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Without question, many of the principles of geology as a science evolved as the rock outcrops of Britain were explored and discussed with an open mind. Nowhere can this be better demonstrated than in the history of opinion concerning the Whin Sill in the north of England.  相似文献   

The geology of the Isle of Wight has attracted both the amateur and professional geologist alike for well over two centuries. It presents a cornucopia of things geological and offers a window into the fascinating story of the geological history and landscape development of southern England, as well as an important teaching resource for all levels of study from primary education through to academic research.This paper provides a geological framework and a summary of the history of research as context for the papers in this issue can be placed. Inevitably, it can only offer a précis of the huge amount of information available, but it is hoped will also give added impetus to further investigation of the literature or, indeed, new research.The island offers a field workshop for topics such as lithostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, tectonics and climate change; studies that are becoming ever more international in their influence. There are 15 Sites of Special Scientific Interest designated because of their geological importance and a number of these are internationally significant.After a brief discussion on the concealed geology, this paper concentrates on an outline of the near-surface geology on the coast and inland, and introduces a different view on the structure of the Cretaceous and Palaeogene strata. The enigmatic Quaternary deposits are discussed particularly with reference to the development of the Solent River, human occupation and climate change.  相似文献   

The importance of borehole cores and the geological insights which they provide are often underappreciated. Here the problems of seeking a water supply for an industrial town in Northern England have resulted in a very rare opportunity to view a core in the public domain. As we need to raise the profile of the geosciences and ensure a public understanding of the importance of geology in underpinning our society we should seek other opportunities to highlight history and importance of borehole drilling and the cores recovered.  相似文献   

Over the past one billion years, England has experienced a remarkable geological journey. At times it has formed part of ancient volcanic island arcs, mountain ranges and arid deserts; lain beneath deep oceans, shallow tropical seas, extensive coal swamps and vast ice sheets; been inhabited by the earliest complex life forms, dinosaurs, and finally, witnessed the evolution of humans to a level where they now utilise and change the natural environment to meet their societal and economic needs. Evidence of this journey is recorded in the landscape and the rocks and sediments beneath our feet, and this article provides an overview of these events and the themed contributions to this Special Issue of Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, which focuses on ‘The Geology of England – critical examples of Earth History’. Rather than being a stratigraphic account of English geology, this paper and the Special Issue attempts to place the Geology of England within the broader context of key ‘shifts’ and ‘tipping points’ that have occurred during Earth History.  相似文献   

段万倜 《第四纪研究》1989,9(3):195-200
本文简要介绍了李四光教授从青少年直到逝世为止的毕生活动中的重要事迹。其中包括早年留学日本时参加中国同盟会和辛亥革命时期的活动;入英国伯明翰大学后,专攻地质科学,走上了“科学救国”的道路;新中国成立前后,专心致志地从事地质科学研究和地质教育工作,在长期的科学活动和社会活动中,为繁荣祖国科学事业,发展和提高中国地质科学水平,为社会主义经济建设寻找和开发矿产资源,做出了不可磨灭的卓越贡献。在国内外科学界、知识界享有崇高的声誉,为后人留下了大量宝贵的科学文化财富,中国人民引以为荣。  相似文献   

Devonian rocks occur in northeastern Australia within the ‘Tasman Geosyncline’ in three major tectonic divisions—(a) a very broad mobile platform related to the last stages of stabilisation of the Lachlan Geosyncline, marginal to which is found, (b) the volcanic‐rich New England Geosyncline, and (c) a contrasting region in northern Queensland where complex marine to continental sedimentation occurred on cratonic blocks while non‐volcanic flysch‐like sedimentation occurred in the marginal Hodgkinson Basin.

The tectonic setting was governed by differences in the nature of the continental margin, so that the New England Geosyncline and Hodgkinson Basin, which developed along the eastern margin of the continent from the earliest Devonian to the late Palaeozoic, show correspondingly different sedimentation and deformation histories.

An integrated account of the Devonian geology of these regions is given, leading to.an interpretation of the environments of the Devonian in terms of plate‐tectonic movements, generally from the east.

Postulated tectonic zones within the New England Geosyncline region include pre‐Devonian deep ocean deposits with mild high‐pressure low‐temperature meta‐morphism, and Devonian volcanic arc and marginal sea volcanic‐derived deposits. Within the mobile platform to the west, variable marine and continental deposits are associated with volcanicity in the zone transitional to the New England Geosyncline. In the northern region, rifting of the craton and development of an Atlantic‐type margin was followed by subduction with folding and metamorphism at the end of the Devonian.

The Devonian rocks are strongly affected by intense late Palaeozoic tectonic and igneous activity in the eastern marginal regions, but only minor effects are seen to the west.  相似文献   

Geoconservation in England, as in Great Britain more widely, is very well established. Sites of national or international scientific importance, as determined by a systematic site assessment and selection exercise, can be protected by designation as Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Sites of local importance e.g. Local Geological Sites may also be taken into account when planning decisions are made that could have an impact on them. As a whole, the network of conserved geosites represents the key elements of our current understanding of the geology and geomorphology of England. Site selection and safeguard and management of this network are dependent on geoscience information, and in return continued geoscience fieldwork is dependent on having conserved sites available for study. Here, we review the relationship between geoconservation and geoscience, and how it has developed since the first geoconservation legislation nearly 70 years ago. We discuss the achievements, challenges and where and how this relationship needs to strengthen further to meet future needs of both geoscience and nature conservation. In a changing world, there will continue to be a need for innovative geoscience supported by effective geoconservation. Those interested in conserving England’s geological heritage will need to engage the wider geoscience community more than ever to deliver a shared vision for the natural environment.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(9):1482-1497
Population statistics for As concentrations in rocks, sediments and ground water differ by geology and land use features in the New England region, USA. Significant sources of As in the surficial environment include both natural weathering of rocks and anthropogenic sources such as arsenical pesticides that were commonly applied to apple, blueberry and potato crops during the first half of the 20th century in the region. The variation of As in bedrock ground water wells has a strong positive correlation with geologic features at the geologic province, lithology group, and bedrock map unit levels. The variation of As in bedrock ground water wells also has a positive correlation with elevated stream sediment and rock As chemistry. Elevated As concentrations in bedrock wells do not correlate with past agricultural areas that used arsenical pesticides on crops. Stream sediments, which integrate both natural and anthropogenic sources, have a strong positive correlation of As concentrations with rock chemistry, geologic provinces and ground water chemistry, and a weaker positive correlation with past agricultural land use. Although correlation is not sufficient to demonstrate cause-and-effect, the statistics favor rock-based As as the dominant regional source of the element in stream sediments and ground water in New England. The distribution of bedrock geology features at the geologic province, lithology group and map unit level closely correlate with areas of elevated As in ground water, stream sediments, and rocks.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the variance in mapped geologic data should be formally considered to be composed of three components which arise on different geographic scales. The three components (regional, local, and residual) should be defined solely in terms of the parameters of the sample data set. A two-step analysis is required to separate three components. Applying autocorrelation criteria, trend-surface analysis has been used, in the first step, to remove the residual component and, in the second step, to separate regional and local components from the resulting noise-free data. This procedure has made it possible to quantify local components in stratigraphic thickness data from the East Midlands coalfield (central England) which can be identified in terms of the known geology.  相似文献   

A high resolution airborne geophysical survey across the Isle of Wight and Lymington area conducted in 2008 provided the first modern radiometric survey across the geological formations that characterise much of southern England. The basic radiometric data are presented and it is evident that bedrock geology exerts a controlling influence on the broad response characteristics of the naturally occurring radioelements. A GIS-based geological classification of the data provides a quantitative assessment and reveals that a relatively high percentage of the variability of the data is explained by the Cretaceous bedrock geology but this is much reduced in the Palaeogene. The three traditional Chalk units (Lower, Middle and Upper Chalk depicted on the currently available Geological Map) provide the lowest and most distinct behaviour within the Cretaceous sequence. Mineral content within the Chalk appears to increase with increasing age. A new method of representing the baseline radiometric information from the survey in terms of the mean values of the geological classification is presented. The variation of radioelement geochemistry within individual formations is examined in two case studies from the Cretaceous Lower Greensand Group and the Palaeogene Hamstead Member (Bouldnor Formation). The Cretaceous sequences provide the higher levels of discrimination of localised variations in radioelement distributions. A more detailed case study examines the potential influences from the degree of water saturation in the soil and superficial deposits.  相似文献   

Nina Morgan 《Geology Today》2019,35(5):179-185
William Smith's 1815 Map of the Geology of England and Wales was a ground‐breaking achievement that changed the understanding of geology forever. However, perhaps Smith's greatest contribution to science lay in nurturing the talent of his orphaned nephew, John Phillips, who grew up to become one of the most versatile and distinguished geologists and polymaths of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Groundwater ecosystems comprising micro-organisms and metazoans provide an important contribution to global biodiversity. Their complexity depends on geology, which determines the physical habitat available, and the chemical conditions within it. Despite this, methods of classifying groundwater habitats using geological data are not well established and researchers have called for higher resolution habitat frameworks. A novel habitat typology for England and Wales (UK) is proposed, which distinguishes 11 geological habitats (geo-habitats) on hydrogeological principles and maps their distribution. Hydrogeological and hydrochemical data are used to determine the characteristics of each geo-habitat, and demonstrate their differences. Using these abiotic parameters, a new method to determine abiotic habitat quality is then developed. The geo-habitats had significantly different characteristics, validating the classification system. All geo-habitats were highly heterogeneous, containing both high quality habitat patches that are likely to be suitable for fauna, and areas of low quality that may limit faunal distributions. Karstic and porous habitats generally were higher quality than fractured habitats. Overall, 70% of England and Wales are covered by lower quality fractured habitats, with only 13% covered by higher quality habitats. The main areas of high quality habitats occur in central England as north–south trending belts, possibly facilitating dispersal along this axis. They are separated by low quality geo-habitats that may prevent east-west dispersal of fauna. In south-west England and Wales suitable geo-habitats occur as small isolated patches. Overall, this paper provides a new national-scale typology that is adaptable for studies in other geographic areas.  相似文献   

地质工程在链子崖危岩治理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对链子崖浩翰的地质资料,往往使传统的设计人员无从下“海”而地质人员确实不也不能为力按照从如此众多的地质中凝缩出几个所谓的“参数”供设计人员使用,作者深感,从未遇到一个如此要求地质,设计与施工有结合,并以“地质”为主线纵贯始终,以“设计”为桥梁沟通“地质”与“施工”的工程。这就是地质工程。  相似文献   

In 2006 the engineering profession (and many others) celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The list of Brunel's engineering successes is extensive, including the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, and the Thames Tunnel, and his influence is felt world-wide. Although not usually quoted as one of his iconic masterpieces, Brunel's stretch of coastal railway from Dawlish Warren to Teignmouth in southern England (South Devon) is an early Victorian engineering triumph that has a close connection with geology. Although having many initial technical problems, subsequent breaches and continual need for maintenance, it still stands today as a monument to Brunel's genius. It has, however, influenced coastal processes, and has yet to face the predicted global warming sea level rises.  相似文献   

Ground investigations for the A303 Stonehenge Tunnels revealed a unique and complex Chalk geology including the presence of the thickest (>20 m thick), and previously unknown phosphatic chalks in England, partly filling fault controlled erosional channels. The use of natural gamma-ray borehole logs to determine the presence and thickness of the phosphatic deposits is of particular value and combined with the lithostratigraphy, macrofossil and nannofossil biostratigraphy from cores has, for the first time, accurately constrained the Coniacian to Santonian age and the lenticular geometry of such deposits. Four phosphatic chalk events between 88.5–86.5 Ma are recognised associated with synsedimentary faulting. We suggest a causal link between tectonics, subsidence and channel-formation, phosphatisation events, pulses of oceanic upwelling on a frequency of about 0.5 million years to mantle-controlled plate tectonic episodes. The implications of this geology for construction of the A303 and the archaeology of the area are discussed.  相似文献   

Sunken lanes or hollow ways are widely recognised in southern England but have rarely been considered in the geological or geomorphological literature. They occur more frequently in internet sources and guides to walking routes and Green Lanes. Archaeologists have also described hollow ways at excavated prehistoric sites. The current review suggests that they are concentrated on certain soft Mesozoic lithologies but that any survey is likely to grossly underrepresent their frequency. However, high density areas in Somerset, the Chilterns, East and West Sussex, Dorset and the Weald can be identified. The sunken lanes are important elements of the cultural landscape with a close relationship to the underlying geology. Other factors, especially a long history of usage by people, animals and the development of tracks and roads, help to explain their distribution. Their importance as sites of biodiversity, geological and historical value suggests that more should be done to investigate, protect and record the sunken lanes of southern England.  相似文献   

The central English county of Warwickshire has been shaped by a 600 million‐year history of deposition, erosion, tectonism, continental drift, environmental change and biological evolution. The Neoproterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic rocks indicate island arc accretion, marine transgression and subduction‐related intrusive igneous activity. Upper Palaeozoic through to Triassic times witnessed mainly continental environments, as central England drifted north across the equator. Late Triassic marine transgression led to deposition of richly fossiliferous Jurassic sediments. The bedrock geology shows evidence for the influence of deep‐seated structural lineaments within the central English basement. Influenced by these structures, the modern landscape has been shaped largely by Palaeogene and Neogene uplift and erosion, further alteration by Quaternary erosion and weathering, and glacial and fluvial deposition.  相似文献   

地质学是认识和了解地球的学科,基础地质认识实习是地质学教学过程中非常重要的实践环节,是学以致用、理论联系实际、掌握野外地质工作方法、培养学生分析和解决问题能力的重要教学环节。文章以南京大学基础地质认识实习为例,总结了近年来基础地质认识实习过程中出现的主要问题,并分析了原因,提出一些具体的行之有效的解决方法。文章认为野外地质实习过程中需要进行实习基地的筛选、教师队伍的配备、实习内容的制定、实习时间的调整、野外教学效果的评估等方面的教学改革,为野外基础地质实习效果的提高提供了有效途径。  相似文献   

MauriceTucker 《《幕》》2004,27(1):47-48
This meeting was held in the historic city of Durham, northeastern England, 8-10^th July,with 145 limestone lovers attending from all round the world, some came from as far afield as Australia, India and Japan, and there were 30 from North America. This series of meetings was started by Robin Bathurst in 1959 and the first 8 were held in Liverpool,where Robin was lecturer and then professor of geology. The aim has always been to have a small focused conference with plenty of time for discussion.  相似文献   

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