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南秦岭中~晚元古代火山岩性质与前寒武纪大陆裂解   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
南秦岭扬子克拉通北缘,中~晚元古代陨西群、耀岭河群、西乡群及碧口群火山岩系具有大陆裂谷火山岩或大陆溢流玄武岩特征,是大陆板内拉张构造环境下形成的,火山岩富集不相容元素及高ε_(Nd)和低~中等~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr值等特点,表明其来源于软流圈地幔柱.在较强烈的岩石圈拉张作用下,地幔柱上隆并快速减压熔融形成岩浆.这种拉张作用在晚元古代发展为大陆裂解并形成洋盆.中~晚元古代火山作用是南秦岭前寒武纪大陆裂解的先兆.  相似文献   

赣东北蛇绿混杂岩带中硅质岩的地球化学特征及构造意义   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
李献华 《中国科学D辑》2000,30(3):284-290
赣东北蛇绿混杂岩带中含晚古生代放射虫硅质岩的SiO_2含量变化范围为 78.40%~ 89.28%,Si/Al= 6.3~23,Si/Al比和Al_2O_3呈很好的负相关关系,表明它们含有 较高比例的陆源泥质沉积物.硅质岩样品的Al_2O_3/(Al_2O_3+Fe_2O_3)=0.51~0.90,Ce/Ce~·= 0,91~1.22, La_n/Ce_n= 0.76~1.11, V<M20μg/g,V/Y<2.6,Ti/V>40,一致表明这些硅质 岩形成于与大陆地壳物质输入密切相关的大陆边缘环境,而与大洋盆地、洋中脊环境无 关.因此,这些晚古生代硅质岩既不属于~ 1.0Ga蛇绿岩套“三位一体”中的一部分,也 不支持晚古生代扬子和华夏两个块体之间存在深海大洋盆。  相似文献   

中国东南沿海中、新生代火山-侵入杂岩带,是环太平洋构造一岩浆成矿带的重要组成部分之一。分布总面积约30万km2,火山活动时间从早三叠世到第四纪。该岩带基底由杨子板块、华夏板块和海南板块等三个一级大地构造单元组成。该区中、新生代构造一岩浆活动可根据其地区差异,构造环境、岩浆源区性质与基底构造背景不同等因素,以主要区域深大断裂为界,划分为浙东—闽东、浙西—赣东北、闽西—赣中、粤东、粤西—桂东南、雪球及台湾等7个构造—岩浆活动区。火山岩可分为三个火山岩系,共9个火山旋回。早中生代火山宕系包括了3个火山旋回;第一旋回(T)为一套海相英安质和低硅流纹质火山岩;第二旋回(J1)与第三旋回(J2)均为一套双峰式岩石组合,为较典型的拉张应力环境中的火山产物。晚中生代火山岩系包括4个火山旋回;第一旅回(J3)和第二旋回(J)以英安质和流纹质火山岩占绝对优势,它们构成了东南沿海火山一侵人杂岩的主体;第三旅回(K1)与第四旅回(K2)火山岩总体属高钾钙碱系列,并具向碱性系列过渡特征,火山岩产生于弱拉张环境。新生代火山岩系包括两个火山旋回;第一旋回(E-N)火山岩可分为超基性岩,基性岩、碱性中性岩、碱性岩及酸...  相似文献   

河北沽源—多伦地区中生代含铀火山岩地球化学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沽源和多伦地区是燕辽多金属成矿带的重要组成部分,中生界主要发育上侏罗统白旗组、张家口组,下白垩统大北沟组和花吉营组。张家口组火山岩分布广、厚度大,是铀(钼)矿床的主要含矿主岩。中生代火山岩属于钙碱性系列,化学成分富硅、偏碱,δ值1.17-7.60。稀土元素特征反映火山岩有壳幔混合和壳源改造两种成因。火山岩形成于弱造山环境,其年龄与库拉—太平洋板块向亚洲板块俯冲的时间吻合。张家口组酸性火山岩具有我国相山产铀火山杂岩富硅、富钾,铕极亏损的地球化学特征。  相似文献   

矿产远景地质调查过程中,在江西华齐铜多金属矿区发现含矿硅质岩。测试分析显示,区内硅质岩贫A l2O3、T iO2,Co、C r等元素含量低,贫ΣREE,δ(Eu)为负异常,δ(C e)为弱正异常,HREE相对富集等热水沉积物的特征。在判别硅质岩形成的系列图解上,样品均指示热水沉积作用和大陆边缘环境,这与S iO2/A l2O3、S iO2/(K2O+N a2O)、S iO2/M gO、M nO/T iO2、K/R b等特征值所指示的结果相一致。本区硅质岩地球化学特征及其对比结果说明该区域构造演化的复杂性。在元古代华南海槽构造演化中在华夏地块边缘发生断裂拉张,形成断陷盆地,并发生了热水喷流沉积成岩成矿作用。本区硅质岩与成矿关系密切,研究硅质岩对于认识区域构造演化及寻找矿化体具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Mahshar  Raza  MohdShamim  Khan  MohdSafdare  Azam 《Island Arc》2007,16(4):536-552
Abstract   The northern part of the Aravalli mountain belt of northwestern Indian shield is broadly composed of three Proterozoic volcano-sedimentary domains, i.e. the Bayana, the Alwar and the Khetri basins, comprising collectively the north Delhi fold belt. Major, trace and rare earth element concentrations of mafic volcanic rocks of the three basins exhibit considerable diversity. Bayana and Alwar volcanics are typical tholeiites showing close similarity with low Ti–continental flood basalts (CFB) with the difference that the former shows enriched and the latter flat incompatible trace element and rare earth element (REE) patterns. However, the Khetri volcanics exhibit a transitional composition between tholeiite and calc-alkaline basalts. It appears that the melts of Bayana and Alwar tholeiites were generated by partial melting of a common source within the spinel stability field possibly in the presence of mantle plume. During ascent to the surface the Bayana tholeiites suffered crustal contamination but the Alwar tholeiites erupted unaffected. Geochemically, the Khetri volcanics are arc-like basalts which were generated in a segment of mantle overlying a Proterozoic subduction zone. It is suggested that at about 1800 Ma the continental lithosphere in northeastern Rajasthan stretched, attenuated and fractured in response to a rising plume. The produced rifts have undergone variable degrees of crustal extension. The extension and attenuation of the crust facilitated shallowing of the asthenosphere which suffered variable degree of melting to produce tholeiitic melts – different batches of which underwent different degrees of lithospheric contamination depending upon the thickness of the crust in different rifted basins. The occurrence of subduction-related basaltic rocks of Khetri Belt suggests that a basin on the western margin of the craton developed into a mature oceanic basin.  相似文献   

Field investigation and lab analysis on samples were carried out for Quaternary volcanoes, including Xiaoshan volcano, Dashan volcano and Bianzhuang hidden volcano, in Haixing area, east of North China. Results show that Xiaoshan volcano with the eruptive material of volcanic scoria, crystal fragments and volcanic ash is a maar volcano, the eruptive pattern is pheatomagmatic eruption, and the influence scope is near the crater. Dashan volcano exploded in the early stage, and then the magma intruded, forming the volcanic neck. The eruption strength and scale are limited, and the eruptive materials are scoria, volcanic agglomerate and dense lava neck. The volcanic rocks in Bianzhuang are porosity and dense volcanic rocks and volcanic breccia, reflecting the pattern of weak explosive eruption and lava flow, and the K-Ar age dating on volcanic rocks indicates that the eruption happened in early Pleistocene. Xiaoshan volcanic scoria and Bianzhuang hidden volcanic rocks are mainly basaltic, Dashan volcanic rocks with lower SiO2 content are nephelinite in composition. Their oxide contents have no linear relationship, indicating that there is no magma evolution relationship between these magmas from the three places. Three volcanic rocks all have enrichment of light rare earth. The Bianzhuang volcanic rocks are rich in large ion lithophile elements, and have no high field strength elements Zr and Hf, Ti losses. The volcanic materials from Xiaoshan and Dashan are intensively rich in Th, U, Nb and Ta, and significantly poor in K and Ti. Although the magmas from these three places in Haixing area may all come from asthenosphere, the volcanic materials have different petrological and geochemical features, and relatively independent volcanic structures, therefore, they experienced different magma processes.  相似文献   

There are wide spread Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Tengchong (CVRT), Yunnan province, SW China. These rocks comprise three rock types: basalt, andesite (dominant type) and dacite. Most samples are sub‐alkaline, and among the sub‐alkaline rocks, most are high‐K calc‐alkaline. These rocks have a SiO2 range of 49.1 wt.% to 66.9 wt.%. TiO2 contents are not high and have a variation of 0.7 wt.%–1.6 wt.%. Trace element concentrations and element ratios (such as Nb/U, Ce/Pb, Nb/La, etc.) of these rocks have a large variation. 87Sr/86Sr values fall in the range of 0.7057–0.7093 and 143Nd/144Nd values change from 0.5120 to 0.5125. 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios are in the range of 17.936–19.039, 15.614–15.810, and 38.894–39.735, respectively. These geochemical characteristics of CVRT make them resemble island‐arc volcanic rocks. We suggest that the magmas were generated in the lithospheric mantle that had already been metasomatized by previous subduction processes. By the study of the uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau, we found that the beginning of the geotectonic processes to the eruption of CVRT was coeval with one uplift event. Therefore, we propose that the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau caused collapse of the collisional orogeny in Tengchong, which further triggered the generation and eruption of the CVRT magmas.  相似文献   

江西盛源盆地橄榄玄粗岩系列火山岩中的长石矿物特征为:斜长石斑晶具有反环带结构和交代净边结构,基质中存在大量的斜长石微晶,且在电子探针下研究发现基质中斜长石微晶具有钾长石环边的矿物学特点,为此类火山岩归属于橄榄玄粗岩系列火山岩提供了矿物学证据。通过对长石矿物组合特征进行研究,探讨该地区橄榄玄粗岩系列火山岩的成因以及成岩时的物理化学条件等方面的信息。  相似文献   

In this study, new geochemical, zircon U–Pb, and Lu–Hf isotopic data are presented for volcanics from the Hadataolegai Formation of the central Great Xing'an Range (GXR) in Northeast China. These new data offer insights into the petrogenesis of the volcanics of the Hadataolegai Formation and the tectonic evolution of the Paleo–Asian Ocean (PAO) and Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean (MOO). These volcanics of the Hadataolegai Formation are divided into andesite‐trachyandesites and dacite‐trachydacites. Zircon U–Pb ages show that the volcanics of the Hadataolegai Formation erupted between 230 Ma and 228 Ma during the Late Triassic, which agrees with recently obtained data. The volcanic rocks in this study have low Y (9.9–21.1 ppm) and Yb (0.78–2.02 ppm) contents, high Sr (444–954 ppm) contents, and slight Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.82 to 0.94), similar to ‘adakite‐like’ rocks. The dacites were formed by fractional crystallization of coeval andesitic magmas. The zircons within the andesite and trachyandesite yield higher positive εHf(t) values (+6.3 to +12.0) and model ages (TDM2) between 860 Ma and 453 Ma, which indicates that the magmas were generated by a newly accreted continental crustal source. Moreover, some of the volcanics are relatively high in MgO contents. These characteristics indicate that the volcanic magmas were derived from the partial melting of delaminated lower crust and mixing with mantle materials. Combining these data with previous studies, we suggest that the magmatism in the central GXR was governed by extension due to the closure of the PAO and the back‐arc extension associated with the southward subduction of the MOO plate (western GXR, near the Erguna Block).  相似文献   

赣东南大墩地区铜金多金属矿化主要产于晚三叠世黑云正长花岗岩与南华系接触带附近,受南华系浅变质岩地层岩性及断裂破碎带控制明显。本文以该区1:5万矿产远景调查项目大墩靶区成功找矿为例,基于M APG IS软件系统,对勘查区进行了化探数据处理、化探异常剖析、元素聚类分析、元素定量统计分析、剥蚀程度定量评价等综合定量评价。工作成果表明,勘查区显示铜金为主要矿种、银铅锌为伴生矿种的中低温热液型矿床特征,矿化类型主要为石英脉型,矿床可达小型-中型规模。在风化剥蚀面显露出金铜等近矿地球化学原生晕指示元素。根据地球化学勘查综合定量指标分析,认定大墩地区为面积约15 km2具有中型铜金多金属矿产地勘查前景的找矿靶区。应用以上成果,该区已取得明显找矿效果。  相似文献   

A great deal of practical data in recent years have proved that the East Kunlun orogenic belt and even the China central orogenic belt are complex orogenic belts that underwent polycycle orogenic evolvement[1―7]. Each orogenic cycle has left a compositional print, the multi-period ophiolites[4―6] and various types of tec-tono-magmatic production in the same orogenic belt. There is a suite of shallow metamorphic volcanic rocks in the Nuomuhong area in the east part of the East Kunlun orogen…  相似文献   

中国是全球晚新生代火山发育国家之一,也是西环太平洋活动大陆边缘火山活动带重要组成部分.在我国东北地区发育着数座晚新生代喷发过的活火山(如五大连池老黑山、火烧山火山、金龙顶子火山等)或具备喷发能力的休眠火山(如云南腾冲火山、长白山天池火山等)( Hickey,1982;Davies et al,1992;刘若新,1992...  相似文献   

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