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Akhtar Husain Siddiqi 《GeoJournal》1990,22(1):5-19
They study examines the relationship between the social and economic environments of the tribal people of Baluchistan. It
also evaluates how tribal organizations have been affected by geographic and economic constraints. Analyzing the spatial relationship
between economic development and social structure, study has been made to isolate the effect of interrelated technical, economic
and ecological processes accompanying development in Baluchistan. In the light of the current planning policies adopted in
the area, an attempt has been made to determine whether any measurable spatial restructuring of these simple communities has
occurred at macro and micro levels. 相似文献
Akhtar Husain Siddiqi 《GeoJournal》1992,26(3):395-411
This study assesses the condition of the fishing industry in Pakistan. It briefly reviews the ecological environment of Pakistan's
fisheries and describes recent developments in technology and their impact on the catch. The factors contributing to growth
include government efforts, fleet expansion and development of export markets. This study also points out the difficulties
in arriving at a satisfactory management policy for the regulation of the industry. Development strategies seek rational,
efficient exploitation of marine resources for the broad goals of national development. Consequently, policy makers' fisheries
management concepts and techniques are generally less effective in addressing the need of the coastal communities. The conclusion
is that fisheries development effort need balanced resource management, serving as an instrument for regional development
while taking into account the traditional resource use rights of small-scale fishermen. 相似文献
Akhtar Siddiqi 《GeoJournal》1993,30(4):421-434
This study examines the process of small town development and growth in Pakistan. It has been found that small towns located in the agriculturally developed areas have better opportunities for development than those that lie in less developed agricultural areas. Although government economic development policies have influenced the location and development of small towns, local leadership plays an important role in the socioeconomic development of small towns. 相似文献
The unique and remarkable post-independence demographic transition of Singapore, from high to low growth, has been accompanied by an equally spectacular social transformation. Both population control and social change have a positive impact on the fertility trend. Singapore's population policy has been dictated much by the crisis consciousness of the leadership which has been able to create a high degree of awareness among its population with regard to fertility.Ironically, public response to the government's population control has been too successful, particularly so among the upper-income groups. This has recently prompted the government to examine the sustained low fertility rate which, if unchecked, will bear serious social, economic, political and defence consequences in 20 to 30 years time. The aim of the current fertility campaign is to reachieve the replacement level, first reached in 1975, through the correction of the lopsided procreation pattern. As such, some disincentives have remained or been removed, while several new incentives and measures have been introduced. Observations are made with regard to the future fertility trends. 相似文献
This paper examines relationships between rural-urban movement and spatial planning in Thailand, in the light of recent advances in both the migration and spatial planning literature. Patterns of circular rural-urban movement from six villages in Northeast Thailand are described, illustrating the high and increasing rate of movement; the predominance of Bangkok, 750 km distant, as the main urban destination; and the implications of current patterns of movement for labour supply, the availability of cash and prospects for development within the villages. These processes are discussed in the context of the planned decentralisation of urban development in Thailand; arguments are put forward for encouraging shorter-distance, intra-regional movement in place of moves to the primate city, in the interests of local and regional development. The paper concludes with an account of a successful field experiment designed to introduce information about urban opportunities in order to change spatial patterns of movement. 相似文献
After briefly discussing the problems involved in generating rural economic development in poor countries, the Rehovot Approach to rural planning and implementation is assessed. This approach, first developed in Israel, has subsequently been refined to apply to the myriad problems of rural areas in the diversity of countries that comprise the developing world. After discussing the basic rules in the development strategy, the need for simultaneous planning of multipurpose activities is stressed. Throughout, great emphasis is placed on integrated rural management strategies; ensuring that agricultural changes are paralleled by the development of secondary and tertiary sector activities and of appropriate social and administrative institutions. The role of ‘bottom-up’ planning systems is highlighted, as is the importance of creating organizations capable of plan implementation. This holistic approach to planning is illustrated by actual case examples. 相似文献
With the socio-economic change from rural to industrial, Spain has experienced an enormous urbanisation boom during the last 20 years. This has produced a concentration of high-rise apartment blocks not only in the big cities but also in medium-sized towns and even within the medieval town centres. More astonishing, compared with Central Europe, seems however, the spatial distribution of the social classes which, with a centre-periphery gradient, still corresponds to the model of the pre-industrial town. The paper investigates the impact of town planning, house building policy, and behavioural aspects on these structural patterns. 相似文献
An important subject of debate in the Third World is that of the application of alternative strategies of rural development. Critical examination is undertaken of the programme of betterment planning as an agency of rural development in South Africa's impoverished Black Homelands. The rhetoric of “development” obscures the fact that betterment is an important dimension of the political economy of apartheid. A detailed study of betterment planning in Lebowa reveals that the programme is associated with the growth of landlessness, reductions in land available for ploughing, the forced resettlement of large groups of people and major reductions in Africa livestock holdings. Evidence from one case study village shows that the application of betterment may transform formerly self-sufficient rural populations into communities dependent for their existence upon the debilitating migratory labour system. 相似文献
Dr. Bernhard Butzin 《GeoJournal》1978,2(1):11-26
Within a typical process of urbanization several particularities can be noticed in the Helsinki region: The peninsular location does not allow a zonal expansion of the city. It has rather enforced a tight spatial sectoral expansion with specific problems of traffic and land use. The retarded industrialization has led to an unusually fast population increase without control until the 1960s. The rapid growth created a twofold problem: pressure of population versus inadequate housing, small residences versus high rents; consequently selective migration and small size families. The number of jobs rapidly increased and displaced the residential population of the inner city. This resulted in high traffic which neither the few main roads nor the public transport system of central Helsinki could cope with. These problems correspond to the essential tasks of urban planning: the bottle neck in housing construction has to be broken; the growth of jobs in the central city needs to be stopped as well as the displacement of the residential population. Decentralization, especially of the private tertiary and quartary sector may help. A system of central places within the region would diminish the commuting traffic. Transportation may be solved by a concept of growth points and growth axis along the railway lines. This grown concept of Helsinki should be thought over under the now foreseeable conditions of population stagnation. 相似文献
Akhtar Husian Siddiqi 《Geoforum》1979,10(2):183-194
This study attempts to determine the effective population-carrying capacity of land in Pakistan under the existing socio-economic system. Statistical analysis provides the structural framework in which agricultural activities influence the concentration of population in Pakistan. Regression techniques have been used to show which factors are significant in determining the pressure of population in the country, and to present areal variations between the observed and predicted values of population density. 相似文献
Karez is an indigenous method of irrigation in which groundwater is tapped by a tunnel. After running for some distance the tunnel comes out in the open and the water is conducted to the command area. Karez irrigation is practised in 22 countries from China to Chile including Pakistan. In Pakistan it is confined to the province of Balochistan which has a tribal society.Karez is an old and stable irrigation system of Pakistan. It is a community enterprise managed by tribal tradition and run by social control. Spacing of the karez, their types, life, length, discharge, land development and allocation, water distribution and management are important aspects of karez irrigation which have been discussed in this paper. Differences in karez maintenance and management produced by differences in tradition and customs of various tribes inhabiting Balochistan are brought out. Furthermore recent changes in Karez irrigation caused by changes in the socio-economic conditions are also analysed. 相似文献
Perhaps, nothing else symbolizes modernization of agriculture more than the use of tractors in the developing countries. Pakistan is no exception in this regard, where tractors, its accompanying machines, tube-wells, and biological technology is seen as the only mechanism to salvage the precarious economy. In recent years, the pace of mechanization has increased, in spite of the fact that practioners and planners have widely divergent views on the merits of tractorization.This paper attempts to present the characteristics of Pakistan's agriculture from an adaptive view-point, suggesting critical elements that sustain its long-term viability. The role of cultural and genetic information is analyzed to explain the man-environment relationship. In the final section, role of tractors and their impact on agriculture is discussed. Tube-wells, other machines, fertilizers, and biological technology are not discussed in this paper. 相似文献
Galina V. Sdasuk 《Geoforum》1976,7(3):193-201
Acceleration of socio-economic progress and the achievement of self-reliant economy by the developing countries are closely linked with transformation of sectoral and spatial structure of colonial type economy, which is characterized by nonintegration, extreme inequalities in resources and land utilization, and regional disparities in the levels of socio-economic development. The State plays the leading role in this process through elaboration and realization of long-term regional policy and regional planning, the necessity of which is admitted in the majority of the developing countries. Their scientific substantiation is connected with investigation of objective process of formation of the spatial structure of the new type economy. The latter is formed in the process of interaction of the major regionalization systems: natural-resources, demography-ethnic, socio-economic (systems of special sector-wise and integral-complex regions are embedded in these systems). The systems of socio-economic regionalization are the most dynamic and manageable. But the modern stage of the development of the Third World countries is characterized by the essential changes of other regionalization systems as well. Evaluation of disproportional correlations in their interaction and elaboration of measures to reduce them constistute one of the most important objects of modern geography. Specialization of economic regions in the productions, which have favourable regional combinations of resources results in acceleration of economic growth because of the benefits of spatial division of labour. At the same time regional specialization and increase of inter-regional linkages strengthens the integration on all-national scale, which is of vital importance for the developing countries. The acute, not only economic but also socio-political problem of rapid backward areas advancement can and must be solved not separately (although such attempts have been undertaken often enough) but as a part of the general strategy of regional development. Scientific substantiation of the effective regional planning in the developing countries is an object of interdisciplinary research, where geographers are called to play the leading role. 相似文献
Albania: Rural development, migration and uncertainty 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
D. R. Hall 《GeoJournal》1996,38(2):185-189
This paper briefly reviews some of the post-communist rural development characteristics revealed in Albania up to the mid-1990s. In particular it focuses on the role of both emigration and internal migration as responses to domestic and particularly rural conditions within the country. North-south and rural-urban migration with the development of spontaneous settlements adjacent to the main centres of Tirana and Durrës are seen as presenting short-term expedients perhaps only exacerbating longer-term socio-economic problems. The future is uncertain: Albania is capable of filling a number of niche roles within European agriculture, but investment and domestic incentive is predicted upon both internal and external stability. This may not be forthcoming in the immediate future. 相似文献
M. A. Kamal M. A. Sulehri D. A. B. Hughes 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2006,24(4):819-831
This paper summarizes an extensive series of common durability, shape and strength tests carried out on road aggregates from
quarries in northern Pakistan by Sharif et al. at the University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila. The data from these
standard tests have been correlated for a particular aggregate type to show the close relationship between these measured
physical characteristics. The paper outlines how, once these relationships have been established for a particular aggregate
source, it is feasible to simplify the testing or quality assurance regime and monitor only some of these characteristics
to assess the overall quality of the aggregate. The physical characteristics have then been combined into a linear relationship,
using coefficients estimated from the extensive data set in the paper, to give a single characteristic for an aggregate type
known as the Toughness Index (TI). The TI is therefore based on the main strength and durability characteristics of the aggregates
and can be used as an indicator of the overall quality of the aggregate. 相似文献
The paper begins with an evaluation of the nature of social and economic change which has affected Lyon, France's second-largest city, since the early 1960's. Change in the strucure and spatial characteristics of Lyon's population and economy have served to highlight the internal contrasts between core and periphery which have been the hallmark of the city's expansion. This evaluation serves as the basis for a detailed appraisal of the specific policy measures and development schemes, which have sought to reinforce the position of the central and inner city in the face of the challenge from the outer suburbs. In conclusion, attention is focused on the contribution made by planning policy to the city's contemporary development. 相似文献