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Mapping of hard rock aquifer system and artificial recharge zonation were carried out in an area of 325 km^2 in parts of the Perambalur District,Tamil Nadu,India.This district has been declared as one of the over-exploited regions in Tamil Nadu by the Central Groundwater Board.To raise the groundwater level,suitable recharge zones were identified and artificial recharge structures are suggested using geomatics technology in the present study.To this end,various thematic maps concerning lithology,soil,geomorphology,land use,land cover,slope,lineament,lineament density,drainage,drainage density and groundwater depth level were prepared.Fissile hornblende gneiss(244 km^2)covered most of the study area followed by charnockites(68 km^2).Structural hills and rocky pediments characterize the major geomorphological features in the targeted area,and are followed by deep moderated pediments.The area is mostly used as crop and fallow land,followed by scrub land and deciduous forest.In the study area,the slopes are predominantly very gentle(142 km^2)and nearly level(66 km^2)ones.Besides,Groundwater level data of 58 wells have been generated,in which the minimum and maximum depth were 3 and 28 m respectively.Integration under the GIS environment has been carried out using all the thematic layers to identify the groundwater prospect zone through the introduction of weight and rank methods.Integrated output performances were classified into very poor,poor,moderate,good and excellent categories.All these classes were further divided into two groups as suitable and non-suitable area for the selection of recharge sites.Hard rock fractures were mapped as lineaments from satellite images,and besides that,rose diagram was also generated to find out the trend of the fracture.Furthermore,fracture data of 146 numbers have been collected using Brunton compass to generate rose diagram and were correlated with the rose diagram derived from lineaments.The present study significantly brought up a few areas such as Ammapalayam,Melapuliyur,Senjeri and around Siruvachur for artificial recharge.  相似文献   

Mapping of hard rock aquifer system and artificial recharge zonation were carried out in an area of 325 km2 in parts of the Perambalur District, Tamil Nadu, India. This district has been declared as one of the over-exploited regions in Tamil Nadu by the Central Groundwater Board. To raise the groundwater level, suitable recharge zones were identified and artificial recharge structures are suggested using geomatics technology in the present study. To this end, various thematic maps concerning lithology, soil, geomorphology, land use, land cover, slope, lineament, lineament density, drainage, drainage density and groundwater depth level were prepared. Fissile hornblende gneiss (244 km2) covered most of the study area followed by charnockites (68 km2). Structural hills and rocky pediments characterize the major geomorphological features in the targeted area, and are followed by deep moderated pediments. The area is mostly used as crop and fallow land, followed by scrub land and deciduous forest. In the study area, the slopes are predominantly very gentle (142 km2) and nearly level (66 km2) ones. Besides, Groundwater level data of 58 wells have been generated, in which the minimum and maximum depth were 3 and 28 m respectively. Integration under the GIS environment has been carried out using all the thematic layers to identify the groundwater prospect zone through the introduction of weight and rank methods. Integrated output performances were classified into very poor, poor, moderate, good and excellent categories. All these classes were further divided into two groups as suitable and non-suitable area for the selection of recharge sites. Hard rock fractures were mapped as lineaments from satellite images, and besides that, rose diagram was also generated to find out the trend of the fracture. Furthermore, fracture data of 146 numbers have been collected using Brunton compass to generate rose diagram and were correlated with the rose diagram derived from lineaments. The present study significantly brought up a few areas such as Ammapalayam, Melapuliyur, Senjeri and around Siruvachur for artificial recharge.  相似文献   

Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System has become one of the leading tools in the field of hydrogeological science, which helps in assessing, monitoring and conserving groundwater resources. It allows manipulation and analysis of individual layer of spatial data. It is used for analysing and modelling the interrelationship between the layers. This paper mainly deals with the integrated approach of Remote Sensing and geographical information system (GIS) to delineate groundwater potential zones in hard rock terrain. The remotely sensed data at the scale of 1:50,000 and topographical information from available maps, have been used for the preparation of ground water prospective map by integrating geology, geomorphology, slope, drainage-density and lineaments map of the study area. Further, the data on yield of aquifer, as observed from existing bore wells in the area, has been used to validate the groundwater potential map. The final result depicts the favourable prospective zones in the study area and can be helpful in better planning and management of groundwater resources especially in hard rock terrains.  相似文献   

Sustainable management of groundwater resources has now become an obligation,especially in arid and semi-arid regions given the socio-economic importance of this resource.The optimization in zoning for groundwater exploitation helps in planning and managing groundwater supply works such as boreholes and wells in the catchment.The objective of this study is to use remote sensing and GIS-based Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP)techniques to evaluate the groundwater potential of Wadi Saida Watershed.Spatial analysis such as geostatistics was also used to validate results and ensure more accuracy.Through the GIS tools and remote sensing technique,earth observation data were converted into thematic layers such as lineament density,geology,drainage density,slope,land use and rainfall,which were combined to delineate groundwater potential zones.Based on their respective impact on groundwater potential,the AHP approach was adopted to assign weights on multi-influencing factors.These results will enable decision-makers to optimize hydrogeological exploration in large-scale catchment areas and map areas.According to the results,the southern part of the Wadi Saida Watershed is characterized as a higher groundwater potential area,where 32%of the total surface area falls in the excellent and good class of groundwater potential.The validation process revealed a 71%agreement between the estimated and actual yield of the existing boreholes in the study area.  相似文献   

镇康芦子园地区遥感和GIS成矿预测示范研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用遥感及GIS技术,对云南省重要原矿化集中域-镇康芒子园地区进行成矿预测示范的方法研究,取得重要成果。在GIS平台下,充分利用遥感图像多功能处理成果及遥感地质解译数据,综合地物化遥信息,建立遥感地质成矿模型并类比外推,在芦子园地区进行成矿预测。经对预测靶区进行野外查证,不仅发现已有多个民采点存在,且可望近期会有找矿突破,充分说明遥感和GIS成矿预测的方法技术有效可行。  相似文献   

An integrated study was carried out to investigate the subsurface geological conditions in a hard rock environment, with the aim of identifying zones with groundwater resource potential. The study, in Bairasagara watershed, Karnataka, India, considered geomorphology, water level, resistivity imaging, self potential, total magnetic field and susceptibility. The signatures due to lineaments have been clearly identified and their role in groundwater movement has been documented. Synthetic simulation methods were used to model the electrical response of the lineament using finite differential modeling scheme. The inverted image of the field data is compared with the synthetic image and iteration were performed on the initial model until a best match was obtained resulting on the generation of the calibrated resistivity image of the subsurface. Resistivity imaging revealed that the dykes are weathered/fractured to a depth of 6–8 m and are compact at deeper levels, and that they behave as barriers to groundwater movement, yet facilitate a good groundwater potential zone on the upgradient side. The results of magnetic surveys were utilized in differentiating granites and dolerite dykes with an insignificant resistivity contrast. Geomorphological expression alone cannot reveal the groundwater potential associated with a lineament. However, characterizing the nature of the feature at depth with integrated geophysical methods provides essential information for assessing that potential.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

An integrated study was carried out to investigate the subsurface geological conditions in a hard rock environment, with the aim of identifying zones with groundwater resource potential. The study, in Bairasagara watershed, Karnataka, India, considered geomorphology, water level, resistivity imaging, self potential, total magnetic field and susceptibility. The signatures due to lineaments have been clearly identified and their role in groundwater movement has been documented. Synthetic simulation methods were used to model the electrical response of the lineament using finite differential modeling scheme. The inverted image of the field data is compared with the synthetic image and iteration were performed on the initial model until a best match was obtained resulting on the generation of the calibrated resistivity image of the subsurface. Resistivity imaging revealed that the dykes are weathered/fractured to a depth of 6–8 m and are compact at deeper levels, and that they behave as barriers to groundwater movement, yet facilitate a good groundwater potential zone on the upgradient side. The results of magnetic surveys were utilized in differentiating granites and dolerite dykes with an insignificant resistivity contrast. Geomorphological expression alone cannot reveal the groundwater potential associated with a lineament. However, characterizing the nature of the feature at depth with integrated geophysical methods provides essential information for assessing that potential.The online version of the original article can be found at  相似文献   

Appropriate quantification and identification of the groundwater distribution in a hydrological basin may provide necessary information for effective management, planning and development of groundwater resources. Groundwater potential assessment and delineation in a highly heterogeneous environment with limited Spatiotemporal data derived from Gelana watershed of Abaya Chamo lake basin is performed, using integrated multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), water and energy transfer between soil and plant and atmosphere under quasi-steady state (WetSpass) models. The outputs of the WetSpass model reveal a favorable structure of water balance in the basin studied, mainly using surface runoff. The simulated total flow and groundwater recharge are validated using river measurements and estimated baseflow at two gauging stations located in the study area, which yields a good agreement. The WetSpass model effectively integrates a water balance assessment in a geographical information system (GIS) environment. The WetSpass model is shown to be computationally reputable for such a remote complex setting as the African rift, with a correlation coefficient of 0.99 and 0.99 for total flow and baseflow at a significant level of p-value<0.05, respectively. The simulated annual water budget reveals that 77.22% of annual precipitation loses through evapotranspiration, of which 16.54% is lost via surface runoff while 6.24% is recharged to the groundwater. The calibrated groundwater recharge from the WetSpass model is then considered when determining the controlling factors of groundwater occurrence and formation, together with other multi-thematic layers such as lithology, geomorphology, lineament density and drainage density. The selected five thematic layers through MCDA are incorporated by employing the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to identify the relative dominance in groundwater potential zoning. The weighted factors in the AHP are procedurally aggregated, based on weighted linear combinations to provide the groundwater potential index. Based on the potential indexes, the area then is demarcated into low, moderate, and high groundwater potential zones (GWPZ). The identified GWPZs are finally examined using the existing groundwater inventory data (static water level and springs) in the region. About 70.7% of groundwater inventory points are coinciding with the delineated GWPZs. The weighting comparison shows that lithology, geomorphology, and groundwater recharge appear to be the dominant factors influence on the resources potential. The assessment of groundwater potential index values identify 45.88% as high, 39.38% moderate, and 14.73% as low groundwater potential zones. WetSpass model analysis is more preferable in the area like Gelana watershed when the topography is rugged, inaccessible and having limited gauging stations.  相似文献   

The remotely sensed data provides synoptic viewing and repetitive coverage for thematic mapping of natural resources. In the present study hydrogeomorphological mapping has been carried out in Kakund watershed, Eastern Rajasthan for delineating groundwater potential zones. IRS-1D LISS III Geocoded FCC data in conjunction with Survey of India toposheet (1:50000 scale) and field inputs were used for thematic mapping. Geomorphic units identified through visual interpretation of FCC include: alluvial plain, plateau, valley fills, intermontane valleys, burried pediment, residual hills, and linear ridges. In addition, lineaments were mapped since they act as conduit for groundwater recharge. Majority of the lineaments trends NE-SW and a few along NW-SE directions and are confined to the southern and southeastern parts of the watershed. Based on hydrogeomorphological, geological and lineament mapping the Kakund watershed has qualitatively been categorized into four groundwater potential zones, viz. good to very good, moderate to good, poor to moderate and very poor to poor. The study reveals that only 10.97% of the area has good to very good, 35.41% area with moderate to good, 49.04 % of the area has poor to moderatel, while remaining 4.57% has poor to very poor groundwater potential.  相似文献   

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