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Regional survey courses are often perceived as ancillary to the systematic foci taught by geography programs. This situation stands in contrast to the recent recovery of place and region as key elements in the practice and theory of geography. In this article, I outline one possible approach for bridging the gap between regional geography's revival in theory and research and its instruction in the classroom. This approach is described in the context of a survey course about the former Soviet Union—a region where the conventional boundaries of place have been severely questioned by political, economic, and social upheavals.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):185-195

Kolb's experiential learning theory is one of the best known educational theories in higher education. The theory presents a way of structuring a session or a whole course using a learning cycle. The different stages of the cycle are associated with distinct learning styles. Individuals differ in their preferred learning styles, and recognizing this is the first stage in raising students' awareness of the alternative approaches possible. This article presents some case studies of ways in which the theory can be applied in university geography.  相似文献   

中国地理学的二元结构   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
刘云刚  许学强 《地理科学》2008,28(5):587-593
中国地理学的发展成就有目共睹,但是,在繁荣的表象背后也蕴藏着许多问题,其中最突出是中国地理学的二元结构。中国地理学正在分化为以西方地理学理论和方法论为指导的"外生地理学"和根植于本土实践的"内生地理学"两个部分,而这两个部分之间缺乏交融。中国的内生地理学需要用科学的实证方法进行规范,而外生地理学也需要更扎实的本土实证来进行充实,这其中尤其需要关注建设的是区域地理学。中国需要发展基于本土实证,同时使用科学方法的地理学研究。这是社会发展对地理学的需求所在,也是地理学学科发展之需。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):167-174

Geography increasingly relies on training of professionals who can apply geographic concepts to solve real-world problems. The planning profession for years has been training professionals to work in the area of community planning. Planning programs typically include experiential learning modules throughout the curriculum. This article looks at how community planning approaches can be incorporated into geography programs in lower level courses to: (1) provide exposure to practical applications of geographic concepts; (2) give students experience with team dynamics; and (3) provide students with experience in real-world client relations. Advantages and challenges of experiential learning are identified and discussed. An example of an experiential learning exercise adapted from a planning application is presented. The exercise was developed to enhance learning in a geography curriculum.  相似文献   

Pasta is as much an institution as a food in Italy, where it has made a significant contribution to national culture. Its historical geography is one of strong regional variations based on climate, social factors, and diffusion patterns. These are considered herein; a taxonomy of pasta types is presented and illustrated in a series of maps that show regional variations. The classification scheme divides pasta into eight classes based on morphology and, where appropriate, filling. These include the spaghetti and tubular families, pasta shells, ribbon forms, short pasta, very small or “micropasta” types, the ravioli family of filled pasta, and the dumpling family, which includes gnocchi. Three patterns of diffusion of pasta types are identified: by sea, usually from the Mezzogiorno and Sicily, locally through adjacent regions, and outwards from the main centers of adoption. Many dry pasta forms are native to the south and center of Italy, while filled pasta of the ravioli family predominates north of the Apennines. Changes in the geography of pasta are reviewed and analyzed in terms of the modern duality of culture and commercialism.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):251-260

This article is an overview of the curriculum reform in Switzerland in the 1990s. It describes the grass-roots reform process in geography education in upper secondary schools and its impact on the development of new teaching materials. These ancillary materials are based on teaching methods and strategies, the effectiveness of which are empirically shown by results. The teaching units complement the thematic and methodological aims in the national curriculum and the federal regulations and were designed through a partnership of teachers, teacher educators and scientists. They can be translated directly into the practice of teaching and are available free to teachers through the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

Pasta is as much an institution as a food in Italy, where it has made a significant contribution to national culture. Its historical geography is one of strong regional variations based on climate, social factors, and diffusion patterns. These are considered herein; a taxonomy of pasta types is presented and illustrated in a series of maps that show regional variations. The classification scheme divides pasta into eight classes based on morphology and, where appropriate, filling. These include the spaghetti and tubular families, pasta shells, ribbon forms, short pasta, very small or “micropasta” types, the ravioli family of filled pasta, and the dumpling family, which includes gnocchi. Three patterns of diffusion of pasta types are identified: by sea, usually from the Mezzogiorno and Sicily, locally through adjacent regions, and outwards from the main centers of adoption. Many dry pasta forms are native to the south and center of Italy, while filled pasta of the ravioli family predominates north of the Apennines. Changes in the geography of pasta are reviewed and analyzed in terms of the modern duality of culture and commercialism.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the efficacy of geospatial technology (GT) learning experiences in two geography curriculum courses to determine their effectiveness for developing preservice teacher confidence and preparing preservice teachers to incorporate GT in their teaching practices. Surveys were used to collect data from preservice teachers at three intervals over one semester. Results indicate preservice teachers' confidence and competencies to successfully integrate GT in their teaching increased over the duration of the study. The findings highlight the value of providing GT learning experiences in geography curriculum courses and contribute to the literature on preparing preservice teachers to incorporate GT in teaching geography.  相似文献   

已有的地理学原理可以概括成十四大要义。其中的"区位选择与放弃、区位选择是一种空间优化"这两条是关于区位选择的基本要义。关于地球表面差异性的要点包括:"差异性的度量和解释受到尺度和规模的影响;热力差异是地表差异的基础;外驱动力对地理环境的形成与演变具有重要影响;风化、侵蚀、搬运和堆积是形成地表特性的一种基本自然过程;两地间的相互作用随其距离的增加而减小;地方的创造和发展建构了地球表层上差异化的关于人的世界;人口迁移、产品贸易与地表上的差异性互为因果。"关于人地关系的原理包括:"人的个体或群体对空间上利益的竞争是人地关系的第一要义;地球表面的绝大多数要素的相互作用不能为人的个体或群体在其占据的空间内所掌控"。"空间临界点"是地理分析的基本方法性原理。"地球表面不同尺度上人类活动的外部性是分析环境问题产生的起点;个人之间观念的差异,地区之间、国家之间利益的差异是人们在对地球资源、环境的利用与保护方面发生分歧或对立的基本因素"是关涉地球表面开发保护政策的要义。  相似文献   

中国东北地区城市地理基本框架   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
王士君  宋飏 《地理学报》2006,61(6):874-584
从东北地区城市地理框架的形成和演变过程出发,对东北地区城市体系框架、中心城市和大都市区、城市群和城市组群等城市地理问题进行了研究。结果表明,东北地区城市地理框架的形成演变过程分为三个时期,即古代城镇形成时期-近代城市形成时期-现代城镇体系形成发展时期。将城市体系结构框架归纳为:自上而下先快后缓的城市化进程,“弱金字塔”型的等级规模结构,沿铁路分布的“T”型空间结构,由“单一”向“新型”发展的城市职能结构。东北地区以哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、大连为中心城市的“四城市时代”已经到来,三省GDP向四城市高度集中,并且依托四市正在形成发展为“大哈尔滨”、“大长春”、“沈阳经济区”和“大大连”四个大都市区。作为城市化发展到一定阶段的产物,东北地区的城市群和城市组群也发育得相对完备而密集,已初步形成“三圈”的基本格局,即辽中南城市群以及吉中、哈大齐等2个大型城市组群。  相似文献   

Whereas the global march towards the professional development of geography teachers in schools was, perhaps, the major achievement in geography education of the twentieth century, promoting the professional development of faculty teaching geography in higher education is one of the major challenges that faces us in geography education for the twenty‐first century. What little educational development is currently provided for faculty teaching in universities is largely generic. There is a need for a disciplinary specific component in educational development, both for the initial training of faculty and for their continuing professional development. This article explores how the professional development of faculty is related to the international debate about developing the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. It reviews some recent initiatives, particularly from the United States and the United Kingdom, and examines the role of national associations and international networks in supporting faculty teaching geography in higher education. Some of the challenges involved in professionalizing teaching geography in higher education are discussed. The article ends with some suggestions for promoting lifelong professional development in geography in higher education nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

当代地理学发展与地理课程教学改革对世界地理类课程提出新要求。《世界自然地理》课程以促进学生素质全面和谐发展为导向确定课程教学目标,以全球性、综合性、应用性为重点构建课程教学内容,以审美欣赏、专题研讨、信息素养、地图素养为特色改革课程教学方法,以综合评价、发展性评价、激扬个性为追求改革课程教学评价,有助于该课程更好适应改革发展的需要。  相似文献   

In 1994, support for European Union (EU) membership was highly variable across Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The “no” vote was strongest in rural areas eligible for substantial EU subsidies. Moreover, the majority voted against EU membership in Norway. To explain these outcomes, this article focuses on the ways in which local and national differences mediated interpretations of the issues raised during the campaign. The analysis highlights important forces shaping northern Europe today and their implications for the EU in the years ahead.  相似文献   

回顾了中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所(以下简称地理资源所)历史地理学科组成独立学科建制以来的半个多世纪中,在历史自然地理、历史人文地理、历史区域地理与历史地图编绘等方面所开展的大量工作;尤其是在历史自然地理和历史区域地理研究方面更具优势,硕果累累,在国内外有广泛影响.在对历史地理学未来研究进行展望时,特别指出由于地理资...  相似文献   

中国的世界地理研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜德斌  冯春萍 《地理科学进展》2011,30(12):1519-1526
本文总结近年来中国地理学家在世界地理学科领域的研究进展,并分析指出其存在的问题及未来的发展方向。近年来,地缘政治日益成为世界地理学者研究的热点领域,研究成果涉及地缘政治学相关理论,世界热点地区的地缘政治格局变化趋势以及大国与周边地区地缘政治形势对中国的影响等;国际投资和跨国公司地理一直是世界地理学者关注的重点领域,近年来尤其在跨国公司研发全球化问题的研究方面取得了一些重要成果;此外,在世界城市和区域发展的实证研究以及全球资源与环境治理方面也有不少成果。由于种种原因,当前我国世界地理学科的发展尚存在许多问题,一是研究力量薄弱,二是研究水平不高,三是研究经费严重不足。这三方面的问题互为因果,致使世界地理学科的发展处境每况愈下。为此,作者提出振兴世界地理学科的行动计划,包括组织举办“地理学与中国全球战略高层论坛”;加强全球性重大问题的专题研究;加强周边国家以及与我国经济关系密切国家的综合研究等。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的区域地理学创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
区域地理学研究充分体现了地理学的地域性和综合性,并不断将自然科学与社会科学结合起来综合研究区域中出现的务种实践问题。知识经济的来临将从多方面影响区域地理不研究,也将为其提供新的研究领域。因此,区域地理学需要创新、扩展自身的研究领域并不断提高解决实际问题的能力,以适应知识经济时代的要求。文章探索性地提出了知识经济时代区域发展的四大驱动力和区域地理学的创新方向。  相似文献   

尹国蔚 《热带地理》2011,31(6):645-648
世界遗产的内容与人文地理学的研究范畴极为相似.从类型上看,世界文化遗产、双重遗产与文化景观,以及人类非物质文化遗产代表作都包含不同成分的人文要素在内;世界遗产内容的构成与人文地理教科书的结构相似,二者的研究对象互相包容,教学宗旨同一.作为最佳例证,世界遗产应该在历史地理、文化地理、旅游地理及人地关系等人文地理各分支学科...  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3-4):169-172

The new Advanced Placement (AP) human geography course is a wonderful opportunity to ensure the availability of high quality geographic education for high school students. As with any course, in addition to the students' interest and ability, their success is also closely linked to the teachers' preparation. In order to be as well prepared as possible, most AP human geography teachers want and need to know several things in addition to the course content. Questions addressed include how to promote the course, who to promote it to, necessary geographic background for both students and teachers, recommended texts and other resources, how to prepare students for the examination, and how to incorporate the course into the school curriculum.  相似文献   

迎接中国地理学进入发展的新阶段   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
中国地理学的发展经历了漫长而辉煌的古代、短暂而平淡的近代和复兴昌盛的现代3个阶段,为了迎接中国地理学进入21世纪发展的新阶段,作者认为必须强调做好以下几个方面的工作:(1)改革地理教育;(2)提高资源与环境的研究水平;(3)认真为农业服务;(4)重视区域研究;(5)加强理论研究。  相似文献   

This article reports on the possibilities and challenges of starting problem-oriented learning in geography lessons. The article focuses on the features of motivating problems, because one of the essential functions of the problem to start with is to animate learners to solve it. The analysis of various introductions to problem-oriented learning of geographic topics in primary schools shows that generating a cognitive dissonance is highly suitable for inducing a desire to learn. As a motivating role relative to the problem, the helper and expert roles were seen as being ideal.  相似文献   

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