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Age determinations of bivalve shells indicate that Bockfjorden, a fjord in north-western Spitsbergen, Svalbard, was deglaciated shortly before 10 Kya, and that the upper marine limit in this area, with an altitude of about 50 m a.s.l., has the same age. During most of the Holocene, the glaciers in Bockfjorden were less extensive than they are today. Their maximum Holocene extension occurred during the Little Ice Age. The initial shoreline emergence after the deglaciation was rapid, and former shorelines younger than 8.5 Ky are below the present sea level. A mid-Holocene transgression of the sea is traced as well as a transgression during the last thousand years.  相似文献   

An emergence curve based on nine radiocarbon dated samples of mosses, shells, whale bones and driftwood has been constructed for Agardhbukta. Beach sediments and delta deposits were found up to c. 50 m above sea level, and the oldest date goes back to about 10, 000 yrs BP. However, the possibility of a higher marine limit cannot be excluded. The Agardhbukta curve shows a nearly linear uplift during the entire Holocene. It differs from the western Spitsbergen curves, where a transgression occurs, and is more similar to curves from areas further east in the Svalbard archipelago.  相似文献   

Three radiocarbon dates on marine organic material from southernmost Spitsbergen are presented, making it possible to compare the Holocene shoreline displacement in this area with that of other areas of Svalbard. The most distinct raised beach feature is the large beach ridge terrace about 10 m above sea level which most probably is the result of a marine transgression ca. 6500 years ago. Dating of 2700-year-old laminaria from about 2 m above sea level demonstrates a small rising of the land during the youngest Holocene.  相似文献   

Three well-developed raised marine shorelines along Nordenskioldkysten have been studied and correlated with the shoreline displacement since the last deglaciation. The marine limit of 64 m in the area is of Late Weichselian age and has been dated to 10, 900- 11, 000 years B.P. An intermediate level at 50 m is estimated to be 10, 600-10, 000 years old and demonstrates a sea level stagnation probably caused by a glacier readvance in eastern Svalbard during the Younger Dryas. A Holocene transgression culminating shortly after 6, 000 years B.P. has been stratigraphically demonstrated, and it probably correlates with the Tapes transgression of Scandinavia. No pre-Late Weichselian marine levels are found, and the large rebound can be attributed only to a Late Weichselian glaciation.  相似文献   

Finds of pumice on raised beaches in the inner Isfjorden area are reported. Pumice is abundant in two zones, and four levels can be distinguished in some areas. The highest lying level has the greatest concentration of pumice and is dated to a maximum of 6, 500 years B.P. Tentative correlations with pumice levels from other places in Svalbard indicate approximate ages of 6, 000, 4, 100, and 3, 100 years for the lower levels in inner Isfjorden. A shoreline displacement curve based on the pumice levels and on 10, 000 year old driftwood is presented.  相似文献   

Open sections along Kongsfjodhallet, the north-western coast Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, exhibit marine and glacigenic sediments of Early to Late Plestocene age. Glaciatio, deglaciation and subsequent isostatic rebound caused the formation of three sedimentary successions (A, B and C) that comprise till grading upward into glaciomarine mud, followed by shell-bearing sand, and finally littoral sand and gravel. Six major lithostratigraphic units are recognized. Succession C comprises units 1 and 2, which were deposited during an Early Pleistocene glaciation, followed by deglaciation and subsequent beach progradation. Succession B is divisible into units 3 and 4 and reflects glaciation and eventual emergence as a result of isostatic response. The youngest succesion (A) comprises units 5 and 6, and reflects fiord glaciation followed by a regression during an Early Weichselian glaciation-deglaciation episode. Ice-free conditions may have prevailed untill the Late Weichselian, when a glaciation, confined to the fiord trough, covered parts of Kongsfjordhallet. Deglaciation and isostatic rebound are recorded by Holocene marine terraces up to ca 40 m a. s. l.
Marine and glacial events from Kongsfjordhallet are compared with stratigraphic evidence from adjacent regions and it is suggested that the Late Weichselian ice configuration was of a more restricted nature than proposed by previous authors. Glaciers. draining through the larger ford troughs reached the shelf break. while at the same time other parts of western Svalbard could have experienced restricted glaciation.  相似文献   

Above the marine limit in Gangdalen, Nordenskiold Land, a 20 m thick sequence of unconsolidated sediments occurs. On the top of striated bedrock it is composed of a 2m thick till bed, 15m gravel interpreted to be deposited as a sandur, and another till bed on the top. A solifluction deposit is capping the section. Fabric analyses and erratics in the two tills indicate a similar development in glacial transport directions during the two glaciations, starting with a local glaciation which subsequently turns into a larger glaciation centred over the eastern part of Svalbard. Co-existence of different ice domes over Spitsbergen is suggested. The sandur was deposited during an ice free period with a sea-level 40–80 m higher than at present. The section is undated.  相似文献   

A survey of the regional snow accumulation variability on Spitsbergen, Svalbard, was carried out during three field campaigns in May 1997. The survey was carried out along three transects from west-to-east approcimately at the following latitudes: 77°30', 78° and 78°50'degrees north. The altitudes span from sea level to 1000 metres elevation. Snow depth was measured with two different ground-penetrating radar systems, PulsEKKO (450 MHz) and GSSI SIR System-2 (500 MHz), pulled behind snow machines. Snow characteristics such as snow temperature, snow density and stratigraphy were measured in snow pits in nine areas, three along each transect. Our data suggest the following: (1)the accumulation-elevation gradients vary from 3 mm/100 m in the northeast to 237 mm/100 min the central-south with an average value of 104 mm/100m for all measurements: (2)snow accumulation was 38 to 49% higher at the eastern coast than at the western coast; (3) a clear minimum in accumulation (or continental climate) is seen for the central (inland) locations in the middle and northern transects while no such minimum exists along the southern transect; (4) a south-to-north gradient produces 55% and 40% less snow accumulation at the northern locations compared to the southern locations at the western and eastern coasts, respectively. These drops in winter snow accumulation occur over a distance of less than 200 km.  相似文献   

An 18.5 m thick shale sequence of Norian-Rhaetian age is described from the Bohemanfiya-Syltoppen area (north of Isfjorden, central Spitsbergen). Lithological, petrographical and palynological analyses show that the sequence represents a marginal development of the lower part of the Wilhelmeya Formation. The depositional history at the Triassic-Jurassic transition is discussed in the light of this new evidence. The Wilhelmøya Formation was probably deposited during a weak marine transgression over an area of low relief. Low sediment supply and current and wave reworking of the sediments characterized the depositional conditions.  相似文献   

Palynological investigations of 16 sections from Spitsbergen, Svalbard, covering the uppermost Carboniferous, Permian and lowermost Triassic succession have been carried out. Because of general poor preservation and barrenness of the majority of the samples, it was not possible to establish a formal zonation for the Permian succession. The study resulted, however, in the recognition of three Permian palynological assemblages, restricted downwards by a Carboniferous assemblage and upwards by an earliest Triassic (Griesbachian) assemblage. The dating of these assemblages is based on palynological correlation with similar palynofloras elsewhere in the present Arctic region as well as dating by marine faunas, which in general give better stratigraphic resolution. The Permian assemblages recognised include (1) the Vittatina assemblage of late Gzhelian to early Asselian age recorded in the lower parts of the Tyrrellfjellet Member (Nordenskioldbreen Formation), (2) the Hamiapollenites tractiferinus assemblage of late Asselian to Artinskian age recorded in the upper parts of the Tyrrellfjellet Member and in the Gipshuken Formation and (3) the youngest Permian Kraeuselisporiles assemblage of late Artinskian to earliest Tatarian age recorded in the Kapp Starostin Formation.  相似文献   

Holocene lithified sediments of glacial and glaciofluvial origin have been found in environments where carbonate cementation is a present-day process. The rocks occur as well cemented tillites, conglomerates, coarse sandstones and breccias, indicating a complex depositional pattern within a limited area. Both clasts and carbonate cement are mainly derived from underlying Carboniferous and Permian sequences which form the bedrock of this area.  相似文献   

Tertiary and Quaternary deposits outcrop in the coastal cliff of Balanusviken at Sarsbukta in Vest-Spitsbergen. The Tertiary deposits appear by their foraminifera to belong to the Middle to Upper Oligocene. The Quaternary deposits consist of an upper part of Late Pleistocene to Holocene age, and a lower part which had previously been considered Middle Weichselian of age. Its foraminiferal assemblages suggest a higher age (Late Saalian, Eemian?). This lower part of the Quaternary deposits is related to a series of raised beaches with an upper limit at SO m above present day sea level. They were probably formed during the Eemian, and have not been distorted by later glaciation. The present study is based on sediment samples collected from the coastal cliff of Balanusviken, and particularly from that of Balanuspynten, Sarsbukta, Spitsbergen, during the summer expedition of Norsk Polarinstitutt in 19Sø.  相似文献   

Two characteristic landforms, landslide blocks and drainage channels, were investigated in Adventdalen, central Spitsbergen. The landslides in the middle reaches of Adventdalen comprise large-scale bedrock slumps which form a hummocky surface on the south slope of Arctowskifjellet. The fourteen recognized landslide blocks are divided into upper and lower sections, according to altitude. The drainage channels consist of tributary rivers to Adventelva which flow in two distinct directions, either parallel with or oblique to the direction of the main river. Glacial deposits were found to cover the ridges between these tributary channels. The upper and lower landslide divisions may indicate former positions of the ice surface, and the channels appear to have originated during the existence of lateral moraine ridges with high ice content. These geomorphological findings have allowed reconstruction of former ice marginal positions, and they strongly suggest the existence of stagnant ice or minor re-advance phases during the course of deglaciation in Adventdalen.  相似文献   

Concentrations of heavy metals Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, Ni, Cr, Pb, Cd, Hg and Co were determined in surface waters, glacier ice and plant and animal materials from three regions in Spitsbergen, Svalbard. The concentrations of these metals in two samples of surface waters and in the vascular plants from Spitsbergen were found to be lower than what is commonly found in Cental Europe. Elevated concentrations were found in old ice from the surface of a glacier. The concentrations of heavy metals in algae were lower than in vascular plants. The concentrations of metals in the samples of feathers and animal hair from Spitsbergen were higher than what is common for Central Europe.  相似文献   

Recent karst forms in gypsiferous beds are reported from Mathiesondalen in Central Spitsbergen, where several sinkholes (dolines) and swallow holes have been formed after the deposition of Holocene raised beach sediments. The bedrock of the area is mostly interbedded gypsum/anhydrite and dolomites of the Carboniferous Ebbadalen Formation.  相似文献   

The development and age of the present geomorphology and superficial material of the Coloradofjella plateau, Spitsbergen, have been investigated through field surveying and laboratory sediment analyses. The focus was specifically on the role of glacial erosion and periglacial processes. The summit plain is deeply incised with large V-shaped valleys. Extensive networks of ice wedge polygons indicate that the fine-grained regolith is at least a few metres thick. An abundance of coarse-grained gabbroid erratics, clearly derived from sources further to the east, are distributed over parts of the summit plain. A vertical-walled dolerite dyke protruding up to 4 m above the adjacent surface shows no sign of glacial erosion. Our findings confirm that the present bedrock geomorphology and regolith in the summit plain survived at least the Late Weichselian glaciation. This is best explained by the ice sheet having been cold-based throughout its existence on the summit plain. Cold-based conditions imply that permafrost survived the last glacial cover. Based on the geomorphic evidence and estimates of Late Cenozoic erosion, we suggest that the present summit plains roughly represent the remains of a preglacial surface.  相似文献   

Kongsfjorden and Krossfjorden are two ice-proximal fjords on the western coast of Spitsbergen which have been surveyed using multibeam bathymetry, sub-bottom profiling and gravity coring. Central and outer Kongsfjorden is dominated by a 30 km2 outcrop of bedrock, with a thin (<10m) sediment cover. The bedrock displays a relict sub-glacial, ice-scoured topography produced during the glacial re-advances of the Weichselian (20 Ky BP) and again during the last major Holocene re-advance of the Little Ice Age (550-200 yrs BP). Drumlins and glacial flutes are common across the floor of Kongsfjorden, with lengths of 1.5-2.5 km and widths of <100 m, rising up to 10 m in water depths of <100 m. This topography is smoothed by bottom currents from the wind-driven forcing of surface waters. The flow is counter-clockwise, matching boundary layer movement under the influence of Coriolis force. Both fjords are characterized by a variable acoustic character, based on sub-bottom profile data. The deepest basins are dominated by parallel, well-laminated reflectors and an irregular-transparent acoustic character indicating the presence of Holocene-age fine-grained sediments up to 30 m thick. A parallel, irregular-transparent acoustic character with waveform morphology in inner Kongsfjorden is interpreted as moraines, originating from the 1948 and 1869 surges of Kronebreen glacier. Mass-flows are common on the flanks of topographic highs as acoustically chaotic-transparent lensoid and wedge-shaped reflectors. The sediments of outer and central Kongsfjorden are characterized by bioturbated, gas-rich homogeneous muds interpreted as being the result of the settling of fine-grained sediment and particulate suspensions.  相似文献   

The annually thawing active layer of permafrost is central to considerations of climate change consequences in arctic areas and interpretations of deep permafrost temperatures that constitute and exceptional archive of past climate change. Moreover, a sound understanding of the thermal regime of the active layer is of great interest, because all chemical, biological and physical processes are concentrated there. The author studied this layer by examining the soil physical properties and heat transfer processes that dictate soil temperatures for an arctic desert site in northwestern Spitsbergen. A wide array of soil physical properties based on field observations and laboratory measurements were defined. These include mineralogy, grain size distribution, local regolith thickness, porosity, density, typical soil moisture profile, heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Heat transfer processes were studied through modeling of soil temperatures. The heat transfer model accounted for much of the observed soil thermal regime. It was found that thermal conduction, phase change of soil water at 0°C, and changes in unfrozen water content are the primary thermal processes that explain the observed soil temperatues in this field site. Melt-water infiltration, which is often overlooked in the energy budget, causes abrupt warming events and delivers considerable energy to the soil in late spring. An increase in frequency or magnitude of infiltration events could mimic simple spring time surface warming. Advection of ground water and soil internal evaporation were found to be generally unimportant at the site studied.  相似文献   

Ice temperature measurements were taken from three shallow and five deep (to bedrock) boreholes on Hansbreen, Svalbard, in selected years between 1988 and 1994. In general, results show a subpolar, polythermal structure. The glacier accumulation zone is of warm ice within the entire vertical profile except the uppermost layer of seasonal temperature fluctuations where there is an upper cold ice layer in the ablation zone which varies in thickness and may even be absent in the western lateral part. The upper layer of cold ice thins along the glacier centre-line from the equilibrium line altitude down to the glacier front. The depth of the pressure melting, indicating the base of the cold ice layer, was defined at the borehole measurement sites but was not manifested as an internal reflection horizon using multi-frequency radar methods. The isotherm lies about 20 m above a radar internal reflecting horizon near the equilibrium line altitude and about 40 m above it in the frontal part of the glacier. The internal reflection horizon almost certainly reflects the high water content within temperate ice and not the cold/temperate ice interface. At 10 m depth, the temperatures are 2–3°C higher than the calculated mean annual air temperatures, demonstrating the importance of meltwater refreezing on the release of latent heat.  相似文献   

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