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在高桩码头中,采用新型的大直径预应力混凝土管桩(大管桩)代替目前广泛应用的小尺寸预应力混凝土方桩,将大大提高桩的抗弯能力和垂直承载能力,因此是一种很有发展前途的新型结构型式[1].但大管桩的采用提出了高桩码头设计与施工方面的许多新课题,由于桩承载能力的提高,桩形状以及上部结构形式的变化,导致桩帽的形式及受力特性也相应地发生变化,因而巫需了解这种新型结构桩帽的受力特性,以便据此确定配筋计算原则.  相似文献   

李静  史宏达 《海岸工程》2009,28(4):48-58
对我国近年出现的几种新型码头结构的研究进行了综述和分析。其中,遮帘式板桩码头结构减小了作用于前板桩上的土压力,使板桩码头在大水深情况下得以应用;双排大管桩码头结构使大管桩较高的轴向承载力和抗弯强度得到充分发挥;架空直立式码头解决了内河大水位差情况下建造码头的难题;椭圆型沉箱的应用避免了采用2个圆沉箱产生前后不均匀沉降的技术难题。最后,对上述新型结构的应用进行了总结。  相似文献   

李明 《海岸工程》2008,27(3):65-71
在钢管桩沉桩施工中,控制好钢管桩的定位、标高以及贯入度,是钢管桩施工中的质量控制要点,钢管桩沉桩完成后进行接桩、截桩及钢管桩的防腐修补施工。根据钢管桩沉桩的质量控制要点,在钢管桩施工中,要做好施工测量控制,确保沉桩位置的准确以及打桩的垂直度,保证沉桩的贯入度能够满足地基承载力的要求;同时要做好船机的调配工作,保证钢管桩沉桩施工的顺利进行。  相似文献   

以青岛某水工工程为例,介绍了在海中施工CDM桩护岸的主要施工技术和施工方法。工程采用了CDM桩的海中支架设计,介绍了CDM桩块体机具选择,CDM桩配合比设计及最终CDM块体的成桩咬合布置、水下CDM成桩主要施工技术参数和工艺。为以后类似CDM桩施工提供借签。  相似文献   

海上自升式钻井平台完成预定工作后,将收起桩靴迁航到下一个目的地,桩靴的拔出是由支撑状态向漂浮状态过渡的重要过程,是自升式钻井平台正常作业不可缺少的重要组成部分。在这个过程中,拔桩阻力的预测对于桩靴上拔安全至关重要。笔者通过对平台拔桩阻力进行分析,并结合中油海平台近几年的拔桩作业经验,提出了施工中的注意事项,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

海底浅层气一般指海床浅地层内聚集的气体,是一种典型的海洋灾害地质类型,施工作业时一旦发生灾害,将对生命财产造成不可估量的损失。本文通过介绍海底浅层气的性质和危害,同时对辽东湾浅层气海域的进行工程物探资料分析,结合浅层气海域地层物性的特点,针对带桩靴的自升式平台在浅层气海域桩的插桩过程中存在的风险,提出了自升式平台分段延时插桩方法。并通过实践,指导中油海6平台在该海域的成功插桩,验证了该方法在浅层气海域插桩的可行性,同时实现了桩靴式自升式平台在该区块作业的零突破,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

刘洪超  李华 《海岸工程》2020,39(1):53-59
介绍了广州港新沙港区板桩码头主要内力计算方法及常用软件,结合设计过程、工程地质情况、现场实际施工情况,着重从受力合理性、施工便利性、节省造价方面,对提出的钢板桩方案、钢管板桩方案进行比较分析,确定了钢管板桩结构更合理,并对优势进行总结。研究表明相对于钢板桩结构,钢管板桩结构在抗弯、抗变形、拉杆拉力和锚碇墙稳定性、对复杂地基(软弱土层较厚、岩层标高较高的地基)适应性、兼顾桩基基础、施工速度等方面更具备优势,且钢管板桩结构可更好的适应码头的大型化和深水化发展,在类似工程设计中可优先采用钢管板桩结构。  相似文献   

针对海上导管架吊装水下插桩到海底已有钢管桩内的作业难点,通过使用高精度定位设备、罗经、姿态仪和无线网桥,组建集测量导管架位置、高程、方位和姿态于一体的三维定位系统,接入定位软件中,实现实时显示导管架的位置、高程、方位、姿态和导管架桩腿插尖分别距每个海底钢管桩的平面距离和垂直距离,用于指导导管架吊装作业。在广东阳江某海上风电项目中,将该定位系统应用于风机导管架吊装作业中,实现了数字化和可视化作业指导,快捷地完成吊装作业,对后续类似项目具有参考意义。  相似文献   

本文讨论了锤击沉柱时的四个问题:关于重锤轻打的问题;关于锤垫和桩垫的作用问题;如何确定作为控制沉桩标准的贯入度;关于如何估计锤击压应力的大小以保证桩体完好的问题。 我局每年施打的预应力混凝土桩约2万根。碰到的打桩问题很多,如何认识这些问题并作出正确的处理,对保证基桩的质量、降低工程成本具有重要的现实意义。为此,1988年4月28日在第三航务工程局科研所召开了“桩基技术研讨会”,对桩基施工中的问题进行了研讨。  相似文献   

随着海上风电的蓬勃发展,如何提高沉桩质量与施工工效是需要研究的问题。唐山乐亭菩提岛海上风电场300MW 示范工程作为渤海湾第一个海上风电场,施工前期通过对渤海湾水文、地质分析,对沉桩相关设备、施工流程、施工质量控制点等的分析,克服了水深、涌浪大、地质条件差、钢管桩长等难点,确保了15个承台共120根钢管桩的沉桩进度与质量,得到了业主的好评。文章总结优化了渤海湾海上风电场沉桩相关技术与控制难点,为后续渤海湾海上风电场沉桩施工提供了重要施工经验与保障。  相似文献   


An experimental study of the performance of concrete pipe piles during installation under different penetration speeds and static load tests on the piles in sand is presented. The applied jacking force, the amount of pile penetration, length of soil plug formed and ultimate bearing capacity were measured during the model tests. The results showed that the concrete pipe piles were partially plugged and the behavior of the soil plug was significantly affected by the penetration speed. The lower the penetration speed, the larger the soil plug formed which in turn leads to a greater ultimate bearing capacity. The size of soil plug can be evaluated by the m value defined as the ratio of the volume of the soil plug to that of the penetrated pile wall. The relationship between the m value and the penetration speeds can be used to estimate the amount of soil plug and the depth of penetration for an open-ended concrete pipe pile jacked into sand.  相似文献   

海洋钢结构浪溅区、潮差区防腐蚀方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从研究腐蚀角度来看,钢桩式构筑物在海洋环境中的腐蚀一般被划分为五个区带,即海洋大气区、浪花飞溅区、潮差区、海水全浸区和海底泥土区。为减轻其腐蚀,必须对不同部位采取相应的防腐蚀措施。在海洋大气区和海水全浸区目前所采用的保护方法,可得到满意的保护效果。潮差区平均中潮位以下的部位,可以得到同全浸区基本相同的阴极保护效果,不须采取其他特殊的防腐蚀措施。而浪花飞溅区和潮差区平均中潮位以上部位腐蚀最为严重,采取防腐蚀措施也比较困难。为此,不少学者特别对浪溅区、潮差区的防腐蚀方法  相似文献   

Reducing the cost of offshore platform construction is an urgent issue for marginal oilfield development.The offshore oil well structure includes a riser and a surface casing.The riser,surface casing and oil well cement can be considered special variable cross-section piles.Replacing or partially replacing the steel pipe pile foundation with a variable cross-section pile to provide the required bearing capacity for an offshore oil platform can reduce the cost of foundation construction and improve the economic efficiency of production.In this paper,the finite element analysis method is used to investigate the variable cross-section bearing mode of composite piles composed of a riser and a surface casing in saturated clay under a vertical load.The calculation formula of the bearing capacity at the variable section is derived based on the theory of spherical cavity expansion,the influencing factors of the bearing capacity coefficient Nc are revealed,and the calculation method of Nc is proposed.By comparing the calculation results with the results of the centrifuge test,the accuracy and applicability of the calculation method are verified.The results show that the riser composite pile has a rigid core in the soil under the variable cross-section,which increases the bearing capacity at the variable cross-section.  相似文献   


Pipes buried in soft ground can be damaged due to the vertical and lateral movement of the ground during the construction of the embankment. To investigate such a movement of the soft ground, full-scale tests using embankment piles and stabilizing piles were conducted for 70?days. A pile-supported embankment has been used to reduce the deformation of soft ground by transferring the embankment load through piles to the firm layer below the soft ground, whereas stabilizing piles have been employed to resist the lateral earth pressure that is induced in soft ground by embankment loads. The Coupling Area (CA), which was defined as the quantitative index to determine the resistance effect of both settlement and lateral flow of the soft ground when the embankment was reinforced, is adapted. The analysis results of the CA indicate that the piled embankment was more effective for preventing the damage to buried pipe installed near the embankment, while the stabilizing piles had almost the same effect as the piled embankment when the pipe was buried far away from the embankment.  相似文献   

本文介绍了码头钢管桩潮差段底漆、底胶、聚乙烯包覆三层防腐结构的施工工艺及防腐材料的性能指标并简要介绍了防腐钢管桩的使用情况。  相似文献   

某外海工程在沉设超长大直径钢管桩施工过程中,发生钢管桩在海床泥面附近严重变形的情况。通过对本工程超长大直径钢管桩产生变形的可能性原因进行分析,同时对其变形处局部加强处理方案进行一系列的研究论证,并对加强处理方案进行比选优化后,最后采用一可靠的加强处理方案。为类似工程避免发生此类质量事故和钢管桩局部变形水下加强处理提供参考。  相似文献   

Large-scale field tests were conducted to study set-up effect in open-ended prestressed high-strength concrete pipe piles jacked into stratified soil. Four open-ended prestressed high-strength concrete pipe piles with 13 and 18 m in embedment depth were fully instrumented with fiber Bragg grating sensors and installed. Several restrike dynamic tests were performed on each test pile, with the time interval from 21.5 to 284 hours after installation. Static loading tests (SLTs) were later performed on each test pile at 408 hours after installation to substantiate the dynamic tests. Changes with time in pile bearing capacity and in the shaft and toe resistances were studied based on the results of the pile tests. The development of shaft resistance set-up in different layers was studied in particular. It was found that set-up effect in the shaft resistance is significant and the toe resistance increment was minor. The overall set-up factor of total bearing capacity was found to range from 0.09 to 0.53, and the set-up effect of friction pile is much larger than the end bearing pile. More significant set-up in shaft resistance was observed in fill and alluvium layer. The dimensionless set-up factor A for shaft resistance in marine deposits ranges from 0.5 to 1.43, and it contributes the most to the shaft resistance as the shaft resistance in marine deposits is higher.  相似文献   

The low side friction of piles in coral sand results in the low bearing capacity of foundations. In this paper, expansive concrete pile is utilized to improve the bearing capacity of pile foundations in coral sand. Both model tests and numerical simulation are performed to reveal the bearing mechanism of expansive concrete pile in coral sand.Results showed that the lateral earth pressure near pile increases obviously and the side friction of piles is improved,after adding expansion agent to the concrete. The horizontal linear expansion is 1.11% and the bearing capacity increased 41% for the pile, when 25% expansion agent is added. Results in finite element numerical simulation also show that ultimate bearing capacity increases with the increase of the linear expansion ratio. Besides, the area for obvious increase in side friction is below the surface of soil about three times the pile diameter, and the expansion leads to a high side friction sharing of the pile. Therefore, the cast-in-place expansive concrete pile is effective in improving the bearing capacity of piles in coral sand.  相似文献   

王培元 《海岸工程》2008,27(3):59-64
在胜利油田孤东海堤堤前滩地的保滩促淤工程中,目前普遍使用的丁坝结构形式,要么容易被破坏,要么造价高昂、施工难度极大,为此,我们引入了新型双排管桩丁坝。双排管桩丁坝是以管桩技术为基础的一种新型丁坝结构形式,详细介绍了它的结构,以及在保滩促淤工程中的实施过程,并对其优、缺点进行了分析比较,指出了它的改进方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

The super-long and large-diameter steel pipe piles are often adopted for the construction of offshore oil platforms in deep sea. One constructability issue related to driving heavy pipe piles is the pile running. The term pile running refers to the quick penetration of a pile into the seabed as a result of its high self-weight and low resistance from the seabed. The unexpected pile running can cause the steel wire of the hammer to break or even the loss of the hammer. A case study of pile running at an oil platform is introduced in this paper. A simplified theoretical method is proposed to explain the mechanisms of the pile running in this case. A factor of friction degradation is proposed to calculate the dynamic skin friction from the static ultimate skin friction of surrounding soil. The comparisons between the predictions to the case history show that the proposed simplified method can be used to predict the pile running condition.  相似文献   

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