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The Axios River (Axios R.) receives substantial loads of nutrients, heavy metals and other compounds, resulting from anthropogenic activities within its catchment. Long-term trends in nutrients were assessed. Dissolved and particulate fluxes of nutrients and selected metals to the Thermaikos Gulf were calculated and finally, data evaluation with water and sediment quality criteria was performed. Dissolved nutrient concentrations exhibited intra-annual variations related to the agricultural practices of the drainage area with elevated autumn–winter NO3 concentrations (related to fertilizers applied early spring) and high levels of total phosphorous in the summer attributed to point source pollution. Long-term inter-annual variability showed a 2.5-fold increase in nitrate concentration, coupled with a 3-fold decrease in water discharge. Elevated concentrations of dissolved Pb and As have been observed in the Axios R., and freshwater quality criteria for Pb were exceeded. Stream sediments exhibited high contents for Zn, Cr, Pb, and As, mainly originating in tailings and industrial effluents. On the other hand, a considerable portion of the heavy metals is derived from the weathering of ultra-mafic ophiolite complexes. Similar patterns were observed in the Thermaikos Gulf sediment chemistry; the geochemical signatures of the Axios and Aliakmon Rivers (Aliakmon R.), in respect to their contribution in heavy metals, were identified, as well as the impact of the Thessaloniki city. Quality criteria for both river and marine sediments were violated for As and Cr. Overall, the water and sediment quality of the Axios R. and the Thermaikos Gulf have been impacted by anthropogenic activities in the hinterland. The coastal waters and sediments do not appear to pose any threat to human health and aquatic life, however, the need for regular monitoring is highly recommended.  相似文献   

Being an essentially open system, cages are usually characterized by a high degree of interaction with environment and cage systems are highly likely to produce large bulk of wastes that are released directly into the environment. Therefore, large-scale cage aquaculture development has been put into question and concerns have been raised that cage aquaculture produces large bulk of wastes that are rich in organic matter and nutrients and are released into coastal and nearshore environment. Recent information on cage aquaculture nutrient budget is scarce and most published reports are dated. This paper reviews cage aquaculture nutrient budget and nutrient loadings and propose a model for nutrient (nitrogen, N and phosphorus, P) budget in a hypothetical cage aquaculture farm with values of feed loss, FCR (feed conversion ratio) and nutrient contents in feed and fish taken from published literature in order to calculate the amount (kg) of N and P produced and released to the environment for each ton of fish produced. The paper proposes, in addition, a critically analyzed nutrient budget based on the dry matter conversion rate instead of the usual feed conversion rate. The conceptual model shows that 132.5 kg N and 25.0 kg P are released to the environment for each ton of fish produced; these values are as high as 462.5 kg N and 80.0 kg P when calculated on the basis of dry matter conversion rate instead of usual feed conversion rate. Thus, the annual global N and P loadings from cage aquaculture (10,000 tons fish and 3000 tons dry matter) are 1325 tons N and 250 tons P and 1387.5 tons N and 240.0 tons P based on usual feed conversion rate and dry matter conversion rate respectively. The paper also proposes, by analyzing the existing data, an FCR-based regression model for predicting nutrient loadings for a given diet. Finally, attempt was made to calculate the annual global loading and release of N and P from cage aquaculture to the coastal and marine environment, the potential impacts of nutrient loading on the ecosystem were discussed and critical points to be considered for minimizing nutrient output in cage aquaculture were suggested.  相似文献   

Bastos  A.  Collins  M.  Kenyon  N. 《Ocean Dynamics》2003,53(3):309-321
Numerical simulations of tidal flow and sand transport around a coastal headland (Portland Bill, southern UK) were undertaken to investigate patterns of sand transport during the development of tidally induced transient eddies. Results obtained from a 2-D finite-element hydrodynamic model (TELEMAC-2D) were combined with a sediment transport model (SEDTRANS), to simulate the sand transport processes around the headland. Simulation of the tidal flow around Portland Bill has shown the formation and evolution of tidally induced transient eddies, around the headland. During the evolution of these transient eddies, no current-induced bedload (transport) eddy is formed for either side of the headland. Net bedload sand transport direction, around a coastal headland, is the result of instantaneous gradients in bedload transport rates, during flood and ebb flows, rather than the average (residual) flow. Thus, the use of residual (water) circulation to describe patterns of sediment movement as bedload is not an appropriatedapproach. In the case study presented here, the distinct characteristics of the coastal and seabed morphology around the Isle of Portland (i.e. headland shape and the bathymetry) indicate that these parameters can be influencing tidal (flow) and sediment dispersion around the headland. Such an interpretation has broader implications and applications to headland-associated sandbanks elsewhere.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   

Disposal of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent into sea, a typical anthropogenic disturbance, may influence many environmental factors and change the coastal microbial community structure. In this study, by setting up coastal sediment microcosms perturbed by WWTP effluent, the changes of microbial community structure under different degree of disturbances were investigated. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) were used to analyzed the biomass and biodiversity. High throughput sequencing analysis was used to identify the classification of the microorganisms. Our study suggested that low ratio of WWTP effluent may stimulate dominant species, which increase the biomass but decrease the biodiversity; while high ratio of WWTP effluent may depress all species, which decrease the biomass but increase the biodiversity. In other words, the impact was dose-dependent. The changes of microbial community structure may provide a metric for water environmental assessment and pollution control.  相似文献   

On average, only 30-40% of the global fishery production is consumed fresh and the rest 60-70% is processed for human consumption and other purposes. Although the proportion of the total fishery production that are processed remained relatively stable over the last decade, the total bulk of processed fishery commodity increased due to the steady increase in the total fishery production. Processing of large bulk of fish, shrimp and other aquatic organisms produces a corresponding large bulk of by-products and wastes. Although recent trend shows that much of these wastes are made into various value added products, considerable quantities are discharged as the processing effluents with large volume of waters used in processing. Reports suggest that fish and shrimp processing effluents are very high in biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), fat-oil-grease (FOG), pathogenic and other microflora, organic matters and nutrients, etc. Fish and shrimp processing effluents are, therefore, highly likely to produce adverse effects on the receiving coastal and marine environments. Although substantial reduction of the waste loads is possible by applying available simple techniques, this is not in practice in most part of the world due to lack of proper managerial and regulatory approach. The present paper reviews the characteristics of fish and shrimp processing effluents as a potential source of coastal and marine pollution and, using the existing data, analyzes the global production and discharge of waste loads from the processing plants and discusses available options for waste treatment and management.  相似文献   

For this paper, a physical heat budget model has been implemented using a fine-scale high-resolution meteorological data set in order to explore the influence of external factors, such as solar radiation and wind speed on the thermal regime and, therefore, the ecological dynamics of a shallow coastal ecosystem, Nueva lagoon (Southeast Spain). In addition, our results reveal that micrometeorological data (recorded with at least a bihourly frequency) are required to obtain reliable results from such a model. Net radiation accounted on average for around 95% of the non-advective fluxes and long wave radiation emitted accounted for around 70% of the non-advective losses. Evaporation was also a considerable component of the energy budget, accounting for about 20% of the total energy losses. In relation to advective heat fluxes, results from a water budget in Nueva lagoon have shown that groundwater discharge and irrigation surpluses contributed to the heat storage of Nueva lagoon, whereas the effect of heat advected via rainfall was negligible.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2007,27(10-11):1408-1421
Particle size distribution and size-specific settling velocity are critical parameters for understanding the transport of fine sediment on continental margins. In this study, observed floc size versus settling velocity, volume distributions of particles 2 μm–1 cm in diameter, and calculated effective densities for all particle sizes provided estimates of the mass distribution in suspension, which is used to apportion mass among component particles, microflocs, and macroflocs. Measurements were made during relatively quiescent environmental conditions. Observations of size distributions based on mass demonstrate an increase in the component particle fraction through time. The increase in the percentage of component particles in suspension had implications on water column properties, as small changes in the component particle fraction affected water column optical transmission in a way that was not as easily detected by changes in the volume concentration distribution or total mass concentration. Flocs larger than 133 μm in diameter only comprised one quarter to one third of the mass in suspension. This finding may explain why suspension bulk clearance rates are often an order of magnitude lower than those predicted by other methods.  相似文献   

The water quality of the Pozuelos-Murillo lagoon system in southern Mexico was evaluated during three periods between March and October 2002, with particular emphasis on the detection of organochlorine and organophosphorous pesticide residues in water and sediments. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters of water were also measured and integrated in a water quality index (WQI). Multivariate analysis was used to regionalise the lagoon system as a function of the behaviour of all measured parameters. Solid phase micro-extraction followed by gas chromatography (SPME-GC) was used for pesticide analysis. The concentration of phosphorous was found to be higher than that of nitrogenous compounds. This, besides a deficiency in dissolved oxygen and a high organic matter concentration (as COD), reflects eutrophication processes in some areas of the system. Measured levels of faecal coliforms and oils and greases were above the limits established by Mexican law and comparable to the concentrations reported for other highly polluted systems in Mexico. Residues of DDD (2.0 microg L(-1)) in water and DDE (247 ng g(-1)) and endosulfan I (814 ng g(-1)) sediments were detected by SPME-GC. The spatial distribution of these contaminants implies major potential risks because the most polluted sites were found to be those with the highest fishing activity. Although in general the WQI is on acceptable levels (65-80%), some contamination problems are evident.  相似文献   

Sources of pollution discharges and water quality samples at 27 stations in 2006 in the coastal waters of Hebei Province, western Bohai Sea, have been analyzed in this study. Pollutant loads from industrial sewages have shown stronger impact on the water environment than those from the general sewages. Analysis indicates that pollution of COD is mainly resulted from land-based point pollutant sources. For phosphate concentration, non-point source pollution from coastal ocean (fishing and harbor areas) plays an important role. To assess the water quality conditions, Organic Pollution Index and Eutrophication Index have been used to quantify the level of water pollution and eutrophication conditions. Results show that pollution was much heavier in the dry season than flood season in 2006. Based on COD and phosphate concentrations, results show that waters near Shahe River, Douhe River, Yanghe River, and Luanhe River were heavily polluted. Water quality in the Qinhuangdao area was better than those in the Tangshan and Cangzhou areas.  相似文献   

Development in southwest Puerto Rico, as in many areas of the Caribbean, is outpacing the ability of upland flora, salt flats, and mangroves to capture sediments and intercept and transform nutrients. A comparative study to examine the effects of development on near-shore water quality in La Parguera, Puerto Rico, was initiated in 1998. Total suspended solids were significantly higher in the vicinity of developing areas compared to reference areas. Chlorophyll-a measurements near of the wastewater treatment plant averaged two times the level of other areas. The overall average concentrations of copper, chromium, nickel, and zinc in sediments collected from salt flats exceeded values reported to cause impairment of biological systems. Marine sediments near more developed locations had the highest metal concentrations, suggesting a greater transport in this area. Natural resources are the primary attraction in this area; therefore, protection of near-shore resources should receive greater attention in land use planning.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a topographic methodology to characterize the amount of sediment stored in channels and the use of historical photographs for aerial survey by stereophotogrammetry, as part of wider research on debris‐flow magnitude prediction. The topographic methodology uses equidistant four‐point cross‐sections along the long profile of the channel. Each cross‐section is representative of a 50‐m reach of the channel. To calculate the volume of each reach, the difference is calculated between a reference level and the topographic surface. The reference level is the lowest level where the debris flow can erode, and in the current method this level is estimated from fixed points along the long profile of the channel. The accuracy of the method has been estimated by comparing results of a detailed topographic survey, with a standard deviation corresponding to about 6 per cent of the total calculated sediment volume. This topographic methodology has been used on aerial photographs by photogrammetry. This tool was applied to photographs taken on 12 past dates. The scales of the archive photographs used range from 1:3000 to 1:30 000, but results are consistent and permit us to calculate sediment states of the channel for different past dates with an uncertainty of about 6 per cent of the total volume. The application of the technique to the Manival debris‐flow torrent has permitted us to propose some partial sediment budgets and erosion‐rate estimates. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fu CT  Wu SC 《Marine pollution bulletin》2005,51(8-12):932-939
This study investigated the bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) toward mullet fish (Liza macrolepis) living in former PCB contaminated areas, the Ann-Ping harbour and the Er-Jen estuary, and fish farms located near the above two areas in 2003. The PCB body burdens of collected fish samples are proportional to the contamination level of their locations with the following rank order (greatest to least) from the Er-Jen estuary, the Ann-Ping harbour to the fish farms. Concentration of PCBs of the estuarine mullet has been approximately decreased to one-half of the peak concentration of the 1990s. Although the concentration of PCBs in farmed fish inhabiting near the two contaminated areas was greater than the average of those of fish from local fish markets in Taiwan, no particularly great contamination level was observed in their bodies. Using the less chlorinated PCB fraction (triCB + tetraCB)/total PCBs as the indicator of the origins of PCBs, fish near former contaminated areas had greater body burdens of the more chlorinated PCB congeners, while the farmed fish exhibited a PCB pattern more like that known to originate from air–water exchange with less chlorinated PCBs predominating. Although the PCB contamination has been stopped for a decade, the residual contaminants, supposedly existing in soil and sediments, still contribute to the body burden of fish residing in the estuary and the harbour.  相似文献   

We examine effects of high river particulate flux and municipal wastewater effluent on heterotrophic organic carbon cycling in coastal subtidal sediments. Heterotrophic production was a predictable (r2 = 0.95) proportion (56%) of oxidized OC flux and strongly correlated with organic/inorganic flux. Consistent growth efficiencies (36%) occurred at all stations. Organic biomass was correlated with total, OC and buried OC fluxes, but not oxidized OC flux. Near the river, production was modest and biomass high, resulting in low P/B. Outfall deposition resulted in depleted biomass and high bacterial production, resulting in the highest P/B. These patterns explain why this region is production “saturated”. The δ15N in outfall effluent, sediments and dominant taxa provided insight into where, and which types of organisms feed directly on fresh outfall particulates, on older, refractory material buried in sediments, or utilize chemosynthetic symbiotic bacteria. Results are discussed in the context of declining bottom oxygen conditions along the coast.  相似文献   

The concentration levels of copper, zinc and cadmium in the coastal waters of the northwestern Mediterranean tend to match closely those of off-shore waters when there is no significant man-made contamination. The appearance of local high concentration for one metal by possible contamination does not necessarily correlate with high values for other metals, although some contamination sources elevate the concentrations of all three metals. In June 1974, the presence of a water mass having relatively high surface zinc-concentration was observed off the Marseille-Toulon area.  相似文献   

Declining sand inputs to a channel with bimodal bed sediment can lead to degradation, armoring, and reduced bedload transport rates. Where sand loading is episodic, channels may alternate between high‐sand and low‐sand conditions, with ensuing responses in bed texture and bedload transport rates. The effects of episodic sand loading are explored through flow, grain size, and bedload transport measurements on the Pasig‐Potrero River, a sediment‐rich channel draining Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. Sand loading on the Pasig‐Potrero River is highly seasonal, and channel adjustments between seasons are dramatic. In the rainy season, inputs from sand‐rich 1991 eruption deposits lead to active, sand‐bedded, braided channels. In the dry season, many precipitation‐driven sand sources are cut off, leading to incision, armoring, and significantly lower bedload transport rates. This seasonal transition offers an excellent opportunity to examine models of degradation, incision, and armoring as well as the effectiveness of sediment transport models that explicitly encapsulate the importance of sand on transport rates. During the fall 2009 seasonal transition, 7·6 km of channel incised and armored, carving a 2–3 m deep channel on the upper alluvial fan. Bedload transport rates measured in the August 2009 rainy season were over four orders of magnitude greater than gravel‐bedded dry‐season channels surveyed in January 2010, despite having similar shear stress and unit discharge conditions. Within dry‐season incised channels, bed armoring is rapid, leading to an abrupt gravel‐sand transition. Bedload transport rates adjust more slowly, creating a lag between armoring and commensurate reductions in transport. Seasonal channel incision occurred in steps, aided by lateral migration into sand‐rich banks. These lateral sand inputs may increase armor layer mobility, renewing incision, and forming terraces within the incised seasonal channel. The seasonal incised channel is currently being reset by precipitation‐driven sand loading during the next rainy season, and the cycle begins again. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface sediments in the Xiaoqinghe estuary, southwestern coastal Laizhou Bay, were examined to assess the bio-toxic risk of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) with the effects range-low and effects range-median guidelines (ERL–ERMs) and the concentration ratio of simultaneously extractable metals to acid volatile sulfides ([SEM]/[AVS]). Based on the ERL–ERM guidelines, bio-toxic effect caused by Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn could be expected in the riverine surface sediments of the Xiaoqinghe estuary; and the surface sediments in the marine area were in good quality and only Ni might cause bio-toxic effect occasionally. The AVS–SEM guidelines revealed that no bio-toxic effect could be caused by any of the studied metals in both the riverine and marine sediments, since there were excess sulfides in surface sediments which could form water-insoluble substances with free metal ions and reduce the bioavailability of heavy metals.  相似文献   

Water-budget components and the vertical conductance were determined for Lowry (Sand Hill) Lake in north-central Florida, USA. In this type of lake, which interacts with both the surface-water and groundwater systems, the inflow components are precipitation, surface-water inflow, groundwater inflow, and direct runoff (i.e. overland flow), and the outflow components are evaporation, groundwater outflow, and surface-water outflow. In a lake and groundwater system that is typical of many karst lakes in Florida, a large part of the groundwater outflow occurs by means of vertical leakage through an underlying confining unit to a deeper, highly transmissive aquifer called the upper Floridan aquifer. The water-budget component that represents vertical leakage to the upper Floridan aquifer was calculated as a residual using the water-budget equation. For the 13 month period from August 1994 to August 1995, relative to the surface area of the lake, rainfall at Lowry Lake was 1.55 m yr−1, surficial aquifer inflow was 0.79 m yr−1, surface-water inflow was 1.92 m yr−1, and direct runoff was 0.01 m yr−1. Lake evaporation was 1.11 m yr−1, and surface-water outflow was 1.61 m yr−1. The lake stage increased 0.07 m yr−1, and the vertical leakage to the upper Floridan aquifer was 1.48 m yr−1. Surficial aquifer outflow from the lake was negligible. At Lowry Lake, vertical leakage is a major component of the water budget, comprising about 35% of the outflow during the study period. The vertical conductance (KV/b), a coefficient that represents the average of the vertical conductances of the hydrogeologic units between the bottom of a lake and the top of the upper Floridan aquifer, was determined to be 2.51 × 10−4 day−1 for Lowry Lake.  相似文献   

We conducted a statistical analysis to discern the relative strengths of the loading of various forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, dissolved silicate and their molar ratios on the variance in the size of the summertime low oxygen zone found off the Mississippi River, northern Gulf of Mexico. A stable statistical model that included Year and riverine nitrate+nitrite loading for the 2 months prior to the measurement of hypoxic zone size described 82% of its variation in size from 1978 to 2004. The usefulness of the term Year is consistent with the documented increase in carbon stored in sediments after the 1970s, which is when the hypoxic zone is predicted to have become a regular feature on the shelf and to have expanded westward. The increased carbon storage is anticipated to cause a sedimentary respiratory demand influencing the size of the zone, and whose temporal influence is cumulative and transcends the annual variations in nitrogen loading. The variable Year is negatively correlated with the TN:TP ratio in a way that suggests N, not P, has become more important as a factor limiting phytoplankton growth in the last 20 years. Nitrogen, in particular nitrate+nitrite, and not phosphorus, dissolved silicate, or their molar ratios, appears to be the major driving factor influencing the size of the hypoxic zone on this shelf. This conclusion is consistent with cross-system analyses that conclude that the TN:TP ratio in the Mississippi River, currently fluctuating around 20:1, is indicative of nitrogen, not phosphorus, limitation of phytoplankton growth. Nutrient management that places stronger emphasis on reducing nitrogen loading as compared to phosphorus loading, is justified.  相似文献   

The basic features of the hydrological regime and morphodynamics of the mouth area of the Garonne and Dordogne rivers and its part, i.e., the Gironde Estuary, are discussed. The main attention is given to the analysis of water circulation and sediment dynamics in the Gironde Estuary under the joint impact of seasonal river flow and tidal fluctuations. In addition to this, the estuary evolution during the Holocene period and regularities of present-day erosional and accumulative processes are characterized.  相似文献   

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