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四川较场弧形构造与1933年叠溪地震发震构造的再讨论 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
较场弧形构造是四川众多弧形构造带之一。本文对该弧形构造的特征及其西冀发育的松平沟断裂的新活动性作了进一步论证,确认松平沟断裂属全新世活动断裂。该弧形构造西翼弧顶部位1933年曾发生过叠溪7.5级地城,丧人对该次地震的发震构造众说纷纭。作者通过近年来在现场的多次考察,并对该次地震的等烈度线形态,地表震害展布特征,建筑物沿松平沟断裂的左旋位错,震后持表发育的西北向地震地裂缝等现象的进一步研究认为,1933年叠溪7.5级地震的发展震构造仍为较场弧形构造西翼的松平沟断裂。 相似文献
1933年叠溪发生7?级强震,关于此次地震的发震构造存在较大争议,有些学者认为NW向松坪沟断裂是此次地震的发震构造,另有学者认为近NS向岷江断裂南段才是这次地震的发震构造。本文根据成丛小震发生在大震断层面附近的原则,利用1990-2014年精定位小震目录,根据万永革等(2008)提出的震源断层面拟合方法,反演了叠溪地震震源断层走向、倾角和位置。断层走向和倾角分别是172.8°和82.9°,倾向偏向西。本文结果更支持岷江断裂南段为叠溪地震发震构造这一结论。 相似文献
1933年8月25日四川省茂县叠溪发生7 1/2 级强烈地震。这次地震造成了大量的滑坡与崩塌,叠溪镇全城被毁,伤亡惨重。震后45天地震堰塞湖溃决,又造成严重的次生水灾。当年12月,地质学家周晓和先生曾带领四川大学师生赴震区考察,他们拍摄和收集了许多照片,其中一些留存至今。文中简要介绍了新近发现的周晓和先生留存的有关叠溪地震的4张照片,包括四川大学地质考察团的合影、叠溪城陷落后的情景、被水灾冲毁的索桥与古亭,以及叠溪地震的灾民。这些珍贵照片提供了叠溪地震的直观信息。 相似文献
四川省叠溪区域地质构造复杂、地震频发,沿岷江发育有大量古(老)滑坡及堵江灾害,特别是晚更新世晚期发生了一次大型滑坡堵江事件,形成了流域内规模最大的古堰塞湖—叠溪古堰塞湖,受到国内外学者的广泛关注.本文结合野外详细调查、无人机及LiDAR测绘、地貌分析、地球物探等多种技术手段,从"空—陆—地"三个视角剖析叠溪古滑坡,揭示古滑坡的地质、地貌和堆积体内部结构特征,确定了叠溪古滑坡的位置与规模,并讨论了其对区域地质环境的长期影响效应.研究结果表明,叠溪古滑坡为一巨型顺层岩质滑坡,源于岷江左岸的高陡岩壁,滑坡体方量达到1400~2000×106 m3.位于岷江右岸的平台上可见特殊的洼地凹陷,结合密度电阻率法对坡体内部结构的反演结果,发现叠溪古滑坡坝不仅完全堵塞岷江主河道,同时还阻碍了支沟流域,形成了沿汇流方向的低电阻率通道.叠溪古滑坡坝存活了约1.5万年,随后逐渐溃决,反映了构造活跃山区滑坡堵江链式灾害对山区地貌演化的长期作用. 相似文献
South Segment of Minjiang Fault and Diexi Earthquake in 1933 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Diexi earthquake(M7.5)in 1933 is a great event that occurred at the east border of Qinghai- Xizang Plateau in the 20th century.There are obviously different opinions about the shape ofisoseismal lines and the genetic fault of this earthquke.Based on the study of the newlyfound north-south trending active fault and ground fissures of Diexi earthquake,this papertends to hold that,as the southward extension of Miujiang fault,this north-south trendingactive fault might be the genetic fault of this event. 相似文献
徐近之实察叠溪地震及对震后的建议对策 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍了1933年徐近之先生实察叠溪地震灾害和水患的情况,及其提出的防震减灾对策意见。指出这些对策对发展震区经济、保护和开发自然资源,制定防震减灾规划和地震应急措施等们具有较好的学术价值和现实意义。 相似文献
HuangZuzhi TangRongchang LiuShengli 《中国地震研究》2003,17(1):51-62
The Jiaochang arcuate structure is one of the numerous arcuate structural belts in Sichuan. The present paper gives a further argument about the characteristics of that arcuate structure and the new activity of the Songpinggou fault and affirms that the Songpinggou fault is an active fault in the Holocene epoch. The Diexi M7.5 earthquake took place in 1933 on the west wing of that arcuate structure, near the apex of the arc. Many authors have given quite different opinions about the genetic structure of that earthquake. The authors have made on-the-spot investigations time and again over recent years. Besides this, the authors have also further studied the shape of intensity contour lines, the distribution characteristics of ground surface seismic hazards, the left-lateral dislocation of buildings along the Songpinggou fault, the NWtrending ground fissures that developed on the ground surface after earthquake, and so on. On this basis, it is still considered that the seismogenic fault of the 1933 Diexi M7.5 earthquake was the Songpinggou fault on the west wing of the Jiaochang arcuate structure. 相似文献
The Jiaocbang arcuate structure is one of the numerous arcuate structural belts in Sichuan. The present paper gives a further argument about the characteristics of that arcuate structure and the new activity of the Songpinggou fault and affirms that the Songpinggou fault is an active fault in the Holocene epoch. The Diexi M7.5 earthquake took place in 1933 on the west wing of that arcuate structure, near the apex of the arc. Many authors have given quite different opinions about the genetic structure of that earthquake. The authors have made on-the-spot investigations time and again over recent years. Besides this, the authors have also further studied the shape of intensity contour lines, the distribution characteristics of ground surface seismic hazards, the left-lateral dislocation of buildings along the Songpinggou fault, the NWtrending ground fissures that developed on the ground surface after earthquake, and so on. On this basis, it is still considered that the seismogenic fault of the 1933 Diexi M7.5 earthquake was the Songpinggou fault on the west wing of the Jiaochang arcuate structure. 相似文献
1调查经过1933年8月25日大约在下午2时半,四川茂县之北叠溪,忽然发生大地震,即时间附近群山崩倒,叠溪城全部毁灭,岷江断流。叠溪周围30里内,属于强烈地震区,在这一范围内,任何房屋庐舍,全部破坏,群山崖壁,全部崩坍。在叠溪圆径百里之内,所有道路都被破坏,不能通行。邮电线路,全部不通。当时只知茂汶 相似文献