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Based on interviews with corporate executives, this paper examines several decisions to locate pulp and paper mills in British Columbia during the 1960's and early 1970's. It emphasizes locational evaluations of regions, communities, and sites interpreted as parts of wider investment decision processes and longer-run corporate strategies. Relationships between initial locational decisions and post-locational assessments and adjustments are also identified.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(9):551-554

This study analyzed the relative effects of two categories of variables upon the learning of a basic geographic concept by a pre-school population. Independent variables were variations of irrelevant data and of positive-negative exemplar ratios. S's were 225 kindergarteners randomly drawn from nine schools, that, in turn, were selected randomly from the, total pool of public schools within a metropolitan district, A 3 × 3 factorial design was used, with S's assigned to one of the nine treatment groups. The learning task was the conjunctive concept, “island,” with the rule, “water all around the land.” Slides, tapes, and pictures were used to administer and measure the effects of treatments. S's were tested immediately after the treatments on seven criteria measures, and then retested one week later. Analyses of results sustained the null hypotheses, indicating that irrelevant material and increased negative exemplars were not significant factors in the learning task. Possible significance of the results was discussed.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):139-141

The American South is a region of endless paradoxes. While today the South's economic expansion is attracting in-migrants by the tens of thousands, many of its residents continue to live in grinding poverty. Though its history includes periods of substantial racial injustice and violence, today more African Americans are moving to the South than any other region of the United States. The region where “cotton was king” now includes many dynamic, prosperous, and rapidly expanding metropolitan areas (e.g., Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas). But in the shadows of these cities reside rural populations who have experienced only limited improvement in the size of their paychecks, the quality of the education provided to their children, and the substance of their interaction with the rest of the nation and world.  相似文献   

Equity issues associated with Sydney's engagement with prosperity, especially over the last decade, are examined. Sydney is positioned within the historic contexts of major national economic change and of globalisation, noting especially the rise in importance of the financial, property and business services sectors. These sectors are concentred in inner Sydney and have helped position Sydney as Australia's leading global city, thereby generating jobs and growth in incomes. At the same time, however, there have been major shifts in patterns of income distribution across the Sydney metropolitan area and between Sydney and other parts of Australia. In particular, we note the 'revitalisation' of Sydney's inner-urban areas and their association with new forms of Central Business District (CBD) workforce growth and a significant realignment of journey-to-work patterns. Using Australian Taxation Office income data, the dynamics and some of the equity outcomes of 1990s prosperity within the Sydney metropolitan area are examined, paying particular attention to the impact of change in and around the Sydney CBD and the City of Sydney local government area. We find that there has been a complex shift in the nature of inequality across the Sydney metropolitan area, including a widening in incomes in some instances and a major geographic shift in Sydney's income-divide axis. The paper concludes by arguing that ongoing economic prosperity in Sydney will depend on the extent to which social cleavage can be avoided by a more equitable sharing of the benefits of prosperity.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):290-300

Ralph and Mollie Izzard. A Walk in the Mountains, A Family's Trip Through the High Lebanon.

Wesley Calef. Private Grazing and Public Lands, Studies of the Local Management of the Taylor Grazing Act.

S. H. Steinberg (editor). The Statesman's Yearbook, 1960-1961.

E. Joseph Dreany. Alaska.

John C. and Elsie F. Caldwell. Our Neighbors in Japan.

R. J. Harrison Church. West Africa: A Study of the Environment and of Man's Use of it.

Alex Somme, editor. A Geography of Norden.  相似文献   


During the late 1980s and the first half of the 1990s, the nonmetropolitan Northwest grew quite rapidly, narrowing the gap between the growth rates of the metropolitan Northwest, and oupacing national rates. This growth was largely the result of in-migration from regional and national metropolitan areas. Traditional economic base theory does not explain the recent growth, as employment levels in in the region's basic industries continue to stagnate and decline, and the sources of income for these in-migrants remain a mystery. This paper utilizes data from the 1990 Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) to determine the extent to which metropolitan-origin migrants are measurably different from oldtime nonmetropolitan residents on certain socioeconomic variables, in an attempt to understand the ways in which the newcomers survive financially. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows that newcomers are younger, earn less in wages and salary, receive more nonearnings income, and reside in more valuable housing compared with the resident population. Discriminant analysis shows that differences in the earned income measures are largely explained by age differences, while the nonearnings income and value of residence remainsignificantly higher for the metropolitan origin migrants even when age and earned income are controlled. While the analysis indicates that measurable socioeconomic differences do exist between the two populations, it appears that the current wave of growth and change in the nonmetropolitan Northwest is much more complicated than a simple newcomer-oldtimer dichotomy.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):275-284

Disadvantaged migrants to metropolitan areas are segregated by race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status within the residential areas of central city poverty neighborhoods. Whereas black migrants are generally restricted to ghetto space, regional cultural similarities and feedback in the social communication network are important to the residential location of lower class whites. The urban settlement patterns of a sample of recent disadvantaged white migrants to Indianapolis, Indiana, vary from the clusters of migrants from Appalachia and the South to the more dispersed pattern of migrants from Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio, and other metropolitan areas. The residential location of migrants from Appalachia and the South is geographically restricted by cultural constraints, and heavy reliance upon a limited network of friends and relatives in the housing search. However, the sociocultural resources of the Midwest group and the previous urban experience of metropolitan migrants increase the range of housing opportunities in Indianapolis that are available and known to them.  相似文献   


Industrial land development has become a key feature of urbanization in Greater Jakarta, one of the largest metropolitan areas in Southeast Asia. Following Suharto's market-oriented policy measures in the late 1980s, private developers have dominated the land development projects in Greater Jakarta. The article investigates the extent to which these private industrial centers have effectively reduced the domination of Jakarta in shaping the entire metropolitan structure. The analysis indicates that major suburban industrial centers have captured most of the manufacturing employment that has dispersed from Jakarta. The industrial centers have now increasingly specialized and diversified. It is likely that a polycentric metropolitan structure will emerge in the future.  相似文献   


Primary individuals and the households that they head now compose a significant proportion of US households. This paper examines the regional and intraurban distribution of primary households. Macro-scale data from the 1960 and 1970 Censuses are used to examine the evolving regional patterns of primary individuals and households. Using intraurban data for the 1970's, the paper also examines the impact of recent rapid growth in the number of primary individuals on the spatial distribution of primary households within urban areas. Inferences are drawn with respect to the macro- and micro-scale distributions of primary individuals and households and the impact of continued growth of this subpopulation on urban form and population distribution.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):204-212

A series of computer-generated maps are presented, illustrating the state-level distribution of major crimes in the United States for the year 1968. The maps are divided into two broad groups—those relating to (a) crimes of violence, and (b) crimes against property. In the violent crime group, distributions are shown for murder, rape, robbery, and assault. The dominance of the South in terms of homicide is particularly striking. Burglary, larceny over fifty dollars, and auto theft are the property crimes represented. Western states, and various highly metropolitan states (such as New York) generally exhibit the highest property crime rates. Summary tables show the states with extreme (high or low) crime rates. States with the lowest rates generally lack large metropolitan nodes, while the converse is true, with California, New York, and Maryland heading the list of states with high rates in multiple crime categories.  相似文献   

目的 研究儿童贵重药片常用剂量,为药片最适包装规格提供参考。方法 根据2013年1月~2016年9月间儿童医院住院患者常用的几种贵重药片各剂量使用情况进行分析,分析现有规格使用率及最高使用率药品剂量,以确定需要生产的儿童药片剂量规格。结果 儿童医院常用的单价 >10元的片剂药品共5种,其中希舒美片剂因有儿童专用的干混悬剂剂型,不列入研究范围。其余4种药品单片价格均 >50元,且斯沃片和威凡片单片价格 >300元。莱立康片和威凡片现有规格剂量可以满足儿科临床需求,而斯沃片和全可利片整理使用率均 <10%,不能满足儿科临床实际需求。需要增加100mg规格的斯沃片和7.8mg规格的全可利片。结论 现有的儿童用贵重片剂不能完全满足儿科临床需求,需要进行适当的剂量调整。  相似文献   


The oil refining and petrochemical industries have occupied an important role in Puerto Rico's development strategy since the early 1960s. However, the hopes epitomized in various planning models of highly integrated and diversified oil-based industrial complexes have not been fulfilled. This paper attempts to account for the discrepancy between official expectations and subsequent events in Puerto Rico and indicates some of the lessons for other developing countries.  相似文献   


An interest in culture developed in human geography from its beginning. It was rooted in a conception of 'geography as a science of places, not of men' (Vidal de la Blache), and focused on the study of man/milieu relationships through the analysis of landscapes or genres de vie , the origin and dispersal of agriculture, and the regional diversity of the earth. A neo-Weberian orientation appeared in the 1960s, but the main shift occurred in the 1970s, with the adoption of phenomenological or critical perspectives. The new cultural approach modernises the traditional orientations in the field, explores the meaning that people give to their spatial experience, and introduces new questions about the epistemological foundations of geography as a scientific discipline. In order to understand how society is produced and reproduced and how significance is given to the world, the new approach stresses the role of communication in cultural processes and spatial organisation.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):101-111

Geography became established as a separate discipline in American higher education institutions in the late nineteenth century. The Midwest served as the hearth area from which the discipline diffused outward. The number of new departments grew steadily until the 1960s, when a dramatic increase in the number of establishments took place. Since the 1970s, geography has gone through a period of retrenchment, with the number of new departments decreasing and department closings increasing. Representation of these changes through cartographic techniques clearly depict the establishment, expansion and contractions of geography departments at the college and university level beginning in the late 1800s and concluding with the present decade.  相似文献   


This article examines linkages between recent domestic out-migration from immigrant gateway metropolitan areas and nonmetropolitan migration gains, based on data of the 1990 census, 1996 Current Population Survey, and population estimates for the 1990–1996 period from the Bureau of Census. Our analysis of these data suggests that there is a mirror image of migration patterns between high immigration metropolitan area losses and nonmetropolitan area gains. This is especially evident in the West with the relationship between Los Angeles and San Francisco areas' losses on the one hand, and the region's nonmetropolitan gains on the other. While pre-elderly and elderly retirees have contributed to these nonmetropolitan gains, much of it is attributable to the destination choices of suburban-like populations—Whites with children, not college educated, and with lower incomes—that have been leaving high immigration metropolitan areas. This new, more dispersed form of “White flight” holds the potential for reinvigorating smaller, nonmetropolitan communities, but creating, as well, new demographic divisions across space.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the 'cultural turn' which has taken place in British and to a lesser extent North American and Australian human geography in the last decade. It begins by exploring what constitutes the cultural in what has been dubbed 'new cultural geography'. It then explores contemporary claims that cultural geography has eclipsed or marginalised social geography. The final section evaluates these claims about the demise of the social, arguing that the social has not been evacuated but rather has been redefined. While this paper tells a specific story about a particular tradition and geographical frame of reference, it nonetheless has wider relevance because it provides an example of the differential development of particular sub-disciplinary areas, of the way subdisciplinary knowledges shape each other, and of the way understandings of disciplinary trends are contested.  相似文献   


Spatial barriers to employment limit women's job opportunities, but their effects differ among racial/ethnic minority groups. This study evaluates the degree of spatial mismatch for minority women and men by comparing the commuting times of African American, Latino, and white workers in the New York metropolitan region. Using Public Use Microdata for 1980 and 1990, we perform a partial decomposition analysis to assess the role of spatial mismatch in lengthening commuting times for minority workers. The results show that African American men and women living in the center of the region have poorer spatial access to employment than their white counterparts. In the suburbs, African American women and Latinas suffer no spatial mismatch; rather, their longer commuting times reflect greater reliance on mass transit. Comparison with 1980 findings reveals little change in spatial mismatch over time despite significant economic and social restructuring in the 1980s. Spatial barriers still limit employment prospects for the majority of minority women living at the core of the region.  相似文献   

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