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l.Intr0ductionWiththedevelopmentofeconomy,theenvironmentalproblemsarebec0mingincreasinglyserious.Am0ngthem,theenhancementofgreenh0useeffectsandglobalwarm-ingaretwoimPOrtantonesthathavear0usedwideattention.Nitrousoxide(N,O)isanim-POrtantgreenhousegasandplayingagreatroleinthesetwoprocesses.SincetheIndustrialRevolution,theatmosphericN2Oconcentrationhasincreasedbyaboutl5%(IPCC,l995).Inthelast4Oyears,itincreasedrapidlyatarateof0.2%ro.3%yr-'(IPCC,l99O).Ifitin-creasesatthisrate,theatmospheri…  相似文献   

华东稻田CH4和N2O排放   总被引:71,自引:1,他引:71       下载免费PDF全文
稻田CH4和N2O排放的季节变化规律完全不同,两者的排放通量随土壤水分条件变化而互为消长,但它们的日变化形式则比较一致。晴天时的CH4和N2O排放日变化规律明显,主要表现为下午单峰模态,有时CH4排放夜间出现一个次峰。CH4和N2O排放总量因肥料类型而不同,堆肥加尿素处理比NH4HCO3处理少排放N2O 30%,多排放CH4 12%。  相似文献   

Agricultural cropping and animal production systems are important sources of atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O). The assessment of the importance of N fertilization from synthetic fertilizer, animal wastes used as fertilizers and from N incorporated into the soil through biological N fixation, to global N2O emissions presented in this paper suggests that this source has been underestimated. We estimate that agricultural systems produce about one fourth of global N2O emissions. Methods of mitigating these emissions are presented which, if adopted globally could decrease annual N2O emissions from cropped soils by about 20%.  相似文献   

华东地区稻麦轮作农田生态系统N2O排放的模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用DNDC(DeNitrification and DeComposition)模式,对华东地区典型稻麦轮作农田生态系统的N2O排放特征进行了模拟研究。结果表明:该模式能模拟出轮作周期中N2O的主要排放峰值和排放趋势,但与实测值相比,模拟结果普遍有些偏小。相对而言,该模式对旱地阶段的模拟结果比较理想,尤其是对春季小麦返青至成熟期的模拟最好。因此,我们就该阶段影响N2O排放的主要因子进行了敏感性研究。结果指出,对这一阶段N2O排放影响最大的是化肥的施用,其他比较重要的影响因子还包括犁地方式、有机肥、降水量、降水中的N含量以及温度等。  相似文献   

华东稻麦轮作农田CH4、N2O和NO排放特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用同步自动观测系统对华东稻麦轮作农田的CH4、N2O和NO排放进行了长期连续观测,分析了这3种气体排放的季节特征及决定因素,结果表明,华东稻麦轮作农田的CH4、N2O和NO排放具有完全不同的季节变化形式。CH4的排放发生在水稻生长期,其他阶段排放不明显,土壤水分状况是决定整个轮作周期内CH4排放变化的主要因素。N2O排放具有"冬季无,水田少,旱地多"的季节变化特点,尤其以旱地阶段的排放为主,土壤水分状况和温度共同决定着N2O排放的季节变化形式。NO排放具有"冬季无,水田很少,春季旱地多于秋季旱地"的季节分布特点,轮作周期内97.3%±0.6%的NO排放都发生在除冬季以外的旱地阶段,NO排放的季节变化形式由土壤水分状况和温度共同决定。大多数情况下稻田CH4和N2O排放呈互为消长的关系,但在烤田期间,二者却有时甚至同时出现高排放。在N2O日平均排放通量小于5 mg.m-2.h-1时,稻麦轮作农田的N2O和NO排放呈明显的互为消长关系,但大于5 mg.m-2.h-1时,N2O排放很强,同时NO排放也很强。  相似文献   

不同施肥处理下双季稻田CH4和N2O排放的全年观测研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选取湖南典型红壤双季稻田为研究对象,采用静态箱—气相色谱法对不施肥对照(CK)、常规施化肥(NPK)、新鲜稻草与化肥配施(RS+ NPK1)、菌渣与化肥配施(MR+ NPK1)、新鲜牛粪与化肥配施(CD+NPK2)和沼渣与化肥配施(BD+NPK2)等6个处理的CH4和N2O排放通量进行为期一年的观测(早稻、晚稻和休闲期...  相似文献   

内蒙古典型草原N2O研究刍议   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
利用中国科学院内蒙古草原生态定位研究站(IMGERS)的气候、土壤、植被、土地利用方式和家畜等方面的资料,根据目前国际上N2O的研究进展,分析了内蒙古典型草原区影响N2O收支作用的可能控制因子,认为:(1)作为N2O主要来源的土壤,其理化性状,尤其是土壤温度、水分状况、土壤有机质和土壤结构等,是影响该地区N2O收支平衡的主要控制因子;(2)土地利用方式的改变对N2O的释放的影响还不十分清楚。草场农用与一定的耕作管理措施以及对天然草场的人为影响(割草、放牧等)是对N2O收支平衡影响的主要方面;(3)家畜排泄物,无论作为本地区的主要燃料,还是作为肥料,在典型草原区N2O的释放中起着不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高和秸秆还田对稻麦轮作农田N2O排放的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
随着大气CO2浓度的逐渐升高,CO2的施肥效应很可能对陆地生态系统的N2O地气交换过程产生一定的影响。在江苏北部的中国稻麦轮作FACE (Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) 实验平台上,采用静态箱暗箱-色谱法,研究了一个稻麦轮作周期(2005年6月中旬至2006年6月中旬)3种小麦秸秆还田水平处理(全还田、半还田和不还田)和CO2浓度升高200 μmol·mol-1对稻麦轮作农田N2O排放的影响。结果表明,就当地传统农田管理方式下的砂性土壤稻麦轮作农田N2O排放而言,所采用的观测方法未能检测到显著的秸秆还田效应和大气CO2浓度升高效应。  相似文献   

旱作农田是N2O的主要排放源,削减其N2O排放有助于整体降低农田温室气体排放。运用整合分析(Meta-analysis)的方法,研究了不同农业管理措施对中国小麦和玉米农田N2O排放的影响,并估算了各减排措施的减排潜力。结果表明:添加抑制剂可显著减少小麦和玉米农田N2O排放36%~46%,并增加作物产量;施氮量减少30%以内,可削减N2O排放10%~18%,且对产量无明显影响;施用缓(控)释肥和秸秆还田能显著减少小麦田N2O排放,但对玉米田的减排效果并不显著。在不同的减排措施下,中国小麦和玉米农田N2O减排潜力分别为9.29~13.90 Gg N2O-N/生长季和10.53~23.19 Gg N2O-N/生长季。河南、山东、河北和安徽省小麦田减排潜力最大,占全国小麦田N2O减排潜力的53%;黑龙江、吉林、山东、河北和河南省玉米田减排潜力最大,约占全国玉米田N2O减排潜力的50%。  相似文献   

影响农田氧化亚氮排放过程的土壤因素   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
土壤理化特性是影响农田氧化亚氮(N2O)产生和排放的重要因素.作者主要讨论了土壤微生物、土壤质地、土壤中化学物质、土壤温度和土壤pH值等对农田N2O的影响.继续深入研究这些因素对农田N2O排放的综合影响和机理以及与其排放量之间的数量关系应是未来的研究重点.为准确估计区域乃至全球范围的农田N2O排放总量,对农田N2O排放模型中关键土壤参数的确定尤为重要.  相似文献   

In order to numerically simulate daily nitrous oxide(N2O) emission from a rice-winter wheat rotation cropping system,a process-based site model was developed(referred to as IAP-N-GAS) to track the movement and transformation of several forms of nitrogen in the agro-ecosystem,which is affected by climate,soil,crop growth and management practices.The simulation of daily N2O fluxes,along with key daily environmental variables,was validated with three-year observations conducted in East China.The validation dem...  相似文献   

The relationship of N2O distributions with the Arctic vortex breakup is first analyzed with a probability distribution function (PDF) analysis. The N2O concentration shows different distributions between the early and late vortex breakup years. In the early breakup years, the N2O concentration shows low values and large dispersions after the vortex breakup, which is related to the inhomogeneity in the vertical advection in the middle and high latitude lower stratosphere. The horizontal diffusion coefficient (Kyy) shows a larger value accordingly. In the late breakup years, the N2O concentration shows high values and more uniform distributions than in the early years after the vortex breakup, with a smaller vertical advection and Kyy after the vortex breakup. It is found that the N2O distributions are largely affected by the Arctic vortex breakup time but the dynamically defined vortex breakup time is not the only factor.  相似文献   

1999年在常熟农业生态站试验稻田于水稻主要生长季, 利用进口的条件采样装置对水稻低层大气N2O的垂直通量进行了观测, 并在2000年做了补充观测。结果如下:各生长季测定的N2O垂直通量值最多出现在0~2.0 mg·m-2·h-1之间;N2O垂直通量平均日变化最大值出现在下午;插秧期和收割后N2O垂直通量是各个生长季中最小的;观测到N2O负通量现象的出现;在稻田用条件采样技术观测到的低层大气N2O垂直通量大于国内用箱式法观测报道的土壤N2O排放通量。  相似文献   

The Denitrification-Decompostion (DNDC) model was used to estimate the impact of change in management practices on N2O emissions in seven major soil regions in Canada, for the period 1970 to 2029. Conversion of cultivated land to permanent grassland would result in the greatest reduction in N2O emissions, particularly in eastern Canada wherethe model estimated about 60% less N2O emissions for thisconversion. About 33% less N2O emissions were predicted for a changefrom conventional tillage to no-tillage in western Canada, however, a slight increase in N2O emissions was predicted for eastern Canada. GreaterN2O emissions in eastern Canada associated with the adoption of no-tillage were attributed to higher soil moisture causing denitrification, whereas the lower emissions in western Canada were attributed to less decomposition of soil organic matter in no-till versus conventional tilled soil. Elimination of summer fallow in a crop rotation resulted in a 9% decrease in N2O emissions, with substantial emissions occurringduring the wetter fallow years when N had accumulated. Increasing N-fertilizer application rates by 50% increased average emissions by 32%,while a 50% decrease of N-fertilizer application decreased emissions by16%. In general, a small increase in N2O emissions was predicted when N-fertilizer was applied in the fall rather than in the spring. Previous research on CO2 emissions with the CENTURY model (Smith et al.,2001) allowed the quantification of the combined change in N2O andCO2 emissions in CO2 equivalents for a wide range of managementpractices in the seven major soil regions in Canada. The management practices that have the greatest potential to reduce the combined N2O andCO2 emissions are conversion from conventional tillage to permanent grassland, reduced tillage, and reduction of summer fallow. The estimated net greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction when changing from cultivated land to permanent grassland ranged from 0.97 (Brown Chernozem) to 4.24 MgCO2 equiv. ha–1 y–1 (BlackChernozem) for the seven soil regions examined. When changing from conventional tillage to no-tillage the net GHG emission reduction ranged from 0.33 (Brown Chernozem) to 0.80 Mg CO2 equiv. ha–1 y–1 (Dark GrayLuvisol). Elimination of fallow in the crop rotation lead to an estimated net GHG emission reduction of 0.43 (Brown Chernozem) to 0.80 Mg CO2 equiv.ha–1 y–1 (Dark Brown Chernozem). The addition of 50% more or 50% less N-fertilizer both resulted in slight increases in combined CO2 and N2O emissions. There was a tradeoff in GHG flux with greaterN2O emissions and a comparable increase in carbon storage when 50% more N-fertilizer was added. The results from this work indicate that conversion of cultivated land to grassland, the conversion from conventional tillage to no-tillage, and the reduction of summerallow in crop rotations could substantially increase C sequestration and decrease net GHG emissions. Based on these results a simple scaling-up scenario to derive the possible impacts on Canada's Kyoto commitment has been calculated.  相似文献   

Methane(CH4 ) emissions from paddy rice fields substantially contribute to the dramatic increase of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.Due to great concern about climate change,it is necessary to predict the effects of the dramatic increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO2 ) on CH4 emissions from paddy rice fields.CH4MOD 1.0 is the most widely validated model for simulating CH4 emissions from paddy rice fields exposed to ambient CO2(hereinafter referred to as aCO2 ).We upgraded the model to CH4MOD 2.0 b...  相似文献   

成都平原稻田甲烷排放的实验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据1996~1999年四个稻季的观测资料,分析了成都平原单季稻甲烷排放的季节变化和年际变化特征.结果表明:在水稻生长季节甲烷排放通量变化很大,在分蘖期和成熟期一般会出现峰值.年际间的通量变化也很大,其年均排放通量的变化范围在2.35~33.95mg m-2 h-1之间.4年的平均排放通量为12 mg m-2 h-1,与四川乐山的7年平均值30mg m-2 h-1相比,存在着明显的地区差异.同时分析讨论了温度、施肥、水稻品种、土壤氧化还原电位(Eh)以及稻田水位等诸多因素对稻田甲烷排放的影响.结果表明:在成都平原水稻生长季节的平均气温对CH4的平均排放通量影响不大;而气温对CH4排放的日变化有相对重要的影响,但气温对甲烷排放日变化的影响与水稻植物体的生长阶段有关;发现了水稻植物体(根、茎、叶)重量对CH4排放的重要作用.讨论了合理使用肥料和施肥量,控制水位和Eh值对稻田CH4的减排作用,提出优化组合诸影响因子,以充分发挥其减排潜力.  相似文献   

The gas-phase degradation of NH3 in the atmosphere still has many uncertainties. One of them is the possible isomerisation of NH2O to NHOH, as indicated by kinetic studies. Since NH2O is formed during the gas-phase oxidation of ammonia in the troposphere, this reaction can potentially influence the subsequent production of N2O and NOx. So far, the isomerisation has never been implemented into current chemical schemes describing the atmospheric gas-phase degradation of NH3 and its atmospheric relevance has never been assessed. The N2O yield from NH3 degradation is calculated to be in the range of 10–43 %. It depends on the NO2 and O3 concentrations, but is independent of the NH3 concentration. Compared with the results from recent literature, the N2O yield derived from the new mechanism is 20–80% lower, implying a smaller global N2O source strength of 0.4 Tg yr- 1. The production of NH2SO2 seems to be less important for the atmospheric degradation of NH3. NH3 oxidation is a sink for NOx at NOx mixing ratios of more than about 1 ppb and a source at lower NOx burdens.  相似文献   

N_2O emission from soil is affected by many factors. In this study, N_2O flux, soil temperature, water content, NO_3~- and NH_4~+ concentrations were simultaneously measured in winter wheat field. N_2O flux, NO_3~- and NH_4~+ concentrations were all lognormally distributed, while water content was normally distributed. The relationship between N_2O flux and soil factors was also studied. N_2O flux was most highly correlated with soil temperature. Regression model was developed to explain the variability of N_2O emission from agricultural soil using multifactorial analysis.  相似文献   

种植不同作物对农田N2O和CH4排放的影响及其驱动因子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以种植玉米(Zea mays)、大豆(Glycine max)和水稻(Oryza sativa)的农田生态系统为研究对象,于2003年6~10月系统观测了N2O和CH4的排放、土壤温度和湿度以及相关的生物学因子。玉米和水稻分别施化肥氮300 kg.hm-2,大豆未施氮肥。研究结果表明,作物类型对农田N2O和CH4排放具有显著的影响。土壤-玉米系统、土壤-大豆系统和土壤-水稻系统的N2O季节性平均排放通量分别为620.5±57.6、338.0±7.5和238.8±13.6μg.m-2.h-1(N2O)。种植作物促进了农田生态系统的N2O排放,玉米地土壤和裸地土壤的N2O平均排放通量分别为364.2±11.7和163.7±10.5μg.m-2.h-1(N2O)。土壤-玉米系统、土壤-水稻系统、玉米地土壤和裸地土壤N2O排放受土壤温度的影响,与土壤湿度无显著统计相关,但受土壤温度和水分的综合影响。土壤-大豆系统N2O排放随作物绿叶干重的增加而指数增加,与土壤温度和水分条件无统计相关,由大豆作物自身氮代谢所产生的N2O-N季节总量约为6.2 kg.hm-2(N)。土壤-水稻系统CH4平均排放通量为1.7±0.1 mg.m-2.h-1(CH4),烤田抑制了稻田CH4的排放。烤田前影响稻田CH4排放的主要因素是水稻生物量,烤田后的浅水灌溉及湿润灌溉阶段的CH4排放与土壤温度和水稻生物量无关。本研究未观测到旱作农田有吸收CH4的现象。  相似文献   

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