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徐佳  杨秋实  杨帆 《测绘科学》2013,38(3):57-58,62
根据结构动态监测中GPS多路径效应的日重复性和低频周期等特性,本文研究了一种基于集成经验模态分解(EEMD)技术的滤波方法,构造了EEMD时空滤波器。通过计算连续两天GPS动态监测数据EEMD的相关系数,提取GPS监测数据中的多路径效应。实验结果表明了该方法的有效性,为结构动态变形模态分析提供了有效数据。  相似文献   

小波去噪在GPS动态监测数据处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阐述了多尺度分析和小波变换的基本原理,分析了选择不同小波基对GPS动态监测数据去噪的效果.试验结果表明,小波变换实现了对GPS动态监测数据的有效去噪,是一种可靠的分析方法.  相似文献   

吴杰  苗恒亚  左工  余腾  李泽良 《测绘科学》2016,41(10):106-110,141
针对从GPS实际监测到的信号中去除噪声,提取真实信号的问题,该文对EMD去噪法、小波阈值去噪法,EMD小波去噪3种方法进行了比较,并通过实例分析得出:3种方法均可滤除噪声,但效果各不相同;EMD对信号分解具有良好的自适应性,但在滤除噪声时可能因为模态混叠的原因造成过滤不完全,各分量中可能均含有一定量的噪声;小波滤波噪声效果和小波基、阈值函数及分解层数选择有关,具有主观性;对于EMD小波混合去噪方法,提出先用EMD自适应方法进行分解,分解出噪声主导分量和信号主导分量;对于高频噪声主导分量,可能含有少量有用信号,故须再用小波阈值法过滤出有用信号;而对于信号主导分量,再用小波滤除多余噪声,最后进行逆变换得到重构后的信号。实例表明EMD小波混合去噪方法能很好地去除噪声,是一种高效的去噪方法。  相似文献   

GPS信号在发送过程中会受到多种误差源的影响,例如星历误差、卫星钟差、电离层对流层延迟、接收机钟差等。这些误差附加在GPS信号上使其与真实信号产生一定偏差,也使GPS信号最终的应用结果产生一定程度上的偏差,这对于科研与日常使用是非常不利的,所以对GPS信号进行去噪处理是十分必要的。互补集合经验模态分解(Complementary Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition,CEEMD)为近几年出现的新的数据处理方法。它由集合经验模态分解(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition,EEMD)改进而来,不仅保留了经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)在处理非平稳信号方面的优点,又完善了EMD的模态混叠问题,且计算结果表明CEEMD去噪效果优于EMD和EEMD。  相似文献   

一个快速Kalman滤波方法及其在GPS动态数据处理中的应用   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
董绪荣  陶大欣 《测绘学报》1997,26(3):221-227,267
本文首先建立起利用Kalman滤波进行动态GPS数据处理的数学模型。然后,基于矩阵外积概念设计了一个很有实用价值的Kalman滤波算法,并应用于动态GPS数据处理问题。理论分析和计算结果表明:该方法不仅数值稳定性高,而且快速高效,所用CPU时间仅为标准Kalman滤波的八分之一。  相似文献   

包头市郊区土地资源动态监测中的GPS应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合国家“九五”重点课题及在包头市郊区的实验,介绍了全球定位系统的定位原理和特点,阐述了包头市郊区土地资源动态监测工作中的GPS选型思路、基准站建立方法、外业数据采集方法、外业测量记录内容和GPS数据的内业处理过程等关键环节。  相似文献   

小波分析在GPS变形监测数据处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了小波变换在变形监测数据处理中的应用方法,将变形监测的数据序列视为不同频率成分组成的数字信号,用MATLAB编程实现小波分析对监测数据的粗差识别、消噪、发展趋势的提取,实例表明,小波分析可以较好地适用于大坝变形监测的数据处理。  相似文献   

在GPS观测的数据中,往往存在大量的噪声,噪声的存在对卫星信号造成了一定程度的干扰。利用小波去噪的方法可以分解GPS载波信号,得到信号的高频和低频不同的频率成分,从而有效的剔除GPS信号的噪声,调高GPS变形监测数据的精度。  相似文献   

以某组变形监测数据为研究对象,详细探讨了Matlab小波去噪函数中确定各种参数的方法,再通过得出的最佳参数对实验数据进行处理。结果表明,小波去噪有很好的数据处理能力。  相似文献   

以单频GPSOEM版在大坝施工巨型吊车防撞系统中的应用为研究对象,结合实际项目进行了GPS高速率载波相位平滑伪距的算法研究、软件实现和具体应用试验,结果表明该系统可以较好的解决该工程中大型移动吊车机械设备的实时动态安全监测问题。  相似文献   

冯宝红  葛义强 《测绘科学》2016,41(3):171-174
为了提高GPS数据预处理过程中基线解算的精度,文章研究利用多项式拟合法得到Kalman滤波的系统状态方程和转移矩阵,提出利用Kalman滤波算法对三差观测值进行粗差及周跳的修复。实验结果证明Kalman滤波可以对含噪信号进行有效的降噪,经降噪后的信号具有更好的分布。  相似文献   

IntroductionThere are many factors that affect the precisionand reliability of GPS measuring. Generally, theerror sources can be grouped into the followingthree classes: errors correlated with the satellites(such as ephemeris error, satellite clock error,…  相似文献   

吴杰  胡夏闽  苗恒亚 《测绘科学》2016,41(11):171-174
针对目前大桥监测的现状及各种监测方法的优缺点,该文结合苏通大桥运营情况,研究了GPS动态监测的原理、系统组成、坐标转换及监测注意事项,并对其进行了GPS动态监测试验。采集了桥面沿轴线方向、横向及竖向位移数据,对大桥在温度、风荷、车载等因素影响下的运营期大桥响应情况进行了分析。表明大桥轴线方向位移与温度正相关,1/4跨处相关系数为0.859;竖向位移与温度负相关,1/4跨处相关系数-0.817。并对数据进行了频谱分析,分析结果表明频谱没有明显变化;大桥各方向振幅在安全范围内,表明运营期的大桥十分健康;同时也表明GPS动态系统监测结果是可靠的。  相似文献   

陈向阳  高宝建 《测绘科学》2012,37(5):52+118
GPS变形监测系统中的监测点的观测资料是与时间有关的信号序列,本文研究应用小波分析优化流程,结合苏通大桥GPS变形监测系统获取的监测点数据序列进行分析。结果表明,选择合适的小波基函数,对数据信号进行小波分解与重构,可以有效地从受到强噪声干扰的监测数据序列中提取有用的特征信号,较好解决了传统处理技术对GPS动态观测数据去噪以及特征信息提取的局限性。  相似文献   

For the sake of timely appraising the working condition of the bridge, measuring the dynamic Characteristics of the bridge structure is very important and necessary. A GPS dynamic monitoring test was carried out in the Wuhan Baishazhou Bridge, which is one of the longest span cable-stayed bridges having been built in China. This paper introduces the experimental implementing scheme and data processing method. The vibration characteristics of the middle span of cable-stayed bridge are availably obtained by use of the spectral analytic approach. The measuring results are very identical to the theoretical designed values. The research demonstrates that, with GPS receiver of the high sampling rate and suitable data processing method, the vibration characteristics of the bridge structure can be determined with high accuracy.  相似文献   

Global Positioning System (GPS) is being actively applied to measure static and dynamic displacement responses of large civil engineering structures under winds. However, multipath effects and low sampling frequencies affect the accuracy of GPS for displacement measurement. On the other hand, accelerometers cannot reliably measure static and low-frequency structural responses, but can accurately measure high-frequency structural responses. Therefore, this paper explores the possibility of integrating GPS-measured signals with accelerometer-measured signals to enhance the measurement accuracy of total (static plus dynamic) displacement response of a structure. Integrated data processing techniques using both empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and an adaptive filter are presented. A series of motion simulation table tests are then performed at a site using three GPS receivers, one accelerometer, and one motion simulation table that can simulate various types of motion defined by input wave time histories around a pre-defined static position. The proposed data processing techniques are applied to the recorded GPS and accelerometer data to find both static and dynamic displacements. These results are compared with the actual displacement motions generated by the motion simulation table. The comparative results demonstrate that the proposed technique can significantly enhance the measurement accuracy of the total displacement of a structure.  相似文献   

论述了GPS形变监测网的建立和观测方法,提出一种利用GPS数据计算监测点坐标的方法,实现了应用GIS科学地管理各种变形监测信息。  相似文献   

This paper preliminarily investigates the application of unscented Kalman filter (UKF) approach with nonlinear dynamic process modeling for Global positioning system (GPS) navigation processing. Many estimation problems, including the GPS navigation, are actually nonlinear. Although it has been common that additional fictitious process noise can be added to the system model, however, the more suitable cure for non convergence caused by unmodeled states is to correct the model. For the nonlinear estimation problem, alternatives for the classical model-based extended Kalman filter (EKF) can be employed. The UKF is a nonlinear distribution approximation method, which uses a finite number of sigma points to propagate the probability of state distribution through the nonlinear dynamics of system. The UKF exhibits superior performance when compared with EKF since the series approximations in the EKF algorithm can lead to poor representations of the nonlinear functions and probability distributions of interest. GPS navigation processing using the proposed approach will be conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The performance of the UKF with nonlinear dynamic process model will be assessed and compared to those of conventional EKF.  相似文献   

Engineering projects that require deformation monitoring frequently utilize geodetic sensors to measure displacements of target points located in the deformation zone. In situations where control stations and targets are separated by a kilometer or more, GPS can offer higher precision position updates at more frequent intervals than can normally be achieved using total station technology. For large-scale deformation projects requiring the highest precision, it is therefore advisable to use a combination of the two sensors. In response to the need for high precision, continuous GPS position updates in harsh deformation monitoring environments, a software has been developed that employs triple-differenced carrier-phase measurements in a delayed-state Kalman filter. Two data sets were analyzed to test the capabilities of the software. In the first test, a GPS antenna was displaced using a translation stage to mimic slow deformation. In the second test, data collected at a large open pit mine were processed. It was shown that the delayed-state Kalman filter developed could detect millimeter-level displacements of a GPS antenna. The actual precision attained depends upon the amount of process noise infused at each epoch to accommodate the antenna displacements. Higher process noise values result in quicker detection times, but at the same time increase the noise in the solutions. A slow, 25 mm displacement was detected within 30 min of the full displacement with sigma values in E, N and U of ±10 mm or better. The same displacement could also be detected in less than 5 h with sigma values in E, N and U of ±5 mm or better. The software works best for detecting long period deformations (e.g., 20 mm per day or less) for which sigma values of 1–2 mm are attained in all three solution components. It was also shown that the triple-differenced carrier-phase observation can be used to significantly reduce the effects of residual tropospheric delay that would normally plague double-differenced observations in harsh GPS environments.
Don KimEmail:

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