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We studied specific lipid biomarkers of archaea and bacteria, that are associated with the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) in a cold seep environment as well as the origin of sedimentary organic matter on the continental slope off NE Sakhalin in the Sea of Okhotsk. The organic geochemical parameters demonstrated that most of the sedimentary organic matter containing hydrate layers could be derived from marine phytoplankton and bacteria, except for a station (LV39-29H) which was remarkably affected by terrestrial vascular plant. Specific methanotrophic archaea biomarkers was vertically detected in hydrate-bearing cores (LV39-40H), coinciding with the negative excursion of the δ13Corg at core depths of 90–100 cm below the seafloor. These results suggest that methane provided from gas hydrates are already available substrates for microbes thriving in this sediment depth. In addition, the stable isotope mass balance method revealed that approximately 2.77–3.41% of the total organic carbon (or 0.036–0.044% dry weight sediment) was generated by the activity of the AOM consortium in the corresponding depth of core LV39-40H. On the other hand, the heavier δ13C values of archaeol in the gas hydrate stability zone may allow ongoing methanogenesis in deeper sediment depth.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary surveys were conducted to investigate gas seepage and gas hydrate accumulation on the northeastern Sakhalin continental slope (NESS), Sea of Okhotsk, during joint Korean–Russian–Japanese expeditions conducted from 2003 to 2007 (CHAOS and SSGH projects). One hundred sixty-one gas seeps were detected in a 2000 km2 area of the NESS (between 53°45′N and 54°45′N). Active gas seeps in a gas hydrate province on the NESS were evident from features in the water column, on the seafloor, and in the subsurface: well-defined hydroacoustic anomalies (gas flares), side-scan sonar structures with high backscatter intensity (seepage structures), bathymetric structures (pockmarks and mounds), gas- and gas-hydrate-related seismic features (bottom-simulating reflectors, gas chimneys, high-amplitude reflectors, and acoustic blanking), high methane concentrations in seawater, and gas hydrates in sediment near the seafloor. These expressions were generally spatially related; a gas flare would be associated with a seepage structure (mound), below which a gas chimney was present. The spatial distribution of gas seeps on the NESS is controlled by four types of geological structures: faults, the shelf break, seafloor canyons, and submarine slides. Gas chimneys that produced enhanced reflection on high-resolution seismic profiles are interpreted as active pathways for upward gas migration to the seafloor. The chimneys and gas flares are good indicators of active seepage.  相似文献   

海底甲烷冷泉特征与冷泉生态系统的群落结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
海底冷泉及冷泉生态系统是现代海洋地质学和生物学研究的前沿领域,它提升了人类对深海资源的认识和利用,拓展了深海极端环境下生命的潜在界线。综述了海底甲烷冷泉的成因、冷泉喷发的类型及其特征,海底冷泉分布、形成的主要阶段(150—100Ma BP,42—28Ma BP和12Ma BP以来)以及指示海底冷泉系统的简要特征;综述了冷泉化能自养生态系统及其食物链构成和特征,专性种、潜在专性种和非专性种的生物组成及其特征,冷泉环境中有孔虫和轻小型底栖动物的主要变化;最后划分了我国近海的冷泉区(点)并简要介绍它们的分布和特征,为开展我国近海冷泉及其冷泉生物群落的调查和研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

Authigenic carbonates are frequently associated with methane cold-seep systems, which extensively occur in various geologic settings worldwide. Of interest is the relation between the fluids involved in their formation and the isotopic signals recorded in the carbonate cements. Along the Northern Apennines foothills (Italy), hydrocarbons and connate waters still seeping nowadays are believed to be the primary sources for the formation of fossil authigenic carbonate found in Plio-Pleistocene marine sediments. Four selected outcrops of dolomitic authigenic carbonates were analysed to compare signature of seeping fluids with fractionation of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes recorded in the carbonate.Along the foothills, deep methane-rich fluids spontaneously rise to the surface through mud volcanoes or are exploited in wells drilled nearby to the fossil Plio-Pleistocene authigenic carbonates. The plumbing system providing fluids to present-day cold seeps was structurally achieved in Late Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene. δ13C values of methane, which vary from −51.9 to −43.0‰ VPDB, indicate that gas composition from the deep hydrocarbon reservoirs is relatively uniform along the foothills. On the contrary, δ13C in fossil authigenic carbonates strongly varies among different areas and also within the same outcrop.The different carbon sources that fed the investigated carbonates were identified and include: thermogenic methane from the deep Miocene reservoirs, 13C-enriched CO2 derived from secondary methanogenesis and microbial methane from Pliocene successions buried in the Po Plain. The δ13C variability documented among samples from a single outcrop testifies that the authigenic carbonates might represent a record of varying biogeochemical processes in the hydrocarbon reservoirs. The sources of stable oxygen isotopes in authigenic carbonates are often ascribed to marine water. Oxygen isotopic fractionation in the dolomite cements indicates that marine pore water couldn't be the sole source of oxygen. δ18O values provide a preliminary evidence that connate waters had a role in the carbonates precipitation. The concomitant occurrence of active cold seepages and fossil record of former plumbing systems suggests that generation and migration of hydrocarbons are long-lasting and very effective processes along the Northern Apennines foothills.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the irregular behaviour and geometry of the gas hydrate stability zone (HSZ) inferred from reflection seismic data in relation to heat-flow measurements. The study area lies in the hanging wall of the Posolsky fault in the Southern Baikal Basin (SBB). Side-scan sonar imagery already revealed an undulating antithetic active fault structure and several isolated active vent structures. Remarkably, these fluid discharge structures occur only where the base of the hydrate stability zone (BHSZ), as inferred from seismic reflection profiles, is fluctuating and discontinuous, independent of lake floor morphology. The correlation between the interpreted BHSZ and heat-flow data across the Malenki seep is reasonable. On a seismic profile south of the fluid escape features, the BHSZ is expressed as an oscillatory, but continuous reflection, and shows poor correlation with heat-flow measurements. In nearly all cases, measured heat-flow exceeds inferred heat-flow. Additionally, the local inferred minima are anomalously low compared to the expected background values in the SBB. These observations suggest that the present-day hydrate accumulation and its (meta-)stability are more complicated than originally suspected. The limited area of these anomalies, their amplitudes and their occurrence in the immediate vicinity of faults and fluid escape features suggest that fluid convection cells disturb local gas hydrate stability conditions.  相似文献   

Hydro-thermo-chemo and mechanically coupled processes determine hydrate morphology and control gas production from hydrate-bearing sediments. Force balance, together with mass and energy conservation analyses anchored in published data provide robust asymptotic solutions that reflect governing processes in hydrate systems. Results demonstrate that hydrate segregation in clayey sediments results in a two-material system whereby hydrate lenses are surrounded by hydrate-free water-saturated clay. Hydrate saturation can reach ≈2% by concentrating the excess dissolved gas in the pore water and ≈20% from metabolizable carbon. Higher hydrate saturations are often found in natural sediments and imply methane transport by advection or diffusion processes. Hydrate dissociation is a strongly endothermic event; the available latent heat in a reservoir can sustain significant hydrate dissociation without triggering ice formation during depressurization. The volume of hydrate expands 2-to-4 times upon dissociation or CO2CH4 replacement. Volume expansion can be controlled to maintain lenses open and to create new open mode discontinuities that favor gas recovery. Pore size is the most critical sediment parameter for hydrate formation and gas recovery and is controlled by the smallest grains in a sediment. Therefore any characterization must carefully consider the amount of fines and their associated mineralogy.  相似文献   

Paola Ridge, along the NW Calabrian margin (southern Tyrrhenian Sea), is one of the few reported deep sea sites of precipitation of authigenic carbonates in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Here, the changing composition of the seeping fluids and the dynamic nature of the seepage induced the precipitation of pyrite, siderite and other carbonate phases. The occurrence of this array of authigenic precipitates is thought to be related to fluctuation of the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ).Concretions of authigenic minerals formed in the near sub-bottom sediments of the Paola Ridge were investigated for their geochemical and isotopic composition. These concretions were collected in an area characterized by the presence of two alleged mud volcanoes and three mud diapirs. The mud diapirs are dotted by pockmarks and dissected by normal faults, and are known for having been a site of fluid seepage for at least the past 40 kyrs. Present-day venting activity occurs alongside the two alleged mud volcanoes and is dominated by CO2-rich discharging fluids. This discover led us to question the hypothesis of the mud volcanoes and investigate the origin of the fluids in each different domed structure of the study area.In this study, we used stable isotopes (carbon and oxygen) of carbonates coupled with rare earth element (REE) composition of different carbonate and non-carbonate phases for tracing fluid composition and early diagenesis of authigenic precipitates. The analyses on authigenic precipitates were coupled with chemical investigation of venting gas and sea-water.Authigenic calcite/aragonite concretions, from surficial sediments on diapiric structures, have depleted 13C isotopic composition and slightly positive δ18O values. By contrast, siderite concretions, generally found within the first 6 m of sediments on the alleged mud volcanoes, yielded positive δ13C and δ18O values. The siderite REE pattern shows consistent LREE (light REE) fractionation, MREE (medium REE) enrichment and positive Gd and La anomalies. As shown by the REE distribution, the 13C-depleted composition and their association with chemosymbiotic fauna, calcite/aragonite precipitated at time of moderate to high methane flux close to the seafloor, under the influence of bottom seawater. Authigenic siderite, on the other hand, formed in the subseafloor, during periods of lower gas discharges under prolonged anoxic conditions within sediments in equilibrium with 13C-rich dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and 18O-rich water, likely related to methanogenesis and intermittent venting of deep-sourced CO2.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of chemosynthesis in heterotrophic fauna at seeps is known to be influenced by depth and by habitat. Using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen, we investigated macro‐ and megafaunal nutritional patterns in Norwegian margin cold seeps by comparing food webs both among habitats within a seep site and between different sites. The very active Håkon Mosby mud volcano (HMMV) is characterized by geochemical gradients, microbial activity and faunal zonation from the centre to the periphery. The Storegga Slide (600–900 m depth) has pockmarks with patchy less active seeps, and also shows concentric zonation of habitats but at much smaller spatial scale. The dominant carbon source for macrofaunal nutrition in both areas was chemosynthetically fixed and the bulk of organic carbon was derived from sulphur‐oxidizing bacteria. In HMMV, food chains were clearly separated according to habitats, with significantly lighter δ13C signatures on microbial mats and adjacent sediment (?33.06 to ?50.62‰) than in siboglinid fields (?19.83 to ?35.03‰). Mixing model outputs revealed that the contribution of methane‐derived carbon was small in siboglinid fields (0–17%) but significant (39–61%) in the microbial mats. Moreover, the variability of macrofauna signatures within this later habitat suggests the co‐occurrence of two food chains, one based on primary production via methanotrophy and the other via sulphide oxidation. The length of the food chains also varied among habitats, with at least one more trophic level in the siboglinid fields located at the periphery of the volcano. Conversely, in Storrega pockmarks, faunal δ13C signatures did not vary among habitats but among species, although separate food chains seem to co‐occur. The small size of the seepage areas and their lower fluxes compared to HMMV allow more background species to penetrate the seep area, increasing the range of δ15N and the trophic level number. Probably due to the higher flux of photosynthetic particulate organic carbon, the overall chemosynthesis‐based carbon contribution in invertebrate nutrition was lower than that in HMMV.  相似文献   

The Gas Hydrate Research and Development Organization (GHDO) of Korea successfully accomplished both coring (hydraulic piston and pressure coring) and logging (logging-while-drilling, LWD, and wireline logging) to investigate the presence of gas hydrate during the first deep drilling expedition in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea (referred to as UBGH1) in 2007. The LWD data from two sites (UBGH1-9, UBGH1-10) showed elevated electrical resistivity (>80 Ω-m) and P-wave velocity (>2000 m/s) values indicating the presence of gas hydrate. During the coring period, the richest gas hydrate accumulation was discovered at these intervals. Based on log data, the occurrence of gas hydrate is primarily controlled by the presence of fractures. The gas hydrate saturation calculated using Archie’s relation shows greater than 60% (as high as ∼90%) of the pore space, although Archie’s equation typically overestimates gas hydrate saturation in near-vertical fractures. The saturation of gas hydrate is also estimated using the modified Biot-Gassmann theory (BGTL) by Lee and Collett (2006). The saturation values estimated rom BGTL are much lower than those calculated from Archie’s equation. Based on log data, the hydrate-bearing sediment section is approximately 70 m (UBGH1-9) to 130 m (UBGH1-10) in thickness at these two sites. This was further directly confirmed by the recovery of gas hydrate samples and pore water freshening collected from deep drilling core during the expedition. LWD data also strongly support the interpretation of the seismic gas hydrate indicators (e.g., vent or chimney structures and bottom-simulating reflectors), which imply the probability of widespread gas hydrate presence in the Ulleung Basin.  相似文献   

The Arabian Sea is subject to intense seasonality resulting from biannual monsoons, which lead to associated large particulate fluxes and an abundance of organic carbon, a potential food source at the seafloor for benthic detritivores. We used the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen alongside lipid analyses to examine potential food sources (particulate and sedimentary organic matter, POM and SOM respectively) in order to determine trophic linkages for the twelve most abundant megafaunal species (Pontocaris sp., Solenocera sp., Munidopsis aff. scobina, Actinoscyphia sp., Actinauge sp., Echinoptilum sp., Pennatula aff. grandis, Astropecten sp. Amphiura sp. Ophiura euryplax, Phormosoma placenta and Hyalinoecia sp.) at the Pakistan Margin between 140 and 1400 m water depth. This transect spans a steep gradient in oxygen concentrations and POM flux. Ranges of δ13C and δ15N values were narrow in POM and SOM (4‰ and 2‰ for δ13C and δ15N, respectively) with little evidence of temporal variability. Labile lipid compounds in SOM originating from phytoplankton did exhibit seasonal change in their concentrations at the shallowest sites, 140 and 300 m. Benthic megafauna had broad ranges in δ13C and δ15N (>10‰ and >8‰ for δ13C and δ15N, respectively) suggesting they occupy several trophic levels and utilize a variety of food sources. There is evidence for feeding niche separation between and within trophic groups. Lipid biomarkers in animal tissues indicate a mixture of food sources originating from both phytoplankton (C20:5(n-3) and C22:6(n-3)) and invertebrate prey (C20:1 and C22:1). Biomarkers originating from phytodetritus are conserved through trophic transfer to the predator/scavengers. Six species (Pontocaris sp., Solenocera sp., Actinoscyphia sp., Echinoptilum sp., Amphiura sp. and Hyalinoecia sp.) showed a significant biochemical response to the seasonal supply of food and probably adapt their trophic strategy to low food availability. Biotransformation of assimilated lipids by megafauna is evident from polyunsaturated fatty acid distributions, for example, Echinoptilum sp. converts C20:5(n-3) to C24:6(n-3).  相似文献   

As part of an effort to identify suitable targets for a planned long-term field test, we investigate by means of numerical simulation the gas production potential from unit D, a stratigraphically bounded (Class 3) permafrost-associated hydrate occurrence penetrated in the BPXA-DOE-USGS Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well on North Slope, Alaska. This shallow, low-pressure deposit has high porosities (? = 0.4), high intrinsic permeabilities (k = 10−12 m2) and high hydrate saturations (SH = 0.65). It has a low temperature (T = 2.3-2.6 °C) because of its proximity to the overlying permafrost. The simulation results indicate that vertical wells operating at a constant bottomhole pressure would produce at very low rates for a very long period. Horizontal wells increase gas production by almost two orders of magnitude, but production remains low. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the initial deposit temperature is by the far the most important factor determining production performance (and the most effective criterion for target selection) because it controls the sensible heat available to fuel dissociation. Thus, a 1 °C increase in temperature is sufficient to increase the production rate by a factor of almost 8. Production also increases with a decreasing hydrate saturation (because of a larger effective permeability for a given k), and is favored (to a lesser extent) by anisotropy.  相似文献   

We estimated the composition of two food sources for the cultured pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii using stable isotopes and stomach content analysis in the coastal areas of the Uwa Sea, Japan. The δ13C values of oysters (−17.5 to −16.8‰) were intermediate between that of particulate organic matter (POM, −20.2 to −19.1‰) and attached microalgae on pearl cages (−13.0‰). An isotope mixing model suggested that oysters were consuming 78% POM (mainly phytoplankton) and 22% attached microalgae. The attached microalgal composition of the stomach content showed a strong resemblance to the composition of that estimated through the isotope mixing model, suggesting preferential utilization of specific components is unlikely in this species. These results indicate that P. fucata martensii feed on a mixture of phytoplankton and attached microalgae, and that the attached microalgae on pearl cages can serve as an important additional food source.  相似文献   

The presence of a wedge of offshore permafrost on the shelf of the Canadian Beaufort Sea has been previously recognized and the consequence of a prolonged occurrence of such permafrost is the possibility of an underlying gas hydrate regime. We present the first evidence for wide-spread occurrences of gas hydrates across the shelf in water depths of 60–100 m using 3D and 2D multichannel seismic (MCS) data. A reflection with a polarity opposite to the seafloor was identified ∼1000 m below the seafloor that mimics some of the bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) in marine gas hydrate regimes. However, the reflection is not truly bottom-simulating, as its depth is controlled by offshore permafrost. The depth of the reflection decreases with increasing water depth, as predicted from thermal modeling of the late Wisconsin transgression. The reflection crosscuts strata and defines a zone of enhanced reflectivity beneath it, which originates from free gas accumulated at the phase boundary over time as permafrost and associated gas hydrate stability zones thin in response to the transgression. The wide-spread gas hydrate occurrence beneath permafrost has implications on the region including drilling hazards associated with the presence of free gas, possible overpressure, lateral migration of fluids and expulsion at the seafloor. In contrast to the permafrost-associated gas hydrates, a deep-water marine BSR was also identified on MCS profiles. The MCS data show a polarity-reversed seismic reflection associated with a low-velocity zone beneath it. The seismic data coverage in the southern Beaufort Sea shows that the deep-water marine BSR is not uniformly present across the entire region. The regional discrepancy of the BSR occurrence between the US Alaska portion and the Mackenzie Delta region may be a result of high sedimentation rates expected for the central Mackenzie delta and high abundance of mass-transport deposits that prohibit gas to accumulate within and beneath the gas hydrate stability zone.  相似文献   

According to the preliminary geological data of gas hydrate bearing-sediments (GHBS) at site GMGS3-W19 in the third Chinese expedition to drill gas hydrates in 2015, a production model using three different recovery pressures was established to assess the production feasibility from both production potential and geomechanical response. The simulation results show that for this special Class 1 deposit, it is a little hard for gas production rate to reach the commercial extraction rate because the degree of hydrate dissociation is limited due to the low reservoir permeability and the permeable burdens. However, the free gas accumulating in the lower part of the GHBS can significantly increase gas-to-water ratio. It also generates many secondary hydrates in the GHBS at the same time. Decreasing the well pressure can be beneficial to gas recovery, but the recovery increase is not obvious. In term of geomechanical response of the reservoir during the gas recovery, the permeable burdens are conducive to reduction of the sediment deformation, though they don't facilitate the gas recovery rate. In addition, significant stress concentration is observed in the upper and lower edges of GHBS around the borehole during depressurization because of high pressure gradient, and the greater the well pressure drop, the more obvious the phenomenon. Yield failures and sand production easily take place in the edges. Therefore, in order to achieve the purpose of safe, efficient and long-term gas production, a balance between the production pressure and reservoir stability should be reached at the hydrate site. The production pressure difference and sand production must be carefully controlled and the high stress concentration zones need strengthening or sand control treatment during gas production. Besides, the sensitivity analyses show that the hydrate saturation heterogeneity can affect the production potential and geomechanical response to some extent, especially the water extraction rate and the effective stress distribution and evolution. Increasing GHBS and its underlying free gas formation permeabilities can enhance the gas production potential, but it probably introduces geomechanical risks to gas recovery operations.  相似文献   

Host sediments may exert a significant influence on the formation of gas hydrate reservoirs. However, this issue has been largely neglected in the literature. In this study, we investigated the types, characteristics and the depositional model of the fine-grained gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the northeastern margin of the South China Sea by integrating core visual observations and logging-while-drilling downhole logs. The gas hydrate-bearing sediments consist dominantly of muddy sediments formed in the inter-canyon ridges of the upper continental slope, including hemipelagites, debrites (mud with breccia) and fine-grained turbidites. Cold-seep carbonates and associated slumping talus, muddy breccia debrites, as well as coarse-grained turbidites, may locally occur. Four classes and six sub-classes of log facies were defined by cluster analysis. Core-log correlation indicates that gas hydrates are majorly distributed in fine-grained sediments with high resistivity and low acoustic transit time (AC) log responses, which are easily differentiated from the fine-grained background sediments of high gamma-ray (GR), high AC, and low resistivity log values, and the seep carbonates characterized by low GR, high resistivity, high density, low AC and low porosity log values. The primary host sediments consist of fine-grained hemipelagic sediments formed by deposition from the nepheloid layers of river material and from the microfossils in seawater column. Most of the hemipelagic sediments, however, might have been extensively modified by slumping and associated gravity flow processes and were re-deposited in the forms of debrites and turbidites. Locally developed seep carbonates associated with gas hydrate dissociation and leakage provided additional sources for the gravity flow sediments.  相似文献   

We used the carbon isotope ratios of hydrocarbons and CO2, and the proportions of noble gas isotopes of associated gases from several geological provinces of the Potiguar Basin (Brazil) for gas/source rock correlation, and to determine maturity, post-genetic processes (migration, leakage, biodegradation), and to assess the possible interactions between hydrocarbons and surrounding waters. Barriers of permeability at the basin scale, the amount of water interacting with the accumulated hydrocarbons, proportion of meteoric water, and contamination of the fluids by the mantle were quantified for the distinct petroleum systems defined in this basin.  相似文献   

The unique physical and biogeochemical characteristics of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) influence plankton ecology, including zooplankton trophic webs. Using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes, this study examined zooplankton trophic webs in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (ETNP) OMZ. δ13C values were used to indicate zooplankton food sources, and δ15N values were used to indicate zooplankton trophic position and nitrogen cycle pathways. Vertically stratified MOCNESS net tows collected zooplankton from 0 to 1000 m at two stations along a north-south transect in the ETNP during 2007 and 2008, the Tehuantepec Bowl and the Costa Rica Dome. Zooplankton samples were separated into four size fractions for stable isotope analyses. Particulate organic matter (POM), assumed to represent a primary food source for zooplankton, was collected with McLane large volume in situ pumps.The isotopic composition and trophic ecology of the ETNP zooplankton community had distinct spatial and vertical patterns influenced by OMZ structure. The most pronounced vertical isotope gradients occurred near the upper and lower OMZ oxyclines. Material with lower δ13C values was apparently produced in the upper oxycline, possibly by chemoautotrophic microbes, and was subsequently consumed by zooplankton. Between-station differences in δ15N values suggested that different nitrogen cycle processes were dominant at the two locations, which influenced the isotopic characteristics of the zooplankton community. A strong depth gradient in zooplankton δ15N values in the lower oxycline suggested an increase in trophic cycling just below the core of the OMZ. Shallow POM (0–110 m) was likely the most important food source for mixed layer, upper oxycline, and OMZ core zooplankton, while deep POM was an important food source for most lower oxycline zooplankton (except for samples dominated by the seasonally migrating copepod Eucalanus inermis). There was no consistent isotopic progression among the four zooplankton size classes for these bulk mixed assemblage samples, implying overlapping trophic webs within the total size range considered.  相似文献   

The presence of gas hydrate in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea), inferred by various seismic indicators, including the widespread bottom-simulating reflector (BSR), has been confirmed by coring and drilling. We applied the standard AVO technique to the BSRs in turbidite/hemipelagic sediments crosscutting the dipping beds and those in debris-flow deposits to qualitatively assess the gas hydrate and gas concentrations. These BSRs are not likely to be affected by thin-bed tuning which can significantly alter the AVO response of the BSR. The BSRs crosscutting the dipping beds in turbidite/hemipelagic sediments are of low-seismic amplitude and characterized by a small positive gradient, indicating a decrease in Poisson’s ratio in the gas-hydrate stability zone (GHSZ), which, in turn, suggests the presence of gas hydrate. The BSRs in debris-flow deposits are characterized by a negative gradient, indicating decreased Poisson’s ratio below the GHSZ, which is likely due to a few percent or greater gas saturations. The increase in the steepness of the AVO gradient and the magnitude of the intercept of the BSRs in debris-flow deposits with increasing seismic amplitude of the BSRs is probably due to an increase in gas saturations, as predicted by AVO model studies based on rock physics. The reflection strength of the BSRs in debris-flow deposits, therefore, can be a qualitative measure of gas saturations below the GHSZ.  相似文献   

New N inputs via biological N2-fixation play a critical role in supporting oceanic primary production and influencing global biogeochemical cycles. Numerous studies have documented significant N2-fixation rates in the North Atlantic, but relatively little is known of the pathways and fluxes of new N through planktonic food webs. Here, we report the natural abundance of 15N in, and contribution of diazotroph N (ND) inputs to, suspended particles and mesozooplankton collected along two transects in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean (STNA). Samples were collected in April-May 2000 along the two main transects to evaluate spatial trends of 15N within the Western Atlantic and across the basin. We found that N2-fixation is a key component in supporting both primary and secondary productions throughout the STNA. ND contribution was generally higher for suspended particles than for mesozooplankton, and we observed a high ND contribution to suspended particles over large spatial scales in the western and central STNA. Mesozooplankton ND incorporation suggests that diazotroph production supports oceanic food webs over longer timescales (e.g., weeks to months) than that of particle turnover (e.g., days). Larger mesozooplankton (1000-4000 ??m) generally incorporated more ND than smaller mesozooplankton (250-1000 ??m), and thus may exert a stronger influence on an ND movement within the water column. Spatial and vertical patterns of variation in mesozooplankton ??15N also suggest either broad geographical differences in an ND contribution to secondary production, or temporal variations in ND incorporation via mesozooplankton communities.  相似文献   

Organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) contents and corresponding isotope ratios were determined in surficial sediment (0–3 cm) at 94 stations ranging from 21 to 1995 m water depth off Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan, to elucidate the distribution and source of sedimentary organic matter. Suspended particulate organic matter (POM) in the seawater and suspended POM and sediment in the Tokachi River were also examined. δ13C, δ15N and C / N ratios of the samples in the Tokachi River suggest that the spring snowmelt is an important process for the transport of terrestrial organic matter to the coastal waters. δ13C values of suspended POM in the surface seawater were higher in May and November than in August, while δ15N values of the POM were higher in May and August than in November. These changes are attributed to seasonal changes in phytoplankton growth rate and nitrate availability. δ13C and δ15N values in the sediments off Tokachi were lowest near the Tokachi River mouth, and increased offshore to constant values that persisted from 134 to 1995 m water depth. The spatial variation in C / N ratios in the sediment mirrored those of δ13C and δ15N. Comparison of δ13C, δ15N and C / N ratios in the sediments off Tokachi with those in the Tokachi River and seawater indicates that about half of the organic matter in the sediment was of terrestrial origin near the Tokachi River mouth, and the sedimentary organic matter from 134 to 1995 m water depth was of marine origin. The organic C content in the sediment was high near the Tokachi River mouth, and also around 1000 m water depth. The C content was significantly correlated with silt plus clay content, with different regression lines for those stations shallower and deeper than 134 m, owing to several stations of higher C content with the elevated C / N ratio on the inner shelf. These results suggest that transport and deposition of organic-rich fine sediment particles by hydrodynamic processes were major factors controlling C content off Tokachi. In addition, the supply of a fraction of terrestrial organic matter with high C / N probably also affected C content on the inner shelf.  相似文献   

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