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船舶在冰区航行中,冰荷载是船舶结构设计和安全航行的重要影响因素。采用具有黏结破碎特征的离散单元法对船舶在平整冰区的航行过程进行了数值分析。在船舶破冰过程的离散元模拟中,平整冰由球形颗粒黏结而成,同时考虑了海水浮力和拖曳力对海冰单元的作用,颗粒间的黏结作用可在海冰与船体的相互作用过程中发生破碎;船体由三角形单元构造,分析了在海水浮力、推进器推力及海冰共同作用下船体的六自由度运动特性。通过船体与海冰相互作用的离散元分析,确定了船舶在破冰过程中海冰作用在船体上的冰荷载,探讨了船舶推进器推力和海冰厚度对冰荷载的影响,并与Lindqvist船体冰阻力经验公式进行了对比。  相似文献   

海洋地震勘探过程中,水中放置的空气枪与船体之间须保持一定安全距离,否则引起船载设施和仪器剧烈抖动,影响船舶设施和仪器的安全运行,甚至更严重情况下,有可能造成船体的损坏.利用海水压力脉冲与船体受到的冲击压力关系,结合建立的空气枪震源子波模型模拟近场震源子波,可计算出船体与空气枪间的安全距离.研究结果表明,根据震源子波模型模拟的近场子波主峰值,总容量150in3G枪、300 in3相干G枪及760 in3相干G枪的安全距离分别为3.90、6.57 m和9.13 m.由此可知,空气枪与船体间距离只有大于安全距离,才能避免船体大的振动或设备免遭损害,保证海洋地震勘探有效、安全的进行.  相似文献   

无轴轮缘推进器作为一种新型船舶推进器,具有诸多优点,其应用前景非常广泛。阐述了无轴轮缘推进器的起源及其演变发展过程,从结构上将无轴轮缘推进器与普通推进器进行了对比,详述了无轴轮缘推进器结构组成,对其系统特点进行了总结,归纳了当下主要的生产商及其无轴轮缘推进器的研发情况, 并提出分析了无轴轮缘推进器研究的关键技术。  相似文献   

自动表面船用于岛礁水深测绘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岛礁具有重要的地位,然而对其附近水深的调查手段却不充分。比较了几种水深测绘手段的优缺点,设计了一种小型自动表面船用于岛礁水深测绘。该表面船底部安装声学测深仪,具备自动定位、导航与运动功能;其尾部安装两个电动推进器提供动力,通过独立控制两个推进器的转速,可实现船体的前进、后退和转向;利用无线电与岸基单元进行数据通讯。根据不同水深测绘条件,该船可以用三种控制方式进行水深测量:直接控制、间接控制和自主控制。测量数据实时传输到岸基单元,并自动存储于船载存储单元。初步试验结果表明,设计的自动表面船测量系统具有可行性。  相似文献   

为了维护我国海洋权益,加强海上巡航执法能力的建设,由708所设计、江南造船(集团)有限责任公司建造的3000吨级“中国海监83”船已于2005年8月25日建成交付使用,它是迄今为止我国自行设计建造的吨位最大、设施最先进的多功能海洋监察船,其综合性能力已达到世界领先水平。那么“中国海监83”船与普通的船舶相比有什么不同呢?就让我们走进船体的内部,揭开它神秘的面纱。“中国海监83”船是中国海监多功能的大型中远程海洋监察船,其最引人瞩目的是船上装备了代表当今世界最高水平的CompactAzipod吊舱式全电力推进舵桨合一系统。所谓全电力推进舵桨合一系统就是由柴油发电机组发电,并通过主配电板、变压器、变频器等设备的转换,由电缆输送电流,供应船上的所有用电消耗,从而直接带动水下的全回转吊舱,完成船体推进及舵桨合一的转向功能。  相似文献   

邓恺其  王祥  季顺迎 《海洋工程》2023,41(3):96-109
吊舱推进装置在极地船舶中被广泛应用,其转舵模块可以带动螺旋桨摆动从而产生任意方向的推进力,使船舶操纵更为灵活。提出了一种吊舱推进船舶冰区操纵的离散元方法,对具有吊舱推进装置的冰区船舶破冰过程进行了数值模拟。以“雪龙2”号破冰船为研究对象,计算分析了船舶定速直航时的冰阻力,并通过与Lindqvist经验公式的对比验证了冰阻力计算的合理性。在此基础上进一步对船舶在不同冰厚、不同吊舱转向角下的回转破冰运动进行了离散元模拟,分析了回转半径与船长比值随冰厚的变化规律。计算结果表明:船舶的回转性能随冰厚的增大而降低,并随吊舱转向角的增大而显著提高。  相似文献   

波浪作用下带月池结构船体运动数值预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流体在月池内发生共振时,有可能给船舶带来多种危险。建立基于N-S方程和VOF法的三维数值波浪水池,通过实现船体与波浪的耦合运动,对月池内流体发生活塞运动共振情况下的船体运动做出了数值预报,研究了船体运动和月池内流体运动的相互影响。通过与无月池结构船体运动对比,得到了共振情况下月池内流体活塞运动会增大船体垂荡运动的结论;通过与船体静止情况下月池内流体运动的对比,得到了船体运动会增大月池内流体活塞运动的结论。另外还研究了月池内的流场变化,以研究月池振荡的机理。  相似文献   

导管推进器是一种普遍应用于无人遥控潜水器(ROV)等潜器中的特种推进器。在桨叶与导管之间的梢隙中存在非常复杂的流动,本研究基于大涡模拟(LES)对导管推进器的梢隙流动进行了数值模拟分析。通过对时间步长的收敛性研究,建立两套基于不同网格类型的计算模型。将计算与试验结果进行对比,比较两种不同类型网格模拟结果的差异,发现切割体网格能够更好地捕捉到泄涡的细节,并结合梢隙流场的原理分析了泄涡发展的过程,梢隙涡的驱动力是吸力面、压力面之间的压差。此外,随着进速系数增大,梢隙周向的涡管轴向分布范围减小,主泄涡发生位置延后,泄出涡的长度和数量都有所减少。  相似文献   

周彬  赵敏  万德成 《海洋工程》2020,38(3):85-93
导管推进器是一种普遍应用于无人遥控潜水器(ROV)等潜器中的特种推进器。在桨叶与导管之间的梢隙中存在非常复杂的流动,本研究基于大涡模拟(LES)对导管推进器的梢隙流动进行了数值模拟分析。通过对时间步长的收敛性研究,建立两套基于不同网格类型的计算模型。将计算结果与试验进行对比,比较两种不同类型网格模拟结果的差异发现,切割体网格能够更好地捕捉到泄涡的细节,并结合梢隙流场的原理分析泄涡发展的过程,梢隙涡的驱动力是吸力面与压力面之间的压差。此外,随着进速系数增大,梢隙周向的涡管轴向分布范围减小,主泄涡发生位置延后,泄出涡的长度和数量都有所减少。  相似文献   

水域环保无人清理船多采用明轮或螺旋桨作为推进器,以满足其浅吃水或高效推进的需求,但明轮推进器存在结构笨重,推进效率低等不足,螺旋桨存在吃水深,易被水生植物缠绕等缺点。本文参考履带式推进装置与明轮结构形式设计了一种浅吃水、防缠绕,同时具备较高效率的新型推进器,并进行了样机性能的实验测试,研究了蹼板的入水深度、形状等结构参数对推进器推进性能的影响;在此基础上尝试推进器在无人清漂船实船上的应用测试。研究结果表明:转速增加能够有效提升推进器的推力,而采用折板则可降低推进器扬水量并提高推进效率,实船应用测试证明双推进器能够提升小型无人清漂船的回转性能,同时具备较好的快速性。  相似文献   

Specialized propulsors for naval applications have numerous opportunities in terms of research, design, and fabrication of an appropriate propulsor. One of the most important components of any propulsor is the actuator that provides the mode of locomotion. ionomeric electroactive polymer may offer an attractive solution for locomotion of small propulsors. A common ionomeric electroactive polymer, ionic polymer-metal composites (IPMCs) give large true bending deformations under low driving voltages, operate in aqueous environments, are capable of transduction, and are relatively well understood. IPMC fabrication and operation are presented to further elucidate the use of the material for a propulsor. Various materials, including IPMCs, are investigated and a simplified propulsor model is explored.  相似文献   

During ice-breaking navigation, a massive amount of crushed ice blocks with different sizes is accumulated under the hull of an ice-going ship. This ice slides into the flow field in the forward side of the podded propulsor, affecting the surrounding flow field and aggravating the non-uniformity of the propeller wake. A pulsating load is formed on the propeller, which affects the hydrodynamic performance of the podded propulsor. To study the changes in the propeller hydrodynamic performance during the ice podded propulsor interaction, the overlapping grid technique is used to simulate the unsteady hydrodynamic performance of the podded propulsor at different propeller rotation angles and different ice block sizes. Hence, the hydrodynamic blade behavior during propeller rotation under the interaction between the ice and podded propulsor is discussed. The unsteady propeller loads and surrounding flow fields obtained for ice blocks with different sizes interacting with the podded propulsor are analyzed in detail. The variation in the hydrodynamic performance during the circular motion of a propeller and the influence of ice size variation on the propeller thrust and torque are determined. The calculation results have certain reference significance for experiment-based research, theoretical calculations and numerical simulation concerning ice podded propulsor interaction.  相似文献   

Unsteady forces, torques and bending moments were predicted for a model podded propulsor unit at various azimuth angles. Predictions in time history include propeller shaft thrust, propulsor unit thrust, normal forces to the propeller shaft bearing, total forces acting on the propulsor unit, propeller shaft torque, blade spindle torque, in-plane and out-of-plane bending moments, and propulsor unit stock shaft torque and bending moments. Analysis was performed for averaged forces and their fluctuations as well. A time-domain unsteady multi-body panel method code, PROPELLA, was further developed for this prediction work. Predictions were compared with a set of time averaged in-house experimental data for a puller-type podded propulsor configuration in the first quadrant operation. Unsteady fluctuations of forces were predicted numerically. Analysis was made for the bending moment on propeller blades, shaft and the propulsor unit stock shaft for azimuth angles from 0° to 45°. It indicates that the magnitude and fluctuation of the forces are significant and they are essential for structural strength and design optimization. The predicted bending moment and global forces on the propulsor unit provide some useful data for ship maneuvering motion and simulation in off-design conditions.  相似文献   

Static performance of power-augmented ram vehicle model on water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experimental parametric study of a novel air-assisted platform-type model called power-augmented ram vehicle is described. The zero-speed regimes of the model over the water are investigated. The recovered thrust, pressure underneath the platform, and the model attitude are recorded for variable system geometry, loading conditions, and propulsor thrust. The stern flap under the model platform provides an effective mechanism for controlling the thrust recovery and the air-jet-induced lift. Unstable behavior of the model is found at sufficiently high levels of the propulsor thrust.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a numerical performance analysis to demonstrate the worthiness of a recently patented new concept propulsor, the so-called “thrust-balanced propeller (TBP)”. The main advantage of this unconventional propulsor is its inherent ability to reduce the unsteady effect of blade forces and moments when it is operating in a non-uniform wake flow. The propulsor comprises a pair of diametrically opposed blades that are connected to one another and mounted so as to be rotatable together through a limited angle about their spindle axis. A quasi-hydrodynamic approach is described and applied to perform the numerical analysis using a state-of-the-art lifting surface procedure for conventional propellers. Performance comparisons with a conventional fixed-pitch propeller are made for the blade forces and moments, efficiency, cavitation extents and fluctuating hull pressures. Bearing in mind the quasi-static nature of the analyses, the results present favourable performance characteristics for the thrust-balanced propeller and support the worthiness of the concept. However, the concept needs to be proved through physical model tests, which are planned to take in a cavitation tunnel.  相似文献   

RANS Simulation of Podded Propulsor Performances in Straight Forward Motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach is adopted to study the steady and unsteady performances of the podded propulsor by the Fluent software package. While the interactions of the propeller blades with the pod and strut are time-dependent by nature, the mixing plane model is employed firstly to predict the steady performance, where the interactions are time-averaged. Numerical experiments are carried out with systematically varied mesh sizes to investigate the dependence of the predicted force values on the mesh sizes. Furthermore, the sliding mesh model is employed to simulate the unsteady interactions between the blades, pod and strut. Based on the numerical results, the characteristics of unsteady hydrodynamic forces are discussed, and the applicability of the mixing plane model is investigated for puller-type podded propulsor.  相似文献   

Numerical flow analysis of single-stage ducted marine propulsor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present work has solved 3D incompressible RANS equations on a rotating, non-orthogonal multi-blocked grid to efficiently analyze a ducted marine propulsor with rotor–stator interaction. To handle the interface boundary between a rotor and a stator, the sliding multi-block technique using the cubic spline interpolation and the bilinear interpolation was applied. To validate the present code, the flow of a single stage turbine flow was simulated. Time averaged pressure coefficients were compared with experiments and good agreements were obtained. After the code validation, the flowfield around a single-stage ducted marine propulsor having a single stage of rotor and stator was successfully simulated and the hydrodynamic performance coefficients were computed.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of a bioinspired delay stall propulsor (BDSP) concept that employs delayed stall unsteady lift enhancement to increase the lift on propeller blades without adding any complexity to the propulsor. This BDSP concept can provide greatly increased propeller thrust for a given propeller diameter, leading to both increased speed and/or maneuverability. Alternately, this technology offers reduced radiated noise while maintaining current thrust levels through reduction in both propulsor rotation speed and acoustic cancellation. Preliminary two-dimensional simulations have shown a potential 36% reduction in rotational speed at constant thrust, leading to an estimated 4-dB reduction in the total radiated acoustic power. It is believed that the BDSP concept will be simple to manufacture, rugged, and easy to retrofit into existing marine propulsors. This technology has direct application to torpedoes, unmanned underwater vehicles, maneuvering thrusters, submarines, and other propeller-driven devices.  相似文献   

The existing propulsor that can perform both propulsion and maneuvering along axis of rotation is propeller/rotor for a helicopter. Helicopter propellers when maneuvering increase or decrease their blades’ pitch cyclically to create imbalanced thrust and hence maneuvering force/torque. A “maneuverable propeller” was developed and its performance on both maneuvering and propulsion is assessed. The “maneuverable propeller” is an alternative of the existing helicopter rotors. The novelty of this propulsor is that the imbalanced thrust force/torque is created by cyclically increasing or decreasing the angular speed of their blades relatively to the hubs/shafts, to provide the desired maneuvering torque. This maneuverable propeller is hence defined as the Cyclic Blade Variable Rotational Speed Propeller (CBVRP). One of the best advantages is that the maneuvering torque created by the “maneuverable propeller” is much higher, about 5 times of the shaft torque of the same propeller at thrust only mode. The “maneuverable propeller” has wide applications for both surface ships and underwater vehicles that require high maneuverability for cruising inside the narrow passage.  相似文献   

In this study, the flow around the pod unit is analysed and the performance characteristics of the propeller on the pod are investigated. The main objective of the present work is to further improve the original numerical method developed before for the prediction of performance of podded propellers and to further validate the earlier developed numerical model with a specific emphasis on the hydrodynamic interaction amongst the propulsor components. While in the earlier numerical method, the axial induced velocities by pod and strut parts were included into the calculations on the propeller disc plane, in the present method the tangential induced velocities on the propeller disc plane are included in the calculations as well. The flow domain around the podded propeller is mainly divided into three parts; the axisymmetric pod part, the strut part and the propeller part. While the pod and strut parts are modelled by a low-order boundary element method (BEM), the propeller is represented by a vortex lattice method (VLM). Coupling of the BEM and the VLM is carried out in an iterative manner to incorporate the effect of the pod on the propeller, and vice versa. The present numerical method is applied to two different podded propellers with zero yaw angles in order to compare the results with those of experimental measurements. The present numerical method is also validated in the case of 15° of yaw angle for a podded propulsor. The effect of pod and strut on the propeller and vice versa are discussed.  相似文献   

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