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The Elchuru alkaline complex in the Prakasam igneous province represents one occurrence of several alkaline bodies within the craton–Eastern Ghats Belt contact zone in Peninsular India. Nepheline syenites and associated mafic rocks intruded the cratonic crust at ≈1321 Ma and were deformed–metamorphosed to amphibolite facies condition during Pan-African times. Trace element compositions and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic systematics indicate that the alkaline magma was derived from an enriched mantle source in the sub-continental lithosphere. The adjacent crusts of the Eastern Dharwar craton and the Eastern Ghats Belt were not involved either as source or as contaminants. The enriched mantle source was at least 1.9–2.1 Ga old as seen from the depleted mantle model ages of the rocks. The primary parent magma was a basanitic liquid that fractionated ferrokaersutite and clinopyroxene in the mantle, lowering the density sufficiently for the residual melt to intrude the crust. Magmatic differentiation in the suite can be explained by a two stage fractional crystallization model involving the removal of amphibole, clinopyroxene, allanite, titanite, apatite and zircon. The rift-related intra-continental setting of the complex indicates that alkaline magmatism represents the manifestation of a Mesoproterozoic continental breakup. Rifting along the cratonic margin may have led to the formation of several cratogenic basins (e.g., Chattisgarh basin, Indravati basin etc.) where stable shelf-type sediments could have been deposited on the passive margin during the Proterozoic. It could also have opened an ocean where some of the sediments of the Eastern Ghats Province may have been deposited.  相似文献   

Amphibolites and orthogneisses from the Taita Hills-Galana River area (SE Kenya) indicate their broad geological-tectonic setting. There are groups of subduction-related rocks which show characteristic REE (rare earth element) patterns and enrichment or varying concentrations of HFS (high field strength) elements. The groups can be assigned to tectonostratigraphic domains marked by different structural styles (e.g., thrust- or strike slip dominated). Tholeiitic gneisses, often emerging as folded and isolated (ridge-shaped) leucocratic bodies, belong to a group of rocks located between the thrust- and strike-slip domain. Compared to calc-alkaline gneisses of the area they contain more mafic inclusions and have lower LIL (large ionic lithophile), HFS and light REE values. These gneisses have chemical characteristics of M-type granitoids of oceanic island arc signature. Intrusion ages of ~955–845 Ma determined for these rocks suggest early Pan-African subduction. Mafic to ultramafic rocks from the Pare mountains of NE Tanzania show evidence of ophiolitic cumulates, subduction settings were also observed for the granulite areas in central and southern Tanzania. Together with the widespread arc settings documented in the Arabian–Nubian Shield, the presented data supports the continuation of an island-continental arc range across Kenya–Tanzania to Mozambique.  相似文献   

The island of Sark (Channel Islands, UK) exposes syntectonic plutons and country rock gneisses within a Precambrian (Cadomian) continental arc. This Sark arc complex records sequential pulses of magmatism over a period of 7 Ma (ca. 616–609 Ma). The earliest intrusion (ca. 616 Ma) was a composite sill that shows an ultramafic base overlain by a magma-mingled net vein complex subsequently deformed at near-solidus temperatures into the amphibolitic and tonalitic Tintageu banded gneisses. The deformation was synchronous with D2 deformation of the paragneissic envelope, with both intrusion and country rock showing flat, top-to-the-south LS fabrics. Later plutonism injected three homogeneous quartz diorite–granodiorite sheets: the Creux–Moulin pluton (150–250 m; ca. 614 Ma), the Little Sark pluton (>700 m; 611 Ma), and the Northern pluton (>500 m; 609 Ma). Similar but thinner sheets in the south (Derrible–Hogsback–Dixcart) and west (Port es Saies–Brecqhou) are interpreted as offshoots from the Creux–Moulin pluton and Little Sark pluton, respectively. All these plutons show the same LS fabric seen in the older gneisses, with rare magmatic fabrics and common solid state fabrics recording syntectonic crystallisation and cooling. The cooling rate increased rapidly with decreasing crystallisation age: >9 Ma for the oldest intrusion to cool to lower amphibolite conditions, 7–8 Ma for the Creux Moulin pluton, 5–6 Ma for the Little Sark pluton, and <3 Ma for the Northern pluton. This cooling pattern is interpreted as recording extensional exhumation during D2. The initiation of the D2 event is suggested to have been a response to the intrusion of the Tintageu magma which promoted a rapid increase in strain rate (>10−14 s−1) that focussed extensional deformation into the Sark area. The increased rates of extension allowed ingress of the subsequent quartz diorite–granodiorite sheets, although strain rate slowly declined as the whole complex cooled during exhumation. The regional architecture of syntectonic Cadomian arc complexes includes flat-lying “Sark-type” and steep “Guernsey-type” domains produced synchronously in shear zone networks induced by oblique subduction: a pattern seen in other continental arcs such as that running from Alaska to California.  相似文献   


Albian–Cenomanian successions (Kazhdumi and Sarvak formations) represent remarkable variations in thickness, facies, fauna, and environments throughout the Zagros area. In the Coastal Fars (Charmu section), sedimentological and paleontological data evidence an intrashelf, with depths of 10s–100s m, surrounded by a shallow carbonate platform. Due to its depth, deposition of sequences in this setting has been controlled by eustatic sea-level changes rather than eurybathic changes, and several condensation episodes occurred related to marine transgressions. These observations are different from those in the adjacent sections in the Coastal Fars which recorded subaerial exposures instead. Combined with previous studies, this study denotes several intrashelf basins enclosed by a shallow carbonate platform on the southeastern margin of the Neo-Tethys during the Albian–Cenomanian. Development of intrashelf basins corresponds to basement faults in the Fars Salient. Likely, an extensional tectonic regime associated with a rifting event created horst–graben architecture by exerting extension along the basement faults and reactivating salt structures. Deposition on these troughs and highs led to the facies and thickness variations of the concomitant sequences. Development of several intrashelf basins on the southeastern margin of the Neo-Tethys indicates that syn-depositional continental rifting event could occur during the Albian–Cenomanian, prior to the tectonic inversion around the earliest Turonian.  相似文献   

We present new whole rock trace element and Pb-isotope data for a suite of Neogene adakitic rocks that formed during the post-collisional stage of the India-Asia collision in an east-west- trending array along the Yalu Tsangpo suture. Compared to classic ‘adakites’ that form along certain active convergent plate margins, the Tibetan adakitic rocks show even stronger enrichment in incompatible elements (i.e. Rb, Ba, Th, K and LREEs) and even larger variation in radiogenic (Pb, Sr, Nd) isotope ratios. Tibetan adakitic rocks have extraordinarily low HREE (Yb: 0.34–0.61 ppm) and Y (3.71–6.79 ppm), high Sr/Y (66–196), high Dyn/Ybn and Lan/Ybn. They show strong evidence of binary mixing both in isotopic space (Sr-Nd, common Pb, thorogenic Pb) and trace element systematics. The majority of the adakitic rocks in south Tibet, including published and our new data, have variational Mg# (0.32–0.70), clear Nb (and HFSE) enrichment, the lowest initial 87Sr/86Sr and 206Pb/204Pb ratios, and the highest 144Nd/143Nd ratios of all Neogene volcanic rocks in south Tibet. These results indicate an involvement of slab melts in petrogenesis. Major and trace element characteristics of the isotopically more enriched adakites are compatible with derivation from subducted sediment but not with assimilation of crustal material. Thus, the south Tibetan adakitic magmas are inferred to have been derived from an upper mantle source metasomatised by slab-derived melts. An interesting observation is that temporally coeval and spatially related lamproites could be genetically related to the adakitic rocks in representing partial melts of distinct mantle domains metasomatised by subducted sediment. Our favoured geodynamic interpretation is that along-strike variation in south Tibetan post-collisional magma compositions may be related to release of slab melts and fluids along the former subduction zone resulting in compositionally distinct mantle domains.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):886-901
The Late Mesoproterozoic (1085–1040 Ma) Ngaanyatjarra Rift, previously referred to as the Giles Event, is the dominant component of the Warakurna Large Igneous Province (LIP) that affected much of central and western Australia. This rift is well preserved and provides excellent examples of rift structure at a variety of crustal levels and times in the rift's evolution. Geological knowledge is integrated with geophysical interpretations and models to understand the crustal structure and evolution of this rift. Two phases are identified: an early rift stage (1085–1074 Ma) that is characterised by voluminous magmatism within the upper crust and relatively little tectonic deformation; and a late rift stage that is characterised by tectonic deformation, synchronous with the deposition of a thick pile of volcanic and sedimentary rocks (1074–1040 Ma). Compared to modern rift examples, this rift is unusual in that the crust was thickened by ~ 15 km and overall extension was very limited. However, its structure and evolution are very similar to the near-contemporaneous Midcontinent Rift, which shows the addition of a similar quantity of magmatic material as well as crustal thickening and limited extension. For these Mesoproterozoic rifts, we suggest that magmatism was the dominant process, and that the extension observed was a response to magmatism-induced crustal thickening and the gravitational collapse of the crustal column. Other Proterozoic rifts show similar characteristics (e.g. Transvaal Rift), whereas most Phanerozoic rifts are dissimilar, showing instead a dominance of extension, with magmatism largely a result of this extension. This change in the style of rifting from the Precambrian to the Phanerozoic may relate to the influence of a typically cooler and stronger lithosphere, which has caused stronger strain localisation and a greater role for extension as the controlling factor in rift evolution.  相似文献   

Fission track analyses of apatites from sediments, Precambrian gneisses and Caledonian to Tertiary intrusive rocks from the Kangerlussuaq region reveal its post-Caledonian thermotectonic history. Inland the history involves cooling to temperatures within the high temperature part of the apatite annealing interval and slow cooling (or reheating) continued in Cretaceous times through this interval. Apatites from coastal areas between Kangerlussuaq and Tasiilaq reveal only Tertiary cooling. In Tertiary times cooling accelerated after the main intrusive phase in the Tertiary. The evolution is taken as evidence for a general uplift/erosion since Caledonian times probably disturbed by basin formation and sedimentation and reheating due to magmatic activity. Thermal subsidence of the rift shoulders following the opening of the adjacent oceanic basin is not indicated. Annealing patterns inland of the plume centre in the Kangerlussuaq provide no evidence for the earlier movement of the plume from a westerly direction.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the conventional interpretation of a major, economically important Mesoproterozoic intracratonic rift system as a group of aulacogens, proposing instead that they are rifts that developed in response to far‐field stress caused by continent–continent collision (impactogens) during supercontinent assembly. The tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Bylot basins (Arctic Canada) records dramatic alternations between extensional and compressional stress regimes, precluding an aulacogen interpretation and favouring an impactogen interpretation. New geochronological data (U–Th–Pb whole‐rock depositional age; detrital zircon signatures) provide a record of impactogens that developed in Laurentia's interior as a result of Grenvillian (~1.1 Ga) far‐field stress during assembly of the supercontinent Rodinia. Formation of the world‐class Nanisivik zinc deposit in one of the rifts is temporally associated with the Grenvillian orogeny, and consequently represents both (i) a rare exception to the global pattern of few ore deposits forming during supercontinent episodes, and (ii) a hitherto unrecognised tectonic setting for carbonate‐hosted zinc deposits.  相似文献   

The Central India Tectonic Zone (CITZ) is a prominent divide and a major suture zone between the North Indian and South Indian crustal blocks. The resistive upper crust as modeled in the magnetotelluric data from CITZ suggests a dominant tonalite–trdondhjemite–granodiorite composition associated with an accretionary complex characterized by mainly felsic rock components. The highly conductive bodies in this zone might represent mafic/ultramafic-layered intrusives derived from a deeper reservoir of underplated basaltic magma related to the formation of the Cretaceous Deccan flood basalts. The uniformly thick mafic lower crust below the cratons on both sides of the suture is interpreted as the accreted remnants of Archaean and Paleoproterozoic subducted slabs. We redefine the nature of deep faults traversing the CITZ, which were described as steep and penetrating the Moho by previous workers, and classify them as listric faults with gentle dips at depth.Seismic reflection data from the eastern side of the suture suggest a northwestward subduction of the Bhandara Craton. Reflection data from the central part of the CITZ show northerly dip in the southern part suggesting northward subduction of the Dharwar Craton. However, an opposite trend is observed in the northern part of the suture with a southward dip of the Bundelkhand craton. Based on these features, and in conjunction with existing magnetotelluric models, we propose a double-sided subduction history along the CITZ. This would be similar to the ongoing subduction–accretion process in the western Pacific region, which possibly led to the development of paired collision-type and Pacific-type orogens. One important feature is the domal structure along the central part of the suture with a thick felsic crust occurring between mafic and intermediate crust. The high resistivity felsic domain suggests underplated sediments/felsic crust that would have caused the doming. Our model also accounts for the extrusion of regional metamorphic belts at the orogenic core, and the occurrence of high pressure–ultrahigh-temperature paired metamorphic belts within the suture.  相似文献   

M. Santosh  K. Sajeev   《Lithos》2006,92(3-4):447-464
We report three new localities of corundum and sapphirine-bearing hyper aluminous Mg-rich and silica-poor ultrahigh-temperature granulites formed during Late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian times within the Palghat–Cauvery Shear Zone system in southern India. From petrologic characteristics, mineral chemistry and petrogenetic grid considerations, the peak metamorphic conditions of these rocks are inferred to lie around 950–1000 °C (as suggested by Al in orthopyroxene thermometer) at pressures above 10 kbar (as indicated by the equilibrium orthopyroxene–sillimanite–gedrite ± quartz assemblage). These rocks preserve several remarkable reaction textures, the most prominent among which is the triple corona of spinel–sapphirine–cordierite on corundum, with the whole textural assembly embedded within the matrix of gedrite, suggesting the reaction: Ged + Crn = Spl + Spr + Crd. The formation of sapphirine–sillimanite assemblage/symplectite associated with relict corundum and porphyroblasitc cordierite is explained by the reaction: Crd + Crn = Spr + Sil. The association of sapphirine cordierite symplectite with gedrite–sillimanite assemblage as well as with aluminosilicate boundaries indicates the gedrite consuming reaction: Ged + Sil = Spr + Crd. Extensive growth of sapphirine–cordierite observed on the rim of gedrite porphyroblasts with spinel occurring as relict inclusions within the sapphirine indicates the reaction: Ged + Spl = Spr + Crd. The pressure–temperature (PT) path defined from the observed mineral assemblages and reaction texture is characterized by anticlockwise trajectory, with a prograde segment of initial heating and subsequent deep burial, followed by retrograde near-isothermal decompression. Such an anticlockwise trajectory is being reported for the first time from southern India and has important tectonic implications since these rocks were developed at the leading edge of the crustal block that was involved in collisional orogeny and subsequent extension during the final phase of assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent. We propose that the rocks were subjected to deep subduction and rapid exhumation, and the extreme thermal conditions were attained either through input from underplated mantle-derived magmas, or convective thinning or detachment of the lithospheric thermal boundary layer during or after crustal thickening.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2007,152(1-2):1-26
Thermo-chronologic considerations in the Australo-Antarctic domains suggest that the Prydz Bay Pan-African suture of East Antarctica continues westward into India. However, the location of the suture within Eastern India has so far been uncertain because of a lack of adequate thermo-chronological information. In this study, electron microprobe (EPMA) monazite dates and mineral paragenesis of granulite facies metapelites are reported from two areas of the Shillong–Meghalaya gneissic complex (SMGC), a crustal block located in the extreme northeast of the Indian shield close to the Australo-Antarctic block in Neoproterozoic-Cambrian paleomagnetic reconstructions of the Rodinia supercontinent. In the Garo-Goalpara Hills region, a well constrained Mesoproterozoic age of 1596 ± 15 Ma (n = 103) is correlated with a counterclockwise pressure–temperature path with near peak conditions of 7–8 kbar and 850 °C. Rare matrix monazite rims record younger ages (1032–1273 Ma). At Sonapahar region, 50 km ESE of Garo-Goalpara Hills, homogenous monazite grains in granulite facies metapelites yield EPMA dates tightly clustered at 500 ± 14 Ma (n = 36) irrespective of their textural setting in a well-annealed mineral matrix. In a few zoned monazite grains, the cores yield older ages of 1078 ± 31 Ma (n = 10) and 1472 ± 38 Ma (n = 13). The 500 Ma date corresponds with the ca. 880–480 Ma Rb–Sr dates of porphyritic granites that predominantly intruded the east-central part of the SMGC. We propose that the progressively eastward dominance of Cambro-Ordovician ages in the SMGC indicates a Pan-African final amalgamation of the Indian plate with the Australo-Antarctic plate and a northward extension of the Prydz Bay suture through the SMGC, with the western boundary of the suture possibly located between the Garo-Goalpara Hills and Sonapahar areas.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2011,19(4):547-564
The Central India Tectonic Zone (CITZ) is a prominent divide and a major suture zone between the North Indian and South Indian crustal blocks. The resistive upper crust as modeled in the magnetotelluric data from CITZ suggests a dominant tonalite–trdondhjemite–granodiorite composition associated with an accretionary complex characterized by mainly felsic rock components. The highly conductive bodies in this zone might represent mafic/ultramafic-layered intrusives derived from a deeper reservoir of underplated basaltic magma related to the formation of the Cretaceous Deccan flood basalts. The uniformly thick mafic lower crust below the cratons on both sides of the suture is interpreted as the accreted remnants of Archaean and Paleoproterozoic subducted slabs. We redefine the nature of deep faults traversing the CITZ, which were described as steep and penetrating the Moho by previous workers, and classify them as listric faults with gentle dips at depth.Seismic reflection data from the eastern side of the suture suggest a northwestward subduction of the Bhandara Craton. Reflection data from the central part of the CITZ show northerly dip in the southern part suggesting northward subduction of the Dharwar Craton. However, an opposite trend is observed in the northern part of the suture with a southward dip of the Bundelkhand craton. Based on these features, and in conjunction with existing magnetotelluric models, we propose a double-sided subduction history along the CITZ. This would be similar to the ongoing subduction–accretion process in the western Pacific region, which possibly led to the development of paired collision-type and Pacific-type orogens. One important feature is the domal structure along the central part of the suture with a thick felsic crust occurring between mafic and intermediate crust. The high resistivity felsic domain suggests underplated sediments/felsic crust that would have caused the doming. Our model also accounts for the extrusion of regional metamorphic belts at the orogenic core, and the occurrence of high pressure–ultrahigh-temperature paired metamorphic belts within the suture.  相似文献   

The chemical and geological nature of thec. 600 m.y. igneous complex of the Al-Hadah escarpment of Saudi Arabia is fitting to that of a modern subduction environment. It appears that plate motions were occurring during this Pan-African tectonic event but the scale of both plates and motions was smaller than that of the present time.  相似文献   

廖梵汐  龚松林  董彦君  王勤燕  张璐  陈能松   《地质通报》2012,31(08):1279-1286
全吉地块东端古元古代二长花岗片麻岩中普遍发育变质的基性岩体,它们的形成时代、变质作用时代和对地块基底构造演化的指示意义尚不清楚。应用LA-ICP-MS技术测定其中的一个变基性岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄,获得的10个测点数据显示,锆石受到热事件的强烈改造而发生严重铅丢失,但拟合的不一致线仍给出相关性较好的上交点年龄1712Ma±47Ma和下交点年龄472Ma±29Ma,MSWD=1.4。这表明,变质基性岩的原岩形成于中元古代早期,是全吉地块在古元古代末期汇入Columbia超大陆之后于中元古代早期初始裂解而侵位的基性岩体。这些基性岩体在早古生代卷入了柴北缘碰撞带而发生角闪岩相变质作用,并受到构造肢解。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2016,29(4):1329-1343
Continental rifting to seafloor spreading is a continuous process, and rifting history influences the following spreading process. However, the complete process is scarcely simulated. Using 3D thermo-mechanical coupled visco-plastic numerical models, we investigate the complete extension process and the inheritance of continental rifting in oceanic spreading. Our modeling results show that the initial continental lithosphere rheological coupling/decoupling at the Moho affects oceanic spreading in two manners: (1) coupled model (a strong lower crust mechanically couples upper crust and upper mantle lithosphere) generates large lithospheric shear zones and fast rifting, which promotes symmetric oceanic accretion (i.e. oceanic crust growth) and leads to a relatively straight oceanic ridge, while (2) decoupled model (a weak ductile lower crust mechanically decouples upper crust and upper mantle lithosphere) generates separate crustal and mantle shear zones and favors asymmetric oceanic accretion involving development of active detachment faults with 3D features. Complex ridge geometries (e.g. overlapping ridge segments and curved ridges) are generated in the decoupled models. Two types of detachment faults termed continental and oceanic detachment faults are established in the coupled and decoupled models, respectively. Continental detachment faults are generated through rotation of high angle normal faults during rifting, and terminated by magmatism during continental breakup. Oceanic detachment faults form in oceanic crust in the late rifting–early spreading stage, and dominates asymmetric oceanic accretion. The life cycle of oceanic detachment faults has been revealed in this study.  相似文献   

全吉地块东端古元古代二长花岗片麻岩中普遍发育变质的基性岩体,它们的形成时代、变质作用时代和对地块基底构造演化的指示意义尚不清楚。应用LA-ICP-MS技术测定其中的一个变基性岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄,获得的10个测点数据显示,锆石受到热事件的强烈改造而发生严重铅丢失,但拟合的不一致线仍给出相关性较好的上交点年龄1712Ma±47Ma和下交点年龄472Ma±29Ma,MSWD=1.4。这表明,变质基性岩的原岩形成于中元古代早期,是全吉地块在古元古代末期汇入Columbia超大陆之后于中元古代早期初始裂解而侵位的基性岩体。这些基性岩体在早古生代卷入了柴北缘碰撞带而发生角闪岩相变质作用,并受到构造肢解。  相似文献   

Petrological evidence is provided for anatexis of ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic quartzite in the Sulu orogen. Some feldspar grains exhibit elongated, highly cuspate shapes or occur as interstitial, cuspate phases constituting interconnected networks along grain boundaries. Elongated veinlets composed of plagioclase + quartz ± K‐feldspar also occur in grain boundaries. These features provide compelling evidence for anatexis of the UHP quartzite. Zircon grains from impure quartzite are all metamorphic growth with highly irregular shape. They contain inclusions of coesite, jadeite, rutile and lower pressure minerals, including multiphase solid inclusions that are composed of two or more phases of muscovite, quartz, K‐feldspar and plagioclase. All zircon grains exhibit steep REE patterns, similar U–Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions with a weighted mean of 218 ± 2 Ma. Most grains have similar δ18O values of ?0.6 to 0.1‰, but a few fall in the range ?5.2 to ?4.3‰. Thus, these grains would have grown from anatectic melts at various pressures. Zircon O isotope differences indicate that anatectic melts were derived from different sources with contrasting O isotopes, but similar Hf isotopes, that is, one from the quartzite itself and the other probably from the country‐rock granitic gneiss. Zircon grains from pure quartzite contain relict magmatic cores and significant metamorphic overgrowths. Domains that contain eclogite facies minerals exhibit flat HREE patterns, no Eu anomalies and concordant U–Pb ages of c. 220 Ma. Similar U–Pb ages are also obtained for domains that contain lower pressure minerals and exhibit steep REE patterns and marked negative Eu anomalies. These observations indicate that zircon records subsolidus overgrowth at eclogite facies conditions but suprasolidus growth at lower pressures. Zircon enclosed by garnet gave consistent U–Pb ages of c. 214 Ma. Such garnet is interpreted as a peritectic product of the anatectic reaction that involves felsic minerals and possibly amphibole and titanite. The REE patterns of epidote and titanite also record multistage growth and metasomatism by anatectic melts. Therefore, the anatexis of UHP metamorphic rocks is evident during continental collision in the Triassic.  相似文献   


We address the growing controversy about the tectonic setting in which Jurassic magmatism of Iran occurred: arc or continental rift. In the Ghorveh area of the northern Sanandaj Sirjan zone (SaSZ), the Ghalayan metabasites are interlayered with marble and schist and locally cut by acidic dikes. Zircon U-Pb dating of the metabasitic rocks shows that these crystallized at ca. 145–144 Ma ago in the Late Jurassic (Tithonian). This complex was metamorphosed in the lower greenschist facies, however, some protolithic structures such as pillow lava and primary minerals are preserved. The metabasites are tholeiites with low SiO2 (45.6–50.5 wt.%), moderate Al2O3 (11.3–17.0 wt.%), and high TiO2 (0.7–2.9 wt.%) and Fe2O3 (9.4–14.1 wt.%). The Ghalayan metabasites are enriched in Light rare earth elements (LREEs) without significant Nb, Ta, Pb, Sr and Ba anomalies, similar to modern continental intra-plate tholeiitic basalts such as Afar and East African rifts. The Ghalaylan metabasites show wide ranges for 87Sr/86Sr(i) (0.7039–0.7077) and positive εNd(t) values (+0.1 to +4.6). These isotopic compositions are similar to those expected for slightly depleted subcontinental lithospheric mantle sources. Independently built discrimination diagrams indicate an intra-continental rifting regime for the source of Jurassic metabasites in the northern SaSZ. Geochemical and tectonic evidence suggests that rifting or a mantle plume was responsible for volcanic activity in the Upper Jurassic SaSZ. Considering the variation of ages of basaltic volcanism along the SaSZ, we suggest that Ghalayan basaltic magmatism reflected a submarine volcano that formed as part of the late stage continental rift, similar to Afar in the East African Rift system. Our results indicate that an extensional tectonic regime dominated SaSZ tectonics in the Middle to Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

Occurrence of carbonatite is reported from the Munnar area, Kerala, where an alkali granite-syenite-carbonatite association is seen emplaced along the intersection zone of the Attur and Kerala fault-lineaments. The carbonatites are of two varieties, a calcite-rich sovite and a very coarse grained, calcite and dolomite bearing alvikite. Higher levels of SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO are characteristic of these as compared to the composition of typical carbonatites. The transition element levels are high whereas the incompatible elements show lower values. The low Sr values, lower amount of apatite and absence of rare metal minerals preclude a primary carbonatite magma. The associated syenite and alkali granite have higher K2O, K2O/Na2O, K/Rb, K/Ba and transition element levels. Petrochemical features suggest the rock association to be a result of separation of an immiscible fraction of less viscous carbonate liquid during cooling and ascent from a more viscous polymerized alkali silicate phase. The pre-requisites for melt equilibration and liquid immiscibility were achieved through volatile degassing related to crustal warping and rifting. The unique alkaline association of Munnar, which shows spatial relationships with deep-seated faults as well as a probable triple-point junction, is suggested to be a signature of late Precambrian alkaline magmatism which manifested in the Indian shield as a precursor to the rifting of the continental margin.  相似文献   

The symmetry or asymmetry of the process of continental breakup has been much debated over the last 20 years, with various authors proposing asymmetric simple shear models, others advocating more symmetric, pure shear models and some combinations of the two. The unroofing of vast expanses of sub-continental mantle at non-volcanic margins has led some authors to argue in favour of simple shear models, but supporting evidence is lacking. Subsidence evidence from conjugate margin pairs is equivocal, and the detailed crustal and lithospheric structure of such pairs not generally well enough known to draw firm conclusions. In the Porcupine Basin, where the final stages of break-up are preserved, the development of structural asymmetry is demonstrable, and apparently related to late stage coupling of the crust to the mantle following the complete embrittlement of the crust. This agrees with theoretical modelling results, which predict that asymmetric models can develop only on a lithospheric scale when the crust and mantle are tightly coupled. However, whether such asymmetry is maintained during continued exhumation of the mantle is unclear.  相似文献   

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