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Kenshiro  Otsuki  Takayuki  Uduki  Nobuaki  Monzawa  Hidemi  Tanaka 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):22-36
Abstract   The seismic slip that occurred during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan showed contrastive behaviors in different regions along the Chelungpu Fault: A large and smooth slip occurred in the north, while a relatively small slip associated with high-frequency seismic wave radiation occurred in the south. The core samples from shallow boreholes at northern (Fengyuan) and southern (Nantou) sites penetrating the seismic Chelungpu Fault were analyzed. The fault zones at the northern site are characterized by soft clayey material associated with clayey injection veins. This suggests that the fault zones were pressurized during ancient seismic slip events, and hence the elastohydrodynamic lubrication occurred effectively. In contrast, the fault rock from the southern site is old pseudotachylyte that has been shattered by repeated ancient seismic slip events. Statistical analysis of many pseudotachylyte fragments reveals that the degree of frictional melting tended to be low. In this case, the seismic slip is restrained by the mechanical barrier of a highly viscous melt layer. These contrastive fault rocks were produced by repeated ancient seismic slip events, but the two corresponding mechanisms of friction are likely to have also occurred during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, thus causing the contrastive slip behaviors in the north and south.  相似文献   

Kenshiro  Otsuki  Takayuki  Uduki  Nobuaki  Monzawa  Hidemi  Tanaka 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):12-21
Abstract   The fractality of fault zones of thickness T for the 248-m-long core from a borehole penetrating the northern segment of the seismic Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan, was analyzed. The frequency curve of T shows that the fractal dimension is normal when T is smaller than a characteristic thickness T c, and it becomes abnormally large when T exceeds T c. The fractal dimensions of size and spatial distributions of T increase as the mean distribution density of T increases, which is inconsistent with the evolution laws for ordinary brittle faults. This discrepancy implies that the thickening rate of T when T is more than T c is not constant, but a decreasing function of fault displacement. The slow thickening rate is related to the elastohydrodynamic lubrication which was effective on the fault when T exceeds T c. This slip instability mechanism can explain the large, fast and smooth slip on the northern segment of the Chelungpu Fault during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake.  相似文献   

ntroductionTurbiditycurrentsedimentisanoutcomeofdensityflowsedimentation.Theresearchonmodernturbidilitycurentsedimentsfromde...  相似文献   

Abstract To better understand heat generation and transfer along earthquake faults, this paper presents preliminary zircon fission-track (FT) length data from the Nojima Fault, Awaji Island, Japan, which was activated during the 1995 Kobe earthquake (Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake). Samples were collected of Cretaceous granitic rocks from the Ogura 500 m borehole as well as at outcrops adjacent to the borehole site. The Nojima Fault plane was drilled at a depth of 389.4 m (borehole apparent depth). Fission-track lengths in zircons from localities > 60 m distance from the fault plane, as well as those from outcrops, are characterized by the mean values of ≈10–11 μm and unimodal distributions with positive skewness, which show no signs of an appreciable reduction in FT length. In contrast, those from nearby the fault at depths show significantly reduced mean track lengths of ≈6–8 μm and distributions having a peak around 6–7 μm with rather negative skewness. In conjunction with other geological constraints, these results are best interpreted by a recent thermal anomaly around the fault, which is attributable to heat transfer via focused fluids from the deep interior of the crust and/or heat dispersion via fluids associated with frictional heating by fault motion.  相似文献   

A great number of free-field ground motion records are obtained during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake. Records from 130 near fault free-field stations within 55 km to the causative fault surface are used as database, and characteristics of earthquake peak ground acceleration, velocity, displacement and duration are analyzed. According to this study, near fault ground motions are strongly affected by distance to fault, fault rupture directivity, site condition, as well as thrust of hanging wall. Compared with empirical strong ground motion attenuation relations used in China, US and Japan, the PGAs and PGVs recorded in this earthquake are not as large as what we have expected for a large earthquake as magnitude 7.6. However, the largest PGV and PGD worldwide were recorded in this event, which are 292 cm/s and 867 cm, respectively. Caused by nonlinear site effects of soil, peaks and corresponding ratios on E-class site were markedly different from those on other sites. Just as observed in historic earthquakes, fault rupture directivity effects caused significant differences between peaks of ground motion of two horizontal components, but took very slight effects on the duration of ground motion. The significant velocity pulses associated with large PGVs and PGDs, as well as large permanent displacements, which may result from the large thrust of the hanging wall, became the outstanding character of this event. Based on this study, we point out that 3D waveform modeling is needed to understand and predict near fault ground motion of large earthquakes.  相似文献   

The KLY-4S Kappabridge and KLF-4A Magnetic Susceptibility Meter enable automated measurement of susceptibility variation with field in the ranges of 2–450 A/m and 5–300 A/m (in effective values), respectively. Unfortunately, the measurement accuracy decreases with decreasing field and it is not easy to decide whether the susceptibility variation at the lowest fields is natural phenomenon or results from measuring errors. To overcome this problem, the accuracies of both the above instruments were investigated experimentally using artificial specimens (mixture of pure magnetite and plaster of Paris) with variable susceptibilities ranging from 1 × 10−5 to 5 × 10−2. The complete curve of the field variation of susceptibility of each specimen was measured 10 times and the relative error was calculated for each field. In the KLY-4S Kappabridge, in specimens with susceptibilities higher than 100 × 10−6, the relative errors are lower than 3% in all fields and lower than 1% in the fields stronger than 10 A/m. In the KLF-4A Magnetic Susceptibility Meter, in relatively strongly magnetic specimens with susceptibilities 5 × 10−4 to 5 × 10−2, the relative error is less than 1.5% in the entire field range. While the former instrument is convenient for investigating almost all rock types, the latter instrument is convenient for measuring moderately and strongly magnetic specimens. To facilitate work with field variation of susceptibility curves, showing variable accuracies with field, the programme FieldVar was written. One of its options is plotting the measured data with corresponding field-variable error bars. In this way, a tool is offered for interpreting such susceptibility changes that are sound and reasonable from the point of view of measuring accuracy.  相似文献   

Kohtaro  Ujiie 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):2-11
Abstract   The 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan ( M w = 7.6) produced a surface rupture along the north–south-striking Chelungpu thrust fault with pure dip-slip (east side up) and left lateral strike-slip displacements. Near-field strong-motion data for the northern part of the fault illustrate a distinct lack of the high-frequency seismic radiation associated with a large slip (10–15 m) and a rapid slip velocity (2–4 m/s), suggesting a smooth seismic slip associated with low dynamic frictional resistance on the fault. A drillhole was constructed at shallow depths in the possible fault zones of the northern part of the Chelungpu Fault, which may have slipped during the 1999 earthquake. One of the zones consists of a 20-cm-thick, unconsolidated fault breccia with a chaotic texture lacking both discrete slip surfaces (e.g. Riedel shears) and grain crushing. Other possible fault zones are marked by the narrow (less than a few centimeters) gouge zone in which clayey material intrudes into the damaged zone outside of the gouge zone. These characteristic fault rock textures suggest that the slip mechanisms at shallow levels during the earthquake involved either granular flow of initially unconsolidated material or slip localization under elevated pore pressure along the narrow clayey gouge zone. Because both mechanisms lead to low dynamic frictional resistance on the fault, the rapid seismic slip in the deep portions of the fault (i.e. the source region of strong-motion radiation) could have been accommodated by frictionless slip on the shallow portions of the fault. The combination of strong-motion data and fault rock analysis suggests that smooth slip associated with low dynamic friction occurred on both the deep and shallow portions of the fault, resulting in a large slip between the source region and the surface in the northern region.  相似文献   

Abstract   Magnetic susceptibility and the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility were measured on an 800-cm-thick succession of cumulate gabbro in the Sadm area of the Oman ophiolite. The section contained three distinct cumulate units. The susceptibility tends to decrease upward in each from a melanocratic layer (several tens of centimeters thick) to a leucocratic layer (a few meters thick). The susceptibility decreases in accordance with the decreasing number of magnetite grains, which are the alteration product mainly of olivine minerals. This suggests the cyclic downward accumulation of olivine in the cumulate gabbro. The apparent strain deduced from the patterns of magnetic and grain fabrics was the result mostly of simple shear, so that the layering of gabbro is understood to be formed primarily by a crystal cumulus process followed by simple shear deformation.  相似文献   


断裂带同震温度响应,可在震后钻孔测温中获得并识别,为发震断层摩擦特性与发震机制等基础研究提供了非常独特的思路和有效手段.集集、汶川及日本东北大地震后,实施了台湾车笼埔断层钻探项目(TCDP)、汶川地震断裂带科学钻探工程(WFSD)和日本海沟快速钻探计划(JFAST).钻孔测温结果表明:滑移面上下5~20 m范围内存在温度正异常,这是同震摩擦生热所致,该机制已被广泛认识和接受;同时,距滑移面20~60 m范围内也存在明显的温度负异常,但其成因机制几乎还未被真正关注和认识.虽然温度负异常峰值只有正异常峰值的1/4~1/3,但温度负异常分布范围却是正异常分布范围的3~4倍,即正、负温度异常区对应的总能量基本相当.因此,断裂带震后钻孔测温中的负异常及其成因不容忽视.在详细分析几种可能的同震温度负异常机制后(如岩层热物性分布差异、流体运移、表面自由能增大及同震应力释放),发现能在理论、实验及野外观测上都得到支撑的普适性机制只有同震应力释放.这可能是断裂带震后温度负异常的主要原因.


南海北部陆区岩石磁化率的矿物学研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于2517套现场测量资料,245块岩石样品的体积磁化率测量和详细的岩矿鉴定及硅酸盐全分析结果,结合单矿物磁化率特征及各岩石之间的对比研究,发现岩石磁化率主要受组成岩石的矿物磁化率控制.即岩石磁化率(κr)与组成岩石各个矿物磁化率(κi)及其体积含量(Ci)成正比.例如侵入岩磁化率,κr= -5.68×102Cq +2.86×102Cf +3.28×102Ca +1.18×104Cb +1.27×104Cam +5.35×105Cm;其中多项式各项的系数是与该矿物磁化率值成正比的常数,C为该矿物在该岩石中的体积含量,依次为石英q(κ=-1.3)、斜长石f(κ=0.01)、碱性长石a(κ=0.01)、黑云母b(κ=100)、角闪石am(κ=80)和磁铁矿m(κ=100000).对区内火山岩、侵入岩、沉积岩和变质岩磁化率研究发现,其他三类岩石磁化率与其组成矿物磁化率的关系和侵入岩的情况相同,矿物对岩石磁化率的贡献顺序为铁磁性矿物>顺磁性矿物>逆磁性矿物.其中,火成岩磁化率变化大,主要取决于岩石中磁铁矿、角闪石和黑云母的含量;沉积岩多为无磁性、弱磁性,其磁化率主要由黑云母、碱性长石及岩屑提供;变质岩的磁性变化较大,从无磁性到极强磁性,主要决定于其原岩的类型,副变质岩(沉积原岩)磁化率类似于沉积岩类,正变质岩(火成原岩)类似于火成岩类;石英岩和碳酸盐岩是所有岩石中磁性最弱的.岩石蚀变会对其磁化率产生显著性影响,通常,黑云母、角闪石等铁镁硅酸盐矿物经蚀变会因形成含铁质氧化物而使岩石的磁化率升高;长石等弱顺磁矿物的粘土矿化、绢云母化会升高磁化率而碳酸盐化、高岭土化作用会使磁化率降低;岩石的绿泥石化会增加磁化率;含铁磁性矿物的岩石风化时会因高磁性组分破碎、流失而致使岩石的磁化率降低.从岩石磁化率与其组成矿物的磁化率之间的关系,推测地质体的总磁化率与构成地质体各个岩石的磁化率-体积含量之间也应存在类似关系.  相似文献   




In most Chinese loess–paleosol sequences, high magnetic susceptibility values are found in the soil horizons, with low values in the loess layers. The susceptibility signal has been widely used as a proxy climatic indicator. However, both the causes and mechanisms which control susceptibility still remain controversial. Our recent studies challenge some earlier interpretations of the magnetic susceptibility signal in Chinese wind-blown sediments. First, the prevailing hypothesis of pedogenic origin cannot totally account for the susceptibility variations in many sections. Second, in some cases, the principal carrier of the magnetization seems not to be the ultrafine pedogenic minerals, rather coarse lithogenic magnetic minerals derived from local sources can also contribute significantly to the susceptibility signal. Finally, not all the Chinese soils have higher susceptibility values than that of loess or sand layers, opposite relationships do exist. It is concluded that the source and causes of susceptibility may be different from site to site or even at different times at a given site. Any single hypothesis cannot completely account for the susceptibility variations in the Chinese Loess Plateau and its surrounding regions. Besides the previous explanations of carbonate leaching, pedogenic processes and organic decomposition, the contribution of source materials to magnetic susceptibility must also be taken into account.  相似文献   


风成黄土是陆地上分布最广泛的沉积物之一,记载了各种古气候演化信息.目前巴基斯坦的黄土研究甚少,磁化率与气候对应的变化机制研究尚未开展.本文对位于巴基斯坦印度河平原Bahawalpur地区新发现的黄土-古土壤剖面进行系统的岩石磁学研究,结合粒度和漫反射光谱(DRS)数据,讨论巴基斯坦黄土的磁化率变化机制.实验结果显示:Bahawalpur (BH)剖面黄土层主要的载磁矿物为磁铁矿,同时含有少量磁赤铁矿和针铁矿,磁性颗粒以原生的MD和PSD颗粒为主.相对于黄土层,古土壤层则是以针铁矿为主,含有顺磁性矿物和少量磁铁矿.BH剖面磁化率与成土作用关系和中国黄土高原典型剖面相反,磁化率的变化可能存在一个阈值12.8×10-8m3·kg-1,在阈值之上,强磁性矿物(磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿)占主导;阈值之下,以弱磁性矿物(主要是针铁矿)为主,这种磁性矿物的转变可能导致磁化率降低.本文可为今后利用磁化率解读该地区地层蕴含的古气候信息提供新线索.


The magnetic susceptibility (MS) of Chinese loess showing a general proportional relationship to pedogenic grade has been widely recognized and used for reconstruction of paleoclimate by Quaternary scientists. The in-situ pedogenic enhancement of ferrimagnetic content is normally believed to be the main reason for the increase of susceptibility in soil units. However, this pattern of high magnetic susceptibility in palaeosols, and low values in loess, are not replicated in some loess deposits. Siberian loess deposits display a completely opposite susceptibility behavior: high values in loess and low values in palaeosols. This inverse relationship has been explained by the idea that magnetic susceptibility is reflecting the magnitude of an aeolian ferrimagnetic component of consistent mineralogy, the grain size of which is related to average wind velocity. Our magnetic study of Siberian samples in this paper suggests that there are notable differences in magnetic properties between Siberian loess and developed palaeosols, not only in magnetic grain-size and concentration but also in magnetic mineralogy. This evidence is difficult to explain fully through variation in wind strength alone, but implies that the low magnetic susceptibility values in the Siberian paleosol units are a reflection, at least in part, of the alteration of the ferrimagnetic content by post-depositional processes. The Loess Plateau is a very arid area where potential evaporation is always higher than precipitation; pedogenesis occurs under dry oxidising conditions. The Siberian Kurtak region is located on the edge of the tundra where it is always wet and saturation during interglacials will lead to a reducing pedogenic environment. Ferrimagnetic minerals under this condition will be destroyed, resulting in lower magnetic susceptibility. Therefore, great care should be taken when using susceptibility values for paleoclimatic reconstruction.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) within the Rayleigh Law range was investigated theoretically, using mathematical modelling. It was revealed that the orientations of the principal susceptibilities and the shape parameter vary with field so weakly that these variations can be regarded as negligible from the practical point of view. The degree of AMS increases with field according to the degree of anisotropy of the initial susceptibility used and according to the intensity of susceptibility change with field of the mineral considered. The degree of AMS calculated using linear theory is very near to the degree of AMS following from the analysis of AMS within the Rayleigh Law range. If it is desirable to correct the field-dependent degree of AMS, a simple technique is suggested based on measurement of the AMS in two fields. fhrouda@agico.cz  相似文献   

利用小波多尺度分解研究郯庐断裂带苏鲁段构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用小波多尺度分解技术对位于苏鲁地区郯庐断裂带的布格重力异常资料进行了场源分离,同时结合功率谱并与地质构造环境相联系,深入研究了郯庐断裂带苏鲁段的地壳深部空间展布.研究发现在布格重力场和区域场中郯庐断裂带苏鲁段总体表现为一条明显的重力异常梯级带,而这条梯级带又具有分段性排布的特点;在局部场中反映莫霍面深度的5阶小波变换细节的重力梯度带边缘和大的构造带边界基本吻合;麦坡地震断裂带至今仍然活跃着.  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility has been used as a quantitative or semi‐quantitative proxy for reconstructing the summer monsoon intensity in the Chinese Loess Plateau based on extensive studies on climatic or/and environmental mechanisms producing the magnetic susceptibility signatures. However, the precise nature of the link between past climates and the susceptibility signatures has remained uncertain primarily due to lack of our understanding in the ?nalizing and preserving processes of the signatures. This paper attempts to examine the reliability or acceptability of this summer monsoon proxy from non‐magnetic perspectives of soil‐forming processes. We chose nine sections along two transects: one across the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau and another across the eastern part. Several conclusions can be drawn from our analytical data. First, clay translocation within the S1 palaeosol pro?les, as indicated by ?eld‐observed clay coatings on ped faces in Bt and Bk horizons and demonstrated by laboratory‐analysed clay contents, must have moved some of the magnetic minerals downward so that the susceptibility re?ects only the post‐translocation distribution of the magnetic‐susceptibility‐producing minerals. Second, the best‐developed palaeosol S1S3 at most of the sections studied is not expressed by the magnetic susceptibility because this palaeosol developed in underlying coarse loess (L2) and coarse textures tend to lower the susceptibility. Third, carbonate concentration is normally negatively correlated with the magnetic susceptibility or simply suppresses the magnetic susceptibility peak when the susceptibility enhancement exceeds the carbonate dilution effect. To conclude, extreme caution must be observed when using magnetic susceptibility signatures to retrieve high‐resolution records of the last interglacial palaeoclimate in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


各向异性普遍存在于强磁性体矿物中,为研究各向异性强磁性体磁场响应特征,本文提出一种空间波数混合域三维各向异性磁场数值模拟方法.该方法首先将各向异性强磁性体磁位满足的三维偏微分方程进行水平方向二维傅里叶变换,将其降为不同波数之间相互独立的一维常微分方程;然后加载准确的上下边界条件,采用二次插值有限单元法计算一维常微分方程,得到五对角方程,采用追赶法进行高效求解;最后采用迭代法求解场分量,引入紧算子保证迭代稳定收敛;综合傅里叶变换的高效性、一维方程求解的快速性和迭代算法的稳定性,实现各向异性强磁性体磁场的三维高效、高精度数值模拟.设计各向异性椭球模型验证算法的正确性,并分析紧算子对不同各向异性磁化率模型的迭代收敛性;与COMSOL Multiphysics软件对比计算效率,表明相同节点下本文算法效率优于常规三维有限元方法,且计算节点总数越多优势越明显.重点研究各向异性参数改变对VTI、HTI、TTI强磁介质异常场响应的影响.最后采用某磁铁矿DEM高程数据模拟起伏地形对各向异性强磁性体磁异常场幅值和形态的影响,体现出本文算法对各向异性强磁性体大规模复杂地形的适应性.


The changes of magnetic susceptibility(κ) are correlated with those of corresponding sedimentological, geochemical, mineralogical and biological results, which verifies thatκ can be taken as one of the environmental proxies. However, usually the exact origin of magnetic signal is poorly understood, and is difficult to relate with the environmental evolution. Magnetic properties of material derived from the catchment and sedimentary environment may affect the accumulation, preservation, or authigenesis and diagenesis of magnetic minerals. In the Lake Hulun region in Inner Mongolia, it is found that muddy sediments, deposited during high water level period (corresponding to humid climate), have comparatively highκ values. In contrast, the sandy sediments, deposited during low water level period (corresponding to arid climate), have lowκ values. Detailed rock magnetic investigation confirms that detrital magnetite derived from volcanic rocks in the catchment exists in both muddy and sandy sediments. During high water level period, secondary ferrimagnetic iron sulphide was produced in muddy sediments under relatively reductive conditions. Ferrimagnetic iron sulphide, coexisting with detrital magnetite, predominates the magnetic properties of muddy sediments, resulting in increasingκ. This paper reveals the significance of authigenic ferrimagnetic iron sulphide produced after sediment deposition.  相似文献   

利用重磁反演软件,对2017年8月冀鲁豫交界区流动地磁总强度数据进行处理并解析延拓,研究该区岩石圈磁场及其深部、浅表磁场异常分布特征与地下介质磁化率结构的性质。结果表明:冀鲁豫交界区岩石圈磁场异常分布是岩石圈浅表与深部磁异常综合叠加的结果,岩石圈地下介质的浅表与深部磁化率结构具有一定差异性,且受断裂控制呈分段性特征,可能与该区域复杂的岩石圈磁化率结构及地质构造有关。  相似文献   

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