areas of China.Some issues about SAR technique available and the research orientation in future are also discussed. 相似文献
波面极大值处水质点水平速度的统计分布 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
管长龙 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》1998,(1)
基于Longuet-Higgins提出的线性随机海浪模型,导出了波面极大值处水质点水平速度的统计分布。分布的形式类似于波面极大值的统计分布,其中引入了一个新的谱宽度参量εu为1-m23m2m412。当εu趋于零时,导出的分布函数为瑞利分布;当εu趋于1时,则为正态分布。在窄谱情形下εu趋于12ε,其中ε为1-m22m0m412,为常用的谱宽度参量 相似文献
Wave Numerical Model for Shallow Water 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The history of forecasting wind waves by wave energy conservation equation is briefly des-cribed.Several currently used wave numerical models for shallow water based on different wave theoriesare discussed.Wave energy conservation models for the simulation of shallow water waves are introduced,with emphasis placed on the SWAN model,which takes use of the most advanced wave research achieve-ments and has been applied to several theoretical and field conditions.The characteristics and applicabilityof the model,the finite difference numerical scheme of the action balance equation and its source termscomputing methods are described in detail.The model has been verified with the propagation refractionnumerical experiments for waves propagating in following and opposing currents;finally.the model is ap-plied to the Haian Gulf area to simulate the wave height and wave period field there,and the results arecompared with observed data. 相似文献
N-S方程的数值解法及其在水波动力学中应用的综述 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
对于描述流体运动的基本方程N-S方程,现已开发出了多种不同的数值求解方法。其中以MAC法和VOF法为代表的网格数值方法较为成熟,并被逐渐用于实际工程的水动力研究中:以SPH和MPS为代表的粒子方法则刚刚起步.具有很大的发展空间。针对N-S方程中的能量耗散问题,采用雷诺时均化的方程形式仍是目前解决水动力问题的主要途径,但需要引入相应湍流模型,以封闭方程。本文首先对N-S方程求解方法的发展过程进行简要回顾,对一些重要的计算方法进行评述,简要介绍其在水波动力学中的应用;然后对时均化的N-S方程的主要封闭模式进行总结介绍;最后对数值求解N-S方程的发展趋势进行展望。 相似文献
Milica Stojanovic Lee Freitag 《Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of》2006,31(3):685-695
Direct-sequence (DS) code-division multiple access (CDMA) is considered for future wideband mobile underwater acoustic networks, where a typical configuration may include several autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) operating within a few kilometers of a central receiver. Two receivers that utilize multichannel (array) processing of asynchronous multiuser signals are proposed: the symbol decision feedback (SDF) receiver and the chip hypothesis feedback (CHF) receiver. Both receivers use a chip-resolution adaptive front end consisting of a many-to-few combiner and a bank of fractionally-spaced feedforward equalizers. In the SDF receiver, feedback equalization is implemented at symbol resolution, and receiver filters, including a decision-directed phase-locked loop, are adapted at the symbol rate. This limits its applicability to the channels whose time variation is slow compared to the symbol rate. In a wideband acoustic system, which transmits at maximal chip rate, the symbol rate is down-scaled by the spreading factor, and an inverse effect may occur by which increasing the spreading factor results in performance degradation. To eliminate this effect, feedback equalization, which is necessary for the majority of acoustic channels, is performed in the CHF receiver at chip resolution and receiver parameters are adjusted at the chip rate. At the price of increased computational complexity (there are as many adaptive filters as there are symbol values), this receiver provides improved performance for systems where time variation cannot be neglected with respect to the symbol rate [e.g., low probability of detection (LPD) acoustic systems]. Performance of the two receivers was demonstrated in a four-user scenario, using experimental data obtained over a 2-km shallow-water channel. At the chip rate of 19.2 kilochips per second (kc/s) with quaternary phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulation, excellent results were achieved at an aggregate data rate of up to 10 kb/s 相似文献