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以京杭大运河长三角地区扬州至杭州段为研究区域,在归纳沿线7个城市运河旅游规划的空间布局、配套设施和线路策划等内容的基础上,分析了其运河旅游开发中存在的问题.提出古运河旅游开发的基本条件:(1)保护古运河遗产;(2)改善水质,控制货运船只;(3)整合城市文脉;(4)丰富古运河旅游内容.通过比较古运河遗产廊道保护模式与古运河旅游点轴开发模式发现:两种模式在实施流程和操作对象上具有内在的一致性;由两种模式形成的古运河保护与开发的空间格局拟合很好,共同构成了古运河旅游开发的基本空间模式.构建了景区、城市和区域3个尺度的运河旅游节点与发展轴线,并指出影响古运河旅游空间范围的因素.  相似文献   

叶俊 《热带地理》2012,32(3):300-306
以田野调查为主,结合观察、座谈、深度访谈等方法,通过考察曼景法旅游社区在旅游规划决策、旅游项目开发、旅游利益分配、社区环境维护等4个方面的参与现状及问题,从5个方面构建其社区参与旅游规划的实现路径:1)识别利益主体和旅游需求:曼景法社区的利益主体由西双版纳州政府、该村村民、游客和周边社区组成,各自的利益诉求决定其参与内容和行为;2)明确旅游规划的战略目标定位:面向自驾车游客、散客及小型团队,以休闲、度假和文化体验为主的“傣家乐”;3)确定社区参与旅游规划的具体途径为:参与旅游项目与产品规划、旅游营销、社区  相似文献   

社区商业问题探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作为一种各大城市都在尝试的商业模式,满足消费需求,提升生活质量,寻求商机,追求利润是社区商业发展的主要动因。社区商业有独立式、沿街式等5种模式。社区商业建设应遵循因地制宜原则,进行集中配置,做好规划与管理。为搞好社区商业,必须树立正确的营销观念,准确的营销定位,合理确定营销组合策略。  相似文献   

后单位时代社区公共性的式微是经济制度转型的社会特征,探究后单位社区的空间演变机制对可持续社区治理具有参考意义。文章桥接列斐伏尔的三元空间结构和布迪厄的4种资本类型,建立基于场域理论实践观上的空间生产研究框架。并以徐矿社区为案例,运用参与式观察和深度访谈的质性方法,分析从“一元连续型网络结构”到“多元离散型团体结构”的多维空间生产过程。结果表明:1)单位到后单位社区转型的空间生产差异机制一方面由单位制向社区制转型的制度变化所形塑,另一方面受现代性的自由流动和管制结构的调整等因素影响。2)后单位社区行动者在居民构成和权力关系的重组中调适惯习,在争夺社区资本的过程中,伴随制度空间的重构、物质空间的改造、社会空间的异化和主体意识的觉醒。3)以居委会为代言的政府话语在空间实践中采取规训策略构建理想的社区空间,与潜在的居民抵抗形成彼此连接但不融通的整体关系。4)后单位社区的空间生产主要由老旧小区改造的地方政策响应、空间生产中的权力博弈与倾斜、单位路径依赖累积与动能缺失、以及现代性流动下的熟人社会松动4种动力驱使。制定以居民为核心的治理目标与对策,促进社区权力的共同享有是未来可持续社区治理的重要导向。  相似文献   

社区商业是城市商业空间的重要组成部分,是以社区范围内的居民为服务对象的属地型商业,最早出现于美国,随后在西方发达国家逐渐兴盛,然后发展到东南亚等新兴工业化国家。目前我国的社区商业仍处于起步价段,发展还较为滞后。本文主要对厦门市瑞景加州这一社区商业中心进行了调研,通过对消费者的问卷调查分析,为瑞景社区商业的进一步发展提供依据,同时为我国社区商业的发展提供一些战略思考。  相似文献   

A crucial element in the foundation of geographic training is field experience and the opportunity to learn how to interpret the landscape. This element of the geographer's background provides a link between theory and reality. To enhance that experience, a place-based project focusing on civic engagement increases the student's understanding of geographic concepts, tools, and techniques while providing a service to a local community. This research proposes a model for developing classroom field experience that engages the student-researchers with a local community to address a community-based issue. A case study examining downtown parking in Laramie, Wyoming, is presented. The case study demonstrates how field experience, civic engagement, and collaborative learning can be incorporated into a classroom  相似文献   

国外发达国家城市社区生活空间结构及其规划的研究表明,从20世纪90年代至今,社区资源的可获性研究已成为城市社会-生活空间研究的焦点。本文基于社区体系结构原理,融合以往关于社区资源可获性的研究成果,探索性地总结出社区资源可获性的评价原理以及社区资源可获性相关的评价原则、内容、方法和指标体系。  相似文献   

This article coins a neologism, place spoofing, to describe the unique transformation of a place when it purposefully replicates another alien place, thereby enabling the residents to live in the vicarious environment of that imitated place. Place spoofing captures how a place disconnects from its indigenous culture and historical heritage during the transformation. This framing enables us to further reflect on the causes of this unique urban development. To deepen our understanding of place spoofing, we elaborate on its connotation, different spoofing strategies, and its goal of delivering an alien sense of place. We further analyze its market price and then discuss the perspective of place spoofing as a type of conspicuous commodity. To put the theoretical framework in context, the xenophilic copycat residential communities in Beijing are examined. Specifically, the copycat communities are sifted out from all available Beijing residential community transactions from an online real estate database. The distribution of copycat communities demonstrates the (re)production of place spoofing in the geographic layout of the city. The empirical results show that the copycat communities tend to have higher prices, implying that the residents pursue an alien sense of place and the symbolic meanings carried by its sentiment. This study also discusses how buyers, developers, and governments react to place spoofing. Overall, place spoofing provides a lens to frame this long-standing, but often neglected, urban development. This article lays the groundwork for geographers to explore the spoofing phenomenon by examining its underlying spatial characteristics, economic benefits, and social implications.  相似文献   

老运河济宁段是国家南水北调东线工程治污规划中的重要控制单元,由于河流自净能力弱及污水处理厂中水的直排使其水质长期超标。为净化水质,利用老运河入湖口现场地形建设人工湿地,以复合潜流湿地为核心,结合表面流+生态稳定塘工艺,拦截污水处理厂的中水,中水经湿地处理后再排入老运河。人工湿地运行后,老运河济宁段水质、生态环境得到较大改善,实现水质稳定达标。  相似文献   

系统梳理了农村社区选址布局的相关研究进展,重新建构社区选址布局的基本原则并予以数学抽象。在此基础上引入泰森多边形和引力模型,以村庄发展潜力、社区最大服务半径为基本控制条件,依托Map Basic平台设计相应算法,分别建立农村社区选址模型和社区服务范围模型,构建了由计算机辅助实现的农村社区选址布局模型系统,并以青岛西海岸地区为实证地区,将模型系统应用于该区域农村社区选址布局规划实践中。研究结果表明,构建的模型系统适应性较强,通过村庄发展潜力与社区空间约束相关联,可有效提高农村社区选址布局规划的科学性与合理性,为当前农村社区建设提供一定的指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper reports results of a qualitative study of community development approaches to heart health promotion in Ontario. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) represents a substantial proportion of the burden of illness experienced by western industrialized countries. Biomedical research has implicated lifestyle choices and socioeconomic conditions as primary determinants of CVD. There has been a resultant shift from curative to preventive/health promoting strategies to reduce this burden of illness. The Canadian Heart Health Initiative-Ontario Project (CHHIOP), a two-stage (quantitative and qualitative) longitudinal study, was designed to address issues of heart health promotion through the investigation and strengthening of community-based heart health activities in both the formal and informal public health systems. The study reported on in this paper forms one part of the qualitative stage and focuses on how community relationships and community development approaches play out in local contexts to shape the reality of (heart) health promotion practice. Analysis of key informant interviews using Ethnograph illustrates the centrality of community context, the lack of a common understanding of key concepts (e.g., community development), and the emergence of a shift in health agencies' ways of doing business characterized by increased partnering and collaboration in the delivery of (heart) health promotion programs. Local perspectives and the dynamics of intra-community relations were allowed to emerge through the use of qualitative approaches implying a need for place-sensitive (heart) health promotion strategies.  相似文献   

SD(semantic differential)法是心理学领域运用于空间感知研究的一种方法。以杭州市为案例城市,模拟SD法在城市社区绿色休闲质量评价中的应用。选择杭州市10个样本社区为研究对象,通过调查居民对所居住社区17项有关绿色休闲质量的满意度,运用SD法刻画居民对社区空间休闲感知的基本印象,进而运用SPSS分析评价社区空间绿色休闲质量的5大因子及因子间的关系。居民在评价其居住社区的绿色休闲质量状况时,感知因子贡献率最大,即提高社区绿色休闲质量的关键是增强社区休闲活动与空间所提供的放松与美感层面的功能。  相似文献   

The first significant government sponsored community‐based forest management project in Australia was initiated in Central Victoria in 2002. This paper analyses the initial stage of the Wombat Community Forest Management Pilot Project. The paper develops a functional concept of ‘effective community’ for structuring community engagement in these kinds of natural resource management projects. The effective community has characteristics in common with a community of interest, adopts a bioregional perspective, embodies the values of environmental stewardship and interacts in a fully informed way as a ‘discursive community’ (Meppam 2000 Meppam, T. 2000. ‘The discursive community: evolving institutional structures for planning sustainability’, Ecological Economics, 34: 4761.  [Google Scholar]). The paper offers general advice for organising effective community engagement in such projects and 12 recommendations for governments developing similar initiatives elsewhere.  相似文献   

从公共安全风险评估基本概念辨析入手,将公共安全风险评估指标体系分为风险源危险性、风险受体暴露、社区应对能力和居民风险认知4个层次,并通过突变级数法定量评估社区公共安全风险。以东莞市虎门镇赤岗社区为例对其进行了社区公共安全风险评估,利用归一公式进行综合量化递归运算,求出其风险综合评估值为0.295,表明该社区公共安全风险很低,社区公共安全很好。基于突变级数法的社区公共安全风险评估,从主观和客观两个层面选取评估指标,特别强调了居民风险认知的作用,并发挥了突变级数法的优势,评估结果可准确地反映社区公共安全状况。  相似文献   

欠发达地区社区旅游研究--以湖南省邵阳市为例   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
文章探讨了社区旅游的特点,社区旅游开发的基本原则及欠发达地区开展社区旅游的重要性,提出了典型的欠发达地区-邵阳市社区旅游开发的措施。  相似文献   

解芳芳  孙洁  刘风豹 《热带地理》2020,40(6):1039-1050
以台湾中和社区为案例,采用访谈法与介入式观察法,通过社会建构与人文主义两种视角,关注宏观社会结构与个体行动者两种力量对地方性形成的影响,探讨了社区营造的地方性特征及其建构机制。研究表明:中和社区营造的地方性表现在都市近郊的区位、社区营造实践地点及活动、参与者与观光者的地方感3个方面;中和地方性建构过程则经历3个阶段:首先,弱地方性引起了社区营造参与者与广大社会的反身性;其次,在社区营造政策的推动下,社区营造参与者在日常生活中推动社区营造,促进地方性的生产与再生产;最后,地方性的营造结果吸引了社会资本与人力资本的再投入,强化了地方性的持续生产,并创造了进步的地方性,也间接强化了乡村自治能力。  相似文献   

新型农村社区是一种介于城镇和农村之间的创新型、现代化空间行政单元,它一般整合多个自然村集中建设,对城乡一体化进程有着重要的推动作用。以河南省武陟县为案例,在新型农村社区规划过程中,利用因子分析等方法,对武陟县342个行政村进行影响因子的筛选、评分和排序,得出区域自然地理条件、人口和社会环境等各项条件对其发展潜力的影响,并由此得出各村的综合评分,确定村庄的发展条件,作为社区中心选择的依据。此方法在新型农村社区规划前期分析及居民点布局中起到基础和关键的作用。  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the operation of a simple optimal location-allocation technique for solving the problem of locating one or several community recycling center(s) within a residential area. The article attempts to measure both transportation and externality costs in comparable units, and to incorporate them into the model. A sensitivity analysis of the results at the level of the nuisance provides further insight into the operation of the model and the relative importance of the quantification of pollution in applied location-allocation problems.  相似文献   

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