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This research examines the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) in an online geographic information systems (GIS) course for adult learners. Adults expect to take greater control of their learning and tend to be self-directed. Students are encouraged to take an active role as problem-solvers in PBL courses. The effectiveness of PBL in face-to-face courses has been shown. Effectiveness in online courses is demonstrated in this study. The performance and experiences of students and instructor in two online courses are compared. The results show that PBL can be more engaging than traditional methods, making PBL-GIS a good choice for an online adult audience.  相似文献   

当代地理学发展与地理课程教学改革对世界地理类课程提出新要求。《世界自然地理》课程以促进学生素质全面和谐发展为导向确定课程教学目标,以全球性、综合性、应用性为重点构建课程教学内容,以审美欣赏、专题研讨、信息素养、地图素养为特色改革课程教学方法,以综合评价、发展性评价、激扬个性为追求改革课程教学评价,有助于该课程更好适应改革发展的需要。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):141-151

Use of paintings in undergraduate courses is discussed to show their value in interpreting landscapes from the viewpoint of the physical sciences. Issues of realism and ways to distinguish evocative value from information value are evaluated. Paintings are used to (1) enliven lecture material, (2) test student knowledge and preconceptions, and (3) form the basis of term projects. Paintings reveal historic uses of coastal resources and changing cultural preferences and human values, and they reveal alterations that are of such small scale or local significance that they would be difficult to find in narrative accounts. Student projects evaluate landscape alterations revealed in works by the same artist or the artist's contemporaries or trace differences in alterations through time.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):162-163

This article summarizes methods used in a secondary school geography class to interest students in geography through examples drawn from local geography. Instead of relying on examples taken from exotic places to illustrate geographic concepts, the local landscape is used in the classroom to teach students about geography. The article is arranged according to the six essential elements of the National Geography Standards, but it does not imply that the methods presented should be used to teach the standards. Rather, the examples presented are used throughout a course in the geography of North and South America to develop an interest among students and, with examples from the local landscape, to increase student understanding of geographic concepts related to issues presented in the course.  相似文献   


The ability to solve problems and to make decisions is an important intellectual attribute. Judging from existing laboratory manuals, very little attention appears to have been directed in introductory physical geography towards developing the skills related to this attribute. This paper describes an attempt to define and develop skills in the setting of an introductory physical geography course, and gives example of the activities used in the laboratory. The skills defined are categorized as those which are geographic and those which generally intellectual. Some comment is also made on the teaching styles which appear appropriate to foster such skill development.  相似文献   

This article reports on reusable mobile digital learning resources designed to assist human geography undergraduate students in exploring the geographies of life in Dublin. Developing active learning that goes beyond data collection to encourage observation and thinking in the field is important. Achieving this in the context of large class sizes presents several challenges. Combining in situ learning with spatially accurate historical and contemporary multimedia, a set of location-aware digital mobile tools, or mediascapes, was developed. How scaffolding can be achieved in such a context, focusing on the development of students’ observational, enquiry, and thinking skills in the field was explored.  相似文献   

Physical geographers are often confronted with the decision of whether to publish in geography or nongeography journals. The present study seeks to quantify the number of articles with a significant hydrology content published in geography versus hydrology journals by physical geographers from 1997 to 2002 using the ISI Web of Knowledge electronic database. Of 690 articles published in the 10 selected geography and hydrology journals during the period of study, over four‐fifths were published in hydrology journals. Based on our interpretation of the data, the comparatively smaller audience in geography and the risk of acquiring fewer citations compels physical geographers to publish in hydrology journals for increased visibility. A critical mass of physical geographers should consider publishing some of their work in physical geography journals to elevate the status of geography in the academy.  相似文献   

自然地理学的文化转向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在全球化发展的大趋势下,受整个地理学界"文化转向"的影响,同时也为了应对日益严重的人口、资源与环境之间的矛盾,自然地理学的研究方法、研究重点以及各种议题都发生了显著的变化,各种研究使自然地理学更趋于文化性.本文以"文化转向"作为自然地理学创新的1个视角,从自然地理学的研究对象、核心内容等方面阐述了文化自然地理学产生的背景;并列举了自然地理学响应"文化转向"的3条研究线索;在此基础上,探索性地提出了从自然地理学角度开展"人居环境"和"环境意象"2个议题的研究;最后,强调自然地理学在进一步进行"文化转向"和创新的同时,应该保持住自身的性质、目标和方法.  相似文献   

Information used in systems is organized into a hierarchy of five levels, following W. H. Terjung; first, collected data; second, sets of morphological variables; third, flow systems of energy and matter; fourth, process-form systems; fifth, systems regulated by cybernetic feedback. System variables, rigorously defined by dimensional analysis, are grouped into four classes: A. dynamic variables related to energy force, and stress; B. mass-flow variables expressing rates of flow of matter; C. geometry variables describing size and form within systems; D. material-property variables, including environmental constants and regulator variables. The second level of systems analysis interrelates a set of morphological elements in a meaningful way in terms of system origin or function. Correlation and regression methods establish significant relationships among variables, which may be stated as empirical or rational equations based on field or laboratory observations. Open energy flow systems and open or closed material flow systems of the third level can be described by dimensionally correct equations or by schematic flow diagrams. Process-form systems of the fourth level are characterized by self-regulation through physical feedback loops. Cybernetic feedback characterizes the fifth level and links natural systems to those regulated or disturbed by human intervention.  相似文献   


During the past few years, the idea of imparting to students a “liberal” education has attracted a great deal of attention. Considerable discussion has arisen over (1) the definition of “liberal” education, (2) its merits, and (3) the mechanism by which it would be imparted. Recently, much of the controversy has been resolved and academicians are now charged with the responsibility of putting the idea into practice. This paper uses the course Geography of Africa as an example of how the liberal education requirements can be fruitfully incorporated. In pursuit of this goal, the term “liberal education” is analyzed, its scope and objective(s) defined, and a model course proposed. The model course draws from ideas contained in a survey administered to the members of the Africa Speciality Group of the Association of American Geographers. Contained in the model course syllabi are suggested topics, key issues/themes, exercises, resource materials (films), outside readings, suggested textbooks, etc.  相似文献   


Over the next decade or so, the National Assessment for Educational Progress in Geography and the Geographic Education Standards Project promise to give geography a new definition as a school subject. This will challenge the educational community to re-examine how geography is taught and learned across all the grade levels, K-12. If geography is to be perceived as an essential subject in preparing students for citizenship as adults, not only must its image change, but its content and the pedagogy that delivers it must be modified as well. To achieve those ends, new curricular models grounded in cogent and applicable research must develop through partnerships of teachers, teacher educators, learning theorists, and professional geographers.  相似文献   

由于技术发展和地理学内部计量革命的兴起,自动化地理学在20世纪80年代的欧美国家应运而生,20世纪90年代逐渐被地理计算学取代。自动化地理学是指通过对一系列自动化工具和技术的综合选择和使用,研究空间现象,解决地理问题。自动化地理学一经提出,引起诸多学者的关注和反响。对其审视和批判的角度丰富多样,包括技术、学术、应用、社会政治等多个视角。这些评论和观点促使我们从不同的角度理解在数字环境下的地理表达及其产生的社会结果,也从概念和技术上为自动化地理学的发展提供了推动力。同时,对于我国GIS学科和地理学的发展也有深刻的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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