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基于多智能体的居住区位空间选择模型   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
多智能体系统(Multi-Agent system, MAS) 是一种进行复杂系统分析与模拟的强有力工具,尤其在社会科学领域得到了广泛的应用。本文提出了基于多智能体的居住区位选择模型(Agent-Based Model of Residential Location-ABMRL),将多智能体建模的方法应用于居民居住区位决策行为和地价动态变化的研究中,旨在探索与模拟居民在居住选择过程中的复杂空间决策行为,以及居民之间、居民与地理环境的相互作用而导致城市居住空间分异的演化过程。ABMRL模型由表征各类居民的多智能体层和表征地理环境的元胞自动层组成,对应人地关系中的两个基本要素--人类与自然环境。该模型认为居民迁居的动力源于内部的经济社会压力和外部的居住环境刺激。利用ABMRL模型模拟和验证了居住空间分异、圈层城市空间结构、城市绅士化等经典城市理论,并以广州市海珠区为实验区,模拟了该区域居民居住空间分异的演化过程和地价的动态变化。  相似文献   

焦华富  吕祯婷 《地理科学》2010,30(3):336-342
运用评价模型对芜湖市各个片区的居住区位进行了评价,利用问卷调查方式所获取的资料对芜湖市居民的居住满意度和择居意向进行了分析,并探讨了居住区位优势度对商品房价格的空间分异、居民居住满意度、居民择居偏好区位的影响。结果表明,处于芜湖市中心的城中片区在居住区位方面的优势最高;其次是镜湖北片区;再次是城南片区、城东片区、开发区片区;三山片区最次。可见对一个拥有中等规模,新区刚刚开发的城市而言,发展历程越久的片区,其区位优势越强,且商品房价格越高,居民的居住满意度越高,更成为居民理想的择居区位。  相似文献   

基于生态位理论的居住区位及居住空间分异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将生态位理论应用于居住区研究,家庭月收入、户主文化程度作为居住态评价因素,交通条件、区位、生活条件、自然环境作为居住势评价因素,构建居住生态位评价模型.该模型在对居住区评价时更好的体现居民因素,比先前区位评价方法更为全面,能更好的解释由于居民因素变化而导致的居住区位变化.对大连建成区37个街道进行居住态、居住势、居住生态位评价,并以居住生态位为切入点,分析不同居住生态位等级的街道居住态及居住势状况,探究居住生态位、居住势、居住态空间分布规律及空间相互关系.进一步研究居住态,从居住态角度分析大连居住空间分异.最后得出结论为大连市居住生态位呈现以中心繁华城区为核心由中心向外围的环带状分布,居住态呈现由东南向西北递减的趋势.高低值区域交错布局空间分布状况,大连市居住空间分异与居住生态位区位分布不完全一致.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1163-1191
Although theoretical studies have contended that telecommuting could cause residential relocation to peripheral areas, empirical evidence regarding this argument is scant and inconclusive. Moreover, previous studies have given little consideration to telecommuters' job locations. Using data from the 2006 Seoul Metropolitan Area Household Travel Survey, this study investigates the relationships between telecommuting and residential location, considering job location. Regression results suggest that telecommuter households are indeed more likely to reside in outlying areas, consistent with theory. However, this does not necessarily mean that telecommuting facilitates living in outlying areas, nor, conversely, that long commutes stimulate telecommuting: causality cannot be established with these data. But contrary to both hypotheses, the result partially arises from the fact that firms allowing telecommuting also tend to be located in peripheral areas, with telecommuters having shorter commute distances compared to office workers. Consequently, issues regarding telesprawl need to be discussed considering the distribution of telecommuting-conducive occupations.  相似文献   

城市居民住宅区位选择的因子分析   总被引:48,自引:6,他引:48  
随着我国住房制度的改革 ,城市居民个人消费成为我国房地产市场的消费主体 ,居民对住宅区位选择行为由过去的被动接受转变为主动选择。本文主要研究在这种新的住房制度下 ,影响城市居民住宅区位选择的因子。作者认为 ,房价的高低、住宅区位的交通通达性、环境条件是决定城市居民住宅区位选择的客观条件 ,居民自身的社会、经济、文化等特征、以及对不同住宅区位和环境的偏好也左右着住宅区位选择过程和结果。  相似文献   

村镇住区选址评价探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据对国内外村镇住区选址影响因素的综合分析及实际调研,认为影响村镇住区选址的主要因素是地质、地形地貌、水源、生态环境、耕作半径、区位和对外交通等。基于此,选取了由18项指标层、8项准则层和1项目标层构成的递阶层次结构村镇住区选址评价指标体系,运用层次分析法确定指标权重,采用加权平均法计算村镇住区选址评价综合指数,将村镇住区选址类型区分为适宜区、较适宜区和不适宜区三种,并以案例对村镇住区选址评价指标体系进行具体应用。  相似文献   


Past studies have suggested that white attitudes toward mixed-race neighborhoods in northern metropolises vary spatially. Nonetheless, conflicting hypotheses exist in regard to the nature of these spatial patterns and explanations for them. Data gathered within the Kalamazoo Urbanized Area indicate that white attitudes are significantly related to both: 1) the level of interaction between whites and blacks, and 2) the distance between residence and the Negro neighborhood. Attitudes tend to be more favorable with higher interaction levels, and they tend to be less favorable as distance from the Negro neighborhood increases. When control is made for interaction, the relationship between attitude and distance is greatly weakened, indicating that interaction is the dominant variable. That does not eliminate the spatial component, however, because the racial interaction patterns in Kalamazoo are strongly related to distance from the black residential areas.  相似文献   

Youths have increasingly experienced labor market problems over the last several decades. One fruitful line of explanation focuses on structural changes in the demand for labor stemming from deindustrialization, changing skill requirements for employees, and increasing supply competition from women and recent immigrants. While these explanations merit attention, they have not adequately considered facts that condition their impact. This paper considers the argument that intra-metropolitan residential location conditions the effects of metropolitan labor market structure on black and white male youths' employment probabilities. Using a sample of individual-level data drawn from the 1990 census combined with metropolitan-level indicators of economic structure, it was found that some structural effects varied between central-city and suburban male youths. The conditioning role of residential location, and the subsequent nature of the structural effects, varied considerably between black and white male youths. Interpretations of the conditioning role of residential location include a variety of social and institutional effects on individual residents and the stigmatizing effects of some neighborhoods, especially on black male youths.  相似文献   

This article examines the intraurban geography of craft breweries in ten cities across the United States. First, through an exhaustive literature review, we outline both supply- and demand-side factors that might cause craft breweries to cluster. Second, we empirically test whether these establishments tend to cluster within cities using spatial statistical techniques. Many communities are attempting to support the establishment of more craft breweries as a way to boost tourism and economic development. The findings from this article aid in this discussion by providing insights into how craft brewers locate and the factors that could influence their location decision behavior. Our findings suggest that craft brewers do in fact cluster. There are both supply and demand factors responsible. On the supply side, the collaborative environment within the industry and the artisan nature of the industry's products allows for benefits of clustering to outweigh the costs associated with this behavior. On the demand side, the emergence of “brewery districts” allows individual brewers to enjoy the reputation benefits associated with the district in terms of increased foot traffic from locals and visitors looking to sample a variety of beers.  相似文献   

以区位条件为基础,应用GIS空间分析法、多因素综合评价法和频率直方图法对江西省鄱阳县农村居民点进行区位评价,以此为依据得出不同区位条件下的农村居民点土地整治模式,为鄱阳县及类似区域农村居民点规划与整理、发展城乡统筹和新农村建设提供参考。研究结果表明:鄱阳县南部区位条件评价等级高于北部,随着等级的降低,农村居民点斑块数量及面积均减少。结合农村居民点区位评价结果及当地实际,将鄱阳县农村居民点整理模式划分为城镇化发展模式、改造发展模式、内部挖潜模式、迁村并点模式、整体迁移模式。  相似文献   

大城市边缘区中小城市的发展具有其特殊性,特殊的区位和特殊的功能定位决定它必须与大城市协调发展。当前"撤县设区"、"撤市设区"发展大城市,加快城市化进程成为我国当今城市发展的一个主导趋势。行政区划调整使城市总体发展战略发生调整,其边缘区的发展条件、发展背景发生了变化,其发展战略也相应要调整。本文通过揭示新的背景下广州市边缘区增城市的城市产业发展、空间发展、生态保护、基础设施布局等方面的战略取向,探讨了大城市边缘区可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

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