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Experiments up to water pressures of 21 kbar have been undertaken to bracket the reactions chlorite + quartz = talc + kyanite + H2O, chlorite + quartz = talc + cordierite + H2O, and talc + kyanite + quartz = cordierite ± H2O by reversed runs in the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (MASH). These reaction curves intersect at an invariant point (IP1) at PH2O = 6.4 ± 0.2 kbar and a temperature of 624 ± 4°C. The curve of the chlorite + quartz breakdown to talc + kyanite + H2O at water pressures above 6.4 kbar shows a negative dP/dT, with the slope decreasing with rising pressure, whereas the slope of the breakdown curve to talc + cordierite + H2O at water pressures is clearly positive. The composition of the chlorite solid solution reacting with quartz has been estimated to be approximately Mg4.85Al1.15[Al1.15Si2.85O10](OH)8 over the entire pressure range investigated. The composition of the talc solid solution forming by the breakdown of chlorite + quartz appears to be Mg2.94Al0.06[Al0.06Si3.94O10](OH)2 at PH2O = 2kbar. With increasing pressure, the Al content of talc decreases, reaching a value of about 0.06 atoms per formula unit at P,H2O = 21 kbar. As a consequence of the new experimental data, the existing phase topologies of the MASH-system and K2O-MASH-system have been revised. For example, the invariant point IP1 and the univariant reaction curve kyanite + talc + H2O = chlorite + cordierite are stable. For this reason, the development of medium- to high-temperature metamorphic rocks compositionally approximating the MASH-system must be reconsidered. The whiteschists from Sar e Sang, Afghanistan, are treated as an example. The application of the present experimental data to metamorphic rocks of more normal composition requires the examination of the influence of further components. This leads to the conclusion that the introduction of Fe2+ into magnesian chlorite extends its stability field in the presence of quartz by 10°-15°C in comparison with pure Mg-chlorite.  相似文献   

The stability of pumpellyite + actinolite or riebeckite + epidote + hematite (with chlorite, albite, titanite, quartz and H2O in excess) mineral assemblages in LTMP metabasite rocks is strongly dependent on bulk composition. By using a thermodynamic approach (THERMOCALC), the importance of CaO and Fe2O3 bulk contents on the stability of these phases is illustrated using P–T and P–X phase diagrams. This approach allowed P–T conditions of ~4.0 kbar and ~260 °C to be calculated for the growth of pumpellyite + actinolite or riebeckite + epidote + hematite assemblages in rocks containing variable bulk CaO and Fe2O3 contents. These rocks form part of an accretionary wedge that developed along the east Australian margin during the Carboniferous–Triassic New England Orogen. P–T and P–X diagrams show that sodic amphibole, epidote and hematite will grow at these conditions in Fe2O3‐saturated (6.16 wt%) metabasic rocks, whereas actinolite and pumpellyite will be stable in CaO‐rich (10.30 wt%) rocks. With intermediate Fe2O3 (~3.50 wt%) and CaO (~8.30 wt%) contents, sodic amphibole, actinolite and epidote can coexist at these P–T conditions. For Fe2O3‐saturated rocks, compositional isopleths for sodic amphibole (Al3+ and Fe3+ on the M2 site), epidote (Fe3+/Fe3+ + Al3+) and chlorite (Fe2+/Fe2+ + Mg) were calculated to evaluate the efficiency of these cation exchanges as thermobarometers in LTMP metabasic rocks. Based on these calculations, it is shown that Al3+ in sodic amphibole and epidote is an excellent barometer in chlorite, albite, hematite, quartz and titanite buffered assemblages. The effectiveness of these barometers decreases with the breakdown of albite. In higher‐P stability fields where albite is absent, Fe2+‐Mg ratios in chlorite may be dependent on pressure. The Fe3+/Al and Fe2+/Mg ratios in epidote and chlorite are reliable thermometers in actinolite, epidote, chlorite, albite, quartz, hematite and titanite buffered assemblages.  相似文献   

Strain localization within shear zones may partially erase the rock fabric and the metamorphic assemblage(s) that had developed before the mylonitic event. In poly‐deformed basements, the loss of information on pre‐kinematic phases of mylonites hinders large‐scale correlations based on tectono‐metamorphic data. In this study, devoted to a relict unit of Variscan basement reworked within the nappe stack of the Northern Apennines (Italy), we investigate the possibility to reconstruct a complete pressure (P)temperature (T)–deformation (D) path of mylonitic micaschist and amphibolite by integrating microstructural analysis, mineral chemistry and thermodynamic modelling. The micaschist is characterized by a mylonitic fabric with fine‐grained K‐white mica and chlorite enveloping mica‐fishes, quartz, and garnet pseudomorphs. Potassic white mica shows Mg‐rich cores and Mg‐poor rims. The amphibolite contains green amphibole+plagioclase+garnet+quartz+ilmenite defining S1 with a superposed mylonitic fabric localized in decimetre‐ to centimetre‐scale shear zones. Garnet is surrounded by an amphibole+plagioclase corona. Phase diagram calculations provide P–T constraints that are linked to the reconstructed metamorphic‐deformational stages. For the first time an early high‐P stage at >11 kbar and 510°C was constrained, followed by a temperature peak at 550–590°C and 9–10 kbar and a retrograde stage (<475°C, <7 kbar), during which ductile shear zones developed. The inferred clockwise P–T–D path was most likely related to crustal thickening by continent‐continent collision during the Variscan orogeny. A comparison of this P–T–D path with those of other Variscan basement occurrences in the Northern Apennines revealed significant differences. Conversely, a correlation between the tectono‐metamorphic evolution of the Variscan basement at Cerreto pass, NE Sardinia and Ligurian Alps was established.  相似文献   

Sapphirine, coexisting with quartz, is an indicator mineral for ultrahigh‐temperature metamorphism in aluminous rock compositions. Here a new activity‐composition model for sapphirine is combined with the internally consistent thermodynamic dataset used by THERMOCALC, for calculations primarily in K2O‐FeO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2‐H2O (KFMASH). A discrepancy between published experimentally derived FMAS grids and our calculations is understood with reference to H2O. Published FMAS grids effectively represent constant aH2O sections, thereby limiting their detailed use for the interpretation of mineral reaction textures in compositions with differing H2O. For the calculated KFMASH univariant reaction grid, sapphirine + quartz assemblages occur at P–T in excess of 6–7 kbar and 1005 °C. Sapphirine compositions and composition ranges are consistent with natural examples. However, as many univariant equilibria are typically not ‘seen’ by a specific bulk composition, the univariant reaction grid may reveal little about the detailed topology of multi‐variant equilibria, and therefore is of limited use for interpreting the P–T evolution of mineral assemblages and reaction sequences. Calculated pseudosections, which quantify bulk composition and multi‐variant equilibria, predict experimentally determined KFMASH mineral assemblages with consistent topology, and also indicate that sapphirine stabilizes at increasingly higher pressure and temperature as XMg increases. Although coexisting sapphirine and quartz can occur in relatively iron‐rich rocks if the bulk chemistry is sufficiently aluminous, the P–T window of stability shrinks with decreasing XMg. An array of mineral assemblages and mineral reaction sequences from natural sapphirine + quartz and other rocks from Enderby Land, Antarctica, are reproducible with calculated pseudosections. That consistent phase diagram calculations involving sapphirine can be performed allows for a more thorough assessment of the metamorphic evolution of high‐temperature granulite facies terranes than was previously possible. The establishment of a a‐x model for sapphirine provides the basis for expansion to larger, more geologically realistic chemical systems (e.g. involving Fe3+).  相似文献   

Silica‐undersaturated, sapphirine‐bearing granulites occur in a large number of localities worldwide. Such rocks have historically been under‐utilized for estimating PT evolution histories because of limited experimental work, and a consequent poor understanding of the topology and PT location of silica‐undersaturated mineral equilibria. Here, a calculated PT projection for sapphirine‐bearing, silica‐undersaturated metapelitic rock compositions is constructed using THERMOCALC for the FeO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 (FMAS) and KFMASH (+K2O + H2O) chemical systems, allowing quantitative analysis of silica‐undersaturated mineral assemblages. This study builds on that for KFMASH sapphirine + quartz equilibria [Kelsey et al. (2004) Journal of Metamorphic Geology, vol. 22, pp. 559–578]. FMAS equilibria are significantly displaced in PT space from silicate melt‐bearing KFMASH equilibria. The large number of univariant silica‐undersaturated KFMASH equilibria result in a PT projection that is topologically more complex than could be established on the basis of experiments and/or natural assemblages. Coexisting sapphirine and silicate melt (with or without corundum) occur down to c. 900 °C in KFMASH, some 100 °C lower than in silica‐saturated compositions, and from pressures of c.≤1 to ≥12 kbar. Mineral compositions and composition ranges for the calculated phases are consistent with natural examples. Bulk silica has a significant effect on the stability of sapphirine‐bearing assemblages at a given PT, resulting in a wide variety of possible granulite facies assemblages in silica‐undersaturated metapelites. Calculated pseudosections are able to reproduce many naturally occurring silica‐undersaturated assemblages, either within a single assemblage field or as the product of a PT trajectory crossing several fields. With an understanding of the importance of bulk composition on sapphirine stability and textural development, silica‐undersaturated assemblages may be utilized in a quantitative manner in the detailed metamorphic investigation of high‐grade terranes.  相似文献   

Eclogites from the south Tianshan, NW China are grouped into two types: glaucophane and hornblende eclogites, composed, respectively, of garnet + omphacite + glaucophane + paragonite + epidote + quartz and garnet + omphacite + hornblende (sensu lato) + paragonite + epidote + quartz, plus accessory rutile and ilmenite. These eclogites are diverse both in mineral composition and texture not only between the two types but also among the different selected samples within the glaucophane eclogite. Using thermocalc 3.1 and recent models of activity–composition relation for minerals, a PT projection and a series of P–T pseudosections for specific samples of eclogite have been calculated in the system Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (NCFMASH) with quartz and water taken to be in excess. On the basis of these phase diagrams, the phase relations and P–T conditions are well delineated. The three selected samples of glaucophane eclogite AK05, AK11 and AK17 are estimated to have peak P–T conditions, respectively, of 540–550 °C at c. 16 kbar, c. 560 °C at 15–17 kbar and c. 580 °C at 15–19 kbar, and two samples of hornblende eclogite AK10 and AK30 of 610–630 °C and 17–18 kbar. Together with H2O‐content contours in the related P–T pseudosections and textural relations, both types of eclogite are inferred to show clockwise P–T paths, with the hornblende eclogite being transformed from the glaucophane eclogite assemblage dominantly through increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Alpine metamorphism, related to the development of a metamorphic core complex during Cretaceous orogenic events, has been recognized in the Veporic unit, Western Carpathians (Slovakia). Three metamorphic zones have been distinguished in the metapelites: 1, chloritoid + chlorite + garnet; 2, garnet + staurolite + chlorite; 3, staurolite + biotite + kyanite. The isograds separating the metamorphic zones have been modelled by discontinuous reactions in the system K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (KFMASH). The isograds are roughly parallel to the north‐east‐dipping foliation related to extensional updoming along low‐angle normal faults. Thermobarometric data document increasing PT conditions from c. 500 °C and 7–8 kbar to c. 620 °C and 9–10 kbar, reflecting a coherent metamorphic field gradient from greenschist to middle amphibolite facies. 40Ar/39Ar data obtained by high spatial resolution in situ ultraviolet (UV) laser ablation of white micas from the rock slabs constrain the timing of cooling and exhumation in the Late Cretaceous. Mean dates are between 77 and 72 Ma; however, individual white mica grains record a range of apparent 40Ar/39Ar ages indicating that cooling below the blocking temperature for argon diffusion was not instantaneous. The reconstructed metamorphic PTt path is ‘clockwise’, reflecting post‐burial decompression and cooling during a single Alpine orogenic cycle. The presented data suggest that the Veporic unit evolved as a metamorphic core complex during the Cretaceous growth of the Western Carpathian orogenic wedge. Metamorphism was related to collisional crustal shortening and stacking, following closure of the Meliata Ocean. Exhumation was accomplished by synorogenic (orogen‐parallel) extension and unroofing in an overall compressive regime.  相似文献   

Low‐T eclogites in the North Qilian orogen, NW China share a common assemblage of garnet, omphacite, glaucophane, epidote, phengite, quartz and rutile with or without paragonite. Phase relations for the low‐T eclogites can be modelled well in the system NCKFMASHO with the updated solid‐solution models for amphibole and clinopyroxene. Garnet in the eclogite typically exhibits growth zonations in which pyrope increases while grossular somewhat decreases from core to rim, which is modelled as having formed mainly in the PT conditions of lawsonite‐eclogite facies at the pre‐peak stage. Omphacite shows an increase in jadeite component as aegirine and also total FeO decrease in going from the inclusions in garnet to grains in the matrix, and from core to rim of zoned crystals, reflecting an increase in metamorphic PT conditions. Glaucophane exhibits a compositional variation in X(gl) (= Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg)) and F(gl) (= Fe3+/(Fe3+ + Al) in M2 site), which decrease from the inclusions in garnet to crystals in the matrix, consistent with an increase in PT conditions. However, for zoned matrix crystals, the X(gl) and F(gl) increase from core to rim, is interpreted to reflect a late‐stage decompression. Using composition isopleths for garnet rim and phengite in PT pseudosections, peak PT conditions for three samples Q5–45, Q5–01 and Q7–28 were estimated as 530–540 °C at 2.10–2.25 GPa, 580–590 °C at 2.30–2.45 GPa and 575–590 °C at 2.50–2.65 GPa, respectively, for the same assemblage garnet + omphacite + glaucophane + lawsonite (+ phengite + quartz + rutile) at the peak stage. The eclogites suggest similar PT ranges to their surrounding felsic–pelitic schists. During post‐peak decompression of the eclogites, the most distinctive change involves the transformation of lawsonite to epidote, releasing large amount of water in the rock. The released fluid promoted further growth of glaucophane at the expense of omphacite and, in appropriate bulk‐rock compositions, paragonite formed. The decompression of eclogite did not lead to pronounced changes in garnet and phengite compositions. Peak PT conditions of the North Qilian eclogite are well constrained using both the average PT and pseudosection approaches in Thermocalc. Generally, the conventional garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometer is too sensitive to be used for constraining the temperature of low‐T eclogite because of the uncertainty in Fe3+ determination in omphacite and slight variations in mineral compositions because of incomplete equilibration.  相似文献   

In this study, we have deduced the thermal history of the subducting Neotethys from its eastern margin, using a suite of partially hydrated metabasalts from a segment of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex (NOC), India. Located along the eastern extension of the Indus‐Tsangpo suture zone (ITSZ), the N–S‐trending NOC lies between the Indian and Burmese plates. The metabasalts, encased within a serpentinitic mélange, preserve a tectonically disturbed metamorphic sequence, which from west to east is greenschist (GS), pumpellyite–diopside (PD) and blueschist (BS) facies. Metabasalts in all the three metamorphic facies record prograde metamorphic overprints directly on primary igneous textures and igneous augite. In the BS facies unit, the metabasalts interbedded with marble show centimetre‐ to metre‐scale interlayering of lawsonite blueschist (LBS) and epidote blueschist (EBS). Prograde HP/LT metamorphism stabilized lawsonite + omphacite (XJd = 0.50–0.56 to 0.26–0.37) + jadeite (XJd = 0.67–0.79) + augite + ferroglaucophane + high‐Si phengite (Si = 3.6–3.65 atoms per formula unit, a.p.f.u.) + chlorite + titanite + quartz in LBS and lawsonite + glaucophane/ferroglaucophane ± epidote ± omphacite (XJd = 0.34) + chlorite + phengite (Si = 3.5 a.p.f.u.) + titanite + quartz in EBS at the metamorphic peak. Retrograde alteration, which was pervasive in the EBS, produced a sequence of mineral assemblages from omphacite and lawsonite‐absent, epidote + glaucophane/ferroglaucophane + chlorite + phengite + titanite + quartz through albite + chlorite + glaucophane to lawsonite + albite + high‐Si phengite (Si = 3.6–3.7 a.p.f.u.) + glaucophane + epidote + quartz. In the PD facies metabasalts, the peak mineral assemblage, pumpellyite + chlorite + titanite + phengitic white mica (Si = 3.4–3.5 a.p.f.u.) + diopside appeared in the basaltic groundmass from reacting titaniferous augite and low‐Si phengite, with prehnite additionally producing pumpellyite in early vein domains. In the GS facies metabasalts, incomplete hydration of augite produced albite + epidote + actinolite + chlorite + titanite + phengite + augite mineral assemblage. Based on calculated TM(H2O), T–M(O2) (where M represents oxide mol.%) and PT pseudosections, peak PT conditions of LBS are estimated at ~11.5 kbar and ~340 °C, EBS at ~10 kbar, 325 °C and PD facies at ~6 kbar, 335 °C. Reconstructed metamorphic reaction pathways integrated with the results of PT pseudosection modelling define a near‐complete, hairpin, clockwise PT loop for the BS and a prograde PT path with a steep dP/dT for the PD facies rocks. Apparent low thermal gradient of 8 °C km?1 corresponding to a maximum burial depth of 40 km and the hairpin PT trajectory together suggest a cold and mature stage of an intra‐oceanic subduction zone setting for the Nagaland blueschists. The metamorphic constraints established above when combined with petrological findings from the ophiolitic massifs along the whole ITSZ suggest that intra‐oceanic subduction systems within the Neotethys between India and the Lhasa terrane/the Karakoram microcontinent were also active towards east between Indian and Burmese plates.  相似文献   

Multiple regression analysis on an extended dataset has been performed to refine the relationship between temperature, pressure, composition and the Fe–Mg distribution between garnet and clinopyroxene. In addition to a significant dependence between the distribution coefficient KD and X GrtCa and X GrtMg#, as shown by the experimental data, the effect of X GrtMn has also been incorporated using data from natural Mn‐rich garnet–clinopyroxene pairs. Multiple regression of data (n=360) covering a large span in pressure, temperature and composition from 27 experimental datasets, combined with 49 natural high‐Mn granulites from Ruby Range, Montana, USA, and Karnataka, India, yields the P–T –compositional relationship (r2=0.98): where KD=(Fe2+/Mg)Grt/(Fe2+/Mg)Cpx, X GrtCa=Ca/(Ca+Mn+Fe2++Mg) in garnet, X GrtMn= Mn/(Ca+Mn+Fe2++Mg) in garnet, and X GrtMg#=Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) in garnet. The Fe2+–Mg equilibrium between garnet and clinopyroxene does not seem to be affected by variations in the sodic content of the co‐existing clinopyroxene in the range X CpxNa=0–0.51. Comparisons between the new and former calibrations of the garnet–clinopyroxene Fe2+–Mg geothermometer clearly demonstrate how the various parameters in each case affect the calculated temperatures. Application of the new expression gives reasonable results for natural garnet–clinopyroxene pairs from various rock types and settings, and should be preferred to previous formulations. Using the new calibration to the self‐consistent dataset of Pattison & Newton (Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 1989, 101, 87–103) suggests a systematic deviation with regard to both temperature and composition between their dataset and the datasets used in the present calibration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Metabasites and metagreywackes from the Pelona and Rand Schists of southern California were analysed using three different electron microprobes. For all three instruments, the estimated Fe3+ contents of calcic amphibole, chlorite and epidote are positively correlated. For some samples, there is an additional correlation between high estimated Fe3+ and the presence of magnetite. These results imply that microprobe analyses can be used to discern relative differences in Fe3+. However, microprobe data and calculations on the sensitivity of the correction procedures to systematic analytical errors indicate that estimated values of Fe3+ are not significant in an absolute sense. Thus, estimates of Fe3+ are meaningful when comparing samples analysed with a single microprobe, but must be used with caution when comparing analyses obtained on more than one probe.  相似文献   

Abstract Sapphirine-bearing rocks occur in three conformable, metre-size lenses in intrusive quartzo-feldspathic orthogneisses in the Curaçà valley of the Archaean Caraiba complex of Brazil. In the lenses there are six different sapphirine-bearing rock types, which have the following phases (each containing phlogopite in addition): A: Sapphirine, orthopyroxene; B: Sapphirine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, spinel; C: Sapphirine, cordierite; D: Sapphirine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, quartz; E: Sapphirine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, sillimanite, quartz; F: Sapphirine, cordierite, K-feldspar, quartz. Neither sapphirine and quartz nor orthopyroxene and sillimanite have been found in contact, however. During mylonitization, introduction of silica into the three quartz-free rocks (which represent relict protolith material) gave rise to the three cordierite and quartz-bearing rocks. Stable parageneses in the more magnesian rocks were sapphirine–orthopyroxene and sapphirine–cordierite. In more iron-rich rocks, sapphirine–cordierite, sapphirine-cordierite–sillimanite, cordierite–sillimanite, sapphirine–cordierite–spinel–magnetite and quartz–cordierite–orthopyroxene were stable. The iron oxide content in sapphirine of the six rocks increases from an average of 2.0 to 10.5 wt % (total Fe as FeO) in the order: C,F–A,D–B,E. With increase in Fe there is an increase in recalculated Fe2O3 in sapphirine. The four rock types associated with the sapphirine-bearing lenses are: I: Orthopyroxene, cordierite, biotite, quartz, feldspar tonalitic to grandioritic gneiss; II: Biotite, quartz, feldspar gneiss; III: Orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende, plagioclase meta-norite; IV: Biotite, orthopyroxene, quartz, feldspar, garnet, cordierite, sillimanite granulite gneiss. The stable parageneses in type IV are orthopyroxene–cordierite–quartz, garnet–sillimanite–quartz and garnet–cordierite–sillimanite. Geothermobarometry suggests that the associated host rocks equilibrated at 720–750°C and 5.5–6.5 kbar. Petrogenetic grids for the FMASH and FMAFSH (FeO–MgO–Al2O3–Fe2O3–SiO2–H2O) model systems indicate that sapphirine-bearing assemblages without garnet were stabilized by a high Fe3+ content and a high XMg= (Mg/ (Mg+Fe2+)) under these P–T conditions.  相似文献   

Quantification of discrete pressure–temperature domains in deformed chlorite + white mica‐bearing metapelites was undertaken on mineral compositions derived by two‐dimensional microprobe compositional mapping of selected areas of rock thin sections. In order to achieve compositional information at sufficient analytical precision, spatial resolution and sample coverage within a typical analysis time of 1 day, an optimization of measurement methods was necessary. The method presented here allows collection of raw counts for eight different element concentrations at an analytical precision of ~1–2 wt%. X‐ray intensity multiplane maps (one map per measured chemical element) are translated into concentration multiplane maps, utilizing selected conventionally measured spot analyses combined with the Castaing approximation for each mineral. As this step requires identification of the different minerals present in the mapped area, a statistical clustering technique to identify different groups of composition was developed, guided by simple petrographic inspection of the thin section, to delineate the important minerals in the mapped area. Finally, the compositions of each pixel are translated into a mineral structural formula thus yielding a new kind of image with a high content of petrological information. The reliability of the mineral composition images was emphasized by carrying out precision tests on the analytical data. The possible use of chemical maps to infer the PT–deformation history of metamorphic rocks is illustrated with two samples from the Spitzbergen and the Sambagawa blueschist facies belts. In both samples, a strong correlation between structures and chemistry is observed. Qualitative estimates of PT conditions from the Si‐content of mica and chlorite are in good agreement with their location in microstructures that formed at different times. Therefore, the combination of chemical maps with microstructural observations is a very powerful approach to understand both the evolution of complex metamorphic rocks and the control by deformation of mineral reactivity.  相似文献   

Eclogite facies metarodingites occur as deformed dykes in serpentinites of the Zermatt‐Saas ophiolite (Western Alps). They formed during the subduction of the Tethys oceanic lithosphere in the Early Tertiary. The metarodingites developed as a consequence of serpentinization of the oceanic mantle. Three major types of metarodingites (R1, R2 & R3) can be distinguished on the basis of their mineralogical composition. All metarodingites contain vesuvianite, chlorite and hydrogrossular in high modal amounts. In addition they contain: R1 – diopside, tremolite, clinozoisite, calcite; R2 – hydroandradite, diopside, epidote, calcite; and R3 – hydroandradite. Both garnets contain a small but persistent amount of hydrogarnet component. The different metarodingites reflect different original dyke rocks in the mantle. In each group of metarodingite, textural relations suggest that reactions adjusted the assemblages along the P–T path travelled by the ophiolite during subduction and exhumation. Reactions and phase relations derived from local textures in metarodingite can be modelled in the eight‐component system: SiO2‐Al2O3‐Fe2O3‐FeO‐MgO‐CaO‐CO2‐H2O. This permits the analysis of redox reactions in the presence of andradite garnet and epidote in many of the rocks. Within this system, the phase relations in eclogite facies metarodingites have been explored in terms of TXCO2, T–μ(SiO2), μ(Cal)–μ(SiO2) and P–T sections. It was found that rodingite assemblages are characterized by low μ(SiO2) and low XCO2 conditions. The low SiO2 potential is externally imposed onto the rodingites by the large volume of antigorite‐forsterite serpentinites enclosing them. Moreover, μ(SiO2) decreases consistently from metarodingite R1 to R3. The low μ(SiO2) enforced by the serpentinites favours the formation of hydrogarnet and vesuvianite. Rodingite formation is commonly associated with hydrothermal alteration of oceanic lithosphere at the ocean floor, in particular to ocean floor serpentinization. Our analysis, however, suggests that the metarodingite assemblages may have formed at high‐pressure conditions in the subduction zone as a result of serpentinization of oceanic mantle by subduction zone fluids.  相似文献   

The combination of metamorphic petrology tools and in situ laser 40Ar/39Ar dating on phengite (linking time of growth, compositions and P–T conditions) enables us to identify a detailed P–T–d–t path for the still debated tectonometamorphic evolution of the Nevado‐Filabride complex and infer new geodynamic‐scale constraints. Our data show an isothermal decompression (at 550 °C) from 20 kbar for the Bédar‐Macael unit and 14 kbar for the Calar Alto unit down to c. 3–4 kbar for both units at 2.8 mm year?1. At 22–18 Ma, this first part of the exhumation is followed by a final exhumation at 0.6 mm year?1 along a high‐temperature low‐pressure (HTLP) gradient of c. 60 °C km?1. The age of the peak of pressure is not precisely known but it is shown that it is around 30 Ma and possibly older, which is at variance with recent models suggesting a younger age for high‐pressure (HP) metamorphism. Most of the exhumation is related to late‐orogenic extension from c. 30 to 22–18 Ma. Thus the formation of the main ductile extensional shear zone, the Filabres Shear Zone (FSZ), occurred at 22–18 Ma and is clearly associated with a top‐to‐the‐west shear sense once the FSZ is well localized. The transition from ductile to brittle then occurred at c. 14 Ma. The final exhumation, accommodated by brittle deformation, occurred from c. 14 to 9 Ma and was accompanied, from 12 to 8 Ma, by the formation of nearby extensional basins. The duration of the extensional process is c. 20 Myr which argues in favour of a progressive slab retreat from c. 30 to 9 Ma. The change in the shape of the P–T path at 22–18 Ma together with strain localization along the main top‐to‐the‐west shear zone suggests that this date corresponds to a change in the direction of slab retreat from southwards to westwards.  相似文献   

Alpine deformation in the Grimsel granodiorite (Aar massif, Central Alps) at greenschist facies conditions (6.5 ± 1 kbar for 450°C ± 25°C) is characterized by the development of a network of centimetre to decametre localized shear zones that surround lenses of undeformed granodiorite. Localization of deformation is assumed to be the result of a first stage of extreme localization on brittle precursors (nucleation stage) followed by a transition to ductile deformation and lateral propagation into the weakly deformed granodiorite (widening stage). A paradox of this model is that the development of the ductile shear zone is accompanied by the crystallization of large amounts of phyllosilicates (white mica and chlorite) that maintains a weak rheology in the localized shear zone relative to the host rock so that deformation is localized and prevents shear zone widening. We suggest that chemical processes, and more particularly, the metamorphic reactions and metasomatism occurring during re‐equilibration of the metastable magmatic assemblage induced shear zone widening at these P–T–X conditions. These processes (reactions and mass transfer) were driven by the chemical potential gradients that developed between the thermodynamically metastable magmatic assemblage at the edge of the shear zone and the stable white mica and chlorite rich ultramylonite formed during the first stage of shear zone due to localized fluid infiltration metasomatism. PT and chemical potential projections and sections show that the process of equilibration of the wall rocks (μ–μ path) occurs via the reactions: kf + cz + ab + bio + MgO + H2O = mu + q + CaO + Na2O and cz + ab + bio + MgO + H2O = chl + mu + q + CaO + Na2O. Computed phase diagram and mass balance calculations predict that these reactions induce relative losses of CaO and Na2O of ~100% and ~40% respectively, coupled with hydration and a gain of ~140% for MgO. Intermediate rocks within the strain gradient (ultramylonite, mylonite and orthogneiss) reflect various degrees of re‐equilibration and metasomatism. The softening reaction involved may have reduced the strength at the edge of the shear zone and therefore promoted shear zone widening. Chemical potential phase diagram sections also indicate that the re‐equilibration process has a strong influence on equilibrium mineral compositions. For instance, the decrease in Si‐content of phengite from 3.29 to 3.14 p.f.u, when white mica is in equilibrium with the chlorite‐bearing assemblage, may be misinterpreted as the result of decompression during shear zone development while it is due only to syn‐deformation metasomatism at the peak metamorphic condition. The results of this study suggest that it is critical to consider chemical processes in the formation of shear zones particularly when deformation affects metastable assemblages and mass transfer are involved.  相似文献   

Abstract The garnet blueschists from the Ile de Groix (Armorican Massif, France) contain millimetre‐ to centimetre‐sized pseudomorphs consisting of an aggregate of chlorite, epidote and paragonite. The pseudomorphed phase developed at a late stage of the deformation history, because it overgrows a glaucophane–epidote–titanite foliation. Garnet growth occurred earlier than the beginning of the ductile deformation, and thus garnet is also included in the pseudomorphs. Microprobe analyses show that garnet is strongly zoned, with decreasing spessartine and increasing almandine and pyrope contents from core to rim. Grossular content is higher in garnet cores (about 35 mole%) compared to garnet rims (about 30 mole%). Blue amphibole has glaucophane compositions with a low Fe3+ content and become more magnesian when inclusions in garnet (XMg = 0.62–0.65) are compared with matrix grains (XMg = 0.67–0.70). Matrix epidote has a pistacite content of about 50 mole%. On the basis of their shape and the nature of the breakdown products, the pseudomorphs are attributed to lawsonite. A numerical model (using Thermocalc ) has been developed in order to understand the reactions controlling both the growth and the breakdown of lawsonite. Lawsonite growth could have taken place through the continuous hydration reaction Chl + Ep + Pg + Qtz + Vap = Gln + Lws, followed by the fluid‐absent reaction Chl + Ep + Pg = Grt + Gln + Lws. Peak P–T conditions are estimated at about 18–20 kbar, 450 °C. This indicates that lawsonite growth took place at increasing P and T, hence can be used as a geobarometer in the buffering assemblage garnet–glaucophane–epidote. The final part of the history is recorded by lawsonite breakdown, after cessation of the ductile deformation, and recording the earliest stages of the exhumation.  相似文献   

 Ferrian magnesian spodumene was synthesized in the MLFSH system at P=0.4 GPa, T=700 °C, fO2=NNO+2.3. The space group at room T is P21/c [a=9.638(3) ?, b=8.709(2) ?, c=5.258(2) ?, β=109.83(3), V=415.2 ?3]. The structure is topologically equivalent to that of ferrian spodumene, LiFeSi2O6, and has two symmetrically independent tetrahedral chains, A and B, and two independent octahedral sites, M1 and M2. The crystal-chemical composition was determined combining EMP, SIMS and single-crystal XRD analysis, yielding M2(Li0.85Mg0.09Fe2+ 0.06) M1(Fe3+ 0.85Mg0.15)Si2O6. Li is ordered at the M2 site and Fe3+ is ordered at the M1 site, whereas Mg (and Fe2+) distribute over both octahedral sites. Structure refinements done at different temperatures (25, 70, 95, 125, 150 and 200 °C) allowed characterization of a reversible displacive P21/cC2/c transition at 106 °C. Previous HT-XRD studies of Li-clinopyroxenes had shown that the transition temperature is inversely related to the size of the M1 cation. For the crystal of this work, the aggregate ionic radius at M1 is longer than that of ferrian spodumene, for which the transition temperature is −44 °C. The higher transition temperature observed can only be explained on the basis of the shorter aggregate radius at the M2 site (due to the presence of Mg substituting after Li), in keeping with the results obtained for ferromagnesian P21/c pyroxenes. The effects of all the chemical substitutions must be considered when modelling transition temperatures and thermodynamic behaviour in clinopyroxenes. Received: 7 May 2002 / Accepted: 23 October 2002  相似文献   

A section of the orogenic middle crust (Orlica‐?nie?nik Dome, Polish/Czech Central Sudetes) was examined to constrain the duration and significance of deformation (D) and intertectonic (I) phases. In the studied metasedimentary synform, three deformation events produced an initial subhorizontal foliation S1 (D1), a subsequent subvertical foliation S2 (D2) and a late subhorizontal axial planar cleavage S3 (D3). The synform was intruded by pre‐, syn‐ and post‐D2 granitoid sheets. Crystallization–deformation relationships in mica schist samples document I1–2 garnet–staurolite growth, syn‐D2 staurolite breakdown to garnet–biotite–sillimanite/andalusite, I2–3 cordierite blastesis and late‐D3 chlorite growth. Garnet porphyroblasts show a linear Mn–Ca decrease from the core to the inner rim, a zone of alternating Ca–Y‐ and P‐rich annuli in the inner rim, and a Ca‐poor outer rim. The Ca–Y‐rich annuli probably reflect the occurrence of the allanite‐to‐monazite transition at conditions of the staurolite isograd, whereas the Ca‐poor outer rim is ascribed to staurolite demise. The reconstructed PT path, obtained by modelling the stability of parageneses and garnet zoning, documents near‐isobaric heating from ~4 kbar/485 °C to ~4.75 kbar/575 °C during I1–2. This was followed by a progression to 4–5 kbar/580–625 °C and a subsequent pressure decrease to 3–4 kbar during D2. Pressure decrease below 3 kbar is ascribed to I2–3, whereas cooling below ~500 °C occurred during D3. In the dated mica schist sample, garnet rims show strong Lu enrichment, oscillatory Lu zoning and a slight Ca increase. These features are also related to allanite breakdown coeval with staurolite appearance. As Lu‐rich garnet rims dominate the Lu–Hf budget, the 344 ± 3 Ma isochron age is ascribed to garnet crystallization at staurolite grade, near the end of I1–2. For the dated sample of amphibole–biotite granitoid sheet, a Pb–Pb single zircon evaporation age of 353 ± 1 Ma is related to the onset of plutonic activity. The results suggest a possible Devonian age for D1, and a Carboniferous burial‐exhumation cycle in mid‐crustal rocks that is broadly coeval with the exhumation of neighbouring HP rocks during D2. In the light of published ages, a succession of telescoping stages with time spans decreasing from c. 10 to 2–3 Ma is proposed. The initially long period of tectonic quiescence (I1–2 phase, c. 10 Ma) inferred in the middle crust contrasts with contemporaneous deformation at deeper levels and points to decoupled PTD histories within the orogenic wedge. An elevated gradient of ~30 °C km?1 and assumed high heating rates of c. 20 °C Ma?1 are explained by the protracted intrusion of granitoid sheets, with or without deformation, whereas fast vertical movements (2–3 Ma, D2 phase) in the crust require the activity of deformation phases.  相似文献   

Petrological investigations supported by multi‐scale structural analysis of eclogitized serpentinite in the Zermatt–Saas Zone of the Western Alps allows for the determination of mineral assemblages related to successive fabrics, upon which the P–T–d–t path of these hydrated mantle rocks can be inferred. Serpentinites of the upper Valtournanche, with lenses and dykes of metagabbro and meta‐rodingite, display an Alpine polyphase metamorphic evolution from eclogite to epidote‐amphibolite facies conditions associated with three successive foliations having different parageneses in these rocks. Serpentinite mainly consists of serpentine with minor magnetite; however, where S1 and S2 foliations are pervasive, metamorphic olivine, together with Ti‐clinohumite and clinopyroxene, are also found. The mineral assemblage associated with D1 includes serpentine1, clinopyroxene1, opaque minerals, titanite ± olivine1, Ti‐clinohumite1 and ilmenite; the D2 assemblage is the same (±chlorite) but minerals have different compositions. The assemblage associated with D3 comprises serpentine3, opaque minerals, ±chlorite3, ilmenite and amphibole3. Ti‐clinohumite is associated with veins that are older than D2 and pre‐date D3. Veins that post‐date D3 are characterized by amphibole + chlorite or by serpentine. PT conditions for S2 parageneses evaluated using two pseudosections for different bulk compositions suggest that these rocks experienced pressures >2.5 ± 0.3 GPa at temperatures slightly higher than 600 °C. The late epidote–amphibolite facies re‐equilibration associated with D3 and D4 developed during late syn‐exhumation deformation related to folding and testifies to a small temperature decrease. These results, which were integrated in the regional framework, suggest that different portions of the Zermatt–Saas Zone registered different PT peak conditions and underwent different exhumation paths. In addition, the inferred PTdt path suggests that the Valtournanche serpentinites re‐equilibrated close to the UHP conditions registered by the Cignana meta‐cherts. These results imply that tectonic slices exhumed after UHP metamorphism might be wider than previously reported or that small‐size UHP units, tectonically sampled during the Alpine convergence, are more abundant than those that have been detected to date.  相似文献   

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