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A conceptual model of the functioning of a complex coastal karst aquifer in southern Spain is presented. The system has well developed conduits below sea level and is connected to the Mediterranean Sea. It discharges through two conduits 12 m below sea level, 20 km apart. The Moraig conduit is the main outlet; the discharge to the sea is brackish. The Toix conduit only discharges to the sea during heavy floods and lets in seawater the rest of the time. During the 1999–2000 hydrological year, both conduits were monitored by flowmeters and electrical conductivity-temperature probes. On the basis of the collected data, the hydrological relationship between the functioning of the system and the sea was characterised. The conceptual model assumes the existence of a huge reservoir called an “aquifer reservoir” which is supplied by (1) freshwater from rainfall and (2) seawater flowing into the Toix conduit. In addition, during heavy rainfall events, fast infiltration brings considerable amounts of freshwater into the Moraig conduit. This is typical of a “by-pass” mechanism. Salinity and flow rates were simulated with the use of a rainfall-discharge and a rainfall-salinity model. The simulation of flow and salinity time series can be used for water management purposes.  相似文献   

A combination of electrical imaging carried out across a tidal creek and borehole electrical tomography between strings of electrodes installed in bores adjacent to the creek is used to establish the shape of the hyporheic zone beneath a tidal creek in a sand aquifer. The interpretations provided by the data inversions are checked against fluid electrical conductivity (EC) samples collected from bundled piezometers installed in the creek banks and from bulk EC measurements made using induction logs in bores on the creek banks. Extensive seepage into the base of the creek is identified from the electrical image and verified by independent measurements of hydraulic head and fluid EC. The Effective Medium Theory is used to derive values of fluid EC from bulk resistivity measurements obtained from the inversion process. The data show an extensive zone of mixing between seawater and rainwater recharge into the aquifer, with the shape of the hyporheic zone strongly influenced by regional groundwater discharge and the presence of a thin layer of cemented sands at a depth of 10 m. The combined interpretation demonstrates the importance of borehole control in the interpretation of electrical images measured from the surface over complex EC distributions. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Heat transport in a coastal groundwater flow system near De Panne, Belgium   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Temperature distribution and heat transport are studied in a coastal aquifer at De Panne in the western Belgian coastal plain. Field observations include temperature profiles of groundwater in the dunes and temperature measurements at the water table in a profile on the shore. Freshwater–saltwater distribution is known from previous studies. These are used to constrain a density-dependent model simulating the freshwater–saltwater distribution and heat transport using the SEAWAT code. The yearly fluctuation of the groundwater temperature in the phreatic aquifer under the dunes, shore and sea, and the influence of a tidal inlet in the dunes are simulated. The observations show that seawater temperature variations determine the temperature variations on the shore whereas atmospheric temperature changes determine this in the dunes. Yearly temperature fluctuations imposed at the water table propagate mainly vertically in the aquifer with only limited lateral influence. Heat transport is mainly convection dominated. Thickness of the surficial zone is determined by the amplitude of the groundwater temperature at the water table and the groundwater flow. Establishment of a tidal inlet in the dunes results in asymmetric temperature profiles under and in the vicinity of it.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling and dimensional analysis is used to study the salinization of thick, high-permeability aquifers by free convection from a salt source at the surface. Current understanding of this process mainly concerns the initial stages of salinization only (boundary-layer development, break-up into fingers and initial phase of finger descent). In the modeling, special attention is paid to the role of two processes in the long-term salinization rate: (1) the progressive loss of salt from fingers by lateral diffusion, and (2) the coalescence of fingers during their descent. From the numerical simulations a relationship is derived that describes the development of the horizontally averaged salinity with depth and time as a function of permeability and initial-density contrast for aquifer Rayleigh numbers up to Ra =6,000. This relationship is consistent with and provides an extension to previous generalized relationships of the rate of finger descent. Its applicability to real-world aquifers (Ra >105) that include complexities due to anisotropy, heterogeneity, and mechanical dispersion is discussed. Application to the Pleistocene coastal aquifer of the Netherlands (thickness 200 m, permeability 10-11 m2) suggests that salinization of the aquifer during historic episodes of inundation by seawater occurred within decades.
Resumen Se utiliza modelos numéricos y un análisis dimensional para estudiar la salinización de acuíferos potentes de alta permeabilidad por convección libre a partir de una fuente salina superficial. El conocimiento acutal de este proceso se limita a las fases iniciales de la salinización (desarrollo de la capa de contorno, creación de digitaciones y fase inicial de la progresión de éstas). En la modelación, se presta atención especial al papel desempeñado por dos procesos de salinización a largo plazo: (1) la pérdida progresiva de sal por difusión lateral desde las digitaciones, y (2) la coalescencia de las digitaciones durante su avance. A partir de las simulaciones numéricas, se obtiene una relación que describe el desarrollo de la salinidad con la profundidad y el tiempo, promediada horizontalmente, el cual depende de la permeabilidad y del contraste inicial de densidad para números de Rayleigh inferiores a 6.000. Esta relación es coherente con índices previos generalizados del avance de las digitaciones, y representa una extensión a estos. Se discute su aplicabilidad a acuíferos reales (con números de Rayleigh superiores a 105), que tienen complejidades asociadas a la anisotropía, la heterogeneidad y la dispersión mecánica. La aplicación al acuífero costero Pleistoceno de los Países Bajos (20 m de potencia y 10-11 m2 de permeabilidad) sugiere que la salinización tuvo lugar en décadas, debido a episodios históricos de inundación por aguas marinas.

Résumé Une modélisation numérique et une analyse dimensionnelle ont été mises en oeuvre pour étudier la salinisation d'aquifères épais et à forte perméabilité par convection libre d'une source de sel en surface. La compréhension habituelle de ce processus concerne principalement les étapes initiales de la salinisation seule (développement d'une couche limite, partition en digitations et phase initiale de développement des digitation). Dans la modélisation, une attention particulière a été portée au rôle de deux processus du taux de salinisation à long terme: (1) la perte progressive de sel dans les digitations par diffusion latérale et (2) la coalescence des digitations au cours de leur développement. À partir de simulations numériques, une relation a été obtenue qui permet de décrire l'extension de la salinité horizontalement en profondeur et au cours du temps en fonction de la perméabilité et du contraste initial de densité pour des nombres de Rayleigh de l'aquifère jusqu'à Ra =6,000. Cette relation est compatible avec ces résultats et fournit une extension des relations précédemment généralisées du taux de développement des digitations. On discute son applicabilité à des aquifères réels (Ra >105) incluant des complexités liées à l'anisotropie, l'hétérogénéité et la dispersion mécanique. L'application à l'aquifère côtier du Pléistocène des Pays-Bas (épaisseur environ 200 m, perméabilité environ10–11 m2) laisse penser que la salinisation de cet aquifère au cours d'épisodes historiques d'inondation par la mer s'est produit durant des décennies.


The influences of tides on a coastal environment with a sloping shore are investigated by means of field observations and groundwater flow modelling. The Belgian western coastal plain consists of a wide shore, dunes and polders where diurnal tides with large amplitude occur. The effects of tides on the groundwater flow are studied using the MOCDENS3D code. First, MOCDENS3D is validated to accurately simulate the propagation, attenuation and lag of a tidal wave in an aquifer. Then groundwater flow and influences of tides are modelled for a cross-section along the French–Belgian border. This gives an exhaustive insight into the spatial and temporal varying groundwater flow and propagation of the tidal wave in the aquifer. Simulation shows that there are two interfering flow cycles. The first is a shallow tidally fluctuating flow cycle on the shore due to the interaction of the gently sloping shore and the tidally oscillating sea level. The second is a deeper flow cycle from the dunes towards the sea. Further, it is indicated that the propagation and attenuation of the tidal wave follows a complex pattern with lateral as well as vertical components. The interaction between tides and shore topography also influences the salinity distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract The freshwater lens morphologies of the barrier islands Dog Island and St. George Island on the panhandle coast of Florida (FL), USA, are controlled to varying degrees by both natural and anthropogenic factors. Variable-density groundwater flow models confirm that spatial variability of recharge values can account for the observed lens asymmetry on these islands. The depth to the base of the lens does not vary significantly seasonally. Human development has altered recharge patterns in some areas, locally thinning the freshwater lens. Aqueduct water supply to St. George Island represents 7–25% of natural recharge; higher recharge rates are required to simulate the lens on St. George Island than on Dog Island. On both islands, coastal erosion rates are sufficiently rapid that the freshwater lens may not be in equilibrium with current boundary conditions.
Resumen Las morfologías de los lentes de agua dulce en las islas de barrera: Islas Dog y St. George, en la costa alargada y estrecha de Florida, EUA, están controladas en diferentes grados por factores antropogénicos y naturales. Los modelos de flujo con densidad variable del agua subterránea, confirman que la variabilidad espacial de los valores de recarga, pueden ser la causa de la asimetría observada en los lentes de estas islas. La profundidad hasta la base de los lentes no varía significativamente con las estaciones climáticas. El desarrollo humano ha alterado las tendencias de recarga en algunas áreas, causando adelgazamiento local de los lentes de agua dulce. El abastecimiento de agua del acueducto en la Isla St. George, representa entre 7% y 25% de la recarga natural; por otro lado se necesitan cantidades mayores de recarga para simular los lentes en la Isla St. George que en la Isla Dog. En ambas islas, las tasas de erosión costera son tan rápidas, que las lentes de agua dulce podrían no estar en equilibrio con las condiciones actuales de frontera.

Résumé La morphologie des lentilles deau douce des îles de Dog et de St. George, situés dans le district côtier de Florida-Etats Unis est contrôlé dans une mesure variable par des facteurs naturelles et humaines. Les modèles découlement à densité variable des eaux souterraines confirment que la variation spatiale de la recharge peut expliquer les asymétries observées des lentilles des cettes îles. La profondeur des lentilles ne présente pas des variations saisonnières importantes. Les activités humaines ont modifié la recharge dans certaines zones en amincissant localement les lentilles deau douce. Lalimentation en eaux de lîle de St. George représente 7–25% de la recharge naturelle; pour simuler les lentilles de lîle de Dog il a été nécessaire dintroduire des valeurs plus élevées de la recharge par rapport aux ceux utilisés pour lîle de St. George. Pour les deux îles lérosion côtière est assez rapide ainsi que les lentilles de eau douce ne sont pas en équilibre avec les conditions à la frontière.

Three-dimensional modeling of groundwater flow and solute transport in the Pearl Harbor aquifer, southern Oahu, Hawaii, shows that the readjustment of the freshwater–saltwater transition zone takes a long time following changes in pumping, irrigation, or recharge in the aquifer system. It takes about 50 years for the transition zone to move 90% of the distance to its new steady position. Further, the Ghyben–Herzberg estimate of the freshwater/saltwater interface depth occurred between the 10 and 50% simulated seawater concentration contours in a complex manner during 100 years of the pumping history of the aquifer. Thus, it is not a good predictor of the depth of potable water. Pre-development recharge was used to simulate the 1880 freshwater-lens configuration. Historical pumpage and recharge distributions were used and the resulting freshwater-lens size and position were simulated through 1980. Simulations show that the transition zone moved upward and landward during the period simulated.Previous groundwater flow models for Oahu have been limited to areal models that simulate a sharp interface between freshwater and saltwater or solute-transport models that simulate a vertical aquifer section. The present model is based on the US Geological Surveys three-dimensional solute transport (3D SUTRA) computer code. Using several new tools for pre- and post-processing of model input and results have allowed easy model construction and unprecedented visualization of the freshwater lens and underlying transition zone in Hawaiis most developed aquifer.

Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at .
Resumen La modelación tridimensional del flujo de agua subterránea y del transporte de solutos en el acuífero de Pearl Harbor, en la parte sur de Oahu, Hawaii, muestra que el reajuste de la zona de transición agua dulce–agua salada, toma un largo tiempo a partir de cambios en el bombeo, irrigación o recarga en el sistema acuífero. Le toma alrededor de 50 años, a la zona de transición, moverse el 90% de la distancia hacia su nueva posición estacionaria. Además, el estimativo de Ghyben–Herzberg, sobre la profundidad de la interfase agua dulce–agua salada, se encuentra entre el 10 y el 50% en los contornos simulados de concentración de agua salada, de una manera compleja, durante 100 años de la historia de bombeo del acuífero. Por tanto, no es este un buen predictor de la profundidad del agua potable. Se utilizó una recarga pre – desarrollo, para simular la configuración del lente de agua dulce en 1880. Fueron utilizadas las distribuciones históricas del bombeo y de la recarga y se simularon el tamaño y posición resultantes del lente de agua dulce hasta 1980. Esas simulaciones muestran que la zona de transición se movió tierra adentro y hacia arriba, durante el periodo que se simuló.Los anteriores modelos de flujo para agua subterránea en Oahu, han sido limitados a modelos areales, que simulan una interfase abrupta entre agua dulce y agua salada, o bien han sido modelos de transporte de solutos que simulan una sección vertical del acuífero. El modelo presente está basado en el programa de computador del US Geological Survey (3D SUTRA), para transporte de solutos en tres dimensiones. Mediante el uso de varias herramientas nuevas para pre – procesamiento y post – procesamiento de las entradas y resultados del modelo, se ha permitido una construcción fácil del mismo y una visualización sin precedentes del lente de agua dulce y de la zona de transición subyacente en el acuífero más desarrollado de Hawaii.

Résumé La modélisation tridimensionnelle de lécoulement et du transport dans la partie sud de laquifère Oahu-Hawai montre que le temps de réajustement de la zone de transition entre leau douce et leau salée est assez long et dépend de la variation des pompages et des irrigations, ainsi que de la recharge du système aquifère. Il sont nécessaires 50 ans pour que la zone de transition parcoure 90% de la distance qui la sépare de sa nouvelle position. La profondeur du biseau estimée par le schéma Ghyben–Herzberg se trouve entre les contours de 10 et 50% de la concentration de leau salée. Ce résultat a été obtenu après la simulation de lhistoire du pompage de laquifère pendant une période de 100 ans. Donc le schéma Ghyben–Herzberg conduit aux valeurs erronées de la profondeur de leau potable. La valeur de la recharge davant lexploitation de laquifère a été utilisée pour simuler la configuration des lentilles deau douce en 1880. En utilisant lhistoire du pompage et la distribution de la recharge ont on a simulé les dimensions et le positions des lentilles deau douce jusqu› en 1980. Les simulation montrent que le mouvement de la zone de transition est ascendant et vers le continent.Les modèles antérieurs de la zone dOahu ont été des modèles locaux qui ont simulé une interface nette eau douce-eau salée ou des modèles de transport bidimensionnels, dans une coupe verticale. Le modèle actuel est basé sur le code 3D-SUTRA, réalisé par le Service Géologique des États-Unis. L› utilisation des différents techniques de traitement des données a permis une construction facile du modèle, ainsi qu› une visualisation sans précédent des lentilles deau douces et de la zone de transition sous-jacente dans le plus grand aquifère du Hawai.

A reactive flow model of the geothermal reservoir Waiwera, New Zealand   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A numerical model of the complex interaction between fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical reactions of the shallow, coastal, hydrothermal system of Waiwera (New Zealand) is used to test the proposed conceptual model of the field.Due to declining water levels, resulting from over-exploitation during the 1970s, the objective here was to set up a coupled fluid flow and heat transfer model to help in enabling a predictive and sustainable use of the resource. The presented conceptual model of the area is based on hydraulic, thermal, and chemical field observations, which date back as far as 1863. The numerical simulations were carried out with the reactive transport code SHEMAT.The inflow of geothermal water at the bottom of the reservoir prevents seawater from entering the aquifer. If seawater intrusion occurs, it is due to over-exploitation and happens in the upper parts of the aquifer. This is in contrast to common seawater-freshwater interfaces where seawater intrudes at the bottom. The numerical investigations emphasize that, after modifications of the production regime in the late 1980s, the system is recovering again.Additionally, geochemical calculations have been conducted to answer the question if dissolution or precipitation reactions might change the hydraulic properties of the geothermal aquifer. Mixing of fresh, geothermal, and seawater, although each of them in thermodynamic equilibrium with calcite, lead to calcite precipitation or dissolution. Nevertheless, the simulations show that the hydraulic properties of the aquifer are not significantly affected by dissolution or precipitation.
Resumen Se ha utilizado un modelo numérico de la interacción compleja entre el flujo de fluidos, la transferencia de calor y las reacciones químicas del sistema hidrotermal costero poco profundo de Waiwera (Nueva Zelanda) con el objeto de probar el modelo conceptual del área propuesto. Debido a los niveles de agua decrecientes, el objetivo de este trabajo es establecer un modelo pareado del flujo de aguas y de la transferencia de calor para colaborar en el uso predecible y sostenible del recurso. El modelo conceptual del área presentado está basado en observaciones de terreno hidráulicas, termales y químicas que datan de 1863. Las simulaciones se llevaron a cabo con el código de transporte reactivo SHEMAT. El influjo de agua geotermal al fondo del reservorio impide que el agua de mar entre en el acuífero. Si la intrusión de agua de mar se presenta, esto sucede a causa de la sobreexplotación y ocurre en las partes superiores del acuífero. Esto contrasta con las interfaces comunes de agua de mar-agua dulce donde la intrusión del agua de mar se da al fondo. Las investigaciones numéricas enfatizan que el sistema se está recuperando de nuevo luego de las modificaciones al regimen de producción a fines de los 80. Adicionalmente, los cálculos geoquímicos están dirigidos a contestar si las reacciones de disolución o precipitación pueden cambiar las propiedades hidráulicas del acuífero geotérmico. La mezcla de agua dulce, geotermal y de mar causa precipitación o disolución de calcita a pesar de que cada una de ellas se encuentra en equilibrio termodinámicao con la calcita. Sin embargo, las simulaciones muestran que las propiedades hidráulicas del acuífero no son afectadas siginificativamente por la disolución o precipitación.

Résumé Un modèle numérique de linteraction complexe entre lécoulement de leau, le transfert de chaleur et les réactions chimiques du système hydrothermal côtier peu profond de Waiwera (Nouvelle-Zélande) est utilisé afin de tester le modèle conceptuel. Lobjectif est de bâtir un modèle couplé découlement et de transfert de chaleur afin dencourager une approche prévisioniste et une utilisation durable de la ressource en réponse à des niveaux deau en déclin qui résultent dune surexploitation depuis les années 1970. Le modèle conceptuel présenté est basé sur des observations de terrain concernant lhydraulique, la température et la composition chimique de laquifère, des observations qui peuvent dater daussi loin que 1863. Les simulations numériques ont été réalisées avec le modèle de transport SHEMAT. Lentrée deau géothermale à la base du réservoir préviens lintrusion deau de mer dans laquifère. Si lintrusion deau de mer a lieu, elle est due à la surexploitation qui a lieu dans la partie supérieure de laquifère. Cette situation est lopposée des interfaces eau de mer - eau douce traditionnelles où leau de mer pénètre par la base. Les simulations numériques suggèrent que suite aux modifications du régime de production à la fin des années 1980, le système récupère. De plus, des calculs géochimiques ont été effectués afin de répondre à la question à savoir si les réactions de dissolution et de précipitation changent les propriétés hydrauliques de laquifère géothermal. Le mélange de leau douce, leau géothermale et leau de mer, même si elle sont tous en équilibre thermodynamique avec la calcite, provoque la dissolution ou précipitation de la calcite. Néanmoins, les simulations montrent que les propriétés hydrauliques de laquifère ne sont pas significativement affectées par la dissolution ou la précipitation.

The alluvial aquifer is the primary source of groundwater along the eastern Dead Sea shoreline, Jordan. Over the last 20 years, salinity has risen in some existing wells and several new wells have encountered brackish water in areas thought to contain fresh water. A good linear correlation exists between the water resistivity and the chloride concentration of groundwater and shows that the salinity is the most important factor controlling resistivity. Two-dimensional electrical tomography (ET) integrated with geoelectrical soundings were employed to delineate different water-bearing formations and the configuration of the interface between them. The present hydrological system and the related brines and interfaces are controlled by the Dead Sea base level, presently at 410 m b.s.l. Resistivity measurements show a dominant trend of decreasing resistivity (thus increasing salinity) with depth and westward towards the Dead Sea. Accordingly, three zones with different resistivity values were detected, corresponding to three different water-bearing formations: (1) strata saturated with fresh to slightly brackish groundwater; (2) a transition zone of brine mixed with fresh to brackish groundwater; (3) a water-bearing formation containing Dead Sea brine. In addition, a low resistivity unit containing brine was detected above the 1955 Dead Sea base level, which was interpreted as having remained unflushed by infiltrating rain.  相似文献   

The aquifer of Mar del Plata is unconfined and composed of silt and fine sand. The sand fraction is mainly quartz, potassium feldspars, chalcedony, and gypsum. Volcanic-glass shards (40–60%) dominate the silt fraction, and the clays are of the smectite and illite groups. Calcium carbonate, in caliche form, constitutes about 10–20% of the sediment. Groundwater flow is from west to east, and discharge is in the Atlantic Ocean. Because of overexploitation, the flow direction was reversed in a coastal belt about 3.5 km wide, and this has resulted in seawater intrusion. The groundwater is the CaHCO3 type in the recharge zone, and becomes NaHCO3 type towards the discharge area. Salinization by marine intrusion and seawater/fresh-water mixing produces an increase in the major-ion concentrations of the groundwater. The calcium content of the groundwater is higher and the sodium content is lower than those that would be expected if the mixing is considered as just the addition of seawater and fresh water in determined proportions without reactive processes taking place. Hydrogeochemical modeling was applied to the study of hydrogeochemical processes, mainly cation exchange, using the codes NETPATH and PHREEQM. Calcite and gypsum equilibrium, together with cation exchange, are the main hydrogeochemical processes. Cation-exchange capacity of the solid phase was determined by empirical calculations and experimental methods. The affinity order for the groundwater in contact with the aquifer matrix is Ca>Mg>Na in the regional-flow system, but the order is reversed in the salinization process. Reactive transport modeling using the code PHREEQM is useful for analyzing cation exchange in a marine-intrusion process. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The Cretaceous aquifers underlying the central part of the North Carolina Coastal Plain are used extensively as the preferred source of water for municipalities, industries, and agriculture. Regional decline in head in the middle parts of the system (the Upper Cape Fear and Black Creek aquifers) began in the late 1950s to early 1960s. The trends in head during the 1960s, together with data on land subsidence, were analyzed to demonstrate the value of using early data, in conjunction with conceptual models, before collecting additional data. The sources of withdrawals from the Cretaceous aquifers identified in the conceptual model are: (1) movement of water (recharge) across confining beds, (2) reduction in natural discharge, (3) release of water from aquifer storage, (4) drainage of water from fine-grained lenses in aquifers and confining beds, and (5) release of water resulting from advance of the salt-water front. Estimates of the amounts derived from each of these sources resulted in a reduction of the estimated safe yield of the Cretaceous aquifers in the 2,486-mi2 (6,439-km2) area of the central Coastal Plain from 75 mgd (million gallons per day) (284,000 m3/day) to less than 5 mgd (19,000 m3/day). Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Using a three-dimensional finite element model, this study characterizes groundwater flow in a costal plain of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The model characterization involved taking field data describing the aquifer system and translating this information into input variables that the model code uses to solve governing equations of flow. Geological geometry and the number of aquifers have been analyzed based on a large amount of geological, hydrogeological and topographical data. Results of study demonstrate a high correlation between the ground surface elevation and the groundwater level in the shallow coastal aquifer. For calibrating the numerical groundwater model, the groundwater flow was simulated in steady state. In addition, the groundwater level and trend in the transient state has also been elucidated. The numerical result provides excellent visual representations of groundwater flow, presenting resource managers and decision makers with a clear understanding of the nature of the types of groundwater flow pathways. Results build a base for further analysis under different future scenarios.  相似文献   

Saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers depends on the distribution of hydraulic properties, on the climate, and on human interference such as land reclamation. In order to analyze the key processes that control saltwater intrusion, a hypothetical steady-state salt distribution in a representative cross-section perpendicular to the coastline was calculated using a two-dimensional density-dependent solute transport model. The effects of changes in groundwater recharge, lowering of drainage levels, and a rising sea level on the shape and position of the freshwater/saltwater interface were modeled in separate simulations. The results show that the exchange of groundwater and surface water in the marsh areas is one of the key processes influencing saltwater intrusion. A rising sea level causes rapid progression of saltwater intrusion, whereas the drainage network compensates changes in groundwater recharge. The time scale of changes resulting from altered boundary conditions is on the order of decades and centuries, suggesting that the present-day salt distribution does not reflect a steady-state of equilibrium.  相似文献   

Sea-water intrusion is actively contaminating fresh groundwater reserves in the coastal aquifers of the Pioneer Valley, north-eastern Australia. A three-dimensional sea-water intrusion model has been developed using the MODHMS code to explore regional-scale processes and to aid assessment of management strategies for the system. A sea-water intrusion potential map, produced through analyses of the hydrochemistry, hydrology and hydrogeology, offsets model limitations by providing an alternative appraisal of susceptibility. Sea-water intrusion in the Pioneer Valley is not in equilibrium, and a potential exists for further landward shifts in the extent of saline groundwater. The model required consideration of tidal over-height (the additional hydraulic head at the coast produced by the action of tides), with over-height values in the range 0.5–0.9 m giving improved water-table predictions. The effect of the initial water-table condition dominated the sensitivity of the model to changes in the coastal hydraulic boundary condition. Several salination processes are probably occurring in the Pioneer Valley, rather than just simple landward sea-water advancement from “modern” sources of marine salts. The method of vertical discretisation (i.e. model-layer subdivision) was shown to introduce some errors in the prediction of water-table behaviour.  相似文献   

Four times of observation of the ocean tide and groundwater levels in the coastal aquifers near Beihai, China show that fluctuation in the tide-induced groundwater levels follows the tide, with the highest and lowest water levels corresponding to the high water level syzygy tide and the low water level neap tide. The tidal coefficient is less than 0.5, decreasing approximately exponentially with the distance from the coast. The tide can affect the groundwater levels at observation wells as far as about 4,200 and 3,300 m in the southern and northern coasts in Beihai. Observations and spectrum analyses of the time series of the tide and water levels suggest that the tide and water levels have similar changes with complex fluctuations of a long period of 14.37 days and two short periods of 24.7 and 12.5 h. Time lags of water levels to the tide at observation wells last several hours and increases roughly linearly with the distance from the coast. Mathematic models consisting of a periodic term plus a linear term are established to describe the changes in the tide and the groundwater levels. The periodic terms for the tide and water levels are constructed using finite Fourier’s series consisting of 7 to 11 terms other than a single term of a sine function in earlier work. Computed water levels with the models can fit the observed water levels with reasonable accuracy and satisfactory prediction of the changes in the water levels is also obtained.  相似文献   

A simulation program, which works seamlessly with GIS and simulates flows in coastal aquifers, is presented in the present paper. The model is based on the Galerkin finite element discretization scheme and it simulates both steady and transient freshwater and saltwater flow, assuming that the two fluids are separated by a sharp interface. The model has been verified in simple cases where analytical solutions exist. The simulation program works as a tool of the GIS program, which is the main database that stores and manages all the necessary data. The combined use of the simulation and the GIS program forms an integrated management tool offering a simpler way of simulating and studying saline intrusion in coastal aquifers. Application of the model to the Yermasogia aquifer illustrates the coupled use of modeling and GIS techniques for the examination of regional coastal aquifer systems.
Resumen Se ha desarrollado un modelo casi tridimensional de elementos finitos para simular el flujo de agua dulce y salada, tanto en régimen estacionario como en transitorio, en sistemas acuíferos costeros, bajo la hipótesis de separación por medio de una interfaz abrupta. Las ecuaciones del modelo han sido discretizadas mediante un esquema de Galerkin de discretización en elementos finitos. El modelo ha sido verificado en casos sencillos para los que existe solución analítica. Todos los datos necesarios se introducen y gestionan con un Sistema de Información Geográfica [SIG] por ordenador. El programa de simulación forma parte del programa de SIG, constituyendo una herramienta integrada de gestión para estudiar la intrusión salina en acuíferos costeros. La aplicación del modelo al acuífero de Yermasogia ilustra el uso acoplado de las técnicas de modelación y de SIG con el fin de examinar sistemas acuíferos costeros a escala regional.

Résumé Pour étudier un système aquifère côtier, nous avons développé un modèle aux éléments finis en quasi 3-D qui simule les écoulements deau douce et deau salée en régime aussi bien permanent que transitoire. Les équations qui les régissent sont discrétisées par un schéma de discrétisation de Garlekin aux éléments finis. Le modèle a été vérifié dans des cas simples où il existe des solutions analytiques. Toutes les données nécessaires sont introduites et gérées grâce à un logiciel de gestion de SIG. Le programme de simulation est utilisé comme un outil du logiciel de SIG, constituant ainsi un outil de gestion intégrée dont le but est de simuler et détudier lintrusion saline dans les aquifères côtiers. Lapplication du modèle à laquifère de Yermasogia illustre lutilisation couplée de la modélisation et des techniques de SIG pour létude des systèmes aquifères côtiers régionaux.

Numerical simulation of sea water intrusion near Beihai, China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 A leaky aquifer system occurs in the coastal plain near Beihai, China. Seawater intrusion into the confined aquifer took place along the northern coast. Chloride concentrations at some observation wells increased steadily from 1988 and were at their peak in 1993. A quasi-three-dimensional element model has been developed to simulate the spatial and temporal evolution of hydraulic heads and chloride concentrations of the groundwater near the northern coast. The simulation model was based on the transition zone approach, which requires simultaneous solution of the governing water flow and solute transport equations. An irregular grid of a quadrangle was used to discretize the flow domain. Various aquifer parameters were verified with the numerical model in order to obtain satisfactory matches between computed values and observed data from an investigation. Three pumpage schemes were designed to use the calibrated model for prediction of future changes in water levels and chloride concentrations in groundwater in the study area. Results show that seawater intrusion would worsen in the confined aquifer if the current rates of groundwater pumpage continue. The alternative, to eliminate pumpage in the intruded area and to moderate pumpage rates from water supply wells far from the seashore, may limit seawater intrusion significantly and is considered attractive in the area. Received: 27 September 1999 · Accepted: 27 December 1999  相似文献   

 This paper describes the origins and distribution of saline groundwaters in the coastal area of Rhodope, Greece. The aquifer system includes two aquifers within coarse-grained alluvial sediments in the coastal part of the study area. Two major water-quality groups occur in the study area, namely Ca2+-rich saline groundwater and Ca2+-poor, almost fresh groundwater. The main process controlling the groundwater chemistry is the exchange of calcium and sodium between the aquifer matrix and intruding seawater. The natural salt water in the study area is probably residual water that infiltrated the aquifer system during repeated marine transgressions in late Pleistocene time. Seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer system occurs as a result of overpumping in two seawater wedges separated vertically by a low-permeability layer. The rate of intrusion averages 0.8 m/d and is less than expected due to a decline of the aquifer's permeability at the interface with the seawater. The application of several hydrochemical techniques (Piper and Durov diagrams; Na+/Cl, Ca2+/Cl, Mg2+/Cl, and Br/Cl molar ratios; Ca2+/Mg2+ weight ratio; and chloride concentrations), combined with field observations, may lead to a better explanation of the origin of the saline groundwater. Received, May 1997 / Revised, May 1998, December 1998 / Accepted, February 1999  相似文献   

Regional brines that underlie the potable groundwater appear to be responsible for the increase in dissolved solids in the Wadi Al Bih aquifer in the Ras Al Khaimah Emirate, United Arab Emirates. In this karstic carbonate aquifer, groundwater extraction exceeds recharge and the reduced heads can induce transport of underlying brines into the potable water aquifer. Increasing dissolved solids with time threatens the continued use of groundwater for agricultural and domestic uses. The potential of intrusion of seawater, dissolution of minerals, or intrusion of regional brines as a source of these solutes were evaluated based on groundwater samples collected in April and September 1996 from the Wadi Al Bih well field and isotope data from previously collected samples. Hydrogeologic conditions and solute modeling suggest the dominant source of solutes in the Wadi Al Bih aquifer is most likely an underlying regional brine. The pervasive presence of tritium is consistent with recent (since 1960s) recharge in the drainage basin, thus, the solutes and water appear to be from different sources. The chemical and isotopic data are also consistent with enhanced groundwater recharge associated with dams constructed to reduce flooding.
Résumé Dans l’aquifère de Wadi Al Bih, dans l’Emirat de Ras Al Khaimah (Emirats Arabes Unis), les eaux sursalées présentes sous les eaux souterraines potables paraissent responsables de l’augmentation en solides dissous. Dans cet aquifère carbonaté karstique, l’exploitation des eaux souterraines est supérieure à la recharge, et la baisse des niveaux piézométriques peut engendrer une remontée des eau sursalées vers la ressource en eau potable. L’augmentation des solides dissous dans le temps met en danger la pérennité de l’utilisation des eaux souterraines pour l’agriculture et les besoins domestiques. Les potentiels de l’intrusion d’eau de mer, de la dissolution des minéraux et de l’intrusion d’eaux sursalées régionales en tant que sources de ces solutés ont été évalués sur la base d’échantillons prélevés en avril 1996 sur le champ captant de Wadi Al Bih, et de données isotopiques acquises antérieurement. Les conditions hydrogéologiques et les modélisations de solutés suggèrent que la source majeure des solutés la plus vraisemblable est une eau sursalée sous-jacente à l’échelle régionale, dans le cas de l’aquifère de Wadi Al Bih. L’omniprésence du tritium concorde avec une réalimentation récente (depuis les années 1960) sur le bassin versant, c’est pourquoi l’eau et les solutés paraissent provenir de sources différentes. Les données chimiques et isotopiques concordent également avec une réalimentation accrue des eaux souterraines, liée à la construction récente de digues pour réduire les inondations.

Resumen El incremento de sólidos disueltos en el acuífero Wadi Al Bih, en el Emirato Ras Al Khaimah, Emiratos árabes Unidos, parece deberse a la existencia de salmueras regionales, subyacentes a las aguas subterráneas potables. En este acuífero carbonatado kárstico, la extracción de agua subterránea supera la recarga y el descenso de niveles puede provocar el transporte de las salmueras hacia las aguas potables del acuífero. El incremento temporal en sólidos disueltos amenaza el uso continuo de agua subterránea para usos agrícolas y domésticos. Se ha evaluado el potencial de intrusión marina, disolución de minerales o intrusión de salmueras regionales como una fuente de estos solutos, a partir de muestras de agua subterránea recogidas en abril y septiembre de 1996 en el campo de pozos de Wadi Al Bih y de datos isotópicos de muestreos anteriores. Las condiciones hidrogeológicas y el modelo de solutos sugiere que la fuente dominante de solutos en el acuífero Wadi Al Bih son probablemente las salmueras subyacentes. Los datos químicos e isotópicos son también consistentes con un aumento de la recarga de agua subterránea asociado con la construcción de presas para reducir inundaciones.

 The coastal aquifer system of southern Oahu, Hawaii, USA, consists of highly permeable volcanic aquifers overlain by weathered volcanic rocks and interbedded marine and terrestrial sediments of both high and low permeability. The weathered volcanic rocks and sediments are collectively known as caprock, because they impede the free discharge of groundwater from the underlying volcanic aquifers. A cross-sectional groundwater flow and transport model was used to evaluate the hydrogeologic controls on the regional flow system in southwestern Oahu. Controls considered were: (a) overall caprock hydraulic conductivity; and (b) stratigraphic variations of hydraulic conductivity in the caprock. Within the caprock, variations in hydraulic conductivity, caused by stratigraphy or discontinuities of the stratigraphic units, are a major control on the direction of groundwater flow and the distribution of water levels and salinity. Results of cross-sectional modeling confirm the general groundwater flow pattern that would be expected in a layered coastal system. Groundwater flow is: (a) predominantly upward in the low-permeability sedimentary units; and (b) predominantly horizontal in the high-permeability sedimentary units. Received, October 1996 Revised, August 1997 Accepted, September 1997  相似文献   

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