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Gas deficiency in cluster spirals is well known and ram-pressure stripping is considered the main gas removal mechanism. In some compact groups too gas deficiency is reported. However, gas deficiency in loose groups is not yet well established. Lower dispersion of the member velocities and the lower density of the intragroup medium in small loose groups favour tidal stripping as the main gas removal process in them. Recent releases of data from the H  i Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS) and catalogues of nearby loose groups with associated diffuse X-ray emission have allowed us to test this notion. In this paper, we address the following questions: (i) do galaxies in groups with diffuse X-ray emission statistically have lower gas content compared to the ones in groups without diffuse X-ray emission? (ii) does H  i deficiency vary with the X-ray luminosity, L X, of the loose group in a systematic way? We find that (i) galaxies in groups with diffuse X-ray emission, on average, are H  i deficient, and have lost more gas compared to those in groups without X-ray emission; the latter are found not to have significant H  i deficiency; (ii) no systematic dependence of the H  i deficiency with L X is found. Ram-pressure-assisted tidal stripping and evaporation by thermal conduction are the two possible mechanisms to account for this excess gas loss.  相似文献   

The faint regions of galaxies, groups and clusters hold important clues about how these objects formed, and surface photometry at optical and near-infrared wavelengths represents a powerful tool for studying such structures. Here, we identify a hitherto unrecognized problem with this technique, related to how the night sky flux is typically measured and subtracted from astronomical images. While most of the sky flux comes from regions between the observer and the target object, a small fraction – the extragalactic background light (EBL) – comes from behind. We argue that since this part of the sky flux can be subjected to extinction by dust present in the galaxy/group/cluster studied, standard reduction procedures may lead to a systematic oversubtraction of the EBL. Even very small amounts of extinction can lead to spurious features in radial surface brightness profiles and colour maps of extended objects. We assess the likely impact of this effect on a number of topics in extragalactic astronomy where very deep surface photometry is currently attempted, including studies of stellar haloes, starburst host galaxies, disc truncations and diffuse intragroup/intracluster light. We argue that EBL extinction may provide at least a partial explanation for the anomalously red colours reported for the haloes of disc galaxies and for the hosts of local starburst galaxies. EBL extinction effects also mimic truncations in discs with unusually high dust opacities, but are unlikely to be the cause of such features in general. Failure to account for EBL extinction can also give rise to a non-negligible underestimate of intragroup and intracluster light at the faintest surface brightness levels currently probed. Finally, we discuss how EBL extinction effects may be exploited to provide an independent constraint on the surface brightness of the EBL, using a combination of surface photometry and direct star counts.  相似文献   

Environment plays an important role in the evolution of the gas contents of galaxies. Gas deficiency of cluster spirals and the role of the hot intracluster medium in stripping gas from these galaxies is a well-studied subject. Loose groups with diffuse X-ray emission from the intragroup medium (IGM) offer an intermediate environment between clusters and groups without a hot IGM. These X-ray bright groups have smaller velocity dispersion and lower temperature than clusters, but higher IGM density than loose groups without diffuse X-ray emission. A single-dish comparative study of loose groups with and without diffuse X-ray emission from the IGM, showed that the galaxies in X-ray bright groups have lost more gas on average than the galaxies in non X-ray bright groups. In this paper we present GMRT H  i observations of 13 galaxies from four X-ray bright groups: NGC 5044, 720, 1550 and IC1459. The aim of this work is to study the morphology of H  i in these galaxies and to see if the hot IGM has in any way affected their H  i content or distribution. In addition to disturbed H  i morphology, we find that most galaxies have shrunken H  i discs compared to the field spirals. This indicates that IGM-assisted stripping processes like ram pressure may have stripped gas from the outer edges of the galaxies.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of high-resolution Chandra observations of the merger system NGC 3256, the most infrared-luminous galaxy in the nearby universe. The X-ray data show that several discrete sources embedded in complex diffuse emission contribute ≳20 per cent of the total emission     in the  0.5–10 keV  energy range). The compact sources are hard and extremely bright and their emission is probably dominated by accretion-driven processes. Both galaxy nuclei are detected with  LX∼3–10×1040 erg s−1  . No evidence is found for the presence of an active nucleus in the southern nucleus, contrary to previous speculation. Once the discrete sources are removed, the diffuse component has a soft spectrum that can be modelled by the superposition of three thermal plasma components with temperatures   kT =0.6  , 0.9 and 3.9 keV. Alternatively, the latter component can be described as a power law with index  Γ∼3  . Some evidence is found for a radial gradient of the amount of absorption and temperature of the diffuse component. We compare the X-ray emission with optical, H α and NICMOS images of NGC 3256 and find a good correlation between the inferred optical/near-infrared and X-ray extinctions. Although inverse Compton scattering could be important in explaining the hard X-rays seen in the compact sources associated with the nuclei, the observed diffuse emission is probably of thermal origin. The observed X-ray characteristics support a scenario in which the powerful X-ray emission is driven solely by the current episode of star formation.  相似文献   

Deep images of the Centaurus and Coma clusters reveal two spectacular arcs of diffuse light that stretch for over 100 kpc, yet are just a few kiloparsecs wide. At a surface brightness of m b ∼27–28 mag arcsec−2 , the Centaurus arc is the most striking example known of structure in the diffuse light component of a rich galaxy cluster. We use numerical simulations to show that the Centaurus feature can be reproduced by the tidal debris of a spiral galaxy that has been tidally disrupted by the gravitational potential of NGC 4709. The surface brightness and narrow dimensions of the diffuse light suggest that the disc was corotating with its orbital path past pericentre. Features this prominent in clusters will be relatively rare, although at fainter surface brightness levels the diffuse light will reveal a wealth of structure. Deeper imaging surveys may be able to trace this feature for several times its presently observed extent, and somewhere along the tidal debris, a fraction of the original stellar component of the disc will remain bound, but transformed into a faint spheroidal galaxy. It should be possible to confirm the galactic origin of the Centaurus arc by observing planetary nebulae along its length with redshifts close to that of NGC 4709.  相似文献   

星系团/群内光(ICL (Intra-Cluster Light)/IGL (Intra-Group Light))可以用来研究星系群和星系团的动力学演化. Hickson致密星系群密度高并且速度弥散低,其致密的环境可以用来研究星系并合和相互作用星系的性质,是研究IGL理想场所之一.利用中国近地天体巡天望远镜(Chinese Near Object Survey Telescope,CNEOST)的观测,获得了星系群HCG 95的g波段和r波段深度成像数据.采用模型拟合方法来测量HCG 95星系群中的IGL光度,并计算了IGL的光度占星系群总光度的比例fIGL,在g和r波段的结果分别为3.55%±0.38%和3.78%±0.59%.此外,利用常规的表面亮度阈值截取方法,在g和r波段的结果分别为1.9%–10%和1.5%–10%,与前述结果一致.估算的IGL颜色(g-r=0.78±0.37)与星系群中的HCG 95A和HCG 95C星系的颜色(g-r=0.82–0.85)一致,属于年老星族,表明HCG 95星系群中的IGL可能来自HCG 95A和HCG 95C相互作用剥离出来的物质,也有...  相似文献   

We present radio images of NRAO 530 on scales ranging from pc to kpc. The observations include the EVN at 5 GHz, the VLBA at 1.6, 8.6 and 15 GHz, the MERLIN at 1.6 and 5 GHz, and the VLA at 5, 8.4, 15, 22, and 43 GHz. The VLBI images show a core-jet structure with an oscillating trajectory on a scale of about 30 mas north of the strongest compact component (core). Superluminal motions are detected in five of the jet compo-nents with apparent velocities in the range of 13.6 to 25.2c. A new component is detected at 15 GHz with the VLBA observations, which appears to be associated with the outburst in 2002. Significant polarized emission is detected around the core with the VLBA observationsat 15 GHz. Rapid variations of the polarization intensity and angle are found between the epochs in 2002 and 2004. On the kpc-scale, a distant component (labelled as WL) located 11 arcsec west (PA=-86°) of the core is detected beyond the core-jet structure which ex-tended to several hundreds of mas in the north-west direction (-50°). A significant emission between the core-jet structure and the WL is revealed. A clump of diffuse emission (labelled EL, 12 arcsec long) at PA 70° to the core, is also detected in the VLA observations, suggest-ing the presence of double lobes in the source. The core component shows a flat spectrum,while the distant components WL and EL have steep spectra. The steep spectra of the distantcomponents and the detection of the arched emission suggest that the distant components are lobes or hot-spots powered by the core of NRAO 530. The morphologies from pc-to kpc- scales and the bending of jets are investigated. The observed radio morphology from pc to kcp appears to favor the model in which precession or wobbling of the nuclear disk drives the helical motion of the radio plasma and produces the S-shaped structure on kpc scale.  相似文献   

The distribution of galaxy properties in groups and clusters holds important information on galaxy evolution and growth of structure in the Universe. While clusters have received appreciable attention in this regard, the role of groups as fundamental to formation of the present-day galaxy population has remained relatively unaddressed. Here, we present stellar ages, metallicities and α-element abundances derived using Lick indices for 67 spectroscopically confirmed members of the NGC 5044 galaxy group with the aim of shedding light on galaxy evolution in the context of the group environment.
We find that galaxies in the NGC 5044 group show evidence for a strong relationship between stellar mass and metallicity, consistent with their counterparts in both higher and lower mass groups and clusters. Galaxies show no clear trend of age or α-element abundance with mass, but these data form a tight sequence when fitted simultaneously in age, metallicity and stellar mass. In the context of the group environment, our data support the tidal disruption of low-mass galaxies at small group-centric radii, as evident from an apparent lack of galaxies below  ∼109 M  within ∼100 kpc of the brightest group galaxy. Using a joint analysis of absorption- and emission-line metallicities, we are able to show that the star-forming galaxy population in the NGC 5044 group appears to require gas removal to explain the ∼1.5 dex offset between absorption- and emission-line metallicities observed in some cases. A comparison with other stellar population properties suggests that this gas removal is dominated by galaxy interactions with the hot intragroup medium.  相似文献   

Galaxies in compact groups tend to be deficient in neutral hydrogen compared to isolated galaxies of similar optical properties. In order to investigate the role played by a hot intragroup medium (IGM) for the removal and destruction of H  i in these systems, we have performed a Chandra and XMM–Newton study of eight of the most H  i deficient Hickson compact groups. Diffuse X-ray emission associated with an IGM is detected in four of the groups, suggesting that galaxy–IGM interactions are not the dominant mechanism driving cold gas out of the group members. No clear evidence is seen for any of the members being currently stripped of any hot gas, nor for galaxies to show enhanced nuclear X-ray activity in the X-ray bright or most H  i deficient groups. Combining the inferred IGM distributions with analytical models of representative disc galaxies orbiting within each group, we estimate the H  i mass-loss due to ram-pressure and viscous stripping. While these processes are generally insufficient to explain observed H  i deficiencies, they could still be important for H  i removal in the X-ray bright groups, potentially removing more than half of the interstellar medium in the X-ray bright HCG 97. Ram pressure may also have facilitated strangulation through the removal of galactic coronal gas. In X-ray undetected groups, tidal interactions could be playing a prominent role, but it remains an open question whether they can fully account for the observed H  i deficiencies.  相似文献   

We describe some of the first X-ray detections of groups of galaxies at high redshifts  ( z ∼0.4)  , based on the UK deep X-ray survey of McHardy et al. Combined with other deep ROSAT X-ray surveys with nearly complete optical identifications, we investigate the X-ray evolution of these systems. We find no evidence for evolution of the X-ray luminosity function up to   z =0.5  at the low luminosities of groups of galaxies and poor clusters  ( L X≳1042.5 erg s-1)  , although the small sample size precludes very accurate measurements. This result confirms and extends to lower luminosities current results based on surveys at brighter X-ray fluxes. The evolution of the X-ray luminosity function of these low-luminosity systems is more sensitive to the thermal history of the intragroup medium (IGM) than to cosmological parameters. Energy injection into the IGM (from, for example, supernovae or active galactic nuclei winds) is required to explain the X-ray properties of nearby groups. The observed lack of evolution suggests that the energy injection occurred at redshifts   z >0.5  .  相似文献   

We present near-infrared broad-band polarization images of the nuclear regions of the Circinus galaxy in the J , H and K bands. For the first time the south-eastern reflection cone is detected in polarized light, which is obscured at optical wavelengths behind the galactic disc. This biconical structure is clearly observed in J - and H -band polarized flux, whilst in the K band a more compact structure is detected. Total flux J − K and H − K colour maps reveal a complex colour gradient toward the south-east direction (where the Circinus galactic disc is nearer to us). We find enhanced extinction in an arc-shaped structure, at about 200 pc from the nucleus, probably part of the star formation ring.
We model the polarized flux images with the scattering and torus model of Young et al., with the same basic input parameters as used by Alexander et al. in the spectropolarimetry modelling of Circinus. The best fit to the polarized flux is achieved with a torus radius of ∼16 pc, and a visual extinction A V , through the torus, to the near-infrared emission regions of >66 mag.  相似文献   

Interacting galaxies like the famous Antennae (NGC 4038/4039) or Stephan's Quintet (HCG 92) show considerable star forming activity in their tidal arms. High resolution images (e.g. from HST-observations) indicate that these regions consist of up to hundreds of massive stellar clusters or tidal dwarf galaxies (TDG). In this paper we want to investigate the future fate of these clusters of massive star clusters (in this work called super-clusters). We simulate compact super-clusters in the tidal field of a host-galaxy and investigate the influence of orbital and internal parameters on the rate and timescale of the merging process. We show that it is possible that such configurations merge and build a dwarf galaxy, which could be an important mechanism of how long-lived dwarf satellite galaxies form. A detailed study of the merger object will appear in a follow-up paper.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We study the nature of the extended near-UV emission in the inner kiloparsec of a sample of 15 Seyfert (Sy) galaxies which have both near-UV (F330W) and narrow-band [O  iii ] high-resolution Hubble images. For the majority of the objects, we find a very similar morphology in both bands. From the [O  iii ] images, we construct synthetic images of the nebular continuum plus the emission-line contribution expected through the F330W filter, which can be subtracted from the F330W images. We find that the emission of the ionized gas dominates the near-UV extended emission in half of the objects. A further broad-band photometric study, in the bands F330W ( U ), F547M ( V ) and F160W ( H ), shows that the remaining emission is dominated by the underlying galactic bulge contribution. We also find a blue component whose nature is not clear in four out of 15 objects. This component may be attributed to scattered light from the active galactic nuclei, to a young stellar population in unresolved star clusters, or to early disrupted clusters. Star-forming regions and/or bright off nuclear star clusters are observed in 4/15 galaxies of the sample.  相似文献   

The observational investigation of the evolution of the star formation activities of early-type galaxies (ETGs) with redshifts helps us to understand the formation and evolution of this kind of galaxies. Combined with the highresolution images from HST/ACS (Hubble Space Telescope/Advanded Camera for Surveys) of the GEMS (Galaxy Evolution fromMorphology and SEDs) survey and the multi-band data from Spitzer, GALEX (Galaxy Evolution Explorer) and so on in the CDFS (Chandra Deep Field South) field, a complete sample including 456 ETGs with their redshifts in the range of 0.2 ≤ z ≤ 1.0 is selected on the basis of morphology, color and stellar mass. By using the stacking technique, the ultraviolet and infrared average luminosities of sample galaxies are measured, and the star formation rates of ETGs are estimated. The results indicate that the star formation rates of ETGs are relatively low (< 3 M yr−1) and decrease with decreasing redshifts. The mass contributed by the star formation since z = 1 is less than 15%. The analyses of stellar populations also confirm that the bulk of the population of massive ETGs was formed in the early universe (z > 2).  相似文献   

We use the Hubble Ultra Deep Field to study the galaxy luminosity–size  ( M – R e )  distribution. With a careful analysis of selection effects due to both detection completeness and measurement reliability, we identify bias-free regions in the   M – R e   plane for a series of volume-limited samples. By comparison to a nearby survey also having well-defined selection limits, namely the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue, we present clear evidence for evolution in surface brightness since   z ∼ 0.7  . Specifically, we demonstrate that the mean, rest-frame B -band  〈μ〉 e   for galaxies in a sample spanning 8 mag in luminosity between   M B =−22  and −14 mag increases by ∼1.0 mag arcsec−2 from   z ∼ 0.1  to 0.7. We also highlight the importance of considering surface brightness-dependent measurement biases in addition to incompleteness biases. In particular, the increasing, systematic underestimation of Kron fluxes towards low surface brightnesses may cause diffuse, yet luminous, systems to be mistaken for faint, compact objects.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a detailed study of the peculiar early-type galaxy NGC 1947. The main goal of this work is to constrain the dynamical status and the formation history of NGC 1947 by comparing the observed properties with the predictions derived from different galaxy formation scenarios. To this aim, we derived the photometric and kinematical properties of NGC 1947. Due to the presence of an extended dust lane, which crosses the galaxy centre along the photometric minor axis, we used near-infrared (NIR) images ( J and K bands) to derive an accurate analysis of the stellar light distribution. Optical images (in the V and R bands) are used to derive the colour profiles and colour maps to study the structure of the dust lane. The observed kinematics confirm the presence of two components with decoupled angular momentum: gas and dust rotate along the minor axis, while the rotation velocities of the stars are observed along the major axis. The complex structure observed in NGC 1947 supports the hypothesis that some kind of interactions happened in the evolution of this object. We analysed two alternatives: a merging process and an accretion event. We discussed how the observed properties strongly suggest that the decoupled ring of gas and dust has been accreted from outside.  相似文献   

We present the data and analysis of VLBI observations at 1.6, 5 and 15 GHz of a sample of faint gigahertz peaked spectrum (GPS) sources selected from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey. The 5-GHz observations involved a global array of 16 stations and yielded data on the total sample of 47 sources. A subsample of 26 GPS sources with peak frequencies     and/or peak flux densities     was observed with the VLBA at 15 GHz. A second subsample of 29 sources, with     was observed at 1.6 GHz using a 14-station global VLBI array. In this way, 44 of the 47 sources (94 per cent) in the sample were observed above and at or below their spectral peak. Spectral decomposition allowed us to identify three, 11, seven and two objects as compact symmetric objects, compact doubles, core–jet and complex sources, respectively. However, many of the sources classified as compact double or core–jet sources show only two components making their classification rather tentative. This may explain why the strong morphological dichotomy of GPS quasars and galaxies found for radio-bright GPS sources is not as clear in this faint sample.  相似文献   

Gamma‐ray bursts (GRBs) are the most powerful explosions since the formation of the Universe, associated with the death of massive stars or mergers of compact stellar objects. Several recent striking results strongly support the idea that host galaxies of GRBs are opening a new view on our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution, back to the very primordial universe at z ∼ 8. They form a unique sample of galaxies which cover a wide range of redshift, they are typically weak with low mass and unlike other methods they are not selected on luminosity. In recent years, thanks to the support of new generation instruments, multi‐band photometry and spectroscopy allow us to better investigate the properties of these host galaxies (e.g., stellar mass, age, SFR, metallicity), to study their possible evolution and to compare them with field galaxies and other classes of galaxies. GRB host spectroscopy is one of the main science drivers behind the X‐shooter spectrograph. In this paper, we present the first results of the program devoted to Italian‐French GTO multiband spectroscopy of GRB host galaxies with X‐shooter (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present near-infrared 2.1-μm continuum and Brγ and 1–0S(1) line images of three blue compact dwarf galaxies: II Zw 40, NGC 5253 and He 2-10. Comparison of the morphologies of the emission-line regions and continuum together with the line ratios shows that in these cases the starbursts are typified by strongly peaked Brγ and weak diffuse H2 emission, indicating the presence of one or more compact nuclei, and also tidal tails. We consider the possible origins of the H2 emission, and conclude that shock excitation in cloud collisions, and hence dynamical processes such as interactions or mergers, is important. By comparing models of the equivalent width of Brγ to other age constraints from the literature we show that the star formation must have occurred not only recently but in a short-duration burst. The current centres of star formation in all three galaxies are of a similar age but, whereas the hotspots in He 2-10 are coeval, we find phase differences between those in NGC 5253. We compare the masses and sizes of the star formation sites to those of present-day globular clusters.  相似文献   

We present results from a deep mid-infrared survey of the Hubble Deep Field South (HDF-S) region performed at 6.7 and 15 μm with the ISOCAM instrument on board the Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ). The final map in each band was constructed by the co-addition of four independent rasters, registered using bright sources securely detected in all rasters, with the absolute astrometry being defined by a radio source detected at both 6.7 and 15 μm. We sought detections of bright sources in a circular region of radius 2.5 arcmin at the centre of each map, in a manner that simulations indicated would produce highly reliable and complete source catalogues using simple selection criteria. Merging source lists in the two bands yielded a catalogue of 35 distinct sources, which we calibrated photometrically using photospheric models of late-type stars detected in our data. We present extragalactic source count results in both bands, and discuss the constraints that they impose on models of galaxy evolution, given the volume of space sampled by this galaxy population.  相似文献   

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