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The Alpha Ridge is one of three subparallel trending ridges that cut the Arctic Ocean. It is roughly Late Cretaceous to Eocene in age, and seismic refraction records suggest it comprises a thick sequence of oceanic crust. During the 1983 CESAR expedition 20 similar samples of acoustic basement were dredged from the walls of a major graben of the Alpha Ridge, at one site. These are the only basement samples ever recovered from the ridge and provide the first direct evidence for its nature, composition and possible origin.The basement samples are highly altered pyroclastic rocks composed almost entirely of basaltic volcanic clasts with little matrix. Although the rocks are highly altered, most primary textures and structures are preserved. Most clasts are highly amygdaloidal to scoriaceous, fine grained to glassy, and angular to subround with rare vesicle controlled boundaries. Little reworking is suggested because a single clast type predominates, many of the clasts are subangular, and any amount of reworking would result in destruction of the delicate scoriaceous clasts.Rare clinopyroxene phenocrysts comprise the only unaltered portion of the rocks. They are salitic in composition (Wo49–53, En32–41, Fs11–15), with significant amounts of Ca, Al and Ti. Salitic clinopyroxenes are typical of alkalic basalts.Interpretation of the whole rock geochemistry based on relatively immobile elements, (Nb, Zr, Tio2, and Y), and chondrite-normalized incompatible trace element and REE patterns indicates that the volcanic rock fragments are of alkalic basalt. Geochemical discriminators suggest a within-plate tectonic setting.Textural evidence suggests that the CESAR basement rocks were sampled from a rapidly emplaced submarine fallout deposit that was erupted at a depth at least less than 800 m and likely less than 200 m. High extrusive rates would have been required to build the ridge up to shallow depth prior to the cessation of volcanism. The alkalic affinity of the rocks strongly suggests that the Alpha ridge was not formed by volcanism at an island arc or a mature spreading centre. It is also unlikely that it formed as a “leaky” fracture zone. Alkalic basalts, however, are commonly associated with various types of oceanic aseismic ridges. It is suggested that the Alpha Ridge is an aseismic ridge that formed due to voluminous hotspot volcanism as spreading began in the Canada Basin. Such hotppot activity may have been responsible for initiating the rifting, breakup, and dispersal that eventually formed the Canada Basin.  相似文献   

The concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in Arctic surface water under the ice north of Svalbard has been determined by fluorescence spectrofluorometry using three different excitation/emission wavelength combinations. With Kuwait crude oil as a reference, the concentration range is 0.1–0.6 μg l?1 crude oil equivalents with respect to light molecular weight components and 0.05–0.2 μg l?1 heavy molecular weight components.  相似文献   

A correlary of sea floor spreading is that the production rate of ocean ridge basalts exceeds that of all other volcanic rocks on the earth combined. Basalts of the ocean ridges bring with them a continuous record in space and time of the chemical characteristics of the underlying mantle. The chemical record is once removed, due to chemical fractionation during partial melting. Chemical fractionations can be evaluated by assuming that peridotite melting has proceeded to an olivine-orthopyroxene stage, in which case the ratios of a number of magmaphile elements in the extracted melt closely match the ratios in the mantle. Comparison of ocean ridge basalts and chondritic meteorites reveals systematic patterns of element fractionation, and what is probably a double depletion in some elements. The first depletion is in volatile elements and is due to high accretion temperatures of a large percentage of the earth from the solar nebula. The second depletion is in the largest, most highly charged lithophile elements (“incompatible elements”), probably because the mantle source of the basalts was melted previously, and the melt, enriched in these elements, was removed. Migration of melt relative to solid under ocean ridges and oceanic plates, element fractionation at subduction zones, and fractional melting of amphibolite in the Precambrian are possible mechanisms for depleting the mantle in incompatible elements. Ratios of transition metals in the mantle source of ocean ridge basalts are close to chondritic, and contrast to the extreme depletion of refractory siderophile elements, the reason for which remains uncertain. Variation of ocean ridge basalt chemistry along the length of the ridge has been correlated with ridge elevation. Thus chemically anomalous ridge segments up to 1000 km long appear to broadly coincide with regions of high magma production (plumes, hot spots). Basalt heterogeneity at a single location indicates mantle heterogeneity on a smaller scale. Variation of ocean ridge basalt chemistry with time has not been established, in fact, criteria for recognizing old oceanic crust in ophiolite terrains are currently under debate. The similarity of rare earth element patterns in basalt from ocean ridges, back-arc basins, some young island arcs, and some continental flood basalts illustrates the dangers of tectonic labeling by rare earth element pattern.  相似文献   

We show a mechanism whereby the jets result during the development of β-plumes (i.e., low-frequency Rossby waves that establish gyre circulations) in a model of ocean-basin circulation. The energy originates in baroclinic meanders of circulation at the eastern boundary of the ocean. Eddies are intimately related and occur as a result of the instability of this process. This mechanism does not rely on the existence of the small-scale turbulence to establish zonal flows. Zonal jets can then be amplified by eddies arranged in certain order in the flow. The underlying dynamics include the propagation of linear and nonlinear basin scale Rossby waves. The related barotropic theory for these waves is developed here. We demonstrate the radiative development of jets and β-plumes in a laboratory experiment using a rotating fluid with a paraboloidal free surface. The dynamical fields are measured by the laboratory analog of the satellite altimetry.  相似文献   

Initial interpretations of the CESAR geological samples are re-examined in light of new data from the Alpha Ridge and circum-Arctic region. A composite stratigraphy for the CESAR and Fletcher Island (T-3) pre-Neogene cores shows a sequence of Campanian-Maastrichtian organic-rich terrigenous mud overlain by Maastrichtian-Eocene biosiliceous marine deposits with a low organic content, terminating in volcanoclastic mudstone of Late Eocene age. CESAR core 6 contains a transition zone in which biosiliceous sediment is replaced by volcanoclastic and terrigenous sediment of Paleocene-Eocene age. Palynomorphs provide a Late Eocene age for the volcanic outcrop dredged from Northern Alpha Ridge. Textural and geochemical studies of laminated biosiliceous sediments were made with special techniques for quantitative analyses of very small samples (1–10 mg) and particle sizes of less than 5 microns. Results show that the laminated sediments were deposited very slowly in an oxidizing environment. Laminae in CESAR core 6 mainly reflect cyclical variations in the formation and/or accumulation of particulate iron, probably due to periodic hydrothermal venting. Absence of detrital sediment, sparsity of pyroclastic material and lack of diagenetic alteration of the biogenic sediments suggest that the eastern Alpha Ridge was not an area of major tectonic activity during the Eurekan Orogeny, from ca. 80-40 Ma.  相似文献   

The Chagos-Laccadive ridge (CLR) is a prominent aseismic, volcanic ridge in the northern Indian ocean. The ridge, together with the Southern Mascarene plateau (SMP), to which it is genetically related, is considered as a volcanic trace of the Reunion hotspot. We have examined the isostatic compensation of the CLR through transfer function analysis of gravity and bathymetry data along seven profiles. The analysis suggests that the CLR is compensated locally, with an Airy crustal thickness (Tc) of 20 km. The rather low elastic plate thickness (Te) of about 4 km implies that the volcanism of the ridge took place very near a spreading centre. The proximity of the Chagos fracture zone indicates that the emplacement was probably near a spreading centre-transform junction.  相似文献   

U-Pb zircon dating, Sr-Nd isotope tracing and major/trace/RE element analyses were performed to constrain the age, origin and geodynamic significance of plagiogranites that intrude lherzolites and gabbros in the Ligurian Alps and the Northern Apennines. In addition, a host Fe-diorite was investigated. Samples from the Ligurian Alps were collected from the Voltri Group and the Sestri-Voltaggio Zone, whereas the plagiogranites from the Northern Apennines were taken in the Bracco unit. All these units have been affected by Alpine metamorphism reaching eclogite facies in the Voltri Group, blueschist degree in the Sestri Voltaggio samples, and prehnite-pumpellyite facies in the Bracco Unit, which has additionally been affected by rodingitization.

U-Pb zircon ages of 150 ± 1, 153 ± 1 and ≈ 156 Ma were obtained, respectively, for two plagiogranites and the host Fe-diorite in the Ligurian Alps, and an age of 153 ± 1 Ma was determined for the plagiogranite in Northern Apennines. Inherited components in zircon and initial Pb in plagioclase indicate mixing of variously differentiated basaltic magmas with small amounts of roughly 1.7–2.1 Ga old continental crust material. REE patterns in both the plagiogranites and the host diorite are characterized by high REE abundance, and moderate LREE enrichment. Nd isotopic compositions lie in the range of N-MORB sources, yielding initial epsilon Nd values between + 8.8 and + 9.7, whereas Sr is isotopically heterogeneous. The geochemical pattern of the plagiogranites and the host Fe-diorite requires melting of a MORB-type mantle source that experienced LREE enrichment shortly before melting. The most likely explanation for such enrichment is the injection of melts derived by small degrees of melting from an adjacent mantle region. The basaltic, LREE-enriched parent magmas generated from this enriched domain have probably undergone up to about 72% of low-pressure fractional crystallization prior to their emplacement into the gabbro-peridotite complex.

The 156–150 Ma magmatism occurred in close relation to normal faulting, sedimentation of breccias, and detachment of the mantle complex from its overlying continental crust, followed by exposure on the ocean floor. This tectono-magmatic event in the Ligurian Alps and the Northern Apennines reflects rifting of the Adriatic-Iberian continental plate segment, preceding wider opening of the Piedmont-Ligurian ocean basin and pillow basalt deposition.  相似文献   

Geochemical variations in mid-ocean ridge basalts have been attributed to differing proportions of compositionally distinct mantle components in their sources, some of which may be recycled crust. Oxygen isotopes are strongly fractionated by near-surface interactions of rocks with the hydrosphere, and thus provide a tracer of near-surface materials that have been recycled into the mantle. We present here oxygen isotope analyses of basaltic glasses from the mid-Atlantic ridge south of and across the Azores platform. Variations in δ18O in these samples are subtle (range of 0.47‰) and may partly reflect shallow fractional crystallization; we present a method to correct for these effects. Relatively high fractionation-corrected δ18O in these samples is associated with geochemical indices of enrichment, including high La/Sm, Ce/Pb, and 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd. Our results suggest two first-order conclusions about these enriched materials: (1) they are derived (directly or indirectly) from recycled upper oceanic crustal rocks and/or sediments; and (2) these materials are present in the north Atlantic MORB sources in abundances of less than 10% (average 2–5%). Modeling of variations of δ18O with other geochemical variables further indicates that the enriched component is not derived from incorporation of sediment or bulk altered oceanic crust, from metasomatism of the mantle by hydrous or carbonate-rich fluids, or from partial melting of subducted sediment. Instead, the data appear to require a model in which the enriched component is depleted mantle that has been metasomatized by small-degree partial melts of subducted, dehydrated, altered oceanic crust. The age of this partial melting is broadly constrained to 250 Ma. Reconstructed plate motions suggest that the enriched component in the north Atlantic mantle may have originated by subduction along the western margin of Pangea.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin of ocean island basalts(OIB) has important bearings on Earth's deep mantle.Although it is widely accepted that subducted oceanic crust, as a consequence of plate tectonics, contributes material to OIB's formation, its exact fraction in OIB's mantle source remains ambiguous largely due to uncertainties associated with existing geochemical proxies. Here we show, through theoretical calculation, that unlike many known proxies, triple oxygen isotope compositions(i.e.D^(17 )O) in olivine samples are not affected by crystallization and partial melting. This unique feature, therefore, allows olivine D^(17 )O values to identify subducted oceanic crusts in OIB's mantle source. Furthermore, the fractions of subducted ocean sediments and hydrothermally altered oceanic crust in OIB's mantle source can be quantified using their characteristic D^(17 )O values. Based on published D^(17 )O data, we estimated the fraction of subducted oceanic crust to be as high as 22.3% in certain OIB, but the affected region in the respective mantle plume is likely to be limited.  相似文献   

Progress in the understanding of runoff generation dynamics in forests   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
M. Bonell 《Journal of Hydrology》1993,150(2-4):217-275
This work reviews the runoff generation process in forests. A survey of the delivery mechanisms of hillslope runoff and the difficulties of incorporating some of them in recent physically based models is considered. The research challenge in reconciling the results from recent stream hydrogeochemistry studies with the results from previous hillslope hydrometric experiments is also highlighted. ‘Physically based’ runoff process models for application to forest land management problems are then summarised. The work concludes by proposing a new, intensive phase in experimental hydrology which should support the continued development of new algorithms in runoff process modelling. Particular attention should be given to tropical forests and the need for additional hillslope hydrology research to address the important issues associated with hillslope management and conversion.  相似文献   

The Erguna Fault runs along the east bank of the Erguna River in NE China and is a large-scale ductile shear zone comprising granitic mylonites. This paper reports on the geometry, kinematic indicators, and 40Ar/39 Ar biotite ages of the granitic mylonites, to constrain the structural characteristics, forming age, and tectonic attribute of the Erguna ductile shear zone. The zone strikes NE and records a top-to-the-NW sense of shear. A mylonitic foliation and stretching lineation are well developed in the mylonites, which are classified as S-L tectonites. Logarithmic flinn parameters(1.18–2.35) indicate elongate strain which approximates to plane strain. Kinematic vorticity numbers are 0.42–0.92 and 0.48–0.94, based on the polar Mohr diagram and the oblique foliation in quartz ribbons, respectively, suggesting that the ductile shear zone formed under general shear, or a combination of simple and pure shear. According to finite strain and kinematic vorticity analyses, the Erguna Fault is a lengthening-thinning ductile shear zone that formed by extension. The deformation behavior of minerals in the mylonites indicates that the fault was the site of three stages of deformation: an initial stage of middle- to deep-level, high-temperature shear, a post-stress recovery phase of high-temperature static recrystallization, and a final phase of low-temperature uplift and cooling. The 40Ar/39 Ar plateau ages of biotite from the granitic mylonites are 106.16 ± 0.79 and 111.55 ± 0.67 Ma, which constrain the timing of low-temperature uplift and cooling but are younger than the ages of metamorphic core complexes(MCCs) in the Transbaikalia-northeast Mongolia region. Using measured geological sections, microtectonics, estimates of finite strain and kinematic vorticity, and regional correlations and geochronology, we conclude that the Erguna Fault is an Early Cretaceous, NNE-trending, large-scale, sub-horizontal, and extensional ductile shear zone. It shares a similar tectonic background with the MCCs, volcanic fault basins, and large and super-large volcanic-hydrothermal deposits in Transbaikalia-northeast Mongolia and the western Great Khingan Mountains, all of which are the result of overthickened crust that gravitationally collapsed and extended in the Early Cretaceous after plate collision along the present-day Sino-Russia-Mongolia border tract.  相似文献   

Measurements of the crest of the spreading ridge in the young ocean basins of the Afar region and Gulf of Aden and in the mature Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans show that the depth of the ridge crest is correlated (r = 0.99) with the logarithm of the age of the ocean basin. Ridge crests in a very young basin (Afar) are at sea level, at about 1.5 km in young basins (Gulf of Aden), and at about 2.6 km in mature basins (Indian, Atlantic, Pacific). A new curve that relates crestal depth and age of the ocean basin is coupled with the existing depth/age curve for oceanic crust in a comprehensive scheme which can be used for relating depth and age of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

The intersection of the Juan de Fuca ridge and Blanco fracture zone is characterized by unusually high amplitude magnetic anomalies (over 1500 nT) which appear to be associated with a body roughly 50 km in length and 20 km in width aligned along the fracture zone. Simple three-dimensional magnetic models indicate that this anomaly is probably caused by a highly magnetized block of material situated in the western end of the Blanco fracture zone near its intersection with the Juan de Fuca ridge. Rock magnetization studies of tholeiitic basalts dredged from this area confirm the presence of highly magnetized basalts near the ridge crest/transform fault intersection. These tholeiitic basalts are enriched in iron and titanium relative to “normal” oceanic tholeiites, apparently the result of extensive shallow fractionation involving olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene. Magnetic model studies indicate that an average thickness of no more than 500 m of these iron-rich basalts is necessary to produce the observed anomaly pattern. Comparison of these basalts with samples previously dredged from the Juan de Fuca ridge crest suggests that these Fe-rich, highly magnetized basalts probably “leaked” out of the southernmost portion of the Juan de Fuca ridge.  相似文献   

Ocean island basalt (OIB) suites display a wide diversity of major element, trace element, and isotopic compositions. The incompatible trace element and isotopic ratios of OIB reflect considerable heterogeneity in the mantle source regions. In addition to the distinctive Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic signatures of the HIMU, EMI and EMII OIB end-members, differences in incompatible trace element ratios among these end-members are of great help in identifying the nature and origin of their sources. Examination of trace element and isotopic constraints for the three OIB end-members suggests a relatively simple model for their origin. The dominant component in all OIB is ancient recycled basaltic oceanic crust which has been processed through a subduction zone, and which carries the trace element and isotopic signature of a dehydration residue (enrichment in HFSE relative to LILE and LREE, low Rb/Sr, but high U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios leading to the development of radiogenic Pb isotope compositions). HIMU OIB are derived from such a source, with little contamination from other components. Both the EMI and EMII OIB end-members are also dominantly derived from this source, but they contain significant proportions (up to 5–10%) of sedimentary components derived from the continental crust. In the case of EMI OIB, ancient pelagic sediment with high LILE/HFSE, LREE/HFSE, Ba/Th and Ba/La ratios, and low U/Pb ratios, is the contaminant. EMII OIB are also contaminated by a sedimentary component, in the form of ancient terrigenous sediment with high LILE/HFSE and LREE/HFSE ratios, but lacking relative Ba enrichment, and with higher U/Pb and Rb/Sr ratios. A model whereby the source for all OIB is ancient (1–2 Ga old) subducted oceanic crust ± entrained sediment (pelagic and/or terrigenous) is therefore consistent with the trace element and isotopic data. Although subducted oceanic lithosphere will accumulate and be dominantly concentrated within the mesosphere boundary layer, forming the source for hot-spots, such material may also become convectively dispersed within the depleted upper mantle as blobs or streaks, giving rise to small-scale chemical heterogeneities in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Abstract The Lesnaya Group is part of a thick, poorly dated turbidite assemblage that sits in the footwall of a regionally extensive collision zone in which the Cretaceous–Paleocene Olutorsky island arc terrane was obducted onto continental margin basin strata. Nannoplankton from 18 samples from the upper part of the Lesnaya Group yield Paleocene through Middle Eocene assemblages. Detrital zircons from nine sandstone samples have a young population of fission-track ages that range from 43.7 ± 3.4 to 55.5 ± 3.5 Ma (uppermost Paleocene to Middle Eocene). The deformed footwall rocks of the Lesnaya Group and the overlying thrusts of the Olutorsky arc terrane, are unconformably overlain by neoautochthonous deposits which are Lutetian (lower Middle Eocene) and younger. Together, these new data indicate that thrusting, which is inferred to have been driven by collision of the Cretaceous–Paleocene island arc with north-eastern Asia, took place in the mid-Lutetian, at about 45 Ma.  相似文献   

This study is based on the geological and geophysical data obtained in the Bay of Bengal and adjacent part of the Mid-Indian Ocean Basin by different Russian scientific and industrial institutions in the 1980s and 1990s. The results of the more recent foreign investigations are also involved. The analysis of the collected data provided a new insight into the geological structure and evolution of the region indicating that a large dry-land area—the Bengal elevation—existed in the Cretaceous at the location of the present-day Bay of Bengal. During the Cretaceous, the geological evolution of this area was controlled by epicontinental sedimentation and active volcanism. In the Late Cretaceous, progressive submersion with the inception of the Central Basin took place in the region. The subsidence of the basement was accompanied by active differentiated tectonic movements in the southern part of the Bay of Bengal. As a result, the basement experienced fragmentation into blocks with the formation of horst and graben structures. The horst relics eventually submerged to the current depths in the Late Miocene–Pliocene. The maximal amplitude of basement submersion within the bay is more than 11 km.  相似文献   

郝天珧  游庆瑜 《地球物理学报》2011,54(12):3352-3361
海底地震仪(Ocean Bottom Seismographs,OBS)及由其组成的海底流动地震观测台阵是近年来发展起来的高新技术,在油气探测、科学研究、防灾减灾等方面有广泛的用途,是地球物理仪器与探测技术发展中的一个新增长点.本文介绍了由中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研制成功的宽频带、7通道海底地震仪((I-7C)OBS)的性能、指标以及关键技术的实现.同时,介绍了(I-7C)OBS近年来在渤海、南海以及西南印度洋的5次海上试验与应用的结果.5次应用试验中均有国外同类型的一起参加,(I-7C)OBS在性能指标、回收率和数据质量等方面都有较好的表现.2010年以来,国产OBS在我国各海区经过上百台次的海上作业(超过半数工作水深在2000 m以上),仅丢失一台.仪器回收率超过98%,数据完整率超过95%.一些航次的首席科学家认为我国国产OBS已经达到国际先进水平.  相似文献   

简要概括了国产主动源海底地震仪(OBS)数据处理中常见的时间异常现象,以OBS2020-1测线的实际处理为主并结合了OBS处理中对数据异常校正取得的部分进展为实例,通过检查数据记录格式、计算相邻数据文件间的时间差、对比不同处理方法所得剖面、分析初始时间和采样时间是否异常、使用数据重采样等手段,对OBS时间异常问题进行了分类处理和校正。分析显示,国产OBS在数据记录中普遍存在的时间问题大部分均能解决,通过本文提供的方法可以避免处理不当所导致的OBS地震剖面出现同相轴“断阶”、“倾斜”,甚至“缺失”等现象,确保了有效震相的完整性,有效解决了OBS数据时间异常问题,提高了数据的质量和利用率,为后续开展走时层析成像奠定了良好的基础,并为今后主动源OBS数据处理流程和方法提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

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