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Radiative Processes in the Stable Boundary Layer: Part I. Radiative Aspects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure of the radiatively dominated stable boundary layer is analysed using idealized calculations at high vertical and spectral resolution. The temperature profile of a nocturnal radiative boundary layer, developing after the evening transition, is found to be well described in terms of radiative cooling to the surface, although radiative exchanges within the atmosphere become increasingly important with time. The treatment of non-black surfaces is discussed in some detail and it is shown that the effect of reducing the surface emissivity is to decrease rather than to increase the radiative cooling rate in the surface layer. It is also argued that an accurate assessment of the impact of non-black surfaces requires careful attention to the spectral and directional characteristics of the surface emissivity. A polar nocturnal boundary layer, developing above snow-covered ground, is simulated and found to reach a slowly evolving state characterized by a strong radiative divergence near the surface that is comparable to observed values. Radiative boundary layers are characterized by large temperature gradients near the surface. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The interaction between radiation and turbulence in the stable boundary layer over land is explored using an idealized model, with a focus on the surface layer after the evening transition. It is shown that finer vertical resolution is required in transitional boundary layers than in developed ones. In very light winds radiative cooling determines the temperature profile, even if similarity functions without a critical Richardson number are used; standard surface similarity theory applied over thick layers then yields poor forecasts of near-surface air temperatures. These points are illustrated with field data. Simulations of the developing nocturnal boundary layer are used to explore the wider role of radiation. Comparatively, radiation is less significant within the developed stable boundary layer than during the transition; although, as previous studies have found, it remains important towards the top of the stable layer and in the residual layer. Near the ground, reducing the surface emissivity below one is found to yield modest relative radiative warming rather than intense cooling, which reduces the potential importance of radiation in the developed surface layer. The profile of the radiative heating rate may be strongly dependent on other processes, leading to quite varied behaviour.  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel simulations of theatmospheric stable boundary layer (SBL) developedover a rough surface were conducted by using athermally stratified wind tunnel at the Research Institutefor Applied Mechanics (RIAM), Kyushu University. Thepresent experiment is a continuation of the workcarried out in a wind tunnel at Colorado StateUniversity (CSU), where the SBL flows were developed over asmooth surface. Stably stratified flows were createdby heating the wind-tunnel airflow to a temperature ofabout 40–50°and by cooling the test-section floor toa temperature of about 10°. To simulate therough surface, a chain roughness was placed over thetest-section floor. We have investigated the buoyancyeffect on the turbulent boundary layer developed overthis rough surface for a wide range of stability,particularly focusing on the turbulence structure andtransport process in the very stable boundary layer.The present experimental results broadly confirm theresults obtained in the CSU experiment with the smoothsurface, and emphasizes the following features: thevertical profiles of turbulence statistics exhibitdifferent behaviour in two distinct stability regimes with weak and strong stability,corresponding to the difference in the verticalprofiles of the local Richardson number. The tworegimes are separated by the critical Richardsonnumber. The magnitudes in turbulence intensities andturbulent fluxes for the weak stability regime aremuch greater than those of the CSU experiments becauseof the greater surface roughness. For the very stableboundary layer, the turbulent fluxes of momentum andheat tend to vanish and wave-like motions due to theKelvin–Helmholtz instability and the rolling up andbreaking of those waves can be observed. Furthermore,the appearance of internal gravity waves is suggestedfrom cross-spectrum analyses.  相似文献   

The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) model of Weng and Taylor with E−ℓ turbulence closure is applied to simulate the one-dimensional stably stratified ABL. The model has been run for nine hours from specified initial wind, potential temperature and turbulent kinetic energy profiles, and with a specified cooling rate applied at the surface. Different runs are conducted for different cooling rates, geostrophic winds and surface roughnesses. The results are discussed and compared with other models, large-eddy simulations and published field data.  相似文献   

The turbulence structure of a stable marine atmospheric boundary layer in the vicinity of a coastal headland is examined using aircraft observations and numerical simulations. Measurements are drawn from a flight by the NCAR C-130 around Cape Mendocino on the coast of northern California on June 7 1996 during the Coastal Waves 96 field program. Local similarity scaling of the velocity variances is found to apply successfully within the continuously turbulent layer; the empirical scaling function is similar to that found by several previous studies. Excellent agreement is found between the modelled and observed scaling results. No significant change in scaling behaviour is observed for the region within the expansion fan that forms downstream of the Cape, suggesting that the scaling can be applied to horizontally heterogeneous conditions; however, the precise form of the function relating scaled velocities and stability is observed to change close to the surface. This result, differences between the scaling functions found here and in other studies, and the departure of these functions from the constant value predicted by the original theory, leads us to question the nature of the similarity functions observed. We hypothesize that the form of the functions is controlled by non-local contributions to the velocity variance budgets, and that differences in the non-local terms between studies explain the differences in the observed scaling functions.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the instantaneous values of absolute temperatureat seven heights within the lower 36 m of the atmospheric boundary layer underdifferent stability conditions were carried out, accompanied by measurements ofthe wind velocity components at two levels and of solar radiation flux at the surface.The data obtained allow one to investigate individual convective cells known ascoherent structures (CS). Outside the CS, i.e., during quiet periods, an instanttemperature profile is in close agreement with the dry-adiabatic lapse rate, butwithin CS the temperature changes much faster with height, and the shape ofthe profile varies significantly.A method was developed to transform temperature records from sensors atseveral heights into an other form, namely, into temporal variations of theheights of isothermal surfaces. Since coherent structures were found to advectwith the mean wind velocity, these temporal height variations may be transformedinto the spatial ones, i.e., into the xoz-plane section of the temperature field.In such a pictorial presentation coherent structures look like asymmetric columnsof heat, penetrating the whole atmospheric surface layer.Coherent structures also exist in the stable stratified surface layer, but they have aninverse asymmetry and occupy only the lower several metres. Wavelike activitydominates in the upper part of the stable surface layer.The characteristic time of surface-layer adjustment to the rapid changes of solarradiation (due to cloud shadows or cloud gaps) was found to be on the order ofone minute. Such a time interval is required for coherent structure to reach the topof surface layer.  相似文献   

The atmospheric stable boundary layer (SBL) with a low-level jet is simulated experimentally using a thermally stratified wind tunnel. The turbulence structure and flow characteristics are investigated by simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fluctuations and by flow visualization. Attention is focused on the effect of strong wind shear due to a low-level jet on stratified boundary layers with strong stability. Occasional bursting of turbulence in the lower portion of the boundary layer can be found in the SBL with strong stability. This bursting originates aloft away from the surface and transports fluid with relatively low velocity and temperature upward and fluid with relatively high velocity and temperature downward. Furthermore, the relationship between the occurrence of turbulence bursting and the local gradient Richardson number (Ri) is investigated. The Ri becomes larger than the critical Ri, Ricr = 0.25, in quiescent periods. On the other hand, the Ri number becomes smaller than Ricr during bursting events.  相似文献   

An extensive meteorological dataset obtained from the plumevalidation experiment conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) atKincaid during 1980–1981 is analysed for studying the characteristic differences in thesurface-layer parameters in strong and weak wind stable conditions. The surface-layerparameters are computed using the similarity functions m and h proposed byBeljaars and Holtslag. The weak winds are characterized using the geostrophic wind speedas well as the wind speed at the 10-m level. The surface fluxes are found to be finitein weak wind conditions.Empirical formulations for the eddy diffusivities of momentum(KM) and heat (KH), and drag (CD) and heat exchange (CH) coefficients, as powerlaw functions of the bulk Richardson number (RiB), are proposed under both strong andweak wind conditions. Results are close to those based on observations taken from the IndianInstitute of Technology low wind diffusion experiment, the Land surface processes experiment,the Hanford diffusion experiment, the Cabauw field experiment and the Cooperative Atmospheric SurfaceExchange Study 1999 (CASES-99) experiment. In addition, the fluxes obtained fromthe proposed empirical relations are in good agreement with those based on similarity theory as wellas the turbulence measurements taken from the CASES-99 experiment.  相似文献   

Observations obtained over a glacier surface in a predominantlykatabatic flow and with a distinctwind maximum below 13-m height are presented. The data werecollected using a 13-m high profilemast and two sonic anemometers (at about 2.5-m and 10-m heights).The spectra at frequencies belowthat of the turbulence range appear to deviate considerably fromthe curves obtained by Kaimal andco-workers during the 1968 Kansas experiment. The characteristicsof these deviations are compared tothe observations of others in surface-layers disturbed by anykind of large-scale outer-layer (orinactive) turbulence. In our case the disturbances arelikely to be induced by the highmountain ridges that surround the glacier. Moreover, the deviationsobserved in the cospectra seemto result from an, as yet, unspecified interaction between theinactive outer-layer turbulenceand the local surface-layer turbulence. Near the distinctwind maximum turbulence production ceasedwhile turbulence itself did not, probably the result ofturbulence transport from other levels. Consequently, we studied thelocal similarity relations using w instead of u* as an alternative velocity scale. Wellbelow the wind maximum, and for relatively low stability(0< Rig <0.2), the flow behaves accordingto well established local-scaling similarity relationshipsin the stable boundary layer. For higherstability (Rig > 0.2), and near or above the wind maximum, the boundary-layer structure conforms tothat of z-less stratification suggesting that the eddy sizeis restricted by the local stability ofthe flow. In line with this we observed that the sensibleheat fluxes relate remarkably well to thelocal flow parameters.  相似文献   

Wind and temperature profiles in the stable boundary layer were analyzed in the context of MoninObukhov similarity. The measurements were made on a 60-m tower in Kansas during October 1999 (CASES-99). Fluxprofile relationships, obtained from these measurements in their integral forms, were established for wind speed and temperature. Use of the integral forms eliminates the uncertainty and accuracy issues resulting from gradient computations. The corresponding stability functions, which were nearly the same for momentum and virtual sensible heat, were found to exhibit different features under weakly stable conditions compared to those under strongly stable conditions. The gradient stability functions were found to be linear, namely m = 1+ 5.8 and h = 1 + 5.4 up to a limit of the MoninObukhov stability parameter = 0.8; this is consistent with earlier findings. However, for stronger stabilities beyond a transition range, both functions were observed gradually to approach a constant, with a value of approximately 7. To link these two distinct regimes, a general but pliable functional form with only two parameters is proposed for the stability functions, covering the entire stability range from neutral to very stable conditions.  相似文献   

Multi-level turbulent wind data from the Risø Air-Sea Experiments (RASEX) were used to examine the structure of large-scale motions in the marine atmospheric surface layer. The quadrant technique was used to identify flux events (ejections/sweeps). Ejections, which appear to occur in groups, are seen to occur first at the upper level, moving successively to lower levels with small time delays. A strong correlation between events at different heights suggests that they may all be part of a single large structure. Cross-correlation between velocity signals was used to estimate orientation of the structure using Taylor's hypothesis. The inclination of this structure is shallow ( 15°) near the surface and increases with height. Spatial representations of the fluctuating wind vectors show a structure that is strikingly similar to conceptual models of transverse vortices and shear layers seen in laboratory flows and direct numerical simulation (DNS) of low Reynolds number flows. Spatial visualization of velocity fluctuations during other time periods and conditions clearly shows the existence of shear layers, transverse vortices, plumes, and downdrafts of various sizes and strengths. A quantitative analysis shows an increase in the frequency of shear related events with increasing wind speed.  相似文献   

Lagrangian stochastic models are well-suited for modeling dispersion in the stable boundary layer, especially in complex terrain. This note briefly describes the formulations and application of a Lagrangian stochastic model to predict dispersion of tracers released within nocturnal drainage flows.  相似文献   

Turbulence characteristics, vertical profiles of wind velocity u(z) and air temperature T(z), and also spatial variations in steppe surface radiation temperature Tr(x) are measured simultaneously. A marked effect of Tr(x) characteristics on the turbulence characteristics and T(z) profiles is observed in the lower part of the atmospheric surface layer. We suggest that variability in Tr(x) noticeably influences the surface-layer temperature field and leads to scatter in the values of the universal functions obtained by different authors; effects of Tr(x) are not accounted for in similarity theory. The introduction of the value of temperature zero-plane displacement dT in the calculation formulae (to determine temperature flux) noticeably improves the agreement between calculated and measured (by eddy-correlation method) results. The influence of footprint (or Source Area) on the obtained results leads to noticeable scatter in the data obtained from measurements of atmospheric turbulence.  相似文献   

Local Scales of Turbulence in the Stable Boundary Layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Local, gradient-based scales, which contain the vertical velocity and temperature variances, as well as the potential temperature gradient, but do not include fluxes, are tested using data collected during the CASES-99 experiment. The observations show that the scaling based on the temperature variance produces relatively smaller scatter of empirical points. The resulting dimensionless statistical moments approach constant values for sufficiently large values of the Richardson number Ri. This allows one to derive predictions for the Monin–Obukhov similarity functions φ m and φ h , the Prandtl number Pr and the flux Richardson number Rf in weak turbulence regime.  相似文献   

Large amplitude, isolated, wave-like phenomena have been observed in the lowest 40 m of the strongly stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer overlying a coastal Antarctic ice shelf. The waves only occur when prevailing wind speeds are low. They always propagate from over the land, with phase speeds exceeding the local mean wind speed. They have wavelengths of the order of 200 m. Several examples are described and a summary of the statistical properties of these waves events is presented.  相似文献   

Wave-Modified Flux and Plume Dispersion in the Stable Boundary Layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The effects of a pressure jump and a following internal gravity wave on turbulence and plume diffusion in the stable planetary boundary layer are examined. The pressure jump was accompanied by a sudden increase in turbulence and plume dispersion. The effects of wave perturbations on turbulence statistics are analysed by calculating fluxes and variances with and without the wave signal for averaging times ranging from 1 to 30 min. The wave signals are obtained using a band-pass filter. It is shown that second-order turbulence quantities calculated without first subtracting the wave perturbations from the time are greater than those calculated when the wave signal is separated from the turbulence. Estimates of the vertical dispersion of an elevated tracer plume in the stable boundary layer are made using an elastic backscatter lidar. Plume dispersion observed 25 m downwind of the source increases rapidly with the arrival of the flow disturbances. Measured plume dispersion and plume centreline height correlate with the standard deviation of the vertical velocity but not with the wave signal.  相似文献   

The characteristics of submeso motions in the stable boundary layer are examined using observations from networks of sonic anemometers with network sizes ranging from a few hundred metres to 100 km. This study examines variations on time scales between 1 min and 1 h. The analysis focuses on the behaviour of the spectra of the horizontal kinetic energy, the ratios of the three velocity variances, their kurtosis, the dependence of horizontal variability on time scale, and the inter-relationship between vertical vorticity, horizontal divergence and deformation. Motions on larger time and space scales in the stable boundary layer are found to be nearly two-dimensional horizontal modes although the ratio of the vorticity to the divergence is generally on the order of one and independent of scale. One exception is a small network where stronger horizontal divergence is forced by a decrease in surface roughness. The horizontal variability, averaged over 1 h, appears to be strongly influenced by surface heterogeneity and increases with wind speed. In contrast, the time dependence of the horizontal structure on time scales less than one hour tends to be independent of wind speed for the present datasets. The spectra of the horizontal kinetic energy and the ratio of the crosswind velocity variance to the along-wind variance vary substantially between networks. This study was unable to isolate the cause of such differences. As a result, the basic behaviour of the submeso motions in the stable boundary layer cannot be generalized into a universal theory, at least not from existing data.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that in the stable atmospheric surface layer turbulent fluxes of heat and momentum can be determined from the standard deviations of longitudinal wind velocity and temperature, σ u and σ T respectively, measured at a single level. An attractive aspect of this method is that it yields fluxes from measurements that can be obtained with two-dimensional sonic anemometers. These instruments are increasingly being used at official weather stations, where they replace the standard cup anemometer–wind vane system. With methods such as the one described in this note, a widespread, good quality, flux network can be established, which would greatly benefit the modelling community. It is shown that a ‘variance’ dimensionless height (ζ σ) defined from σ u and σ T is highly related to the ‘conventional’ dimensionless stability parameter ζ=z/L, where z is height and L is the Obukhov length. Empirical functions for ζ σ are proposed that allow direct calculation of heat and momentum fluxes from σ u and σ T. The method performs fairly well also during a night of intermittent turbulence.  相似文献   

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