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回顾我国极地船载气象卫星接收系统的发展历史,从躲避气旋和灾害性天气、冰区导航、指导大洋作业3个方面举例说明了高分辨卫星接收系统在极地航海气象保障中所起的重要作用,对我国极地船载气象卫星接收系统的发展前景进行了讨论分析.  相似文献   

陈曦 《海洋预报》1996,13(3):52-58
本系统在我们原有的卫星信号微机采集与处理系统的基础上,吸取国外工作站系统的自动化优点实现了微机控制的无人值守全自动跟踪接收极轨卫星数据。  相似文献   

刘建强 《海洋预报》1995,12(1):62-65
本文介绍了静止卫星数字云图特点,接收处理硬件系统及开发的运行软件。该业务系统提供了准确清晰的高质量图象,提高了预报时效。  相似文献   

船载式远程高精度水声定位系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文比较了各种水声定位跟踪系统的特点,由此可明显看出长基线模式的船载式水声定位跟踪系统将兼有使用方便、适用性强、定位精度高、作用距离远的优点,仔细分析了要实现这类系统的关键技术难题,介绍了我国自行研制的一个船载式远程高精度水声定位系统的组成和工作原理,该系统还率先突破了主动式水声定位系统中非模糊距离Rmax=CT的原理性限制,使系统可进行远程,高数据率跟踪定位  相似文献   

为了适应我国近海海洋环境监测快速、多要素的现场监测需求,研制了一套船载水样自动采集系统,系统控制方式简单灵活,具有全自动、半自动和手动三种控制模式。该系统由采水泵、复合采水缆、电动绞车、电控柜、储水罐等硬件和控制软件组成。在软件的控制下,绞车、采水泵等执行元件可自动开启和关闭,自动完成同一地点不同深度的多层水样采集。与传统人工采水方式相比,可大大减轻实验人员的劳动强度,减小水样采集的深度误差。渤海和东海大量的海上试验证明该系统性能稳定,能够适用于营养盐分析仪对水样的要求。  相似文献   

船载移动激光雷达扫描系统由脉冲激光源、测距探测接收器、系统控制处理器和光机扫描器组成,并集成定位定姿系统(Position and Orientation System, POS)。本文以自主研发的船载激光扫描仪为研究对象,阐述了扫描系统的软硬件组成与工作流程,并对实验结果进行了精度评定。实验表明,本文设计的船载移动三维激光扫描系统能有效准确地获取目标物的三维点云数据,未来可在海岸带海岛礁测绘、港口码头测量、近岸工程变形监测中发挥重大作用。  相似文献   

吴云帆  吴中鼎  李占桥 《海洋测绘》2014,34(6):36-39,42
通过对大量走航ADCP观测资料的分析,提出一整套的ADCP资料质量控制和预处理方法,并对提出的ADCP"基准流速控制"的处理方法与传统的"选取参考层法"进行了比较,证明此方法不但可有效提高ADCP资料的处理精度,并可提高资料的处理效率,减少人为的干预因素。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍 NOAA 极轨气象卫星和 GMS 静止气象卫星的地面接收设备,重点说明微机实时接收处理系统的构成和特点:1)与接收机联结的接口板是双星共用的(GMS 和 NOAA 卫星共用),用不同软件接收不同卫星的信号。2)系统配备了小型,13.3cm(5.25时),全高,高速,10Mbit/s,大容量310M 字节,硬盘。3)信号采集和显示过程是实时的。4)采集的信号分别是 NOAA 星的全 HRPT 数字信号和 GMS 星的展宽数字信号,S-VISSR。5)具备通用图象处理能力。6)系统是业务化的,自1988.9.15.投入准业务运行以来,一运行是可靠的。7)系统应用兼顾定量的数值处理和定性的图象处理两部分,定量部分精度为:地理定位精度小于5km(未经地面校正),海面温度测量小于1℃。然后介绍卫星遥感资料的处理,应用,效益等方面,例如:东,黄海渔场海温速报,为中央电视台提供海冰实况和预报分析录象等,最后叙述对将来发展的设想。  相似文献   

船载海洋生态环境现场监测集成示范系统硬件平台设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了利用快速以太网技术实现“船载海洋生态环境现场监测集成示范系统”硬件平台的设计方案 ,阐述了将船载设备集成于以太网协议转换器的软硬件设计与实现。协议转换器采用 Rabbit2 0 0 0微处理器及 Dynamic C语言开发 ,主要完成 RS2 32标准串口协议与 TCP/ IP协议之间的转换 ,利用协议转换器不但可以使原本不具备以太网接口的船载串行设备方便地联入到网络中 ,还可以延伸设备和主机之间的联接距离 ,并由此搭建船载集成系统的硬件平台。  相似文献   

船载多传感器综合测量系统集成了三维激光扫描仪、多波束测深仪、GNSS、IMU、传感器稳定平台等传感器,采用非接触式的测量方式同步获取水上水下地形,在海岸带和海岛礁测绘中有巨大的应用价值。由于测量瞬时数据量大,系统点云实时显示是采集软件的重要组成部分。在有效地控制时间同步的前提下,优化数据融合效率,采用VTK(visualization toolkit)技术实现了海岸线上下一体化点云实时显示,有效地提高了系统的信息挖掘能力和现场决策支持能力,最终实现了水上水下一体化测量。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheSMSRPSisstalledontheshipnavigatingovertheseaandreceivessatellitecloudmapsatanytimetoprovidereliablereal-timedataofmeteorologyandocean.Itisanimportantequipmentforsafeguardofshipnavigation.Chinahasthousandsofoceanicships.Butalmostallships,withonlyveryfewexception,arenotstalledbySMSRPS.Thecausesareasfollows:1.Thetechniqueisverycomplicated.2.Thedevelopmentcostisveryhigh.3.Ifweintroduceforeignequipment,thecostistooexpensive.4.Foreignequipmentanditssoftwarearecompletelyclo…  相似文献   

A simulation of radiation imagery for ocean color satellite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ocean color satellite is mainly applied to measure the water constituents such as chlorophyll, suspended material and yellow substance. The leaving water radiance is very small part of the total radiance arrival at the sensor about 3%-15%,and depends on the properties of the orbit and sensor. Before the satellite is launched on the orbit, it needs to simulate the radiation imagery in order to evaluate the quality and availability of the satellite data.
If the parameters of satellite orbit, the properties of sensor as well as the characteristics of the atmosphere and water have been known, the radiation scattered by air molecule and aerosol, reflected solar radiation, water leaving and total radiation arriving at the sensor can be simulated by the models of radiation transfer in the atmosphere, air/water and subsurface water. In this paper, the mechanism, models and procedures of the radiation simulation are first discussed and employed to simulate a series of imageries for the Chinese satellites FY-lA, FY-1B, and ROCSAT-1 (Taiwan, China), and American satellite Ses STAR. Their results show that the solar irradiance arrived at water surface and the sun glitter mainly affect the quality and availability of satellite data, which depend on the orbit properties. Finally, some suggestions are proposed to improve the quality and availability of a:ean color satellite data.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of nanomolar concentrations of orthophosphate in oligotrophic seawater developed by Liang et al. (2007) has been modified to make it fully feasible for shipboard application and for faster sample throughput with minimized sample volume. The technique is based on the flow injection method with solid phase extraction on a Sep-Pak C18 cartridge and colorimetric detector. The Schlieren effect was minimized by rinsing the cartridge sequentially with 5 mL water and 2 mL 95% ethanol solution. With three micro pumps in parallel, savings of up to 80% in amount of reagents and 25% volume of seawater samples could be achieved in comparison to the previous method. Variation of stopped flow time and sample loading time gave 3 different standard curves, which corresponded to 3 linear ranges within 3.4 and 515 nM. The modified method permits the analysis of samples over a wide range of concentrations, and has been successfully applied to shipboard determination of trace orthophosphate in more than 200 seawater samples during a one-month cruise in the South China Sea. For seawater at concentrations of 20.6, 82.5, 206.2 nM orthophosphate, the relative standard deviations (RSD) (n = 6), determined daily for 6 days on board ship were 4.45%, 4.73% and 6.75%, respectively. Five seawater samples collected in the Station SEATS (South East Asia Time Series Station at 18°N, 116°E) were analyzed using the present method both on board and in a land-based laboratory, as well as with the magnesium hydroxide-induced coprecipitation (MAGIC) method, and showed no significant difference according to the statistical t-test.  相似文献   

The HY-1 satellite and ground system in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTIONWith the coming of the 21st century, we are faced the problems of the environment, re-sources and population. The ocean is regarded as supplier of resources such as food, minerals,energy and space, and plays an important role in sustainable economic development. At thesame time the ocean has a very important effect on the worldwide environmental changes.  相似文献   

随着全球气候变暖,北极海冰面积逐渐减小,冰厚逐渐变薄,海冰在海浪的影响下会变得很脆弱,容易断裂形成裂缝,更易形成冰间水道,有助于北极航道的通航。同时,冰间水道是极地地区海洋与大气之间热量与动量交换的重要通道之一,因此在全球气候变暖的背景下,分析冰间水道的形态学特征,对于研究北极海区的动量和热量收支以及预测航道通航具有重要意义。文中利用Hilditch的冰间水道骨架技术,基于Landsat8的图像数据,分析了9月楚科奇海和波弗特海附近冰间水道倾角、长度和冰间水道距离等冰间水道的分布特征。结果表明,此时冰间水道倾角的分布集中在74°~114°之间,冰间水道长度和距离变化范围较大,分别在2~3 km和50~220 m之间。  相似文献   

利用船载多参数拖曳式剖面测量系统走航观测获取的台湾岛东南海域叶绿素a浓度连续剖面数据,开展了卫星遥感产品精度检验研究。研究表明,由MERIS反演的叶绿素a浓度产品的平均相对误差优于30%,拖曳剖面观测可为卫星遥感产品检验提供高质量的现场观测数据,而且与船舶、浮标及其他固定平台等传统定点观测方式相比具有明显的效率优势。  相似文献   

The coastal zone and offshore are clearly of major economic and social importance,in thesame time it causes a series of problems of resources and ecosystem too.The research on and development of integrated application techniques for remote sensing provide not only a microcosmic and dynamic and synchronous technical means to the monitor,but also an integrated technical scheme to harmonically solve the ecological environment problem.The system is designed to focus on the application techniques of multi-sources remote sensing data.By developing remote sensing information extraction module,integrated user platform,and application module objected to the real ocean procedure for China''s coastal zone and offshore,the information system consists of the management of prodigious amount of data,display,analysis,simulation and output will be constructed and implemented.The final objective is to transform the research on ocean remote sensing into application.  相似文献   

我国海岸带和近海的高度开发极大地促进了沿海经济的发展,也引发出一系列的资源和生态环境问题.研究和发展适用于我国海岸带及近海卫星遥感综合应用技术系统,旨在实现宏观、动态、同步监测区域资源开发和保护,以及为生态环境问题提供全新的技术支撑和协调解决整体技术方案,对此着重阐述了面向海岸带及近海卫星遥感应用技术系统的构建.本技术系统主要包括海岸带科学数据平台和信息提取模块、针对海洋过程的应用模块、我国海岸带及近海生态环境集成用户平台等,其目的是推进我国海洋遥感由研究阶段转向应用阶段,并为实现数字海洋提供技术基础.  相似文献   

姜斌  厉运周  陈永华 《海洋科学》2021,45(7):95-102
为了获取海洋连续稳定的气象和水文数据,作者设计了基于Linux的气象水文浮标采集系统,多线程同时测量海面的气象参数(温度、湿度、气压和风速、风向)和海下的水文参数(不同深度的水温和盐度),监控浮标的电压、漏水和开舱状态,测量和监控原始数据自动备份到系统的数据库,通过CDMA/GPRS或卫星与岸站接收系统通信,实现采集数...  相似文献   

丁一  曹丛华  黄娟  钟山  王宁  胡伟  高松 《海洋科学》2015,39(2):85-90
在分析黄海绿潮卫星遥感监测需求基础上,设计了绿潮多源卫星遥感业务化监测系统。系统设计包括:卫星数据源选择,多源卫星影像绿潮信息提取方法、多源监测结果融合方法和绿潮信息提取总体流程,系统功能模块设计,系统研发语言和平台选择,以及监测报告、数值模拟初始场等产品的设计。为其后的系统研发中的中低分辨率信息提取、多源监测结果信息融合等关键问题提供了解决思路和方法。系统研发后可为黄海绿潮防灾减灾应急决策提供及时、准确、全面的绿潮监测信息。  相似文献   

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