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Agricultural change in Southeast Asia over the last three decades is reviewed within the context of structural change of the region's economies. An agricultural typology is outlined and the degree to which agricultural systems have remained static is examined leading to the identification of various kinds and degrees of change amongst the systems – extensification, intensification and disintensification. The paper concludes that while macro-level structural change is the basic process driving changes in agriculture, there remain important issues of long-term sustainability, poverty and distribution of benefits.  相似文献   

In a polycentric world, cities increasingly bear responsibility for implementing climate policies. To do so, they establish transnational city networks (TCNs), which produce ambitious imaginaries of the future of cities, such as ‘smart cities’ or ‘resilient cities’, based on ecological knowledge. This paper analyses Southeast Asian (SEA) cities’ participation in TCNs. First, this paper presents city networks operating in SEA. Then, drawing on a case study of Quezon City, this paper shows how SEA cities often position themselves in the network as knowledge consumers rather than (co)producers and prefer to learn from cities in the Global North. This research also shows how TCNs—with limited success—seek to counter this neo-colonial knowledge flow model. The paper contributes to the literature on TCNs, arguing that the ongoing North–South imbalance needs to be addressed if networks are to promote viable models of future SEA cities. Identifying the patterns of knowledge flows inside TCNs, this study argues that networks should assist cities in imagining possible city futures beyond the experiences of the select world and global cities. TCNs should pay more attention to supporting their SEA members in looking ‘outwards’ to comparable cities worldwide rather than merely ‘upwards’ to global and mega-cities.  相似文献   

李兵  彭飞 《世界地理研究》2021,30(6):1127-1139
基于GDELT将地缘关系分解为冲突与合作两方面,探讨中国与东南亚国家间地缘关系的演变特征、驱动因素和规律。首先采用有序聚类将1979—2019年中国与东南亚国家间地缘关系划分时间阶段,其次利用社会网络和社区探索分析法探究12国的结构关系,最后运用香农熵均衡度计算分析中国与东南亚国家的双边关系。发现:中国及东南亚国家间地缘关系呈现出阶段性且循序渐进的演变过程,经历三个演变阶段,各阶段各国的合作与冲突大体呈相似趋势变动,冲突比合作变动更为剧烈,中国的合作和冲突随着东南亚国家对中国经济依赖程度的加深而增多;地理空间集中且相邻的国家更易组成同一社区,12国的网络关系整体以合作为主,地缘合作联系由同一社区内各国间演变为各个社区间更紧密,中国逐渐成为网络核心,合作范围有所扩大,而冲突集中在与中国有南海争端的个别国家;各阶段突出的双边关系及其驱动因素各异,但中越关系和南海问题是主要矛盾,经济利益是推动地缘关系演进的助推剂;短期内南海问题仍会引发局部冲突,但长期来看合作共赢趋势更明显,以中国为核心的合作范围将涵盖东南亚11国。  相似文献   

为分析“一带一路”倡议影响下我国西南地区与东南亚国家地缘经济关系的时空演化特征及其对双边贸易的影响机理,基于欧氏距离法对地缘经济关系进行测算,并通过扩展引力模型分析地缘经济关系和物流绩效的对外贸易效应。结果表明:西南四省份对东南亚国家的经济依赖程度较高,但地缘经济关系以竞争型为主,且竞争性随时间演化整体上呈逐年减弱的趋势;地缘经济关系对双边贸易具有抑制作用,其阻碍系数在“一带一路”倡议实施后呈下降的趋势;国际物流绩效因子对双边贸易的影响呈现明显的阶段性特征,“一带一路”倡议实施前其影响强度较小且不显著,而实施后表现为显著为正。  相似文献   

Opposition to neoliberal globalisation has been especially intense since the Asian crisis. This paper assesses three responses to the crisis: a broad localist reaction in Thailand, and the approaches adopted by two major Asian-based organisations, the Third World Network (TWN) and the Focus on the Global South. The discussion of these approaches focuses on the issues of nationalism and populism; dependency; industrialisation and the state; and liberalisation, international institutions, and local society. Their critiques range from the conservative populism of the localists, to reformism of TWN, and to the more radical "deglobalisation" approach of the Focus group. However, none have been able to free themselves of the influence of dependency models. Their populism and "progressive nationalism" prevents an accurate location of the causes of exploitation in capitalist processes. This paper questions whether the national-global dichotomy of these approaches is an adequate way to conceptualise capitalist production and exploitation in the era of globalisation.  相似文献   

以中国企业2005~2015年对东南亚直接投资的项目作为研究样本,分析国有企业和民营企业在东南亚直接投资的国家选择和影响因素。研究表明,国有企业不回避政治风险较高的国家,倾向于开拓新的国家市场;相反,民营企业倾向投资政治风险低的国家,投资与中国贸易联系紧密、相对市场规模较大以及劳动力成本较低的国家。基于国有企业和民营企业对东南亚直接投资影响因素的差异,为中国对东南亚直接投资提出政策建议。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(7):429-435

This paper is a response to the two-fold thesis of Bartz; namely, that (1) maps are not really important in our society today, and (2) educators say that they value maps and mapping, but the evidence of children's performance in using maps is contradictory. In exploring problems related to Bartz's contention, the author arrives at four tentative conclusions :

  1. A child can and does learn many but not all of the map concepts and skills at an earlier age when taught them developmentally, systematically, functionally, and effectively.

  2. Mere manipulation of materials does not constitute a concrete experience for a child.

  3. Map-related concepts must be taught prior to, and continued concurrently with, map skills.

  4. The commercially prepared map tends to appear near the highest level of abstract mapping and is therefore not necessarily the most effective means of map instruction for the elementary teacher.

A most significant implication from the conclusions is the need to re-examine the preparation of the elementary teacher. If the focus of the education of a teacher moves in the direction outlined in this paper, Bartz's premise could be reversed.  相似文献   

The implications of increasing urbanization in Southeast Asia are considered using U.N. projections of urban growth. Issues discussed include the urban bias in development, informal sector development, the provision of urban services, and urban poverty and inequality. Policy dilemmas are examined in terms of these issues and of the increasing internationalization of the urbanization experience and the changing division of labor worldwide.  相似文献   

This article recounts information gleaned from a case study of three indigenous tribes in Taiwan regarding the origin and nature of their spatial knowledge. Sketched mental maps and GIS 3D virtual environment (VE) are used by indigenous elders and hunters to delineate their traditional territories. Spatial components representing the predominant spatial elements are identified. Spatial structures used for locational positioning are analyzed, as are spatial reference systems for orientation and movement. The results show that spatial components are used for daily activities, as well as having historical and cultural meaning; a quadrant structure is used for spatial positioning; and instead of using the directional reference system of east, south, west, and north, these indigenous people rely on the orientation analogies of uphill, downhill, upstream, and downstream for direction.  相似文献   

The 2001 census count of Indigenous Australians produced an intercensal change in numbers that cannot be explained by demographic processes alone. Using census and vital registration data, this paper unravels the components of such change and provides new insight into Indigenous population dynamics. In particular, it establishes the first estimates of proximate determinants of fertility, and extends mortality analysis by examining the components of low Indigenous life expectancy. Results show that demographic factors account for only 69 per cent of population change. Of these components, national Indigenous fertility is found to be below replacement level, while lack of convergence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous mortality remains. As Indigenous socio-economic circumstances are spatially diverse, the paper also explores the geography of demographic processes using data for 36 ATSIC regions and capital city/balance of State classifications. This reveals continued high fertility across parts of north Australia and an indication that mortality levels are associated with degree of urban residence.  相似文献   

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