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A technique is described for obtaining rapid high‐quality silhouette photographs of plankton samples at sea. This technique was designed to facilitate identification and enumeration of pelagic marine fish eggs in near real‐time. It uses readily available photographic materials and unlike previously described techniques, the silhouettes are recorded directly on to photographic paper rather than film. The resolution is adequate for microscopic measurements. Examples are presented from a cruise off Westland, New Zealand, which investigated the distribution of hoki eggs.  相似文献   

采用线粒体COⅠ和12S rRNA基因片段作为DNA条形码,分析珠江口春季鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类组成和分布特征,并探究两种条形码在鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类鉴定中的适用性。研究共扩增样本391个,成功鉴定的鱼卵和仔稚鱼共7目25科42属60种(2种未鉴定到种)。其中,以鲈形目(Perciformes)种类和数量最多,种类数占比为51.6%,数量占比为47.91%;其次为鲱形目(Clupeiformes),种类数占比为25%,数量占比为34.56%。优势种10种,其中凤鲚(Coilia mystus)优势度最高,为0.071;棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)最低,为0.014。COⅠ和12S rRNA基因片段扩增结果显示,鱼卵和仔稚鱼12S rRNA基因片段扩增成功率(95.60%)明显高于COⅠ基因(43.22%)。遗传距离和ABGD分析显示,COⅠ基因种内遗传距离为0~0.005(平均0.003),种间遗传距离为0.061~0.376(平均0.253),两者间存在明显的“条形码间隙”,ABGD划分结果与数据库比对结果一致;12S rRNA基因种内遗传距离为0~0.011(平均0.007),种间遗传距离为0.007~0.487(平均0.283),龟鰉(Chelon haematocheila)和前鳞龟鰉(Chelon affinis)种间遗传距离与种内遗传距离不形成“条形码间隙”,ABGD将其划分为同一种。系统发育分析显示,在种的分类阶元,所有物种均能聚为独立分支,得到有效区分。综上,线粒体COⅠ和12S rRNA条形码可有效鉴定珠江口大多数鱼卵和仔稚鱼,但是COⅠ基因扩增成功率较低,12S rRNA基因部分近缘物种存在区分困难的情况,两种基因结合使用更能提高鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类鉴定的成功率和准确性。  相似文献   

To estimate chlorophyll biomass from satellite-derived data, we established an empirical model for the estimation of the chlorophyll vertical profile as a function of surface chlorophyll for four separate regions of the Sanriku area, using algorithms based upon ship observations from 1986 to 1995. The modeled profiles compared well with observations during the Sanriku Field Campaign. Chlorophyll biomass in the Sanriku Area estimated by a combination of OCTS data and the model varied from 2.6×104 t in the Oyashio water to 8.2×103 t in the Kuroshio water.  相似文献   

黄鳍金枪鱼索饵水层影响延绳钓捕捞效率,而黄鳍金枪鱼索饵水层分布受水温垂直结构的影响,因此本文采用GAM模型分析次表层环境变量对延绳钓黄鳍金枪鱼渔获率的影响,评估黄鳍金枪鱼垂直水层分布对中西太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼延绳钓单位捕捞努力量渔获量(Catch Per Unite Effort, CPUE)的作用。模型结果表明,环境因子对热带中西太平洋延绳钓黄鳍金枪鱼渔获率空间分布影响明显。黄鳍金枪鱼延绳钓CPUE在2012年之后快速增多,高渔获率月份出现在北半球夏季,空间上在10°S,140°E附近区域。温跃层上界温度和深度、温跃层下界深度、18℃等温线深度、△8℃等温线深度及其和温跃层下界深度的深度差对延绳钓渔获率影响较大,是影响热带中西太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼延绳钓渔获率的关键环境因子。随着温跃层上界温度和深度值变大,延绳钓CPUE逐渐递增,对延绳钓CPUE影响密切的温度和深度分别为27~28℃和70~90 m。温跃层下界深度对延绳钓CPUE影响在250~280 m时最大;之后随着下界深度的变大,CPUE快速下降。18℃等温线深度对延绳钓CPUE影响呈现先震荡后递增的趋势,影响密切的区域在230 m深度上下。△8℃等温线深度与温跃层下界深度的差值对热带中西太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼延绳钓CPUE影响呈现先快速递减后缓慢增加的趋势,在深度差为70 m上下时影响最密切。研究结果揭示,在黄鳍金枪鱼活动水层受限或栖息水层和延绳钓作业深度相吻合时,延绳钓渔获率最高。依据黄鳍金枪鱼垂直活动水层调整延绳钓投钩,可以提高渔获率。因此,采用延绳钓CPUE进行渔场和资源评估时要考虑金枪鱼适宜垂直活动空间。  相似文献   

以上海复兴东路大型越江盾构隧道为工程背景。通过建立适合工程结构及工程地质特点的弹性地基模型,在充分考虑隧道结构荷载作用特点、地下水的影响及隧道下部土体反力特性的基础上,推导出了隧道纵向位移的解析表达式,并采用基于土体反力系数的迭代解析方法,计算了部分南线隧道各管片纵向位移值,所得结果与实测结果基本吻合。  相似文献   

以厦漳跨海大桥工程环境影响评价为例,分析工程施工期产生的悬浮物对鱼卵仔鱼的影响。依据2007年5月评价水域渔业资源调查资料,定量估算施工期悬浮物对九龙江口鱼卵仔稚鱼资源的损失量。结果表明,厦漳跨海大桥施工期悬浮物造成鱼卵资源损失量为14.0t;仔稚鱼资源损失量为96.8t。  相似文献   

获取高分辨率的风场数据和气压场数据是精确模拟台风浪的基础,采用经验公式构建台风风场和气压场对海浪模式进行驱动,无法反映台风影响下海气动力过程,难以提供高精度的风场、气压场数据。本文基于中尺度大气模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model)和第三代海浪模式SWAN(Simulating WAves Nearshore model),构建了南中国海地区大气—海浪实时双向耦合模式,针对超强台风"威马逊"进行数值模拟。将数值模拟结果与现场观测结果及卫星高度计观测结果进行对比验证,验证结果表明,本文建立的WRF-SWAN耦合模式在对台风"威马逊"影响下的南中国海台风浪的模拟中展现出较高的模拟精度,揭示了台风风场分布和台风浪分布在空间上的"右偏性"不对称分布特征及其形成机制。基于WRF和SWAN建立的大气-海浪实时双向耦合模式能够准确模拟台风动力过程以及台风浪的时空分布特征,可以推广用于南中国海地区台风浪的模拟分析。  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》2004,51(3-4):313-328
Fishing effort has strongly increased in the North Sea since the mid-19th century, causing a substantial reduction in the population size of exploited fish stocks. As fisheries research has developed simultaneously with the industrialisation of the fisheries, our knowledge of population dynamics at low levels of exploitations is limited. Otoliths retrieved from archaeological excavations offer a unique opportunity to study growth rates in the past. This study compares historical and present-day growth rates for four commercially important demersal fish species. A total of 2532 modern otoliths (AD 1984–1999) and 1286 historical otoliths (AD 1200–1925) obtained from archaeological excavations in Belgium and Scotland were analysed. Comparison of the growth patterns between eras revealed a major increase in growth rate of haddock, whereas growth changes were not observed in saithe and only in the smaller size classes of plaice and cod. Comparison of our results with literature data indicates that the observed growth rate changes in plaice and cod occurred within the 20th century. Apparently the onset of industrialised fisheries has not greatly affected the growth of plaice, cod and saithe populations in the North Sea. This result contradicts the expectation of density-dependent limitation of growth during the era of pre-industrialised fishing, but is in agreement with the concentration hypothesis of Beverton (Neth. J. Sea Res. 34 (1995) 1) stating that species which concentrate spatially into nursery grounds during their early life-history may ‘saturate’ the carrying capacity of the juvenile habitat even though the adult part of the population is not limited by the adult habitat.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(1):127-131
A large proliferation of Noctiluca scintillans (Dinophyceae: Noctilucidea) was observed in neritic waters off the central Cantabrian coast during late April 1995. Eggs of Acartia clausi (Crustacea: Copepoda) were the most conspicuous prey within vacuoles of Noctiluca. Noctiluca ingested 73 % of the total stock of A. clausi eggs. This intense predation on copepod eggs could potentially affect the recruitment of nauplii. The potential impact on the stock of Acartia clausi eggs and on the daily egg production of the population is discussed. There is a negative correlation between the average number of ingested eggs by a single Noctiluca cell and the abundance of Noctiluca. This fact, coupled with the lack of significant correlation between the former variable and the abundance of Acartia clausi eggs, suggests that interference processes play a major role in regulating the predator-prey interaction between Noctiluca and Acartia eggs.  相似文献   

多鳞鱚(Sillago sihama)是山东近海重要的渔业种类之一。本研究根据2016年秋季(10月)在山东近海开展渔业资源底拖网调查取得的数据,分析该海域多鳞鱚的空间分布特征,并运用广义可加模型(GAM)和地理加权回归(GWR)模型探究影响其分布的因素及其与环境因子的非线性和空间非平稳性关系。GAM拟合结果显示,影响秋季多鳞鱚分布的环境因子主要有水深、底层水温和底层盐度,水深的偏差解释率最大,为23.50%。GWR模型拟合结果显示,多鳞鱚分布与水深和底层水温之间存在空间非平稳性关系。水深与多鳞鱚相对资源量呈负相关关系,底层水温与多鳞鱚相对资源量呈正相关关系。赤池信息准则和决定系数(R2)指标对比结果显示,GWR模型的表现优于GAM,在渔业生态数据分析中表现出较好的发展潜力。本研究为今后开展渔业生物空间分布提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

Short-term experiments were performed with the polychaete Naineris laevigata Grube, a conveyor-belt deposit feeder, to evaluate: the daily sediment reworking rate, the influence of the activity of this burrowing worm on the vertical redistribution of the sediment and dinoflagellate cysts. We also tested the germination success of cysts after their passage through the gut of the polychaete. Vertical particle distribution was studied in small aquaria with and without worms and with an initially layered sediment. After 30 days, sediment cores were collected in controls and treatments at 3 different depths (upper, intermediate and deep) and the diameter of 100 particles from each depth was measured to obtain the size-frequency distribution. The burrowing activity of 3 worms may completely mix a pre-existent layering within 30 days. The translocation of a mud layer from 4 cm depth towards the surface was observed. The mud layer deposited on the surface by the end of the experiment was at least 1 cm thick.Daily average production of faecal pellets was 0.443±0.032 g per worm. From the first day of the experiment, the particle size distribution of the faecal pellets released at the surface revealed the presence of sediment and cysts originating from underlying layers. Tests showed that the germination percentage of the cysts significantly diminished after passage through the guts of the worms.Our results indicate that N. laevigata is an effective vertical mixer of sediment and plays a role in the vertical transport and germination success of resting stages.  相似文献   

The stratification in the Northern Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba follows a well-known annual cycle of well-mixed conditions in winter, surface warming in spring and summer, maximum vertical temperature gradient in late summer, and erosion of stratification in fall. The strength and structure of the stratification influences the diverse coral reef ecosystem and also affects the strength of the semi-diurnal tidal currents. Long-term (13 months) moored thermistor data, combined with high temporal and vertical resolution density profiles in deep water, show that transitions from summer to fall and winter to spring/summer occur in unpredictable, pulses and are not slow and gradual, as previously deduced from monthly hydrographic measurements and numerical simulations forced by monthly climatologies. The cooling and deepening of the surface layer in fall is marked by a transition to large amplitude, semi-diurnal isotherm displacements in the stratified intermediate layer. Stratification is rebuilt in spring and summer by intermittent pulses of warm, buoyant water that can increase the upper 100–150 m by 2 °C that force surface waters down 100–150 m over a matter of days. The stratification also varies in response to short-lived eddies and diurnal motions during winter. Thus, the variability in the stratification exhibits strong depth and seasonal dependence and occurs over range of timescales: from tidal to seasonal. We show that monthly or weekly single-cast hydrographic data under-samples the variability of the stratification in the Gulf and we estimate the error associated with single-cast assessments of the stratification.  相似文献   

竹荚鱼(Trachurus japonicus)是我国南海北部近海主要渔获物之一。根据2014—2017年对南海北部开展的8个航次近海渔业资源和环境调查数据, 采用地统计学方法分析竹荚鱼时空分布特征和相关生态动力过程。结果表明, 竹荚鱼总体布局以低密度为主, 高密度海域较少, 季节性集聚特征明显, 依次为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季。竹荚鱼空间分布具有极强的空间异质性, 空间结构性比例均在75%以上, 变异模型以高斯模型为主, 空间相关距离(变程)大约在0.52°左右, 且季节性特征明显。对地统计参数值和单位捕捞努力量(catch per unit effort, CPUE)的相关关系研究发现, 竹荚鱼资源密度越大, 空间异质性特征越明显。通过统计各向分维值分析竹荚鱼各向异质性特征, 发现西北—东南向的空间异质性较为显著, 表明该方向的海洋动力过程将对竹荚鱼洄游分布产生重要影响。此外, 基于克里格插值分析, 发现竹荚鱼呈西南—东北向洄游分布规律, 空间布局呈片状和斑块状, 且易受极端气候(厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜等事件)影响。  相似文献   

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