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现代海洋仪器正向连续自动记录和自动化方面发展着。目前,电测式的海洋温度测量仪器,大都是由测温传感器、探测电缆和自动记录的二次仪表组成。 相似文献
LabVIEW设计中压力传感器的RBF神经网络温度补偿 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
在石油平台注水压力监测系统设计中 ,采用LabVIEW虚拟仪器平台 ,嵌入逼近能力强和收敛速度快的RBF神经网络 ,以人工环境实验数据为样本进行训练 ,实现了压力传感器的智能网络温度补偿。结果显示 ,此方法能够在压力、温度变化较大的恶劣环境下 ,获得很高的补偿精度。 相似文献
文章从理论上分析了布里渊散射光的频移和强度与海水温度和应力的关系,针对分布式布里渊散射光纤传感器测量海水温度和压力的测量原理进行了论述,对该测量系统的构成以及测量的实现进行了探讨。 相似文献
光纤传感器技术已经在土木工程、航空航天、石油石化等方面得到应用,其温度、压力、流速传感日趋成熟,且具有本征绝缘、易于复用、远距离传输等优势,在物理海洋领域有较大的潜在应用。在先导专项的支持下,课题组完成了光纤温深传感器及其系统在海洋牧场遥测方面的实践应用,是光纤温度链在海洋养殖方面的应用创新,为现代海洋牧场的研制提供了技术支撑作用;课题组研制了船载拖曳温深链系统,并在北黄海和南海海域进行了温度跃层的快速高效海试应用,实时、连续、原位获取了水下温度剖面情况,该领域温度测量的首次试验应用,为物理海洋的科学研究提供了一种全新的快速、高时空密度的测量手段,将会推动物理海洋的科学研究和海洋仪器设备研发水平,具有一定的先导作用。 相似文献
随着海洋深度的增加,压力逐渐升高而温度逐渐降低。因此,应对压力和温度变化的能力直接影响着海洋动物的垂直分布模式。本文综述了近年来国际上关于压力及温度对海洋动物生理影响的研究进展,概述了3种常用的研究方法,包括直接比较不同深度近缘海洋动物的差异、使用加压装置培养海洋动物、在常压及原位温度下培养深海动物;然后归纳了压力及温度对海洋动物生理的影响,包括有机渗透调节物质浓度及蛋白质序列、胚胎及幼体发育速率和畸变率、行为模式及代谢速率、基因表达水平;最后讨论了海洋动物适应高压环境的生理机制,压力对海洋动物垂直分布的限制能力,以及浅海动物和深海动物的起源关系。 相似文献
丁学振 《数字海洋与水下攻防》2024,7(3):285-292
为降低搭载于水下移动平台的三轴磁通门传感器受到的平台磁干扰和传感器自身误差(三轴非正交误差、三轴灵敏度不一致误差和零偏误差)的影响,提出了一种基于改进粒子群优化算法的集成校正方法。在分析误差来源的基础上建立了误差校正数学模型,并利用 2 个仿真算例对校正方法的有效性进行了验证。仿真试验结果表明:与传统粒子群优化算法相比,改进算法具有更高的抗噪能力和求解精度;经过校正之后,由传感器自身误差和平台磁干扰引起的测量误差得到了有效压制。 相似文献
本文以2006-2009年吕泗渔场海洋学调查和已有相关研究相结合.综述吕泗渔场的地形、地貌、水团与温盐要素特征和渔业生物多样性特点.在此基础上,论述吕泗渔场帆张网、坛子方、洋方网、深水方、单根方主要定置渔具的分布及其渔获性能,并进一步阐明辐射沙脊是该渔场最突出特点,适应该地貌开发出不同类型网具的有效性与多样性.吕泗渔场当前定置网具属过量发展,渔业资源已衰退,应该加强管理和资源保护. 相似文献
表层海水盐度是海洋水文观测中十分重要的观测项目之一,对其连续观测数据进行统计分析,可获得本海域表层海水盐度状况及变化规律,对海上防灾减灾,促进海洋经济发展有着重要的意义。因此能否获取可靠的观测数据就非常重要。文章介绍一种浮标式的温盐传感器载体装置,由防缠绕固定模块、浮体配重模块和防护过滤模块3部分组成,既能防海水污损,又能减少物理(缠绕、振动、碰撞)因素的影响,大大提高了温盐传感器的使用寿命及观测数据的连续性和可靠性,并且维护方便,非常适合海洋站使用。 相似文献
感应式温盐传感器基于电导率法测盐,可以实现现场测量与实时测量。测量盐度时需要首先计算海水温度、海水电导率和海水压力,表层感应式温盐传感器对压力量不予考虑,温度、电导率的精度却直接关系到盐度测量结果的准确度,因此使用传感器前必须进行温度和盐度的标定。分析了温盐传感器的工作原理,设计温度、电导率的标定校准步骤,包括回归曲线的选择和回归方程系数的计算,其中温度、电导率和温度补偿的标定回归曲线采用多项式形式,用实验室高精度盐度计和铂电阻温度仪测得5~7组数据,然后对多项式最小二乘法回归,电导率回归过程中由温度和盐度求电导率用到了二分法,最后论述了标定回归方程的误差范围。 相似文献
实时获取大范围海域的气象水文数据对海洋防灾减灾、海洋搜索营救、海洋气象预报和模式计算、以及海洋科学研究等各项海洋活动都具有至关重要的作用,但由于人力、物力以及财力等资源限制,这项工作很难实现并长期维持。集成式船载气象水文实时数据获取系统将传感器、采集器、控制台和数据库集于一体,完整地实现了气象水文实时数据获取的整个流程。同时,利用志愿船将该系统携带到各大海域,从而实现实时获取大范围海域的气象水文实时数据的功能。该系统功能完善,结构紧凑,在船体上的安装部位比较集中,在不影响志愿船正常工作的前提下,以较低的成本可实现实时数据获取的功能,从而为各项海洋活动提供有力的支持。 相似文献
The authors describe the effort to provide three-dimensional global thermohaline and sound speed fields for use in the effects of sound in the marine environment (ESME) workbench suite of programs. The primary fields used are from the modular ocean data assimilation system (MODAS), developed by Fox et al. The system provides global thermohaline and sound speed fields on a daily basis using environmental inputs from the U.S. Navy as well as remote sensing of sea surface temperature and sea surface height. To examine the MODAS fields, the authors also used data from the Southern California Bight collected by the California Cooperative Fisheries Investigations as well as high-resolution hydrographic data collected over the continental shelf south of New England as part of the shelfbreak PRIMER experiment. MODAS performs well for features such as large-scale boundary currents and eddies but is more limited in resolving features such as shelfbreak and coastal fronts, which have small spatial and temporal correlation scales. Because of the considerable computational needs of other ESME modules and its use as a planning tool, the authors present a pragmatic approach for future applications. 相似文献
Oceanographic Characteristics of a Multi-Specific Fishing Ground of the Central South Brazil Bight 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In the Central South Brazil Bight, a multispecific demersal trawl fishery is conducted by trawlers licensed for the industrial pink shrimp (Penaeus paulensis and Penaeus brasiliensis) fishery. In addition to the pink shrimp, many by-catch species have become increasingly valued in the last two decades. In spite of the importance of this multispecific fishery, the oceanographic characteristics of the inner continental shelf, onshore the 100 m isobath, are poorly known. In this paper we present, for the fist time, monthly oceanographic records taken from December 1995 to May 1997 with the R/V ‘Diadorim’ at two of the main fishing grounds of this region. Water temperature data showed the formation of a strong thermocline during summer, from November to April. This thermal gradient, due to the South Atlantic central water (SACW) intrusion that reaches these shallow waters, disappeared with the homogenization of the water column during autumn and winter, from May to September. This cold and low salinity water does not originate from local river discharges, but also represents an advection of sub-Antartic water mass. After this and during spring, a new thermocline develops, reaching its maximal expression from February to March. A maximal gradient was registered in February 1997, when the temperature dropped from 26°C at 7 m to 16°C at 14 m depth. This result shows that the SACW intrusion is a large-scale phenomenon that regularly influences the whole inner continental shelf up to 20 m. Demersal fishing grounds located in this area were covered during summer by a cold and nutrient-rich mass of water that resulted in an unusual maximum of chlorophyll a values near the bottom (30 m). The homogenization of the water column and the presence of another cold water mass during winter resulted in a strong semi-annual thermal cycle on the bottom. The role of this important oceanographic process in fishery production and dynamics deserves further investigation, but the data presented here show evidence for the importance of this phenomenon. 相似文献
氚(3H)与其它全球散落放射性产物的不同之处,在于它与水文循环密切关联。本文通过介绍中大西洋脊两侧Azores(亚速尔群岛)海域、表层海水中3H及其放射性子体产物氦-3(3He)浓度分布的演变,揭示了沿亚速尔群岛流有一强锋存在,以及3H浓度与海水盐度、氧含量、水团“年龄”之间的关系,有力地说明在HTO分子状态的3H,对研究海洋过程是一理想的示踪剂。 相似文献
After recalibration of the temperature and conductivity sensors of three Argo profiling floats recovered after operations
for four to nine months, the results indicate that the floats basically showed no significant drift, either in temperature
or salinity, and adequately fulfilled the accuracy requirement of the Argo project (0.005°C for temperature and 0.01 psu for
salinity). Only the third float showed a significant offset in salinity of about −0.02 psu, as expected from comparison between
the float data and the shipboard conductivity-temperature-depth data. This offset was caused by the operational error of the
PROVOR-type float, in which the surface water was pumped immediately after the launch, fouling the conductivity sensor cell.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献