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软黏土中渗流存在起始水力坡降的现象已逐渐为人们所认识,但变荷载下考虑起始坡降的软土大变形非线性固结理论还很鲜见。考虑土中渗流存在的起始水力坡降及非线性压缩渗透特性,在拉格朗日坐标系中建立变荷载下以超静孔压为变量的软土大变形非线性固结模型并给出其有限差分解。在此基础上,通过与达西定律下大变形固结半解析解对比分析,验证了解的可靠性。最后着重分析起始水力坡降对软土大、小变形固结性状影响的差异。结果表明,无论采用小变形假定还是采用大变形假定,考虑起始坡降后超静孔压的消散速率及最终沉降量均比达西定律下小。大、小变形假定下起始坡降均会引起超静孔压不能完全消散的现象,且大变形假定下超静孔压残留值要小于其小变形假定下的残留值,致使大变形假定下土层最终沉降量要比其小变形假定下大。起始水力坡降和几何变形假定均会影响固结性状,且起始坡降值无疑影响更明显,故在软黏土中渗流存在的起始水力坡降在固结计算中不容忽视。  相似文献   

张明  王威  刘起霞  赵有明 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3117-3126
采用Barron轴对称固结及大变形固结问题的某些简化与假定,推导建立了砂井地基大变形固结控制方程,利用建立的双层砂井地基大变形固结方程及编制的计算程序,通过引入软土渗透系数、有效应力与孔隙比之间的幂函数关系k =ced与e=a( )b,对瞬时加载下双层砂井地基固结性状进行算例计算。结果表明:(1)双层软土幂函数渗透关系及压缩关系中诸参数对双层砂井地基固结性状有重要影响:随着两层软土幂函数渗透关系中参数c1、c2的增加(渗透性增加)、或幂函数压缩关系中参数a1、a2的增加,各土层水平径向与竖向孔隙比减小更快,沉降发展速率与超静孔压消散速率也相应增加,且沉降发展速率快于孔压消散速率。(2)两层土在分界面处的孔隙比及平均超静孔压均出现明显的突变,将沿深度分布曲线分成形状不同的两段,表现出不同的固结性状。  相似文献   

武汉软土固结不排水应力-应变归一化特性分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
张勇  孔令伟  孟庆山  陈建斌 《岩土力学》2006,27(9):1509-1513
基于武汉软土的固结不排水三轴剪切试验,分析了武汉软土的应力-应变关系特性:在低围压下,土体表现出稳定型或弱应变硬化型;在高围压下,土体呈现出弱应变软化型;土体的应力-应变关系曲线为典型的双曲线。为实现武汉软土应力-应变关系的归一化,基于典型的双曲线方程,从理论上推导了为实现应力-应变方程归一化而必须满足的归一化条件,并提出了用主应力差渐近值作为标准归一化因子。通过运用标准归一化因子和常用的以固结围压为归一化因子,对武汉软土应力-应变特性进行归一化分析和比较,得出用主应力差渐近值作为标准归一化因子,软土的应力-应变特性归一化程度更高,效果更好。同时,运用标准归一化因子,建立了武汉软土固结不排水条件下应力-应变特性的归一化方程。  相似文献   

砂井地基固结的三维有限元模型及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一维和二维的数值方法对刻画砂井地基的固结都不够准确和全面,但砂井密集地基的完全三维耦合模拟难度比较大。在对称性原理和Biot固结理论基础上,对三维渗流-二维变形的有限单元方法(PDSS法)进行了改进,给出了砂井地基经济合理的三维剖分方案,使PDSS模型能够直接刻画正三角形布局的砂井。砂井重新布置到节点上而非处理成单元,原模型计算中砂井附近径向流的偏离也得到修正。改进的PDSS模型还与反求参数的方法相结合,用于真空联合堆载预压下砂井路基固结变形的工程模拟。  相似文献   

肖克炎  李楠  孙莉 《江苏地质》2012,36(3):229-236
大比例尺成矿预测是矿田发现深部隐伏矿床的重要途径。随着三维地质信息技术的日臻完善,研究和开发三维可视化环境下地质勘查数据处理与信息综合方法十分必要。以我国甲玛等十几个矿山三维建模预测工作为支撑,初步研究了矿田控矿构造三维模拟、矿床模型三维可视化、三维信息综合定量预测等关键技术问题,探讨了三维预测软件开发技术难点,总结了大比例尺三维预测工作流程,并用实例说明应用成效。  相似文献   

当前地下空间大比例尺建模难度较大,少有案例提及。主要难点在于严格按照原始地层开展大比例尺建模,会出现大量的透镜体和螺旋体,给建模工作带来较大难度。6号线地面沉降易发区的试验段研究,共涉及7个站点和6个区间的模型。通过收集整理多方位资料,以横向1:500,纵向1:200比例尺进行大比例建模。选用钻孔537个,剖面299条,格子252个,建模面积为0.6km~2。按照规范对筛选出的钻孔归纳岩性、统一命名,将岩层分为7大类,40层。应用交互拼接建模的方法,将模型分为地质体、地表建筑物两个部分,加入DEM、卫星贴图耦合显示。同时,地层的属性数据也在建模过程中加入到地层属性表中。本次工作解决了透镜体和螺旋体的建模难点,提高了建模精度。  相似文献   

一维大变形主、次固结耦合新模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
丁洲祥  袁大军  朱合华 《岩土力学》2010,31(8):2367-2372
针对传统一维大变形固结理论不能考虑土体次固结变形的缺点,在连续介质力学有限变形理论和土力学固结理论基础上,提出了全新的一维大变形主、次固结耦合模型。该模型采用超静孔压为控制变量,可以分别表述为欧拉坐标、拉格朗日坐标和固相体积坐标等三种形式,其中均可以显式地反映出土体重度变化、固相速度、地表沉降速度、地下水位变化、荷载变化和次固结等6个因素的影响。在不同简化条件下,新模型可以分别退化为以往学者提出的相关模型。当不考虑次固结效应时,新模型与经典的Gibson大变形固结模型完全等价。从便于工程应用的角度而言,新模型中仅考虑次固结和外荷载变化的退化形式更便于求解,可作为一种供参考的实用模型。  相似文献   

Presented and discussed in this paper is an exact analytical solution of the nonhomogeneous partial differential equation governing the conventional one‐dimensional consolidation under haversine repeated loading. The derived analytical solution to the 1D consolidation equation is compared with the numerical solution of the same consolidation problem via FEM. The series solution takes into account the frequency of repeated loading through a dimensionless time factor T0. The paper reveals that an increase in the frequency of imposed repeated haversine loading (a decrease in period of repeated loading) causes an increase in the number of cycles required to achieve the steady state, whereas the effect of frequency on the maximum excess pore water pressure at the bottom of a clay layer with permeable top and impermeable bottom for the range of frequencies studied is generally insignificant. The effective stress at the bottom of the clay deposit with permeable top and impermeable bottom increases with time but with some fluctuations without changing the sign. These fluctuations become more pronounced for increasing values of T0. An increase in T0 also causes an increase in maximum effective stress. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an advanced 3D numerical methodology to reproduce the kinematics of slow active landslides, more precisely, to reproduce the nearly constant strain rate (secondary creep) and the acceleration/deceleration of the moving mass due to hydrological changes. For this purpose, finite element analyses are performed in a large area covering a long time-span (12 years), in order to exhibit different interacting slope movements. First, we perform a stability analysis using the shear strength reduction (SSR) technique with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. It is done in order to compute factors of safety (FS) and to identify two different scenarios, the first one being stable (FS > 1) and the second one being unstable (FS < 1). In the studied test case, the Portalet landslide (Central Spanish Pyrenees), the first scenario corresponds to an initial stable configuration of the slope and the second one to an unstable excavated configuration. Second, taking the first scenario as an initial condition, a time-dependent analysis is performed using a coupled formulation to model solid skeleton and pore fluids interaction, and a simplified ground water model that takes into account daily rainfall intensity. In this case, a viscoplastic constitutive model based on Perzyna’s theory is applied to reproduce soil viscous behavior and the delayed creep deformation due to the excavation. The fluidity parameter is calibrated to reproduce displacements measured by the monitoring systems. Our results demonstrate that 3D analyses are preferable to 2D ones for reproducing in a more realistic way the slide behavior. After calibration, the proposed model is able to simulate successfully short- and medium-term predictions during stages of primary and secondary creep.  相似文献   

Simulating a rock fracture distribution is an important problem common to various fields in geosciences. This paper presents GEOFRAC, a geostatistical method to simulate a fracture distribution by incorporating the directions (strikes and dips) of the sampled fracture data into the simulation. Fracture locations are generated randomly following fracture densities assigned by a sequential Gaussian simulation. Fracture directions are transformed into an indicator set consisting of several binary (0 and 1) variables and the variables are compressed using the principal component analysis. Ordinary kriging is then employed to estimate the distributions of these principal values and the results are back-transformed into the coordinate system of the original indicator set. Fracture directions are generated randomly using their histograms within the defined directional interval. Finally, facets (fracture elements) are determined from the simulated locations and directions, and the fractures within the angle and distance tolerances are connected to form a fracture plane. From a case study of applying GEOFRAC to the fracture data in Kikuma granite, southwest Japan, GEOFRAC was shown to be able to depict a plausible fracture system because the simulated directions corresponded well to those measured. Furthermore, the simulated fracture system was available to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the study site, which was roughly in agreement with the average of hydraulic test results.  相似文献   

The 1D consolidation of unsaturated multi-layered soil is studied based on the theory proposed by Fredlund and Hasan, and an analytical solution for a typical boundary condition is obtained by assuming all material parameters remain constant during consolidation. In the derivation of the analytical solution, the eigenfunction and eigenvalue for the multi-layered problem are first derived through the transfer matrix method. Then, by using the method of undetermined coefficients and the orthogonal relation of the eigenfunction, the analytical solution is obtained. The present method is applicable to various types of boundary conditions. Finally, numerical examples are provided to investigate the consolidation behavior of unsaturated multi-layered soil.  相似文献   

A poroelastic numerical model is presented to evaluate three-dimensional consolidation due to groundwater withdrawal from desaturating anisotropic porous media. This numerical model is developed based on the fully coupled governing equations for groundwater flow in deforming variably saturated porous media and the Galerkin finite element method. Two different cases of unsaturated aquifers are simulated for the purpose of comparison: a cross-anisotropic soil aquifer, and a corresponding isotropic soil aquifer composed of a geometrically averaged equivalent material. The numerical simulation results show that the anisotropy has a significant effect on the shapes of three-dimensional hydraulic head distribution and displacement vector fields. Such an effect of anisotropy is caused by the uneven partitioning of the hydraulic pumping stress between the vertical and horizontal directions in both groundwater flow field and solid skeleton deformation field. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the nutrient removal rate of three wastewater protozoan isolates. The study was carried out in a laboratory-scale batch reactor for a period of 120 h. in a four batch study. Aliquot samples were withdrawn from the reactor every 24 h. for the analysis of phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, chemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen and pH, using standard methods. The results obtained in the different batches among the three isolates showed PO4 2? removal rate ranging from 0.04 to 0.52 mg-PO4 2?/L/h. while NO3 ? nitrate removal rates ranged from 0.08 to 0.16 mg-NO3 ?/L /h. Also NO2- and NH3 rates were observed to range between 0.022 and 0.087 mg-NO2 ?/L /h. 0.05 and 0.16 mg-NH3 ?/L /h, respectively. For the physicochemical parameters, there was no observed COD decrease; rather there was an increase and this was irrespective of isolates and experimental batches. However, dissolved oxygen concentration decreased drastically (below 1 mg/L) at the end of each batch while pH show a decrease after an initial 24 h. period and thereafter increased. This trend was also irrespective of isolates and experimental batches. Overall, the study has been able to show the effect of the test isolates on nutrient removal rates and other physicochemical parameters (COD, DO and pH) in activated sludge mixed liquor.  相似文献   

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