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Shah N  Nachabe M  Ross M 《Ground water》2007,45(3):329-338
In many landscapes, vegetation extracts water from both the unsaturated and the saturated zones. The partitioning of evapotranspiration (ET) into vadose zone evapotranspiration and ground water evapotranspiration (GWET) is complex because it depends on land cover and subsurface characteristics. Traditionally, the GWET fraction is assumed to decay with increasing depth to the water table (DTWT), attaining a value of 0 at what is termed the extinction depth. A simple assumption of linear decay with depth is often used but has never been rigorously examined using unsaturated-saturated flow simulations. Furthermore, it is not well understood how to relate extinction depths to characteristics of land cover and soil texture. In this work, variable saturation flow theory is used to simulate GWET for three land covers and a range of soil properties under drying soil conditions. For a water table within half a meter of the land surface, nearly all ET is extracted from ground water due to the close hydraulic connection between the unsaturated and the saturated zones. For deep-rooted vegetation, the decoupling of ground water and vadose zone was found to begin at water table depths between 30 and 100 cm, depending on the soil texture. The decline of ET with DTWT is better simulated by an exponential decay function than the commonly used linear decay. A comparison with field data is consistent with the findings of this study. Tables are provided to vary the extinction depth for heterogeneous landscapes with different vegetation cover and soil properties.  相似文献   

A technique to estimate mass erosion rate of surface soil during landing of the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) and total mass ejected due to the rocket plume interaction is proposed and tested. The erosion rate is proportional to the product of the second moment of the lofted particle size distribution N(D), and third moment of the normalized soil size distribution S(D), divided by the integral of S(D)?D2/v(D), where D is particle diameter and v(D) is the vertical component of particle velocity. The second moment of N(D) is estimated by optical extinction analysis of the Apollo cockpit video. Because of the similarity between mass erosion rate of soil as measured by optical extinction and rainfall rate as measured by radar reflectivity, traditional NWS radar/rainfall correlation methodology can be applied to the lunar soil case where various S(D) models are assumed corresponding to specific lunar sites.  相似文献   

Diverse and abundant siliceous sponge spicules were found in the latest Permian beds, Dongpan and Ma'anying sections, South China, including 52 types and 85 forms. Further investigation on these spicules allows us to understand extinction patterns and processes of deep-water sponges. These sponge spicules rapidly decreased below the Permian/Triassic boundary (PTB), and the extinction rates reach up to 88%-90% for types and 88%-92% for forms. Their extinction pattern is a gradual one that consists of two stages: the first is characterized by a gentle and slow extinction speed and low extinction rate, and the second by sharp and fast extinction speed and high extinction rate. The morphological extinction process is involved in the disappearance first of the triaxons and tetraxons, then of the polyaxons and demas, and last of monaxons. In exterior structure extinction, the complex spicules with branches and spines became extinct more easily than did smooth spicules. After the end-Permian mass extinction, only five common and smooth forms survived: Oxeas A, Oxeas B, Strongles B, Oxy-orthpentactines and Oxy-orthohexactines A.  相似文献   

Summary Comparisons were made of the extinctions as measured with a photoelectric condensation nucleus counter, Dublin School of Cosmic Physics Model 1957, when the «over-pressure method» or the «under-pressure method» with equal pressure expansion ratios were used for producing the adiabatic cooling of the sample in, the fogtube of the counter. Due to theSchlarb effect the extinction measured by the second method is smaller than that by the first. Tables and graphs for converting the extinction obtained by one method into that by the other are given. The advantages of the underpressure method are given and discussed.
Zusammenfassung Es wird über die Vergleichung der Extinktionen, welche mit einem photo-elektrischen Kondensationskernzähler Modell 1957 der Schule für kosmische Physik in Dublin gemessen werden, berichtet, wenn, bei gleichem Druckexpansions-Verhältnis, die Druckerhöhungs- oder die Expansionsmethode in ein partielles Vakuum für die Erzeugung der adiabatischen Abkühlung der im Nebelrohr des Kernzählers eingeschlossenen Aerosolprobe benützt wird. Wie erwartet, ist als Folge desSchlarb-Effektes die mit der zweiten Methode gemessene Extinktion kleiner. Tabellen und Kurven werden mitgeteilt, welche die Umwandlung der mit der einen Methode erhaltenen Extinktion in jene der anderen ermöglichen, und die Vorteile der Vakuum-Expansions-Methode diskutiert.

The research reported in this article has been supported in part by the Geophysics Research Directorate of the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, through the European Office of the Air Research Division, United States Air Force under Contract AF 61 (052)-26 and by the Instrumentation Engineering Physics & Analysis Laboratory of the General Electric Co. Schenectady, New York under Retainer Agreement.  相似文献   

The patterns of temporal variations of precipitation (P), streamflow (SF) and baseflow (BF) as well as their nitrate-nitrogen (nitrate) concentrations (C) and loads (L) from a long-term record (28 years) in the Raccoon River, Iowa, were analyzed using variogram and spectral analyses. The daily P is random but scaling may exist in the daily SF and BF with a possible break point in the scaling at about 18 days and 45 days, respectively. The nitrate concentrations and loads are shown to have a half-year cycle while daily P, SF, and BF have a one-year cycle. Furthermore, there may be a low-frequency cycle of 6–8 years in C. The power spectra of C and L in both SF and BF exhibit fractal 1/f scaling with two characteristic frequencies of half-year and one-year, and are fitted well with the spectrum of the gamma distribution. The nitrate input to SF and BF at the Raccoon watershed seems likely to be a white noise process superimposed on another process with a half-year and one-year cycle.  相似文献   

东、南洞庭湖的径流、泥沙特征及冲淤规律   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过实地调查并对1957年以来水文、泥沙观测资料做系统分析和计算,探讨东、南洞庭湖出、入湖水量、沙量的年际和年内变化特征,以及长江下荆江段裁弯对湖区径流和泥沙的影响。提出了湖区泥沙汛淤枯冲的变化规律及水位升降与湖区泥沙冲淤的关系;论证了丰、平、枯年湖区淤积严重,面积日益缩小对径流的调节作用正在减弱。  相似文献   

燕郊等测点迁移优化与地磁观测研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为优化地磁观测条件,开展了燕郊、夏垫等测点迁移工作;按照测眯迁移原则与实施技术方案,完整地收集并整理了地质构造与地球物理等方面的基本资料;进行了野外实地勘察,磁场梯度的测量,确定了新测点,在新老测点上进行了较长时间的地磁场对比观测;应用多种方法分析研究了地磁对比观测资料,结果表明,新老测点与有关测点的地磁变化具有良好的一致性,并得到了新老测点之间的地磁数据的按点差。  相似文献   

A close correlation in spatial distribution of local seismic activity and energy release patterns before and after the 1979 Petatlan, Mexico earthquake suggests heterogeneity within the fault plane of this major low-angle thrust event associated with subduction along the Middle America Trench. A simple two-asperity model is proposed to account for the complexity. Foreshocks and aftershocks of the neighboring 1981 Playa Azul earthquake showed a similar pattern. As both events occurred at the junction of the Orozco Fracture Zone and the Middle America Trench, we speculate that the observed complex fault plane is caused by subduction of the rugged ocean floor of the Orozco Fracture Zone. Short-term precursory seismicity prior to the Petatlan earthquake can be explained by using the asperity model and migration of a slip front from the south-east to the north-west across the main shock source region.  相似文献   

Summary This paper discusses the influence of system stiffness on the dynamic instability of fault surfaces under laboratory conditions for a number of test modes. In conjunction with shear load stiffness, the normal load stiffness, often neglected, is shown to have a considerable effect on the stick-slip process —its presence or absence and its characteristics. Also appropriate stiffnesses are suggested for an earthquake sequence modeled as a growing dislocation.  相似文献   

GIS与防灾减灾   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地理信息系统(GIS)在我国已得到广泛的应用。在简要介绍G1S的发展历程、特点和发展趋势的基础上,重点从防灾减灾的角度介绍了GIS在气象灾害、地震灾害、地质灾害等领域的应用成果。  相似文献   

We rederive and generalize hyperbolic moveout formulae for the common-midpoint (CMP) gather and for the zero-offset (ZO) section that can be efficiently used for macro-model-independent reflection imaging in two-dimensional media. The hyperbolic moveout formulae for the common-midpoint gather are obtained from different Taylor series expansions of a particular parametric moveout surface defined in the multicoverage data space. Such a moveout surface involves three kinematic wave-field attributes of two hypothetical waves, which have to be determined by a coherency analysis. By using hyperbolic moveout curves in the CMP gather and in the ZO section one can determine these attributes in two steps. The relationships between the local shapes of the interfaces and the attributes of the hypothetical wave-fields attributes are considered by means of geometrical optics. The determination of these attributes allows to perform a macro-model-independent ZO simulation and a subsequent inversion.  相似文献   

本文探索了网络化环境下,利用现代化的信息技术,对地震科技信息资源集成整合以及共建共享等问题。  相似文献   

Introduction Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) is a great break in processing nonlinear and non-stationary data and can be successfully used in many science domains. There are mainly two parts in this method. The first part is to decompose the original data into several intrinsic mode functions (IMF) with the empirical mode decomposition (EMD). IMF components are derived from the original data directly according to the local characteristics in the data under some rules, so that IMF are poste…  相似文献   

In the last decade, remote sensing of the temporal variation of ground level and gravity has improved our understanding of groundwater dynamics and storage. Mass changes are measured by GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellites, whereas ground deformation is measured by processing synthetic aperture radar satellites data using the InSAR (Interferometry of Synthetic Aperture Radar) techniques. Both methods are complementary and offer different sensitivities to aquifer system processes. GRACE is sensitive to mass changes over large spatial scales (more than 100,000 km2). As such, it fails in providing groundwater storage change estimates at local or regional scales relevant to most aquifer systems, and at which most groundwater management schemes are applied. However, InSAR measures ground displacement due to aquifer response to fluid‐pressure changes. InSAR applications to groundwater depletion assessments are limited to aquifer systems susceptible to measurable deformation. Furthermore, the inversion of InSAR‐derived displacement maps into volume of depleted groundwater storage (both reversible and largely irreversible) is confounded by vertical and horizontal variability of sediment compressibility. During the last decade, both techniques have shown increasing interest in the scientific community to complement available in situ observations where they are insufficient. In this review, we present the theoretical and conceptual bases of each method, and present idealized scenarios to highlight the potential benefits and challenges of combining these techniques to remotely assess groundwater storage changes and other aspects of the dynamics of aquifer systems.  相似文献   

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