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琼东上升流(EHU)是南海北部最强劲的上升流系统之一。它的水动力过程已经被很多研究所揭示,但是它的浮游植物群落依然不清楚。通过利用卫星遥感数据和2015年上升流季节的航次数据,我们首次阐明了琼东上升流区域(EHU)和其临近区域雷州半岛东部上升流区(ELPU)浮游植物生物量和群落的空间结构。在夏季季风的驱动下,我们在琼东沿岸发现了一个显著的低温高盐冷舌。由于雷州半岛东部大陆架宽广平缓,ELPU比EHU相对较弱。在EHU,由于受潮汐和风浪混合的影响,高溶解氧浓度 (>6.0 mg/l)几乎从表层延伸到30米深度。其次,低溶解氧的海水(<6.0 mg/l, 缺氧)被上升流从底层抽吸到上层。ELPU和EHU相比有更差的DO状况,在EHU,底层DO浓度由于大量的消耗,浓度甚至低于3.5 mg/l。在EHU,浮游植物生物量最大值出现在30米水层而不是在表层,约为1.5 mg/m3。这表明了上升流对于浮游植物生长和DO分布的影响范围。由于营养物质输入丰富, ELPU处的浮游植物生物量比EHU高很多。在EHU处,浮游植物生物量最大值可以达到4.0 mg/m3。浮游植物生物量在EHU和ELPU的沿岸区域则降低到了大约0.2~0.3 mg/m3,而这个值与远海接近。在EHU的近岸,浮游植物群落结构被硅藻所主宰,大约占了浮游植物生物量的50%。原核生物(大约40%)、绿藻(大约20%)、原绿球藻(大约20%)组成了EHU的近岸的主要群落。在ELPU,硅藻大约占了浮游植物生物量的80%,其次是绿藻,这表明与EHU相比,这个区域是一个相对不同的生态系统。  相似文献   

Microzooplankton (heterotrophic microplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellates) and their herbivorous activity were estimated from dilution experiments in August 1998 during two Lagrangian drift experiments that sampled contrasting conditions—an upwelling/relaxation event along the shelf edge and an oligotrophic offshore filament. During upwelling/relaxation, heterotrophic microplankton were present at mean surface concentrations between 15,000 and 48,000 cells l−1. Heterotrophic nanoflagellate concentrations were between 200 and 700 cells ml−1 and the most abundant component of the heterotrophic microplankton was the aloricate choreotrich ciliates which increased dramatically in concentration from 6,000 to 24,000 cells l−1 during the first 4 days of the study. Total microzooplankton biomass reached a maximum of 39mgC.m−3. In the filament, which developed from the upwelling, cell concentrations were lower and averaged 4,500 cells l−1 for heterotrophic microplankton and 250 cells ml−1 for heterotrophic nanoflagellates. Total microzooplankton biomass was about 10–12mgC.m−3. Microzooplankton turned over between 40 and 85% of the phytoplankton standing stock, thereby consuming between 5 and 78mg phytoplankton carbon.m−3.d−1. The magnitude of this activity was highest during upwelling/relaxation and was positively correlated to heterotrophic nanoflagellate biomass and chlorophyll-a concentration but not heterotrophic microplankton biomass. The proportion of primary production grazed decreased from 160 to 59% d−1 during upwelling/relaxation and ranged between 60 and 90% d−1 in the filament. Microzooplankton herbivory within the euphotic zone increased from 684 to >2000mgC.m−2.d−1 during upwelling/relaxation and was between 327 and 802mgC.m−2.d−1 in the filament. Although microzooplankton herbivory was lower and less variable during the filament study, microzooplankton consumed on average 60% of the phytoplankton standing stocks which was higher than found during upwelling/relaxation. Microzooplankton assimilation efficiency ranged between 3 and 33% during upwelling/relaxation and between 0 and 13% in the filament. Our data demonstrate a close coupling between phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton herbivory in surface waters off the Galician Coast and suggest that microzooplankton may have been a significant sink for phytogenic carbon during August 1998.  相似文献   

Knowledge is limited on the fish larval assemblage in shallow lagoonal reefs along the Kenyan coast. Fish larvae from five lagoons, spanning 120 km on the Kenyan coast, were sampled in March 2007 and April 2008 to compare interannual spatial variations in species composition, abundance and diversity along the coast. In all, 2 644 fish larvae were sampled, comprising 26 families and 37 species in 2007 and 43 families and 73 species in 2008. The larval assemblage was dominated by Gobiidae, Blenniidae, Pomacentridae and Gerreidae during both years. Larvae hatched from non-pelagic mode of spawning constituting 92% of total numbers. Mean larval abundance (no. 100 m?3 ± SE) along the coast ranged from 5.0 ± 1.0 to 414 ± 226, with highest densities occurring on the northern sites of Watamu (414 ± 226) and Malindi (31 ± 10). Interannual variation in larval abundance between 2007 (2.17 ± 0.3) and 2008 (2.16 ± 0.1) was not significant (p > 0.05). Shannon-Wiener species diversities between sites ranged from 1.2 ± 0.4 to 2.3 ± 0.3, with highest diversities occurring in Mombasa (2.2 ± 0.5) and Nyali (2.3 ± 0.3). In 2007, the occurrence of preflexion larvae increased northwards from Mombasa (18.2%) to Watamu (86.4%), whereas in 2008, the reverse was the case with the incidence of preflexion larvae reducing northwards from Mombasa Marine Park (76%) to Watamu Marine Park (2%). These trends indicate interannual variation in larval source sites for fish species. Correspondence analysis revealed distinct larval assemblages at sites along the coast, which varied between years.  相似文献   

Current measurements were made at five moored stations over the continental shelf off the San'in coast of the Japan Sea for a month in the summer of 1980 to study the vertical structure of the nearshore branch of the Tsushima Current. The time-mean current for the observational period is 20 to 25 cm sec–1 eastward near the surface and about 10 cm sec–1 westward near the sea bottom except at the shallowest station. The time-mean current,i.e. the nearshore branch of the Tsushima Current is mainly due to the baroclinic modes. The currents are less variable in the first half of the observational period, but fluctuate with a several-day period in the latter half. The obtained current data were decomposed into barotropic and baroclinic modes to investigate the detailed characteristics of the fluctuations. In the latter half, the current fluctuations of the two modes with about a 5-day period are well correlated with each other, as the baroclinic mode lagging behind the barotropic mode by 12 hr. The barotropic current fluctuation is correlated to the sea level, with the former leading the latter by about 12 hr. The baroclinic current is correlated to the temperature at the subsurface layer with a shorter time lag.  相似文献   

夏季降雨过程对南海上层盐度的可能影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对1998年南海中部、北部航次的海水盐度观测资料以及GPCP-1DD(Global Precipitation Climatology Project,1 Degree Daily Precipitation Estimate)降雨资料,研究了夏季风期间降雨过程对南海上层盐度的可能影响。个例和合成分析表明,当有降雨过程发生时,降雨对南海上层盐度的影响深度为85—110m,上层盐度恢复所需要的时间为14—42d左右。此外还利用NCEP/NCAR(National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research)再分析资料的逐月风场资料以及基于法国AVISO(Archiving,Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic Data)提供的融合海平面高度异常资料计算的地转流场分析平流效应对其可能产生的影响。  相似文献   

The structure of the summer larval fish assemblage off the eastern coast of Tunisia and its relation to environmental conditions was studied, from ichthyoplankton samples taken during a survey conducted between 23rd June and 9th July 2008. A total of 68 larval fish taxa were identified, 52 to species level. The taxonomic composition and abundance of the larval fish assemblage showed high spatial heterogeneity. Mesoscale hydrographic features, such as eddies, seem to play an important role in the spatial distribution of fish larvae in the area, enhancing concentration and retention. The larval fish assemblage was dominated by the small pelagic species Sardinella aurita (26.6% of the total larval fish abundance), followed by Engraulis encrasicolus (22.6%), Spicara spp. (8.6%) and Mullus barbatus (6.8%). Shannon–Weaver index (H′) ranged between 0 and 2.62. The highest values were found offshore, at 95 miles east of Sousse, over depths around 250 m. The diversity was higher in this region as a result of transport by currents and retention by eddies. It has also been shown that the eastern coast of Tunisia is a spawning ground for the tuna species Auxis rochei, Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus alalunga. Larvae of mesopelagic fishes represented 5.46% of the total abundance, with Cyclothone braueri, Ceratoscopelus maderensis and Lampanyctus crocodilus being the most important species. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that depth was the most important environmental factor in explaining species distribution.  相似文献   

Waves at 15 m water depth in the northern Arabian Sea are measured during the summer monsoon for a period of 45 days and the characteristics are described. The significant wave height varied from 1.1 to 4.5 m with an average value of 2.5 m. 75% of the wave height at the measurement location is due to the swells arriving from the south-west and the remaining is due to the seas from south-west to north-west. Wave age of the measured data indicates that the waves in the nearshore waters of northern Arabian Sea during the summer monsoon are swells with young sea.  相似文献   

During the late summer monsoon living planktonic foraminifera were collected in the southeastern Arabian Sea between 3°N and 15°N by using six vertical plankton tows. Sixteen species of planktonic foraminifera were identified. Among them, Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerinoides sacculifer are the most abundant species, while the ecologically most important species Globigerina bulloides is very rare. The low abundance of G. bulloides can be explained by the warming of the surface water in combination with deepening of the mixed layer, since this species preferentially dwells in nutrient-rich upwelling waters. The population density of planktonic foraminifera ranges between 31 and 185 specimens per 10−3 m3. The low absolute numbers of planktonic foraminifera are similar to the numbers which were reported before from the non-upwelling areas in the Arabian Sea. The low absolute numbers and the collected foraminiferal assemblages are therefore highly indicative of the Arabian Sea non-upwelling areas. Particularly significant are the low absolute and relative numbers of the non-spinose species Globorotalia menardii and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. The absence of these species indicate the relatively low nutrient levels in this area at the tail end of the summer monsoon period.  相似文献   

Geographical distributions of upwelling centers off the coast of Peru are studied on the basis of monthly mean wind data during 17 years from 1939 through 1955. Three remarkable upwelling centers are found near 5°S, 11°S and 15°S, from the analyses. With regard to the negative surface divergence found in the offing of Huacho-Callao (near 11°S) in August, it is pointed out that a local high pressure cell is generated in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

南海夏季风暴发过程的低频特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
应用1979~1996年共18a的NOAA卫星OLR资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析850hPa风场资料,分析了夏季南海地区及南海季风暴发过程的某些低频特征。认为北半球夏季南海地区的低频活动较活跃,并且具有明显的年际变化,这种年际变化同南海季风的暴发时间有联系。南海地区的低频振荡在南海季风暴发后增强。通过对18a 及K*的时段叠加合成图的分析,发现南海夏季风的暴发同赤道印度洋低频振荡的东传及西太平洋低频扰动西传有密切联系,南海夏季风暴发期间南海地区将印度洋与西太平洋之间的低频活动联系在一起。  相似文献   

基于2013年9月底至10月初在印尼爪哇岛南部海域调查得到的碳酸盐参数和相关水文数据,首次报道了该海域pH的分布,并重点探讨了南爪哇上升流(季风上升流)对其影响。结果显示上升流影响区表层pH低于周围非上升流影响区。通过两端元混合模型,定量讨论了上升流的物理输运和生物活动对pH的影响。研究表明,上升流的物理输运至少造成了海表层盐度增加0.4个单位,溶解无机碳(DIC)增加110μmol/kg,pH降低约0.2个单位;同时,在上升流区,强烈的生物活动(叶绿素a浓度大于0.4mg/m3)使得DIC的降低量达70μmol/kg,pH的增加量达0.15个单位。总体来看,该研究区域的物理输运作用大于生物作用,综合效应表现为DIC的增加和pH的降低。另外,同上升流的物理输运作用和生物作用相比,上升流引起的表层冷却和增盐对pH的影响较小(热力学作用)。  相似文献   

Temperature and salinity surveys were carried out in the Tasman Sea in winter (August 1973) and summer (February‐March 1974). In both surveys the presence of the Westland Current was indicated by the distribution of surface water properties; in summer it was associated with a subsurface salinity maximum. The current extended further northwards in summer than in winter. In summer, an east‐going geostrophic flow at about latitude 35°S separated on approaching New Zealand; part of the flow passed north around the North Island and part moved slowly eastwards in the deeper off‐shore water to at least latitude 38°S. The West Auckland Current was apparent in the winter, but not in the summer. To the west of Cape Reinga, relatively low values of surface temperature and salinity are probably associated with upwelling between Cape Reinga and the Three Kings Islands. Upwelling was observed along the coast between Kaipara and Manukau Harbour.  相似文献   

The northern Andaman Sea off Myanmar is one of the relatively high productive regions in the Indian Ocean. The abundance, biomass and species composition of mesozooplankton and their relationships with environmental variables in the epipelagic zone(~200 m) were studied for the first time during the Sino-Myanmar joint cruise(February 2020). The mean abundance and biomass of mesozooplankton were(1 916.7±1 192.9) ind./m3 and(17.8±7.9) mg/m3, respectively. A total of 213 specie...  相似文献   

A study was conducted applying a second-generation wave model to predictions in coastal zones. The model was calibrated with wave measurements conducted off the Portuguese coast, for a period of 6 months. The wind fields used in the calculation were supplied by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMRWF). The calibrated model allows good predictions of significant wave height. Satisfactory comparisons have been made with predictions of the WAM model  相似文献   

The surroundings of the Bay of Bengal (BoB) suffer a lot from the extreme rainfall events during Indian summer monsoon (ISM). Previous studies have proved that the sea-air interaction is an important factor for the monsoonal precipitation. Using the 6th Coupled Modol Inter-comparison Project (CMIP6) models, this study examined the biases of surface heat flux, which is the main connection between atmosphere and ocean. Results show that although CMIP6 have a better simulation of intraseasonal sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over BoB than the previous ones, the “atmospheric blockage” still delays the response of latent heat flux to the oceanic forcing. Specifically, during the increment of positive latent heat flux in CMIP6, the negative contribution from wind effects covers most of the positive contribution from humidity effects, due to the underestimate of humidity effects. Further diagnostic analysis denote that the surface air humidity has a quarter of a phase ahead of warm SST in observation, but gets wet along with the warm SST accordingly in most CMIP6 models. As a result, the simulated transfer of intraseasonal moisture flux is hindered between ocean and atmosphere. Therefore, as a bridge between both sides, the atmospheric boundary layer is essential for a better sea-air coupled simulation, especially when the atmospheric and the oceanic variabilities involved in a climate model becomes increasingly sophisticated. The surface air humidity and boundary layer processes require more attention as well as better simulations.  相似文献   

Despite much public awareness surrounding the annual migration of sardine Sardinops sagax northward along the east coast of South Africa in winter each year, relatively little research effort has been expended to improve understanding of the ‘sardine run’. For this reason, a dedicated multidisciplinary survey, timed to coincide with the annual sardine run, was conducted off the East Coast in June and July of 2005. The major objective of the survey was to estimate the biomass of sardine off the East Coast during the run, and to compare this with biomass estimates collected during previous surveys conducted in this area during the late 1980s when the South African sardine population was at a considerably smaller size. We also collected data on the distribution of sardine and other small pelagic fish species and their eggs, the biological characteristics of sardine during the run, and data on the hydrography (temperature and currents) and lower trophic levels (phytoplankton and zooplankton) of the region. Results suggest that the biomass of sardine off the East Coast in winter remains relatively small and consistent, regardless of overall sardine population size. The narrow continental shelf to the east of Port Alfred, which is dominated offshore by the fast-flowing warm Agulhas Current, constrains the amount of suitable habitat for sardine and other clupeoids such as anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, West Coast round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi and East Coast round herring Etrumeus teres, and hence precludes these species from attaining a high biomass in this region. Additionally, primary and secondary productivity levels are much lower than elsewhere on the western and eastern Agulhas Bank off the south coast of South Africa, suggesting that the sardine run is not a feeding migration. A previous hypothesis that the run is mainly a result of an expansion of the distributional range of these fish as conditions become favourable in winter due to sporadic cooling off the East Coast is also not entirely supported by results from the survey. It is suggested that a migration for the purposes of spawning off this coast when conditions become favourable is a more likely incentive for sardine to undertake this arduous journey, despite increased predation and poor feeding conditions.  相似文献   

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