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《Applied Geochemistry》1998,13(6):735-749
Samples have been collected from inflows into railway tunnels in the Triassic sandstone aquifer beneath Liverpool and the Mersey Estuary, England, U.K. These provide a profile through a saline–freshwater mixing zone. Analyses were made of major anions and cations, δ34S and δ18O in SO4, δ13C in dissolved inorganic C and 87Sr/86Sr. The data demonstrate that the presence of a low permeability fault exerts a strong control on the local groundwater chemistry. On the estuary side of the fault, groundwater chemistry is dominated by mixing of intruding estuary water, which is modified by SO4 reduction and calcite dissolution, with fresh groundwater. The environment of SO4 reduction in the tidal estuary is one of repeated reduction and re-oxidation of S in an open system and has resulted in virtually no change in S isotopic composition, but an enrichment in residual SO4 δ18O of 1.5‰. Groundwater chemistry on the landward side of the fault is primarily the result of recharge in an urban environment. There is also evidence that saline water has been present in this region of the aquifer in the past and that this has now been flushed by fresh groundwaters. This saline water was either transported along the landward side of the fault from nearer the estuary or more probably transmitted across the fault. Both mechanisms would have been driven by large landward head gradients caused by heavy industrial abstraction earlier this century. This has produced a zone of groundwaters depleted in Ca and radiogenic Sr and enriched in Na as a result of ion exchange between the fresh groundwaters and the aquifer previously occupied by more saline water. Sulphur isotopic composition, however, shows no variation since SO4 does not undergo significant ion exchange. A tracer test from a borehole to the tunnels showed multiple breakthroughs to some locations indicating a number of different flow paths through the aquifer. The maximum flow velocity recorded in this test was 140 m/d suggesting flow along fractures.  相似文献   

 A series of water samples from Steamboat Creek, Nevada, was analyzed for total mercury concentrations. Concentrations from these waters were 40 to 60 times higher than the pristine mountain streams entering the creek. The major source of the mercury entering Steamboat Creek is probably from gold/silver processing that took place in the 1860s. Received: 10 March 1997 · Accepted: 2 September 1997  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of meteoric water in Sicily, Italy was investigated from May 2004 until June 2006. Samples were sampled monthly from a network of 50 rain gauges. During the same period 580 groundwater samples were collected from springs and wells to obtain insight into the isotopic composition of the water circulating in the main aquifers of the area. The mean weighted precipitation values were used to define the weighted local meteoric water line for five different sectors of Sicily. The use of Geographical Information System tools, coupled with isotopic vertical gradients, allowed designing an isotopic contour map of precipitation in Sicily. The defined meteoric compositions were highly consistent with most of the groundwater samples in each sector. However, in some areas fractionation processes occurring during and after rainfall slightly modify the isotopic composition of the groundwater. The obtained data set defines the present day isotopic composition of meteoric water in the central Mediterranean area and provides baseline values for future climatic and/or isotope-based hydrology studies.  相似文献   

The stable isotopic characteristics were used together with the total chloride to assess changes in groundwater from recharge zones into the carbonate aquifer in an arid environment. The aquifer under study represents a major source of groundwater and thermal springs in Al-Ain city, which are located at the northern part of Jabal Hafit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The relationship between oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of groundwater is established and is described by δD?=?2.2δ18O???9.96. The lower slope and y-intercept of groundwater samples relative to the local meteoric waterline suggests that the isotopic enrichment is due to the evaporation of shallow groundwater after recharge occurs. The majority of the shallow groundwater samples have a negative deuterium excess (d-excess) which might be ascribed to high a degree of evaporation, while most of the groundwater samples from deep wells, have a positive value of d-excess which may be related to a low degree of evaporation. The δ18O values of the thermal waters suggest enrichment towards δ18O of the carbonate rocks because of the exchange with oxygen at higher temperatures. A possible mixing between thermal or hot water and shallow groundwater is evident in some samples as reflected by δD vs. Cl and d-excess vs. δ18O plots.  相似文献   

Geologic and geochemical variations across a 4200 km2 area of south-central Wisconsin (USA) were used to examine their relationship to phosphorus concentrations in groundwater from more than four hundred private water supply wells. Surficial geology in the study area ranged from Cambrian sandstones to Ordovician dolomites. Groundwater phosphorus concentrations were higher in aquifers of older Cambrian age compared to the concentrations in aquifers of younger Cambrian and Ordovician age. Because iron concentrations were relatively low in these waters and agricultural land use was similar in all geologic regions, we propose that the differences in bedrock phosphorus and anthropogenic geochemical impacts explain the differences in phosphorus concentrations between aquifers. Within the older Cambrian aquifers, groundwater phosphorus concentrations were elevated in groundwater with higher nitrate-nitrogen concentrations. This finding is consistent with the presence of phosphorus within sediment in these strata and geologic conditions that weakly buffered pH reduction from anthropogenic acidification. In contrast, groundwater phosphorus concentrations in younger Cambrian and Ordovician aquifers were not elevated in samples with higher nitrate. Anthropogenic acidification in these carbonate-rich aquifers was neutralized through increased carbonate weathering, which led to higher groundwater calcium and alkalinity and would limit the dissolution of phosphate-rich minerals, such as apatite, where present. Low iron concentrations observed in most samples suggest that the phosphorus release in the Cambrian strata occurs beyond the zone of secondary mineral retention in the soil. These results have important implications for the eutrophication of inland surface waters in areas with bedrock phosphorus and anthropogenic acidity that is not neutralized before it contacts phosphatic rock.  相似文献   

兰坪-思茅盆地砂页岩中铜矿床同位素地球化学   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:28  
兰坪-思茅中新生代盆地中的铜矿床,主要产于同砂岩、粉砂岩和页岩组成的含盐红色碎屑岩建造中。对矿床的同位素组成研究表明:成矿溶液主要来自大气降水,矿蚀变作用是在水/岩比值较低的体系中进行的;铅来自赋矿的沉积与基底岩石的混合;硫、碳和硅则具有多来源的特性。矿床地质特征和同位素组成特点表明,所研究的铜矿床与典型砂页岩型铜矿床存在显著差异,而与一些地热区的矿化作用相似。说明研究区砂页岩中的铜矿床具有特殊的  相似文献   

A major water quality issue in urban areas underlain by a productive aquifer is the impact of modern recharge. Using a variety of sample sources including multi-level boreholes, detectable concentrations of CFCs and SF6 have been found throughout the upper 50 m of the saturated aquifer beneath a suburb of Doncaster, UK, indicating that modern (<50-year old) recharge has penetrated to at least this depth. Additional support for this deep penetration is provided by the detection of sulphite-reducing clostridia and faecal streptococci. Despite the upper aquifer being a poorly cemented sandstone, the residence time indicators suggest that some modern recharge is travelling via fracture systems in addition to that moving down by simple piston flow. However, the overall impact of 80 years of steady urbanisation on water quality in the aquifer beneath this suburb has in general been limited. This is attributed to a combination of factors including previous land use, dilution by direct recharge of rainfall through green-space areas including gardens, and locally high storage in the friable upper aquifer.  相似文献   

The implementation of the EU-Water Framework Directive (WFD) might also be considered an approach for the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in Europe. The WFD outlines the ambitious goal of attaining “good status” for Europe’s rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and coastal waters by 2015 in accordance with clearly defined time lines and legally binding programmes of measures. EU member states submitted their WFD river basin management plans to the European Commission in March 2010. Almost all member states accomplished the formal implementation, but nations like Germany are far from achieving the “good status”. For Germany, exemptions have been claimed for 82 % of all surface water bodies and for 36 % of all groundwater bodies. According to the identified significant pressures and impacts, the German Federal States, the Federal government and the European Union will have to significantly increase the coordination and coherence of the policies in the field of agriculture, energy generation, transport (shipping) and production or use of chemicals. The next generation of river basin management plans may be used for the harmonisation of these topics and extend to the polluter-specific characterization of water body pressures and impacts, structures and methods of monitoring, allowing the differentiation of multiple stressors, the designation of heavily modified water bodies and the determination of good ecological potential, exemptions and their justification, coherent transregional management objectives and reporting issues. The present study focuses on the assessment of the status of German water bodies, the achievement of environmental objectives and the necessary measures required to meet the goals.  相似文献   

 The accumulation of heavy metals and trace elements has been investigated in a well laminated sequence of Holocene and late Pleistocene lake sediments composed of diatomaceous gyttja, tuff and silt and clay sediments. Varve chronology of the annually deposited gyttja yielded a continuous high-resolution time sequence and allowed the absolute age dating of the sediment. Fluxes of elements remained largely uniform from the late Pleistocene into the Holocene (12 867–2 364 VT years ago; VT: varve time, years before 1950). Higher trace element and heavy metal fluxes occur from 2 322 to 862 VT years ago and reached their maxima in the uppermost sediments (<845 VT years ago). These increasing element fluxes correlate with increasing inputs of clastic material. The changing accumulation rates are the result of elevated soil erosion in the lake catchment caused by human settlement, deforestation and agricultural activities. Thus disturbances of the natural geochemical cycles of the Holzmaar region have occurred since the beginning of the Iron Age and especially since the beginning of the Middle Ages. Received: 29 May 1996 · Accepted: 19 August 1996  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial characteristics of groundwater recharge in urban environments remain poorly understood. Depth-specific monitoring of groundwater quality in the Triassic Sandstone underlying the city of Nottingham, UK, indicates that contamination results primarily from sewage and atmospheric sources. The temporal and depth-specific characteristics of microbial and inorganic (e.g. nitrate, chloride, sulphate) contamination over the investigation period differ significantly and reflect the contrasting transport characteristics of surface-loaded solutes and particulate microbial species (bacteria and viruses) in the Triassic Sandstone. Differences result from a variety of factors, which include microbial die-off, dilution, and the contaminant-source characteristics. Observations in this study show that low levels of microbial contamination should be expected at depth in fissured sandstone due to aquifer heterogeneities such as fissuring and the occurrence of mudstone bands, though the magnitude of this contamination will vary over time. Furthermore, urban groundwater-protection measures based on solute-transport estimates may not be applicable to microbial contamination. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(11):1889-1899
There are seven stable isotopes of Hg that can be fractionated as a result of inorganic and organic interactions. Important inorganic reactions involve speciation changes resulting from variations in environmental redox conditions, and phase changes resulting from variations in temperature and/or atmospheric pressure. Important organic reactions include methylation and demethylation, reactions that are bacterially mediated, and complexing with organic anions in soils. The measurement of Hg isotopes by multi-collector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) is now sufficiently precise and sensitive that it is potentially possible to develop the systematics of Hg isotopic fractionation. This provides an opportunity to evaluate the utility of Hg isotopes in identifying source processes, transport mechanisms, and sinks. New values are provided for, 201Hg/198Hg, 200Hg/198Hg, 199Hg/198Hg for three standard materials (IRMM-AE639, SRM 1641c, SRM 3133) that can be used to make inter-laboratory data comparisons, and these values are tabulated with published isotopic information. Overall, the isotopic data for these standards agree to approximately 0.2‰. The paper reviews Hg isotope studies that deal with hydrothermal ore deposits, sediments, coal and organic complexing.  相似文献   

Groundwater silcretes have been recognized recently as major terrestrial silicon sinks and yet their origins are poorly understood. This paper aims to further the understanding of the micro‐fabric, geochemistry and formation of groundwater silcretes, through detailed analyses of silcrete boulders from the South Downs, Sussex, UK. In‐depth petrological investigations of silcrete blocks identified three varieties of silcrete across the study area (saccharoid, hard and pebbly conglomeratic or silcrete breccia), similar to those elsewhere in England. Silcrete fabrics were universally simple and preserved host material structures. Optically continuous quartz overgrowths were the dominant cement and developed on framework grains in the absence of silt‐ and clay‐sized particles. Finer‐grained silica cements occurred in isolated patches and as vein‐ or cap‐like geopetal features. These caps and veins formed through the silicification of illuviated clay‐rich material that entered the host sediment prior to, or in the early stages of, overgrowth formation. Titanium contents were related to the amount of fine‐grained silica and appear to reflect variations in host material chemistry. Subsequent to silicification, the silcretes were altered by at least two phases of ferruginization, characterized by the ingress of iron minerals and partial fabric dissolution or replacement. The study reveals strong similarities in the micromorphology and geochemistry of groundwater silcretes in the study area and those developed in sandy host sediments in neighbouring parts of northwest Europe. Variations that do occur could be explained by differences in the host sediment, geological setting or tectonic history of the respective basins (or sub‐basins), suggesting that there may be a common mechanism for silcrete formation across north‐west Europe. Silcrete development appears to be related to the release of silica accompanying acid leaching of the host material or adjacent strata. In the South Downs, this probably resulted from oxidation of pyrite in the argillaceous and lignitic sediments overlying the host sands. It is envisaged that palaeoenvironmental conditions were of limited importance for silcrete development and that there was no specific ‘era’ of formation, with phased development accompanying landscape evolution through the Neogene into the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

This work present results of the hydrochemical and isotopic studies on groundwater samples from the study area. Chemical and environmental isotope data are presented and discussed in terms of the origin of dissolved species and of groundwater. All of the investigated groundwater are categorized into two chemical types: low and relatively high mineralized waters type. Interpretation of chemical data, based on both thermodynamic calculations and stability diagrams, suggests that the chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water-rock interactions. Interpretation of 18O and 2H suggests that the recharge of the investigated groundwater may result from differents mechanisms  相似文献   

The impact of urbanization on groundwater quality is of special concern for water managers dealing with the provision of drinking water to large urban centers. Nitrate is one of the most common contaminants found in urban aquifers. This paper presents a case study aiming at evaluating the distribution and sources of nitrate in an urban aquifer in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina. Four study zones under different land uses, including a pristine, a semi-rural, an intermediate, and an urban area, were evaluated as a part of this study. The three latter zones are linked by the groundwater flow system. The average nitrate concentration in the pristine area is 6.7 mg/L as nitrate and is over the permissible level of 50 mg/L for drinking water in the other areas. In the semi-rural area it ranges from 39.2 to 107.1 mg/L with an average value of 38.2 mg/L and the nitrate concentration tends to decrease in the intermediate zone to an average value of 38.2 mg/L; however, values above 60 mg/L are also observed there. Then the nitrate concentration in the urban area water is higher than that in the intermediate zonewater ranging from 48.2 to 100.3 mg/L with an average value of 67.3 mg/L. Data on the stable isotopes 15N and 18O in nitrate show that the main sources of nitrate in the study area are manure associated to agriculture uses and cesspools in the semi-rural area, and leakage of the sewage distribution network in the urban area, respectively. This is supported by a previous study which found that 20 % of the water flooding many underground structures in the city came from leakage of the sewage network. No evidence of nitrate attenuation by denitrification was found in the groundwater. This study has shown that aquifers in urban areas can be affected by agricultural activity in the upstream areas and leakage of the sewage network in the urban area.  相似文献   

The phreatic aquifer of the Lublin chalk in the watershed of the Bystrzyca River, eastern Poland, is characterized by waters of good quality. Its hydraulic conductivity is related to a fissure network of low porosity, as much as 0.006 at the outcrops. The good quality of water in this urban setting is surprising because, according to estimates based on Darcy's law, a high seepage velocity would be expected, resulting in rapid transport of pollutants in the aquifer. However, tritium sampling reveals that the mean ages range from about 55 to 92 years in four cases, and about 250 to 350 years in 11 cases. One sampling site is free of tritium, which indicates an even greater age. Such great ages can be explained only by a retardation of solute transport due to matrix diffusion, that is, an exchange between mobile water in the fissures of low porosity and stagnant water in the matrix of high porosity. The delay factor is given as the ratio of total porosity to fissure porosity. In consequence, all types of dissolved constituents and, to some degree, fine suspended matter are delayed in their transport to springs and wells. In addition, non-conservative constituents have longer times to sorb, react, and decay than in the case of transport without a dominant influence of matrix diffusion. Though pollutants are greatly delayed, their accumulation in the matrix and slow diffusion into the fissures contribute to their persistence in groundwater. Regional values of hydraulic conductivity, estimated from tritium ages and known matrix porosity, agree reasonably well with the values known from pumping tests, which supports the interpretation of a dominant influence of matrix diffusion on solute transport. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The Vaal River Basin is an economically significant area situated in the interior of South Africa (SA), where mining, industrial, domestic and agricultural activities are very intense. The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of geology and anthropogenic activities on groundwater chemistry, and identify the predominant hydrochemical processes in the basin. Data from seventy groundwater sites were retrieved from the national database, and attention was paid to fifteen water quality parameters. Groundwater samples were clustered into seven hydrochemically distinct groups using Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), and three samples treated independently. A Piper plot revealed two major water types, Ca–Mg–HCO3 and Ca–Mg–SO4-Cl, which were linked to dissolution of the underlying geology and mine pollution. The Ca?+?Mg vs HCO3?+?SO4 plot indicated that reverse ion exchange is an active process than cation exchange in the area. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify the main natural and anthropogenic processes causing variation in groundwater chemistry. Four principal components were extracted using PCA that explains 82% of the total variance in the chemical parameters. The PCA results can be categorized by four components: (1) evaporites and silicates weathering enrichment of Na, K, Cl, SO4 and F, and anthropogenic Cl; (2) dissolution of dolomite, limestone and gypsum; (3) agricultural fertilizers (4) wastewater treatment. This study reveals that both natural and anthropogenic activities are the cause of groundwater variation in the basin.  相似文献   

Underlying the site of a proposed development is a chalk aquifer, groundwater levels are close to the surface. The storm water from the development is to be drained into a lake in the center of the development. Because of the high groundwater levels the effect of this lake has been studied by means of a simple localized mathematical model. It is shown that such a model can give results of sufficient accuracy with regard to probable changes in groundwater levels caused by the development.  相似文献   

地下水温度示踪理论与方法研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对地下水温度示踪理论与方法的相关研究做了评述,介绍了当前地质体中温度场与渗流场耦合作用模型、数值模拟技术和渗流参数反演方法,并从温度示踪方法的两个主要应用领域:地表水与地下水交换和工程地下水渗漏探测(以堤坝为例),说明地下水温度示踪的应用研究.在地质体中温度场与渗流场耦合模型方面,裂隙介质、非饱和带、复杂边界条件和非D...  相似文献   

The studied area is in the south of Algeria. Chemical data are used to determine the status of water quality in the Albian sandstone aquifer of Ain oussera, as well as to clarify the hydrological regime in the study area, to identify spatial and temporal variations of water quality and sources of contamination (natural and anthropogenic). Waters in sandstone are dominated by a magnesium chloride type and sodium chloride type. Interpretation of chemical data with thermodynamic calculation suggests that the chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water–rock interactions. Piezometric map suggests that water is moving from the south toward north. The agricultural irrigation effluent and domestic effluents have largely contributed to contamination of groundwater.  相似文献   

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