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This article presents an extensive comparative review of the emergence and application of geodemographics in both the United States and United Kingdom, situating them as an extension of earlier empirically driven models of urban socio-spatial structure. The empirical and theoretical basis for this generalization technique is also considered. Findings demonstrate critical differences in both the application and development of geodemographics between the United States and United Kingdom resulting from their diverging histories, variable data economies, and availability of academic or free classifications. Finally, current methodological research is reviewed, linking this discussion prospectively to the changing spatial data economy in both the United States and United Kingdom.  相似文献   

The economic geography of United States’ institutional investments as of December 2010 is presented. With a self-declared value of almost $13 trillion, it is the largest class of equity investors. Included are all investors who file Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) form 13f, meaning they manage at least $100 million. Analysis is undertaken at both the firm and metropolitan levels. The largest firms and targets of investment are determined. Geographic concentrations of both investors and their major stock holdings occur in a small subset (the top 10 largest metropolitan areas). The rates of returns on investments are shown to differ by metropolitan area of investment and by urban rank in the urban hierarchy. Intra-metropolitan investment provides worse rates of returns, countering suggestions of informational advantages for local investment. The network of interurban investments shows a clear hierarchical structure, with New York City being the dominant investment centre.  相似文献   

The Geography of Religious Diversity in the United States   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Religious pluralism is an important and contested topic within the literature on religion. This article explores the spatiality of religious diversity in the United States. It opens with a summary of major conceptual perspectives on the causes and consequences of religious diversity. Second, to unpack the geography of U.S. religious diversity, the article uses Glenmary and Polis data for 2000 to construct four indexes of diversity and presents these results with both choropleth maps and Dorling cartograms. It explores the relation between the distribution of denominations and county population size. The analysis reveals that the most diverse regions include the Pacific Northwest, a broad belt stretching from Denver to Pittsburgh, and central Florida, and the least diverse parts are dominated by Mormons, Baptists, and Catholics. Indexes more sophisticated than the simple number of denominations per county are sensitive to the internal configuration of adherents and reflect a more complex relationship in which population size is not assured of generating greater degrees of religious diversity.  相似文献   


The agricultural system in West Pakistan is largely subsistence-oriented, and extensive areas are devoted to produce the low-value crops. Only a small portion of the total cropped area is used to raise cash crops. However, there are regional differences in cropland use in the province. The study focuses on regional variations in the cropping patterns in West Pakistan by establishing the crop combination areas. The crop combination areas also point out a land-use distinction between the areas. Also, the changes in some of the important crops in terms of their land occupancy in the area during the fifteen-year period have been analyzed.  相似文献   

A tremendous amount of attention has been given to the aging of population that is occurring in many parts of the world. However, very little work has focused upon the aging of minority populations. Because minority populations often have greater needs for health care and fewer resources to pay for it, it is important to assess the demand for services. This paper takes an initial step in that direction by focusing upon the geographic distribution of elderly minority populations in the United States. The study is carried out at several spatial scales, and it is concluded that elderly minority populations tend to be even more segregated than their non-elderly counterparts.  相似文献   

Deregulation introduced by the 1996 Telecommunications Act brought unprecedented change to broadcasting, including the consolidation of independent radio stations within mega-networks. Acting in response to decreasing diversity in station ownership, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) launched low-power FM (LPFM) radio in 2000. In the FCC's vision, thousands of community-based radio stations would serve local needs and increase diversity in programming and station ownership. However, despite its potential for serving urban minorities and improving connections between stations and local communities, fewer than 1,200 LPFM radio stations were established between February 2000 and July 2007. In this article we examine the distribution of LPFM stations, efforts by full-power broadcasters to limit LPFM expansion, and groups that have benefited most from the LPFM initiative. Our findings reveal that few LPFM stations have been established in densely populated urban areas that are subject to spectrum crowding. In lieu of helping inner-city minorities, the main beneficiaries of LPFM have been white Americans living in rural areas. Although civic and community organizations have been successful in establishing stations, the greatest number of LPFM stations are operated by religious organizations. This study can be viewed within a broader framework involving diverging interests of national corporations and small communities.  相似文献   

The Western periphery constitutes one of the primary electoral sections of the United States in presidential history. The Western periphery, although at times volatile, emerged as a Republican stronghold beginning with Dwight Eisenhower's regional electoral sweeps in the 1950s. This electoral epoch of Republican popularity in the West has been referred to as the new Western normal vote. Despite long-sustained presidential successes, since the 1988 presidential election, Democratic presidential candidates have been able to win certain states in the Republican-dominated region. This research examines the historical dynamics of Republican support in the West by identifying shifts in voting behavior between past and present epochs. We attempt to explain recent changes by exploring the historical character of the West, its demographic dynamics, and the recent turbulence within the Republican Party. County-level election returns from 1952 to 2016 are used, along with traditional and folded T-mode factor analysis, spatial regression modeling, and cartographic analysis. We conclude that the region's normal vote is deteriorating, a new electoral pattern is emerging, and these developments correspond with increasing volatility within the Republican Party.  相似文献   

Migration is primarily motivated by economic reasons, but people also move for a variety of other purposes, including a desire for political and economic freedom. Although freedoms are often thought of as dominant reasons for international migration in political states with federal systems of governments, migration across internal political borders also takes place to take advantage of local differences in political and economic regulations, taxes, and public goods. Using the combined Internal Revenue Service/Census Bureau state-to-state migration data for 1995 to 2010, we examine the relationship between economic freedom and migration and its impact on state-level income change. We find that economic freedom is positively associated with income change due to net migration but not associated with gains or losses from income differences between in- and outmigrants. In general, states with higher or lower levels of economic freedom gained or lost income due to migration.  相似文献   

<正> 美国是世界上第四大林业国,现有森林资源3.2亿公顷,森林覆盖率约为33%。近100年来,美国林业经历了毁林造田-植被恢复-过度采伐-休养生息,恢复发展和建立稳定的生态  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):156-178
Hundreds of municipalities and counties across the United States have proposed or implemented immigration policies at the local level, ranging from "sanctuary" policies to those designed to exclude undocumented immigrants. Data collected on these policies are presented, and statistically analyzed at the municipal level to interrogate existing hypotheses about factors driving these policy decisions. Municipalities experiencing rapid growth of their foreign-born population and with a high percentage of owner-occupied housing are more likely to introduce exclusionary policies, whereas municipalities with better educated populations are more likely to adopt inclusionary policies. The location of municipalities in the U.S. South and outside central cities is also associated with exclusionary policies. Textual analysis of policy documents for selected municipalities provides insight into why similarly located places adopt contrasting policies. Local ordinances reflect contrasting local imaginaries of race, nation, and place.  相似文献   

2000年以来,随着中国外向型经济的快速发展,以及中美经贸合作伙伴关系的不断深化,中国 对美国直接投资规模持续扩大,至2012年,美国已成为接收中国对外直接投资最大的国家。利用地理集中指数和空间自相关,以美国50个州和哥伦比亚特区为研究单元,分析2000-2014年中国对美国直接投资的时空演变过程及发展趋势。结果表明:①2000年以来COFDI在美国地域分布的不平衡程度有所下降,整体逐渐趋向均衡;②美国吸收COFDI的区域差异较大,南部地区总量领先但增速较慢,东北部、中西部、西部地区实力平均但增速较快,整体差距逐渐缩小;③在空间分布上,呈现由沿海向内陆,由南部向中西部扩散的趋势,表现为“以点带线,多点成面”的时空演化过程;④总体来看,COFDI的空间分布存在较弱的空间自相关性,集聚程度尚不显著,呈现“集聚--随机分布--离散”的空间形态,局部区域形成“冷、热区”的分化。  相似文献   

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