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《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):482-486

Improving preservice education, especially geography preservice education, is difficult because few geography faculty understand the teacher education process, many education professors who prepare geography teachers are not geographically well-educated, education and geography faculties do not communicate effectively, and efforts by alliances and other organizations have focused on inservice teachers, for the most part. Recommendations to improve preservice education in geography are offered. The authors argue that none of these recommendations should be implemented without considering its relationship with all of the components of the geography education system.  相似文献   

王法辉 《地理学报》2011,66(8):1089-1100
近年来社会科学的发展出现三大潮流,即“科学化”(强调借用自然科学的计量分析方法和模型)、“空间化”(关注社会经济现象的空间变化和相互作用) 和“应用化”(侧重于政策性规划性强的实用课题)。空间化的社会科学,尤其是应用研究离不开地理信息系统(GIS) 方法的应用,因为GIS 在整合、分析各种数据尤其是空间数据方面有独特优势。本文举例演示GIS 在相关领域(如经济学、语言历史、社会学特别是犯罪学、公共卫生和规划)的广泛应用。选取的案例来源于笔者多年研究的经验,包括美国联邦政府多家研究机构(NSF、NIH、NIJ) 资助的多项研究成果,旨在说明GIS在社会科学和公共政策研究中的应用价值。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):513-518

Preservice teacher education based on content, skills, and perspectives specified in Geography for Life: National Geography Standards 1994 is essential for dissemination of the Standards to classrooms all across the country. Curricular materials are often structured around the five fundamental themes of geography; however, it is essential that teacher preparation courses integrate the content of the Standards into the themes of location, place, human—environment interaction, and region. One model of this approach to preservice education, as summarized here, provides future teachers with a conceptual basis for learning and teaching geography, enhancing opportunities for disseminating solid geography content to all grade levels nationwide.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):524-526

GEO-Teach is a project funded by the Fund for the Improvement of Preservice Education (FIPSE). The project aims to develop a model preservice curriculum at the secondary level. It incorporates the newly published National Geography Standards and merges content with pedagogy through partnerships with faculty in education and other social and behavioral sciences to deliver the curriculum. School teachers act as mentors to students in the program.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):530-533

Great strides have occurred in geographic education resulting in the development of new geographic teaching strategies and geography materials. Despite these developments, many social studies methods professors are still using outdated geographic materials, methods, and techniques. In 1992, the Missouri Geographic Alliance established a unique relationship with social studies methods professors in Missouri. This partnership was established at a four-day, intensive geography/social studies conference that used an innovative model for its development. The outcome of this conference was a strong partnership between social studies methods professors and geographers in Missouri. A result of this partnership has been an increase in the number of beginning teachers involved in the alliance movement, and ultimately, the use of up-to-date geographic teaching strategies, methods, and materials in their classrooms.  相似文献   

Natural Resources Research - The present study investigates the hydrological response of increase in urbanization on water stressed Upper Bhima River basin which lies in a semi-arid climatic zone...  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):161-166

The term geohistorical archaeology was adopted to describe the combination of the techniques and concepts of historical geography, historical archaeology, and history. It is suggested that the field offers the potential of enhanced research and instruction as it pertains to the early historical settlement of an area. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of site material culture as a key to site locations and the period and nature of their use. The basic techniques involved are reviewed, as is the possibility of incorporating classroom units and field projects on local historical settlement at the secondary level.  相似文献   

乡村旅游已成为中国旅游的发展热点,但对乡村旅游资源的评价尚未有充分的认识。本文以兰州市为例,通过问卷星和实地发放两种形式收回有效问卷574份,从资源价值、环境因素和接待条件3个维度构建包含文化性等25个评价因子的评价指标体系,采用层次分析法和模糊认知度综合评价法对乡村旅游资源开展了综合评估。结论如下:一是乡村旅游资源评价更加注重接待条件。游客更加注重接待条件设施,接待条件价值占比更多的集中在8–10分,占比61.4%,高于环境要素的分值占比58.87%和资源本身价值(54.26%)。二是游客对乡村旅游资源的关注度主要集中在愉悦性(0.1152)、游线设计(0.1014)、体验性(0.0765)、观赏性(0.0747)等方面。三是游客对乡村旅游资源认知度主要集中在自然性(4508)、环境安全(4469)、愉悦性(4387)、食宿条件(4367)、游线设计(4363)等方面。四是乡村旅游资源的认知基本上以6–9分为主,环境因素的10分分值占比最高,但游客对乡村旅游资源的科普性和教育性的期望较高,导致获得感较低。通过对乡村旅游所在地环境资源的自然性、接待条件的环境安全和外部交通以及资源价值的...  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):519-523

This paper discusses a model program for preparing secondary geography teachers in the Department of Geography at the University of Northern Colorado. The key feature of the program is the presence of an outstanding secondary teacher in residence throughout the year who team-teaches the Teaching Methods in Geography and World Geography courses with geography faculty, modeling effective ways of teaching the subject. Students are paired with Colorado Geographic Alliance teacher-consultants in summer institutes and for student teaching. Analysis of formative evaluation data collected through the third year provides some measure of the program's success. Students have responded favorably to the use of a variety of teaching strategies, the opportunity to discuss with faculty why certain strategies are utilized, and how their own constructed lessons have worked in their student teaching. They have also reported that their understanding of geography has improved from taking the team-taught courses.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of statements by Australia’s Minister of… Resources that Australia’s exports of coal are growing rapidly and that Australia’s coal will last “110 years at current rates of production.” If one assumes that coal production P(t), follows a Gaussian curve (similar to a Hubbert curve) one can construct a family of Gaussian curves showing possible future paths of P(t) which are consistent with the cited “110 years.” Each curve reaches a maximum after which P(t) declines toward zero. Knowledge of the present value of dP/dt allows one member of the family to be identified as the most probable future path of P(t). Families of curves and tabular data are presented for resource quantities that would last 50, 100 and 200 years “at current rates of production.” If, instead, Australia’s P(t) follows a declining exponential curve (exp(−kt)) with k = (1/110) per year, the stated quantity of coal will allow production to continue forever, with P(t) declining with a half life of 76 y. This and more rapidly declining exponential paths are the only paths that can be said to be sustainable. The envelope of the family of Gaussian curves divides the (P, t) plane into “allowed” and “forbidden” areas. The declining exponential curve divides the “allowed” area into an upper area that is “terminal” and a lower area that is “sustainable.” These facts, coupled with Australia’s expectations of rapid growth of its population, suggest that Australia’s present resource policies are “anti-sustainable” and that the people of Australia need to rethink their present policy of rapidly exporting their fossil fuels.  相似文献   

中国钾盐资源需求预测及发展远景分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
唐尧 《盐湖研究》2016,24(1):66-72
钾盐主要用于生产钾肥。中国是一个农业大国,但耕地大范围缺钾,严重影响到国家粮食安全及人们的生存发展。概述了当前世界及国内钾盐资源与生产现状,通过借鉴发达国家钾盐消费轨迹,预测了中国未来的钾肥需求。结果表明,中国钾盐消费还处于上升阶期,预计钾肥需求可能在2022~2026年达到峰值,届时钾肥需求将达到1000×104~1100×104t(折K2O)水平。建议钾盐发展与国家农业产业结构调整相适应,根据国家提出的未来化肥用量零增长的目标,优化钾肥品种结构,走差异化道路,提高钾肥利用率,促进产业转型升级,保障工业产品需求和国家粮食安全。  相似文献   

金冶 《地理教学》2019,(8):41-44
随着全球化的深入与科技的迅猛发展,人才成为各国最宝贵的资源。我国拥有世界上规模最大的人力人才资源,这是创新发展的最大"富矿"。以培养创新人才为主要目标的课程资源开发与利用成为教育研究的新热点,也成为教师教育实践的重要内容。地理作为一门自然科学与人文学科交叉的学科,历来强调实践的重要性。目前不少学校建造了天文台,如何将该资源与现有课程有效结合,乃是本文探讨的重点内容。  相似文献   

村镇建设类型划分的理论与方法研究——以江苏省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
村镇地区是多要素组合的地域单元,由于区位条件复杂多样,资源禀赋差异明显,村镇建设具有多元发展路径。基于资源环境承载力视角,构建了“压力-状态-响应”框架下的村镇建设分类指标体系,采用单向优势指标和复合指标相对优势判断相结合的划定方法,综合考虑国家和省级功能区划、协调乡镇周边区域功能并衔接省国土空间发展战略,以乡镇为分析单元,建立了省级村镇建设分类综合方案,并以江苏省为案例进行村镇建设类型划分研究。研究结果发现,江苏省仅有29.61%的乡镇为明显的单一建设类型,村镇建设的综合性发展态势明显;村镇建设类型具有明显的地域差异,苏北地区主要以居住类乡镇和生态类乡镇为主,苏中地区种植类乡镇和养殖类乡镇居多,苏南地区则集聚了商旅类和工业类乡镇。以此为基础提出不同村镇建设类型的资源环境承载力提升策略。  相似文献   

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