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A comparison is made between the Gavarnie thrust and the Mérens Fault in the Axial zone of the Pyrenees. The former has a gentle dip and quite a large displacement (at least 12 km) but does not cut through either Hercynian or Alpine isograds. The latter has a smaller displacement (~ 5 km) but dips steeply and cuts through both Hercynian and Alpine isograds at a high angle. On this basis and on the basis of shear zone geometries immediately north of it, it is proposed that the Mérens Fault nucleated as a steeply (65°–80°) dipping structure, while the Gavarnie thrust nucleated with a shallow attitude. The Mérens Fault is not a backward-rotated thrust fault, nor is it the root zone for any major nappe structure. Similar steep ductile structures occur within the Gavarnie nappe and may reflect considerable internal strain in basement lithologies.The relationship between steep and shallow structures is not yet clear; the shear zones may pre-date the thrusting in which case they may be thick-skinned structures affecting the whole lithosphere, or they may be contemporary with thrusting reflecting only local thickening above a décollement.Rheological models can be used to test proposed geometrical and kinematic models for the lithosphere-scale evolution of the Pyrenees. Suggested models are dominated by a cool, rigid, high-level mantle wedge beneath the North Pyrenean zone which probably controlled the location of north-dipping thrust faults. Thick-skinned shortening is possible in thick crust in the Axial zone but is very unlikely in the North Pyrenean zone where steeply rooted structures would have to cut through the strongest part of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Surface structural data and published stratigraphies are combined to construct two balanced and restored sections through the Nogueras Zone of the south central Pyrenees. The allochthonous Nogueras Zone units are interpreted as the foreland-dipping margin of a major antiformal stack in the Palaeozoic rocks of the Pyrenean Axial Zone. Their structural evolution is summarized in a hangingwall sequence diagram. This reinterpretation of the Nogueras Zone is incorporated into a new NS balanced and restored section from the centre of the Pyrenean Axial Zone to the Ebro Basin. A classical ‘Rocky Mountains’ piggy-back thrust model is employed and the resulting section is a significant departure from those previously published. It is argued that ‘gravity gliding’ has never been an important mechanism in the Alpine Pyrenees. Section restoration casts doubt on the correlation of the surface expression of the North Pyrenean Fault and the seismically detected Moho step beneath it.  相似文献   

From surface and subsurface data, line-length and area balancing were used to construct four balanced and restored sections of the Pyrenees. In the Mesozoic cover, a thin-skinned tectonic model is used. In the basement an anticlinal stack geometry is applied for the foreland part of the thrust nappes. We present and discuss three possible models for the deep structures of the belt: a thin-skinned tectonic model, a thick-skinned tectonic model and an inhomogeneous strain model. The thrusts steepen downwards and the displacements die out in ductile deformation deep in the section. Therefore, we use the inhomogeneous strain model and we equal-area balance the surface of the continental crust.Hanging-wall sequence diagrams are constructed taking into account (1) the strong N-S thickness variations of the Mesozoic cover related to the Cretaceous drift of Spain and (2) the related crustal thinning of the North Pyrenean Zone superimposed upon a previous late Hercynian rise of the lower crust.The Moho step at the vertical of the North Pyrenean Fault results from the thinning of the North Pyrenean Zone. The thickening of both the Axial Zone and the North Pyrenean Zone during the Eocene compressional event preserved the step geometry.Calculated values of the minimum shortening range from 55 km in the western part of the belt to 80 km in the eastern part. Most of the shortening occurs south of the North Pyrenean Fault in the eastern part (Axial Zone) and north of the North Pyrenean Fault in the western part (Labourd thrust).  相似文献   

The Asturian Arc was produced in the Early Permian by a large E–W dextral strike–slip fault (North Iberian Megashear) which affected the Cantabrian and Palentian zones of the northeastern Iberian Massif. These two zones had previously been juxtaposed by an earlier Kasimovian NW–SE sinistral strike–slip fault (Covadonga Fault). The occurrence of multiple successive vertical fault sets in this area favoured its rotation around a vertical axis (mille-feuille effect). Along with other parallel faults, the Covadonga Fault became the western margin of a proto-Tethys marine basin, which was filled with turbidities and shallow coal-basin successions of Kasimovian and Gzhelian ages. The Covadonga Fault also displaced the West Asturian Leonese Zone to the northwest, dragging along part of the Cantabrian Zone (the Picos de Europa Unit) and emplacing a largely pelitic succession (Palentian Zone) in what would become the Asturian Arc core. The Picos de Europa Unit was later thrust over the Palentian Zone during clockwise rotation. In late Gzhelian time, two large E–W dextral strike–slip faults developed along the North Iberian Margin (North Iberian Megashear) and south of the Pyrenean Axial Zone (South Pyrenean Fault). The block south of the North Iberian Megashear and the South Pyrenean Fault was bent into a concave, E-facing shape prior to the Late Permian until both arms of the formerly NW–SE-trending Palaeozoic orogen became oriented E–W (in present-day coordinates). Arc rotation caused detachment in the upper crust of the Cantabrian Zone, and the basement Covadonga Fault was later resurrected along the original fault line as a clonic fault (the Ventaniella Fault) after the Arc was completed. Various oblique extensional NW–SE lineaments opened along the North Iberian Megashear due to dextral fault activity, during which numerous granitic bodies intruded and were later bent during arc formation. Palaeomagnetic data indicate that remagnetization episodes might be associated with thermal fluid circulation during faulting. Finally, it is concluded that the two types of late Palaeozoic–Early Permian orogenic evolution existed in the northeastern tip of the Iberian Massif: the first was a shear-and-thrust-dominated tectonic episode from the Late Devonian to the late Moscovian (Variscan Orogeny); it was followed by a fault-dominated, rotational tectonic episode from the early Kasimovian to the Middle Permian (Alleghenian Orogeny). The Alleghenian deformation was active throughout a broad E–W-directed shear zone between the North Iberian Megashear and the South Pyrenean Fault, which created the basement of the Pyrenean and Alpine belts. The southern European area may then be considered as having been built by dispersal of blocks previously separated by NW–SE sinistral megashears and faults of early Stephanian (Kasimovian) age, later cut by E–W Early Permian megashears, faults, and associated pull-apart basins.  相似文献   

We report the presence of scapolite marbles in the Biscay Synclinorium of the Basque–Cantabrian basin, the link between the mainland Pyrenees and the North Iberian palaeomargin. From their microstructures and mineral assemblages these marbles are correlated with similar marbles formed during the Cretaceous metamorphism representative of the North Pyrenean Zone. Their setting in an area with northward-verging structures leads us to propose a new location of the North Pyrenean Fault through the Basque–Cantabrian basin. Available geophysical information, gravity and magnetic anomalies, is better explained with this new proposal, which elucidates a major outstanding matter of Pyrenean geology.  相似文献   


The structure of the Pyrenean pre-Hercynian rocks involved in the “Axial Zone” antiformal stack, results from the association of Hercynian cleavage-related folds and Hercynian and Alpine thrusts. Some of these Alpine and Hercynian thrusts separate thrust sheets in which Upper Paleozoic rocks, Devonian and pre-Hercynian Carboniferous, exhibit different lithostratigraphy and internal structure.

In order to know both, the original Devonian facies distribution and the structural characteristics, the effects of the Alpine and the Hercynian thrusts must be considered. If a conceptual restored cross-section is constructed taking into account both the Alpine and Hercynian thrusts, a different Devonian facies distribution is achieved. Devonian carbonatic successions were originally located in a northernmost position, whereas sequences made by alternations of slates and limestones lie in southernmost areas. Moreover, a N-S variation of the Hercynian structural style appears. In the northern units thrusts are synchronous to folding development and they are the most conspicuous structures. In the intermediate units, thrust postdate cleavage-related folds, and in the southernmost units several folding episodes, previous to the thrusts, are well developed.

We present some examples which enable us to discuss the importance of the Hercynian and Alpine thrusts in the reconstruction of the Pyrenean pre-Alpine geology.  相似文献   

The Northern Calcareous Alps (NCA) of southern Bavaria and northern Tyrol constitute a carbonate-dominated polyphase fold-thrust wedge; together with its Grauwacken Zone Basement, it is the northernmost part of the far-travelled Upper Austroalpine thrust complex of the Eastern Alps. The present geometry developed in several kinematic stages. Jurassic extensional faults that affected large parts of the NCA and their basement originated when the main part of the NCA was still located southeast of the Central Alpine Ötztal-Silvretta complex. These faults and related facies transitions influenced the later style of detachment of the NCA thrust sheets. Mid to Late Cretaceous detachment, thrust-sheet stacking and motion over the Central Alpine complex are registered in clastic deposits of syntectonic basins. The latest Cretaceous to Cenozoic NNE- to N-directed motion of the NCA towards Europe in front of the Central Alpine complex created another set of significant contraction structures, which at depth overprinted all previous structures. During Cretaceous to Cenozoic deformation, the NCA experienced about 80 km of shortening, i.e., about 73% along the TRANSALP Profile. The European basement and autochthonous Mesozoic cover beneath the allochthonous NCA thrust sheets and flysch complexes seem to have remained relatively undeformed.  相似文献   

The Gavarnie nappe is a feature of the Tertiary Pyrenean orogen and is shown to consist of at least two thrust sheets of Palaeozoic rocks which are overlain by a southward-dipping sequence of Cretaceous and Eocene sediments, showing folded thrust structures. The Gavarnie nappe covers a basement and Mesozoic cover-rock sequence which is exposed in the tectonic windows of La Larri and the Troumouse Cirque. Here, previously unrecognized thrusts involving basement were responsible for folding the overlying Gavarnie nappe. These basement-involved thrusts climb up section westwards giving a westward lowering of the Gavarnie thrust along strike. The structural evolution of the Gavarnie nappe in a region extending from Heas in France to the Valle de Pineta in Spain can be explained in terms of a piggy-back thrusting sequence. On a regional scale, thrust-tectonic models may be used to explain the double vergence of the Pyrenean chain where early southward-directed thrusting was responsible for structures in the South Pyrenean zone. A later northward-directed back thrusting event, or rotation of southward-directed thrust sheets by the stacking of lower thrust horses, can explain the steepness of structures in the axial zone and the northward-verging North Pyrenean thrust zone. Both models suggest that prior to the Pyrenean orogeny, some of the Hercynian structures in the axial zone were flatter lying, and have been rotated to their present steepness during the Pyrenean orogeny.  相似文献   

The Mont Blanc massif is one of a chain of basement culminations which crop out along the external French Alps. Its southwestern margin is interpreted as being a major thrust belt which propagated in a piggy-back sequence towards the foreland. These imbricates have developed in the footwall of the high-level Valais thrust. The depth to the floor thrust and shortening within imbricates above this thrust are estimated by a series of partially balanced cross-sections drawn between the ‘synclinal median’ and the Valais thrust. These sections restore to a pre-thrust length of at least 50 km, probably exceeding 100 km, above a floor thrust never deeper than 1 km below the sub-Triassic unconformity. All this thrust displacement is transferred via a series of lateral branch lines onto the Mont Blanc thrust in the Chamonix area. A corollary of this is that the Aiguilles Rouges and the main part of the Mont Blanc massif were separated by probably as much as 100 km prior to Alpine thrusting. Such large shortening estimates imply a hitherto unsuspected Dauphinois stratigraphic consistency in both thickness and lithology.To achieve a balance a restored crustal cross-section must show an equal length of both lower and upper crust. Thus a high-level basal detachment which floors large thrust displacements must overlie a long, undeformed lower crustal wedge. A restored section 100 km long requires such a lower crustal wedge to exist beneath the entire Alpine internal zones. Perrier & Vialon's crustal velocity profile through the western Alps is reinterpreted in these terms. The Ivrea body is considered to be a portion of an external lower crustal wedge which has been uplifted by thrusts after most of the displacement on the external thrust belt.  相似文献   

Magnetic fabrics studies (AMS) are a useful tool in order to describe the distribution of deformation in orogenic areas where conventional techniques are difficult to apply, especially due to the lack of proper strain markers. In the present study, AMS and structural analysis are used to define the distribution of deformation in the Central Axial and Nogueres Zones, an area of strong structural changes (i) in the geometry of the antiformal stack defining the Pyrenean Axial Zone and (ii) the distribution of Alpine cleavage. The studied rocks are Lower-Middle Triassic red beds that crop out in three different stacked thrust units (Bielsa, Nogueres and Orri). Primary sedimentary fabrics are preserved in the uppermost thrust units (Nogueres Zone), but a high percentage of the sampling sites shows an overprint of Alpine compression on magnetic fabrics, with the magnetic lineation mostly parallel to the tectonic grain defined by compressional structures and the magnetic foliation showing different orientations between the poles to cleavage and bedding. The development of compressional fabrics strongly depends on the structural position of the sites, and two deformation gradients can be inferred: the southern margin of the Axial Zone (Orri and Bielsa units) shows strong internal deformation, increasing towards the North; farther north (in the restored cross-section), deformation is in general terms lower, but increases towards the basal thrust of the Nogueres Zone. The heterogeneous distribution of Alpine internal deformation indicates a preferred development of cleavage in the Variscan basement and overlying units of the southern margin of the Axial Zone (mainly in the Orri unit), that could be partly controlled by the tectonic load resulting from the stacking of thrust sheets.  相似文献   

Seismic activity at the western Pyrenean edge   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The present-day seismicity at the westernmost part of the Pyrenean domain reported from permanent networks is of low to moderate magnitude. However, it is poorly constrained due to the scarce station coverage of the area. We present new seismic data collected from a temporary network deployed there for 17 months that provides an enhanced image of the seismic activity and its tectonic implications. Our results delineate the westward continuity of the E–W Pyrenean band of seismicity, through the Variscan Basque Massifs along the Leiza Fault, ending up at the Hendaya Fault. This seismicity belt is distributed on a crustal scale, dipping northward to almost 30 km depth. Other relevant seismic events located in the area can be related to the central segment of the Pamplona fault, and to different E–W thrust structures.  相似文献   

东昆仑阿其克库勒湖地区的逆冲扩展作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
东昆仑西段是我国西北地区地质研究程度较低的地区之一。通过典型剖面的构造分析,可以得出下列几点重要认识:①东昆仑西段具有十分发育的断裂构造系统,逆冲扩展、正滑作用和拆离作用是该区的主要变形事件。②逆冲断裂起始于晚石炭世和晚三叠世—早侏罗世时期,但强烈活动发生在库木库里盆地强烈坳陷的中新世—第四纪时期。③该区北向逆冲扩展作用和南向正滑作用并存的构造格局,和青藏高原北部的总体构造格局相一致,与青藏高原南缘喜马拉雅地区的的构造格局也十分类似,但逆冲扩展方向相反,强烈逆冲扩展作用都发生在中—上新世至第四纪印度板块与欧亚板块强烈碰撞和青藏高原急剧隆升时期。这种方向相反的逆冲扩展和正滑作用揭示青藏高原深层物质向南、北两侧对称式扩展和表层物质向高原腹地重力滑动的运动学特征。因此该区断裂构造系统的建立对研究青藏高原北部的深部作用过程,建立青藏高原隆升的统一的地球动力学模式提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

The western segment of the East Kunlun Mountains is one of the poorly studied regions in northwestern China. Through a structural analysis of the typical sections, we have the following views: (1) There is a very well developed fault system in the western segment of the East Kunlun Mountains and thrust propagation, normal slip and decoupling are the chief deformation events in this area. (2) Although the thrusting started in the Late Carboniferous and Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, strong activity took place in the Miocene-Quaternary when the Kumkol basin was strongly downwarped. (3) The tectonic pattern of coexistence of N-directed thrust propagation and S-directed normal slip in this area is consistent with the general tectonic pattern of the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau and also very similar to that of the Himalayan region on the southern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, but their directions between the thrust propagation are opposite and all the strong thrust propagations occurred from the Mioc  相似文献   

The northern part of the Moine Thrust Zone as exposed around the valley of Srath Beag, Sutherland was developed by thrusts propagating in the tectonic transport direction. Deformation on any particular thrust surface evolved from dominantly ductile to dominantly brittle with time.The foreland has been progressively accreted onto the overriding Moine thrust sheet by duplex formation, a process which has continuously folded the roof thrust and the rocks above its hanging-wall. Fold culminations and depression can be related to lateral ramps which may give the rocks above the hanging-wall a complex history of extensional and compressional strains normal to the transport direction.Folds within the thrust zone are laterally independent because they are controlled by short lived variations in deformation style on an evolving thrust footwall topography. Therefore there may be no correlation between structures across or along the thrust zone. This variation limits the construction of balanced cross sections as structure cannot be projected onto particular section lines.  相似文献   

Analysis of the Gachsar structural sub-zone has been carried out to constrain structural evolution of the central Alborz range situated in the central Alpine Himalayan orogenic system. The sub-zone bounded by the northward-dipping Kandovan Fault to the north and the southward-dipping Taleghan Fault to the south is transversely cut by several sinistral faults. The Kandovan Fault that controls development of the Eocene rocks in its footwall from the Paleozoic–Mesozoic units in the fault hanging wall is interpreted as an inverted basin-bounding fault. Structural evidences include the presence of a thin-skinned imbricate thrust system propagated from a detachment zone that acts as a footwall shortcut thrust, development of large synclines in the fault footwall as well as back thrusts and pop-up structures on the fault hanging wall. Kinematics of the inverted Kandovan Fault and its accompanying structures constrain the N–S shortening direction proposed for the Alborz range until Late Miocene. The transverse sinistral faults that are in acute angle of 15° to a major magnetic lineament, which represents a basement fault, are interpreted to develop as synthetic Riedel shears on the cover sequences during reactivation of the basement fault. This overprinting of the transverse faults on the earlier inverted extensional fault occurs since the Late Miocene when the south Caspian basin block attained a SSW movement relative to the central Iran. Therefore, recent deformation in the range is a result of the basement transverse-fault reactivation.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1276-1294
The North Dabashan thrust belt, which is located in South Qinling, is bounded by the Ankang fault on the north and the Chengkou–Fangxian fault on the south. The North Dabashan thrust belt experienced multiple stages of structural deformation that were controlled by three palaeostress fields. The first structural event (Middle Triassic) involved NNW–SSE shortening and resulted in the formation of numerous dextral strike-slip structures along the entire Chengkou–Fangxian fault zone and within the North Dabashan thrust belt, which suggests that the South China Block moved to the NW and was obliquely subducted under the North China Block. The second structural event (Late Triassic–Early Jurassic) involved NE–SW shortening that formed NW–SE-trending structures in the North Dabashan thrust belt. The third structural event (Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) involved ENE–WSW or nearly E–W shortening and resulted in additional thrusting of the North Dabashan thrust belt to the WSW and formation of the WSW-convex Chengkou–Fangxian fault zone, which has an oroclinal shape. Owing to the pinning of the Hannan massif and Shennongjia massif culminations, numerous sinistral strike-slip structures developed along the eastern Chengkou–Fangxian fault zone and were superimposed over the early dextral strike-slip structures.  相似文献   

A new interpretation of the Inntal–Tauern sector of the TRANSALP seismic section is presented. One of the most prominent contrasts in reflectivity in the TRANSALP seismic section is the contact between the Bajuvaric unit in the footwall and the overlying Tirolic unit and its basement across a moderately south-dipping interface. We trace this contact from the surface at the southern margin of the Inn valley to a depth of 5 km. There, the contact is deformed or cut by the Tauern Window northern margin. We define the contact between Bajuvaric and Tirolic units as Brixlegg thrust, which is older than Miocene Tauern window exhumation and has a Paleogene age. The sub-Tauern ramp connects with the Inntal fault system at the surface and roots below the Tauern window. Oblique thrust movements across this fault system in the Miocene caused exhumation of the hanging wall, where the fault has a ramp geometry, which is in the area of the TRANSALP cross section and west of it. East of the TRANSALP cross section, the fault system merges with Alpine basal thrust, which is a flat. No Miocene exhumation occurred above the flat.  相似文献   

In the Pyrenees, the development of mylonites zones is one of the most striking structural features. Two sets of mylonites of regional extent have been recognized: large longitudinal E-W to N110°E trending zones (e.g. Mérens fault and North Pyrenean fault) and oblique NW-SE trending zones cross-cutting both the Hercynian and the post-Hercynian terrains. The longitudinal zones limit the major structural zones of the Pyrenees and are associated with NW-SE “en échelons” folds in the Mesozoic terrains and rotations of rootless plutonic or gneissic massifs, acting as competent inclusions in a more ductile matrix, in the Hercynian basement. The oblique mylonite zones limit map-scale fold-bands and appear as the sheared limbs of these folds.The age of the oblique zones and of the major movements along the longitudinal zones is clearly Alpine and the “en échelons” folds seem to have controlled the sedimentation during the Upper Albian and possibly during the Upper Cretaceous. Early movements along the longitudinal zones may have been Hercynian.The analysis of the structures at all scales leads us to interpret these mylonite zones and associated structures as the ultimate result of a transcurrent simple shear acting during the whole Mesozoic period. This strike-slip shearing was probably associated with an extension perpendicular to it from the Permian to the Upper Cretaceous and then to a shortening component also perpendicular to it from the Late Cretaceous to the Eocene.The development of the mylonite zones appears to have predated the major Alpine thrusting but to have been reactivated during this thrusting, acting as initiation sites for the thrusts or as oblique ramps in the case of the oblique mylonite zones.  相似文献   

The purpose of this seismic investigation in the Upper Bavarian Miesbach area, as part of the international TRANSALP project, was to study the tectonic contact between the autochthonous Foreland Molasse and the allochthonous Folded Molasse marking the tectonic front of the Alpine orogen. Another specific target was the dip of the frontal emerging main thrust of the tectonic units Helveticum/Ultrahelveticum and Rhenodanubian Flysch overriding the Folded Molasse. Twelve seismic profiles obtained from the hydrocarbon industry were reprocessed. From the Foreland Molasse southward to the Autochthonous Molasse in the subsurface of the overthrust Folded Molasse conspicuous features such as steep normal faults at the Molasse base, S-directed thickening of Molasse sediments or sedimentary discordant base of Upper Marine Molasse can be recognized.Shallow high-resolution seismic measurements were conducted along two profiles across the tectonic contact between Foreland Molasse and Folded Molasse, as well as along a profile across the frontal emerging main thrust of the Helveticum/Ultrahelveticum and the Rhenodanubian Flysch. Geological structures could be identified in the top 300–500 ms two-way traveltime interval, which is hardly possible with the usual deep-seismic method. The method thus provides a bridge between deep-reflection seismics and surface geology.In contrast to the western Bavarian Molasse zone, the tectonic boundary between the Foreland Molasse and the Folded Molasse in the investigated area is not characterized by a large blind-thrust triangle zone but by a simple south-dipping thrust plane. Adjacent to the S follow several steeply south-dipping inverse Molasse thrust slices and the Miesbach syncline. The inverse thrust slices are interpreted as the overturned and sheared northern limb of a fault propagation fold, which linked the Folded Molasse to the Foreland Molasse during a final orogenic phase.The main thrust of the Helveticum/Ultrahelveticum and the Rhenodanubian Flysch are well imaged in the near-surface interval of the high-resolution reflection seismic data. In contrast to previously published results, these thrust planes show a gentle dip to the S from the surface down to at least 500–1000 m depth.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5-6):231-238
Reprocessing and interpretation of the petroleum seismic profile 81SE5b, located between the Luberon Massif and the Arc Basin, have provided new data on the Pyrenean and Alpine thrusting in western Provence. Among the principal results, it is shown that a) the repetition of the Mesozoic succession observed in the Eguilles1 borehole is due to a north-dipping south-verging thrust, and b) the Trévaresse and Aix-Eguilles thrusts are deep structures rooted in the Triassic at a depth of between 7 and 8 km.

The implication of this new knowledge on the seismotectonic model of western Provence is that the front of the Alpine deformation between the Aix-en-Provence and Salon-Cavaillon fault systems, which acted as lateral ramps, lies some 7 km farther south near the northern limb of the Arc syncline. In addition, it is seen that the Alpine-Provence thrusts, considered as still active (having given rise to the 1909 earthquake with an epicentral intensity of VIII-IX), are not shallow reverse faults but correspond to major tectonic structures affecting the full thickness of the Meso-Cenozoic cover.  相似文献   

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