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The possibility of observing solar-type oscillations on other stars is of great relevance to investigating the uncertain aspects of the internal structure of stars. One of these aspects is the convective overshoot that takes place at the borders of the envelopes of stars of mass similar to, or lower than, the Sun. It affects the temperature stratification, mixing, rotation and magnetic-field generation. Asteroseismology can provide an observational test for the studies of the structure of such overshoot regions.
The seismic study of the transition in the Sun, located at the base of the convection zone, has been successful in determining the characteristics of this layer in the Sun. In this work we consider the extension of the analysis to other solar-type stars (of mass between 0.85 and 1.2 M) in order to establish a method for determining the characteristics of their convective envelopes. In particular, we hope to be able to establish seismologically that a star does indeed possess a convective envelope, to measure the size of the convective region and also to constrain the properties of an overshoot layer at the bottom of the envelope. The limitations in terms of observational uncertainties and stellar characteristics, and the detectability of an overshoot layer, are discussed.  相似文献   

The decay of kinetic helicity is studied in numerical models of forced turbulence using either an externally imposed forcing function as an inhomogeneous term in the equations or, alternatively, a term linear in the velocity giving rise to a linear instability. The externally imposed forcing function injects energy at the largest scales, giving rise to a turbulent inertial range with nearly constant energy flux while for linearly forced turbulence the spectral energy is maximum near the dissipation wavenumber. Kinetic helicity is injected once a statistically steady state is reached, but it is found to decay on a turbulent time scale regardless of the nature of the forcing and the value of the Reynolds number (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We determine the timescales associated with turbulent decay and isotropization in closure models using anisotropically forced and freely decaying turbulence simulations and study the applicability of these models. We compare the results from anisotropically forced three‐dimensional numerical simulations with the predictions of the closure models and obtain the turbulent timescales mentioned above as functions of the Reynolds number. In a second set of simulations, turning the forcing off enables us to study the validity of the closures in freely decaying turbulence. Both types of experiments suggest that the timescale of turbulent decay converges to a constant value at higher Reynolds numbers. Furthermore, the relative importance of isotropization is found to be about 2.5 times larger at higher Reynolds numbers than in the more viscous regime (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Stellar radiation zones are the seat of meridional currents. This circulation has a strong impact on the transport of angular momentum and the mixing of chemicals that modify the evolution of stars. First, we recall in details the dynamical processes that are taking place in differentially rotating stellar radiation zones and the assumptions which are adopted for their modelling in stellar evolution. Then, we present our new results of numerical simulations which allow us to follow in 2D the secular hydrodynamics of rotating stars, assuming that anisotropic turbulence enforces a shellular rotation law and taking into account the transport of angular momentum by internal gravity waves. The different behaviors of the meridional circulation in function of the type of stars which is studied are discussed with their physical origin and their consequences on the transport of angular momentum and of chemicals. Finally, we show how this work is leading to a dynamical vision of the evolution of rotating stars from their birth to their death. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Small levels of turbulence can be present in stellar radiative interiors due to, e.g., the instability of rotational shear. In this paper we estimate turbulent transport coefficients for stably stratified rotating stellar radiation zones. Stable stratification induces strong anisotropy with a very small ratio of radial‐to‐horizontal turbulence intensities. Angular momentum is transported mainly due to the correlation between azimuthal and radial turbulent motions induced by the Coriolis force. This non‐diffusive transport known as the Λ‐effect has outward direction in radius and is much more efficient compared to the effect of radial eddy viscosity. Chemical species are transported by small radial diffusion only. This result is confirmed using direct numerical simulations combined with the test‐scalar method. As a consequence of the non‐diffusive transport of angular momentum, the estimated characteristic time of rotational coupling (≲100 Myr) between radiative core and convective envelope in young solar‐type stars is much shorter compared to the time‐scale of Lithium depletion (∼1 Gyr) (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report on a very large set of simulations of collisions between two main-sequence (MS) stars. These computations were carried out with the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method. Realistic stellar structure models for evolved MS stars were used. In order to sample an extended domain of initial parameters space (masses of the stars, relative velocity and impact parameter), more than 14 000 simulations were carried out. We considered stellar masses ranging between 0.1 and  75 M  and relative velocities up to a few thousand km s−1. To limit the computational burden, a resolution of 1000–32 000 particles per star was used. The primary goal of this study was to build a complete data base from which the result of any collision can be interpolated. This allows us to incorporate the effects of stellar collisions with an unprecedented level of realism into dynamical simulations of galactic nuclei and other dense stellar clusters. We make the data describing the initial condition and outcome (mass and energy loss, angle of deflection) of all our simulations available on the Internet. We find that the outcome of collisions depends sensitively on the stellar structure and that, in most cases, using polytropic models is inappropriate. Published fitting formulae for the collision outcomes, established from a limited set of collisions, prove of limited use because they do not allow robust extrapolation to other stellar structures or relative velocities.  相似文献   

In the solar convection zone, rotation couples with intensely turbulent convection to build global-scale flows of differential rotation and meridional circulation. Our sun must have rotated more rapidly in its past, as is suggested by observations of many rapidly rotating young solar-type stars. Here we explore the effects of more rapid rotation on the patterns of convection in such stars and the global-scale flows which are self-consistently established. The convection in these systems is richly time dependent and in our most rapidly rotating suns a striking pattern of spatially localized convection emerges. Convection near the equator in these systems is dominated by one or two patches of locally enhanced convection, with nearly quiescent streaming flow in between at the highest rotation rates. These active nests of convection maintain a strong differential rotation despite their small size. The structure of differential rotation is similar in all of our more rapidly rotating suns, with fast equators and slower poles. We find that the total shear in differential rotation, as measured by latitudinal angular velocity contrast, ΔΩ, increases with more rapid rotation while the relative shear, ΔΩ/Ω, decreases. In contrast, at more rapid rotation the meridional circulations decrease in both energy and peak velocities and break into multiple cells of circulation in both radius and latitude. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Shear mixing is believed to be the main mechanism to provide extra mixing in stellar interiors. We present results of three-dimensional (3D) simulations of the magnetohydrodynamic Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in a stratified shear layer. The magnetic field is taken to be uniform and parallel to the shear flow. We describe the evolution of the fluid flow and the magnetic field for a range of initial conditions. In particular, we investigate how the mixing rate of the fluid depends on the Richardson number and the magnetic field strength. It is found that the magnetic field can enhance as well as suppress mixing. Moreover, we have performed two-dimensional (2D) simulations and discuss some interesting differences between the 2D and 3D results.  相似文献   

An increase in the central density of a neutron star may trigger a phase transition from hadronic matter to deconfined quark matter in the core, causing it to collapse to a more compact hybrid star configuration. We present a study of this, building on previous work by Lin et al.. We follow them in considering a supersonic phase transition and using a simplified equation of state, but our calculations are general relativistic (using 2D simulations in the conformally flat approximation) as compared with their 3D Newtonian treatment. We also improved the treatment of the initial phase transformation, avoiding the introduction of artificial convection. As before, we find that the emitted gravitational wave spectrum is dominated by the fundamental quasi-radial and quadrupolar pulsation modes but the strain amplitudes are much smaller than suggested previously, which is disappointing for the detection prospects. However, we see significantly smaller damping and observe a non-linear mode resonance which substantially enhances the emission in some cases. We explain the damping mechanisms operating, giving a different view from the previous work. Finally, we discuss the detectability of the gravitational waves, showing that the signal-to-noise ratio for current or second generation interferometers could be high enough to detect such events in our Galaxy, although third generation detectors would be needed to observe them out to the Virgo cluster, which would be necessary for having a reasonable event rate.  相似文献   

We test here the first stage of a route of modifications to be applied to the public GADGET2 code for dynamically identifying accretion centers during the collision process of two adjacent and identical gas cores. Each colliding core has a uniform density profile and rigid body rotation; its mass and size have been chosen to represent the observed core L1544; for the thermal and rotational energy ratios with respect to the potential energy, we assume the values α = 0.3 and β = 0.1, respectively. These values favor the gravitational collapse of the core. We here study cases of both head‐on and off‐center collisions, in which the pre‐collision velocity increases the initial sound speed of the barotropic gas by up to several times. In a simulation the accretion centers are formed by the highest density particles, so we here report their location and properties in order to realize the collision effects on the collapsing and colliding cores. In one of the models, we observe a roughly spherical distribution of accretion centers located at the front wave of the collision. In a forthcoming publication we will apply the full modified GADGET code to study the collision of turbulent cores. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present a new numerical method for solving the system of partial differential equations describing the structure and evolution of a spherically symmetric star. As usual, we employ the transversal method of lines in order to split the equations into a coupled spatial and temporal part. The novel features of the algorithm are the following: (a) Instead of using the Lagrangian picture we formulate the system of partial differential equations in the Eulerian picture. (b) We reformulate the equations of stellar structure as a multipoint boundary-value problem. By means of this reformulation the rather clumsy iterative matching procedure of stellar atmosphere and interior is avoided. (c) The multipoint boundary-value problem is solved by the multiple shooting method. This approach not only ensures a high accuracy of the stellar models calculated at each time step but also allows the free boundaries inside the star due to different energy transport mechanisms to be located exactly. (d) The time derivatives involved in the stellar-structure equations are discretized implicitly to second order accuracy. Moreover, at each time step, the chemical abundances are determined by using a sophisticated update procedure. In this way, a high accuracy is achieved with respect to the integration in time. The algorithm has turned out to be exceedingly reliable and numerically accurate. This is shown by the evolution of a 1 M star up to the hydrogen-shell burning phase. In this example, the virial theorem, the law of mass conservation, and the law of energy conservation is fulfilled to a hitherto unattainable degree of accuracy. Since the multiple shooting method, which is at the heart of our approach, is a perfect example of a parallel algorithm, the computational speed of the algorithm might be substantially improved provided easy-to-program, high-performance parallel computers with sufficiently many processors become available in the near future.  相似文献   

Using a non-local theory of convection, we calculated the structure of the solar convection zone, paying special attention to the detailed structure of the lower overshooting zone. Our results show that an extended transition zone exists near the bottom of the convection zone, where the temperature gradient turns smoothly from adiabatic in the convection zone to radiative in solar interior. A super-radiative temperature region is found in the overshooting zone under the solar convection zone, where     ,     ,     and     . The extension of the super-radiative region (defined by     l is about 0.63  H P (0.053 R). A careful comparison of the distribution of adiabatic sound speed and density with the local one is carried out. It is found, strikingly, that the distribution of adiabatic sound speed and density of our model is roughly consistent with the results of reversion from solar oscillation observations.  相似文献   

In smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) codes with a large number of particles, star formation as well as gas and metal restitution from dying stars can be treated statistically. This approach allows one to include detailed chemical evolution and gas re-ejection with minor computational effort. Here we report on a new statistical algorithm for star formation and chemical evolution, especially conceived for SPH simulations with large numbers of particles, and for parallel SPH codes.
For the sake of illustration, we also present two astrophysical simulations obtained with this algorithm, implemented into the Tree-SPH code by Lia & Carraro .
In the first simulation, we follow the formation of an individual disc-like galaxy, predict the final structure and metallicity evolution, and test resolution effects. In the second simulation we simulate the formation and evolution of a cluster of galaxies, to demonstrate the capabilities of the algorithm in investigating the chemo-dynamical evolution of galaxies and of the intergalactic medium in a cosmological context.  相似文献   

The first 3-D non-linear hydrodynamical simulation of the inner convective envelope of a rotating low mass red giant star is presented. This simulation, computed with the ASH code, aims at understanding the redistribution of angular momentum and heat in extended convection zones. The convection patterns achieved in the simulation consist of few broad and warm upflows surrounded by a network of cool downflows. This asymmetry between up and downflows leads to a strong downward kinetic energy flux, that must be compensated by an overluminous enthalpy flux in order to carry outward the total luminosity of the star. The influence of rotation on turbulent convection results in the establishment of largescale mean flows: a strong radial differential rotation and a single cell poleward meridional circulation per hemisphere. A detailed analysis of angular momentum redistribution reveals that the meridional circulation transports angular momentum outward in the radial direction and poleward in the latitudinal direction, with the Reynolds stresses acting in the opposite direction. This simulation indicates that the classical hypothesis of mixing length theory and solid-body rotation in the envelope of red giants assumed in 1-D stellar evolution models are unlikely to be realized and thus should be reconsidered. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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