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北太平洋维多利亚模态(Victoria Mode, VM)是北太平洋重要的气候模态,对全球降水和气候有着重要影响。本文使用CN05.1格点化观测数据集资料,研究了春季(2—4月)VM模态与我国淮河流域夏季(6—8月)降水的关系,揭示了其内在的可能机制,并在此基础上建立了一个淮河流域夏季降水预测模型。结果表明,春季VM模态与淮河流域夏季降水存在较强的正相关关系,该相关受ENSO影响有限;春季VM模态可以通过海气相互作用在夏季增强赤道西太平洋上空的异常西风,导致影响淮河流域的气旋性环流异常。气旋性环流异常有利于淮河流域上空丰富的水汽供应和异常上升运动。因此,淮河流域夏季降水量增加。  相似文献   

利用美国NOAA海表温度资料,重点分析了北太平洋海温异常EOF第二模态Victoria模态(VM)与ENSO年际关系的非对称特征.研究发现,VM和ENSO在年代际尺度上相关性较弱,而在年际尺度上有很好的相关关系,两者同期为负相关,VM超前1 a为正相关.然而,正负VM事件与ENSO冷暖位相在年际尺度上的联系存在着一定的...  相似文献   

梁嘉俊  孙即霖   《山东气象》2020,40(2):62-70
利用1981—2017年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和ECMWF再分析资料,研究了北美洲冬季高纬度冷空气对南美洲夏季降水异常的影响。结果表明,北美洲冬季高纬度冷空气通过影响向南越赤道气流的强弱,影响南美洲热带辐合带(intertropical convergence zone, ITCZ)位置和强度的变化,进一步引起南美洲天气的变化。北美洲冬季冷空气的南下过程能够引起80°~70°W的向南越赤道气流明显加强,导致2011年南美洲热带辐合带的位置异常偏南,强度异常偏强,是造成降水异常偏多的重要成因。通过相关分析发现北美洲冬季冷空气对南美洲ITCZ位置的影响更明显。  相似文献   

2015年我国东部夏季降水呈现南北反位相的空间分布,河套地区降水异常偏少、长江中下游地区降水异常偏多,同期印度中部地区降水负异常,上述三个区域2015年夏季降水距平百分率绝对值极大值均超过55%。东亚和南亚地区2015年夏季降水异常的形成机理主要是由于该年夏季处于El Niňo事件的发展位相,菲律宾群岛及邻近区域反气旋环流异常,江淮地区至日本列岛气旋式环流异常,对流层低层位势高度异常场和整层水汽异常输送场亦存在相一致的空间分布,表现为负位相的EAP(East Asian-Pacific)/PJ(Pacific-Japan)型遥相关,有利于河套地区降水偏少和长江流域降水偏多。热带太平洋海温异常引起热带地区Walker环流负异常,热带西太平洋地区上空受异常下沉气流控制,热带印度洋区域对流层盛行东风异常,减弱了印度夏季风,并造成了印度中部地区夏季降水偏少。另一方面,印度上空对流层低层受异常反气旋控制,该异常反气旋北侧的西风异常沿着青藏高原南麓向东运动,增强了与EAP/PJ型遥相关相联系的异常水汽输送,有利于维持和增强河套地区降水负异常和长江中下游地区降水正异常。  相似文献   

华北夏季旱涝的特征分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
根据华北地区18个代表站1951-2006年月平均降水量资料,对华北地区夏季降水进行了统计分析.采用单站旱涝Z指数变换和区域旱涝指数对华北区域56 a的旱涝进行了分析,利用经验正交函数展开、小波分析、M-K突变检验等方法,对华北地区夏季降水时空分布特征进行了研究,并分析了华北夏季降水异常的大气环流特征.结果表明:降水偏多或偏少时段明显,华北夏季降水最主要的空间分布型是全区一致, 华北夏季降水量具有准18 a、准10 a和准2~4 a的周期,由多雨阶段转为少雨阶段的突变点为1976年;华北地区夏季旱、涝年份,其对应的高空环流存在显著性差异.  相似文献   

北极夏季大气环流的一个显着特征是以北冰洋为中心的异常反气旋环流,与北极增暖存在紧密的联系.先前的研究已将其形成的潜在机制与早春欧亚融雪,热带太平洋海表温度异常联系起来.本研究发现北极夏季反气旋环流异常与春季副热带北太平洋海表温度异常(SSTA)存在显着联系,表明副热带北太平洋与北极之间存在遥相关.该SSTA的特点是北太平洋中纬度地区有暖的SSTA,周围有明显的冷SSTA,类似于太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)的负位相,但热带地区没有明显的信号(本研究称之为类负位相PDO).5月份,这种类负位相PDO可以激发从白令海传播到北极的罗斯贝波,导致北极出现反气旋环流异常.这种反气旋环流异常可以持续到夏季.同时,这种类负位相PDO的SSTA可以持续到夏季,并在夏季引起白令海上空的低压异常.这种低层的低压异常会导致异常的上升运动,并引起高层的辐散异常,从而进一步加剧夏季北极对流层上层的反气旋环流异常.这种反气旋环流异常可迫使北极上空出现异常绝热下沉运动,导致北极出现显著的绝热加热.于是,北极上空出现显著的暖异常,其暖中心位于北极对流层中部.数值模拟试验证实了5月份类负位相PDO的SSTA与夏季北极反气旋...  相似文献   

本文主要研究了华北秋季(9月)强降水频次发生年代际变化的可能原因。分析指出,华北秋季强降水频次在2000/01年发生了年代际增强,而它的变化与北太平洋海温变化密切相关。2000/01年之前,影响华北强降水的海温关键区主要位于中国东部海域;2000/01年海温关键区向东偏移,正是这种偏移使得西北太平洋副热带高压增强,向华北地区的水汽输送增加,从而使得华北地区发生强降水的概率增加。进一步研究指出,北太平洋海温年际变率的变化可能是造成海温与华北秋季强降水频次显著相关区发生东移的原因,更多的原因还需要深入研究。  相似文献   

2017年西北太平洋和南海台风活动概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王皘  钱传海  张玲 《山东气象》2018,38(2):1-11
2017年总计27个台风在西北太平洋和南海生成,其中8个在我国沿海登陆。台风生成时间集中于7—8月,生成源地较多年平均偏西5°,南海台风数(8个)较多年平均(4~7个)明显偏多,台风登陆点集中在广东沿海,气旋峰值强度(30.9 m·s-1)较多年平均(40.3 m·s-1)明显偏弱,登陆台风的平均登陆强度(29.0 m·s-1)较多年平均(32.8 m·s-1)偏弱。台风雨水情呈现降雨范围广、暴雨强度大,主要江河平稳、部分中小河流超警戒水位的特征。使用实时业务定位、定强及降水、大风、水文观测数据,针对2017年影响我国的10个台风个例的气象水文特征及社会经济影响做出详细分析。“天鸽”为2017年登陆中国最强的台风,导致灾损最为严重,其与“帕卡”在4 d内先后登陆经济发达、人口密集的珠三角地区,造成损失叠加。  相似文献   

Aerosol and rain samples were collected between 48°N and 55°S during the KH-08-2 and MR08-06 cruises conducted over the North and South Pacific Ocean in 2008 and 2009, to estimate dry and wet deposition fluxes of atmospheric inorganic nitrogen (N). Inorganic N in aerosols was composed of ~68% NH4+ and ~32% NO3 (median values for all data), with ~81% and ~45% of each species being present on fine mode aerosol, respectively. Concentrations of NH4+ and NO3 in rainwater ranged from 1.7–55 μmol L−1 and 0.16–18 μmol L−1, respectively, accounting for ~87% by NH4+ and ~13% by NO3 of total inorganic N (median values for all data). A significant correlation (r = 0.74, p < 0.05, n = 10) between NH4+ and methanesulfonic acid (MSA) was found in rainwater samples collected over the South Pacific, whereas no significant correlations were found between NH4+ and MSA in rainwater collected over the subarctic (r = 0.42, p > 0.1, n = 6) and subtropical (r = 0.33, p > 0.5, n = 6) western North Pacific, suggesting that emissions of ammonia (NH3) by marine biological activity from the ocean could become a significant source of NH4+ over the South Pacific. While NO3 was the dominant inorganic N species in dry deposition, inorganic N supplied to surface waters by wet deposition was predominantly by NH4+ (42–99% of the wet deposition fluxes for total inorganic N). We estimated mean total (dry + wet) deposition fluxes of atmospheric total inorganic N in the Pacific Ocean to be 32–64 μmol m−2 d−1, with 66–99% of this by wet deposition, indicating that wet deposition plays a more important role in the supply of atmospheric inorganic N than dry deposition.  相似文献   

By analyzing the climatologically averaged wind stress during 2000-2007,it is found that the easterly wind stress in the northern tropical Pacific Ocean from Quick Scatterometer(QSCAT) data was stronger than those from Tropical Atmosphere Ocean(TAO) data and from National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis I.As a result,the Intertropical Convergence Zone(ITCZ) in the Pacific Ocean is more southward in the QSCAT data than in the NCEP/NCAR data.Relative to the NCEP wind,the southern shift of the ITCZ in the QSCAT data led to negative anomaly of wind stress curl north of a latitude of 6 N.The negative anomaly results in downward Ekman pumping in the central Pacific.The excessive local strong easterly wind also contributes to the downward Ekman pumping.This downward Ekman pumping suppresses the thermocline ridge,reduces the meridional thermocline slope and weakens the North Equatorial Countercurrent(NECC).These effects were confirmed by numerical experiments using two independent ocean general circulation models(OGCMs).Furthermore,the excessive equatorial easterly wind stress was also found to contribute to the weaker NECC in the OGCMs.A comparison between the simulations and observation data indicates that the stronger zonal wind stress and its southern shift of QSCAT data in the ITCZ region yield the maximum strength of the simulated NECC only 33% of the magnitude derived from observation data and even led to a "missing" NECC in the western Pacific.  相似文献   

The possible mechanism behind the variability in the dipole pattern of boreal winter precipitation over East Asia is analyzed in this study. The results show that the SST anomalies(SSTAs) over the South Pacific Ocean(SPO) in boreal autumn are closely related to the variability in the dipole pattern of boreal winter precipitation over East Asia. The physical link between the boreal autumn SPO SSTAs and the boreal winter East Asian precipitation dipole pattern is shown to mainly be the seasonal persistence of the SPO SSTAs themselves. The seasonal persistence of the SPO SSTAs can memorize and transport the signal of the boreal autumn SSTAs to the following winter, and then stimulates a meridional teleconnection pattern from the SH to the NH, resulting in a meridional dipole pattern of atmospheric circulation over East Asia in boreal winter. As a major influencing factor, this dipole pattern of the atmospheric circulation can finally lead to the anomalous precipitation dipole pattern over East Asia in boreal winter. These observed physical processes are further confirmed in this study through numerical simulation. The evidence from this study, showing the impact of the SPO SSTAs in boreal autumn,not only deepens our understanding of the variability in East Asian boreal winter precipitation, but also provides a potentially useful predictor for precipitation in the region.  相似文献   

利用1951—2006年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用EOF(empirical orthogonal function,经验正交函数)展开方法提取了南太平洋12—2月海表温度变化的主要模态,其第一模态反映了ENSO(El Nino-Southern Oscillation)的信号,周期为3~5a;第二模态与南半球环状模(Southern-Hemi-sphere annual mode,SAM)相联系,周期为准两年。结果表明,南太平洋EOF1时间序列处于正(负)相位时华北地区后期5月多(少)雨,同时注意到南、北太平洋EOF1对中国5月降水的影响区域基本一致。南太平洋EOF2时间序列处于正(负)相位时江南地区的夏季平均降水减少(增多)。去掉EOF1和EOF2的线性趋势后,这种显著相关仍然存在,只是显著相关区域有所缩小。利用南、北太平洋EOF1时间序列作为预报因子,建立回归预报方程,可为预测中国华北地区5月降水提供依据  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)是影响中国降水的重要天气系统,其减弱后的残留低压(TCRL)仍然携带大量的水汽和能量,给其经过之处带来强降水。为分析热带气旋残留低压对中国降水的影响,采用客观方法从ERA-40和ERA-Interim再分析资料中识别出热带气旋对应的气旋,从而得到热带气旋残留低压活动资料。将残留低压的活动路径分为东北路径、东南沿海路径和西行路径3类,采用客观天气图分析法(OSAT)得到残留低压影响下的降水分布,对残留低压的活动路径和降水的分析结果表明,文中采用的方法能追踪得到热带气旋的完整生命史,在1958-2014年进入警戒区的718个热带气旋中,追踪得到706个对应的气旋,追踪的气旋中心与热带气旋中心平均距离131 km;共443个热带气旋有对应的残留低压,平均持续时间48.5 h,1 d以上的残留低压共293个,占66.1%,残留低压的持续时间与对应的热带气旋强度没有显著的关系,夏季残留低压持续时间较冬季长;对内陆地区的影响残留低压较热带气旋更为显著,降水影响自东南向西北减少,影响范围较热带气旋西扩,强度更大;东北路径主要进入地区为东北和华东地区,影响中国东部地区的降水;东南沿海路径影响范围最广,影响降水的强度最大;西行路径进入范围仅华南和西南地区,主要影响中国南部地区的降水,降水强度最小。   相似文献   

The May North Pacific Oscillation Index and the summer (May and June?CJuly?CAugust??JJA) Effective Drought Index have a strong negative correlation in the East Asian region, particularly in northern China, Korea, and the southwestern regions of Japan (here termed ??Northeast Asia??); this signifies an intensification of the summer drought during positive North Pacific Index (NPI) phase in this region, and the presence of such a phenomenon has been observed in this study. The low-south/high-north anomalous pressure pattern forming in all layers of the troposphere in Northeast Asian region has been a cause of drought. This unusual pressure pattern gives rise to a cold northeasterly and intensifies downward flow and reduces relative humidity. In addition, this cold northeasterly hinders the northward movement of the western North Pacific high and reduces the frequency of tropical cyclones passing through this region, thereby further intensifying drought.  相似文献   

The impact of ENSO periodicity on North Pacific SST variability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The periodicity of ENSO in nature varies. Here we examine how changes in the frequency of ENSO impacts remote teleconnections in the North Pacific. The numerical experiments presented here are designed to simulate perfectly periodic ENSO in the tropical Pacific, and to enable the air–sea interaction in other regions (i.e., the North Pacific) via a simple mixed layer ocean model. The temporal evolution and spatial structure of the North Pacific SST teleconnection patterns are relatively insensitive to the frequency of ENSO, but the amplitude of the variability is sensitive. Specifically, the 2-year period ENSO experiment (P2) shows weak event-by-event consistency in the ENSO response mature pattern. This is because there is not enough time to damp the previously forced ENSO teleconnections (i.e., 1 year earlier). The 4-year period ENSO experiment (P4) has 1 year damping time before a successive ENSO event matures, so the structure of the response pattern is stably repeated. However, the event-by-event variance of anomaly magnitude, specifically responding to El Niño, is still larger than that in the 6-year ENSO experiment (P6), which has 2-year damping time between consecutive ENSO events. In addition, we tested whether the variability due to tropical remote forcing is linearly independent of the extratropical local variability. Statistical tests indicate that tropical remote forcing can constructively or destructively interfere with local variability in the North Pacific. Lastly, there is a non-linear rectification of the ENSO events that can be detected in the climatology.  相似文献   

Tropical easterly waves are common features in the trade wind zones and they are important sources of tropical cyclogenesis. Despite numerous studies have analyzed the genesis and maintenance of easterly waves in the Western North Pacific, few had examined their dissipation processes. Focusing on tropical easterly waves during May-September of 1979–2017, this study shows that most of the easterly waves (∼70 %) eventually dissipate when encountering the monsoon trough and associated westerlies, while 22 % were carried northward by the monsoonal southwesterly flows and became recurving disturbances. Less than 10 % of easterly waves propagate across the South China Sea against the prevailing monsoon westerlies and into the Indochina peninsula. The vorticity budget analysis illustrates that total vortex stretching in the lower troposphere is the key factor in propelling the small number of easterly waves westward, suggesting that stronger and more convectively active easterly waves tend to move further into the developed monsoon trough. This echoes the previous observation that tropical disturbances alone have a limited probability in developing into a typhoon, for those disturbances or easterly waves almost always need to interact with the monsoon trough or a monsoon gyre, as well as other intraseasonal features to sustain the organized convection and rotation.  相似文献   

Multi-stage onset of the summer monsoon over the western North Pacific   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
R. Wu  B. Wang 《Climate Dynamics》2001,17(4):277-289
 The climatological summer monsoon onset displays a distinct step wise northeastward movement over the South China Sea and the western North Pacific (WNP) (110°–160°E, 10°–20°N). Monsoon rain commences over the South China Sea-Philippines region in mid-May, extends abruptly to the southwestern Philippine Sea in early to mid-June, and finally penetrates to the northeastern part of the domain around mid-July. In association, three abrupt changes are identified in the atmospheric circulation. Specifically, the WNP subtropical high displays a sudden eastward retreat or quick northward displacement and the monsoon trough pushes abruptly eastward or northeastward at the onset of the three stages. The step wise movement of the onset results from the slow northeastward seasonal evolution of large-scale circulation and the phase-locked intraseasonal oscillation (ISO). The seasonal evolution establishes a large-scale background for the development of convection and the ISO triggers deep convection. The ISO over the WNP has a dominant period of about 20–30 days. This determines up the time interval between the consecutive stages of the monsoon onset. From the atmospheric perspective, the seasonal sea surface temperature (SST) change in the WNP plays a critical role in the northeastward advance of the onset. The seasonal northeastward march of the warmest SST tongue (SST exceeding 29.5 °C) favors the northeastward movement of the monsoon trough and the high convective instability region. The seasonal SST change, in turn, is affected by the monsoon through cloud-radiation and wind-evaporation feedbacks. Received: 19 October 1999 / Accepted: 5 June 2000  相似文献   

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