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A Double-Canyon Radiation Scheme for Multi-Layer Urban Canopy Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a double-canyon radiation scheme (DCEP) for urban canopy models embedded in mesoscale numerical models based on the Building Effect Parametrization (BEP). The new scheme calculates the incoming and outgoing longwave and shortwave radiation for roof, wall and ground surfaces for an urban street canyon characterized by its street and building width, canyon length, and the building height distribution. The scheme introduces the radiative interaction of two neighbouring urban canyons allowing the full inclusion of roofs into the radiation exchange both inside the canyon and with the sky. In contrast to BEP, we also treat direct and diffuse shortwave radiation from the sky independently, thus allowing calculation of the effective parameters representing the urban diffuse and direct shortwave radiation budget inside the mesoscale model. Furthermore, we close the energy balance of incoming longwave and diffuse shortwave radiation from the sky, so that the new scheme is physically more consistent than the BEP scheme. Sensitivity tests show that these modifications are important for urban regions with a large variety of building heights. The evaluation against data from the Basel Urban Boundary Layer Experiment indicates a good performance of the DCEP when coupled with the regional weather and climate model COSMO-CLM.  相似文献   

Built terrains, with their complexity in morphology, high heterogeneity, and anthropogenic impact, impose substantial challenges in Earth-system modelling. In particular, estimation of the source areas and footprints of atmospheric measurements in cities requires realistic representation of the landscape characteristics and flow physics in urban areas, but has hitherto been heavily reliant on large-eddy simulations. In this study, we developed physical parametrization schemes for estimating urban footprints based on the backward-Lagrangian-stochastic algorithm, with the built environment represented by street canyons. The vertical profile of mean streamwise velocity is parametrized for the urban canopy and boundary layer. Flux footprints estimated by the proposed model show reasonable agreement with analytical predictions over flat surfaces without roughness elements, and with experimental observations over sparse plant canopies. Furthermore, comparisons of canyon flow and turbulence profiles and the subsequent footprints were made between the proposed model and large-eddy simulation data. The results suggest that the parametrized canyon wind and turbulence statistics, based on the simple similarity theory used, need to be further improved to yield more realistic urban footprint modelling.  相似文献   

多层土壤温度模拟及其检验   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
对陆面过程模式(BATS)土壤温度模拟进行了改进,提出了一个利用气象站资料模拟土壤温度的模式。研究结果表明:采用热扩散方程模拟多层土壤温度,可与观测站的资料直接比较;模式能很好地模拟各层土壤温度的年变化、季变化、日变化。冬季下层土壤温度高于上层土壤温度,夏季上层土壤温度高于下层土壤温度,上下层温度的转换时间大约在3月份和10月份,这与实测土壤温度的年变化非常一致;模式较准确地模拟了各层土壤温度垂直方向变化的时滞效应。  相似文献   

This heuristic study of the urban morphology influence on urban albedo is based on some 3,500 simulations with the Solene model. The studied configurations include square blocks in regular and staggered rows, rectangular blocks with different street widths, cross-shaped blocks, infinite street canyons and several actual districts in Marseilles, Toulouse and Nantes, France. The scanned variables are plan density, facade density, building height, layout orientation, latitude, date and time of the day. The sky-view factors of the ground and canopy surfaces are also considered. This study demonstrates the significance of the facade density, in addition to the built plan density, as the explanatory geometrical factor to characterize the urban morphology, rather than building height. On the basis of these albedo calculations the puzzling results of Kondo et al. (Boundary-Layer Meteorol 100:225–242, 2001) for the influence of building height are explained, and the plan density influence is quantitatively assessed. It is shown that the albedo relationship with plan and facade densities obtained with the regular square plot configuration may be considered as a reference for all other configurations, with the exception of the infinite street canyon that shows systematic differences for the lower plan densities. The curves representing this empirical relationship may be used as a sort of abacus for all other geometries while an approximate simple mathematical model is proposed, as well as relationships between the albedo and sky-view factors.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionItiswellknownthattheecosystemcangreatlyinfluencebothlocalclimateandgeneralcirculation.Onthenumericalstudyoftheturbulenceinandaboveforestcanopies,alotofsignificantstudieshavebeendone.Inallthesestudies,modelsaregenerallydividedintotwotypes:oneis'K--theory'type(Waggoner,1975;Gross,1987;Gross,1988,Jietal.,1989;Schilling,I991;Dickinsonetal.,1993;Wang,1996),theotherappliesthehigher--orderclosuremethod(Wilsonetal.,1977,Yamada,1982;Yinetal.,1989)ortheLagrangianmethod(Rampach,1987;R…  相似文献   

An urban canopy model is developed for use in mesoscale meteorological and environmental modelling. The urban geometry is composed of simple homogeneous buildings characterized by the canyon aspect ratio (h/w) as well as the canyon vegetation characterized by the leaf aspect ratio (σ l ) and leaf area density profile. Five energy exchanging surfaces (roof, wall, road, leaf, soil) are considered in the model, and energy conservation relations are applied to each component. In addition, the temperature and specific humidity of canopy air are predicted without the assumption of thermal equilibrium. For radiative transfer within the canyon, multiple reflections for shortwave radiation and one reflection for longwave radiation are considered, while the shadowing and absorption of radiation due to the canyon vegetation are computed by using the transmissivity and the leaf area density profile function. The model is evaluated using field measurements in Vancouver, British Columbia and Marseille, France. Results show that the model quite well simulates the observations of surface temperatures, canopy air temperature and specific humidity, momentum flux, net radiation, and energy partitioning into turbulent fluxes and storage heat flux. Sensitivity tests show that the canyon vegetation has a large influence not only on surface temperatures but also on the partitioning of sensible and latent heat fluxes. In addition, the surface energy balance can be affected by soil moisture content and leaf area index as well as the fraction of vegetation. These results suggest that a proper parameterization of the canyon vegetation is prerequisite for urban modelling.  相似文献   

应用城市冠层模式对建筑物表面太阳辐射的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用城市冠层模式对建筑物表面的太阳辐射进行模拟,并将模拟结果与部分观测作了对比,一致性较好。在此基础上重点研究由于建筑物之间的遮蔽效应和墙面间的反射作用对建筑物各墙面所接收到的太阳辐射的影响。结果表明:(1)冬季建筑物墙面之间的遮蔽效应会明显减少建筑物的太阳辐照度,而且在早晨和傍晚尤为明显,在实际对太阳能利用的过程中,应该考虑这种遮蔽效应,否则会高估壁面所获得的太阳能。墙面之间的反射会小幅增加壁面太阳辐照度10~20 W.m-2。(2)建筑物墙面间的遮蔽效应和反射辐射随建筑群的高度和密度的增加而增大,特别在冬季,高而密的城市建筑区域,由于墙面的遮蔽,会使得壁面的日照时数大大减少。(3)纬度能够影响墙面遮蔽时间和太阳辐射相对于墙面的倾斜角,冬季,纬度越高,南墙日照时数越小;夏季则反之。  相似文献   

建立了一个可靠和较高计算效率的三维Monte-Carlo地气耦合辐射传输模式(3DMC).该模式在光子释放和定位、地气耦合、辐射率高分辨模拟计算和计算效率等方面有所发展.  相似文献   

利用2015—2018年高要区国家基本气象常规观测资料,选取11个与雾天气事件相关的气象要素,通过主成分分析降维得到新的公共因子后构建Logistics回归方程,并根据ROC曲线、约登指数选出作为判别雾天气事件的最优临界值。结果表明:气压、温度露点差、相对湿度、水汽压、绝对湿度、露点、10 min平均风速、能见度、总云量、低云量、日照与雾天气现象具有很好的相关性;从这11个气象要素中提取3个具有代表性的主成分因子分别为水汽因子、辐射因子和风速因子。建立的Logistic回归预报模型对有雾和无雾的判别效果较为理想,比判别大雾和轻雾效果好。  相似文献   

Global radiation is an important parameter necessary for most ecological models. However, in situ data barely meets the needs of modelling mountainous ecosystems since most field stations are located in flat areas. Consequently, it is usually necessary to extrapolate radiation measurements obtained from an adjacent flat area to the complex terrain of concern. The distribution of radiation in complex terrain depends upon two factors: the local atmospheric conditions, which determine the radiation potentially available to a supposed flat surface in a given location, and the topographic effects on this possible radiation. The latter have been included in detail in most radiation models for complex terrain, but the former are often only simply treated as constant or estimated by over-simplified empirical algorithms. In this paper we propose a novel model that uses a parametric atmospheric model to calculate the potential radiation for a supposed flat surface in a given location, and then account for topographic effects. Direct radiation, diffuse radiation and reflected radiation are calculated separately in the model due to the distinctive characteristics of and the effects by topography. Based on the parametric model, this paper has investigated the relationship between radiation transmittance, clearness indices and altitude under a series of water vapour content and turbidity conditions. This combines three ratios, R b, R d, and R r, defined as the direct radiation, diffuse radiation and reflected radiation received by the arbitrary surface, respectively, to their counterparts in the horizontal surface, to estimate the global radiation for any given location. The model has been validated with data from measurements in National Park Berchtesgaden, Germany, where six measurement sites with various altitudes and topographic characteristics have been deployed. The r 2 of modelled and measured hourly global radiation are greater than 0.90 in all six sites, with RMSE varies from 16 to 100 W m−2. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the model was not sensitive to change in water vapour content, which suggests the possibility to use an exponential algorithm of water vapour content when there is no in situ water vapour content information in complex terrains. The NRMSE was only reduced by 0.04, on average, in five of the six sites when water vapour content information was calculated from the in situ air temperature and relative humidity measurements.  相似文献   

基于WRF模式的太阳辐射预报初步试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用中尺度气象模式WRF(Weather Research Forecast)对北京地区的太阳辐射进行了4个典型月的逐时预报试验,用南郊观象台的辐射观测数据对预报结果进行了对比分析和初步订正试验。结果表明:在现有模式条件下,5 km分辨率的短波辐射预报结果和1 km分辨率预报结果无明显差别;WRF模式对太阳辐射的预报性能在晴天较好,多云天次之,在满云或阴雨天最差;通过误差分解发现,位相偏差、系统偏差及振幅偏差在各月对均方根误差的贡献有明显差异;针对模式预报结果的系统偏差和振幅偏差。经过简单的线性订正可以较明显地改进模式预报结果;双偏订正(DBC)法比线性回归(LR)法对预报误差的改进效果略明显;仅通过简单的线性订正,位相差很难消除,需要针对位相差研究新的订正方法。  相似文献   

A Wind Tunnel Model for Quantifying Fluxes in the Urban Boundary Layer   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  
Transport of pollution and heatout of streets into the boundary layer above is not currently understood and so fluxes cannot be quantified. Scalar concentration within the street is determined by the flux out of it and so quantifying fluxes for turbulent flow over a rough urban surface is essential. We have developed a naphthalene sublimation technique to measure transfer from a two-dimensional street canyon in a wind tunnel for the case of flow perpendicular to the street. The street was coated with naphthalene, which sublimes at room temperature, so that the vapour represented the scalar source. The transfer velocity wT relates the flux out of the canyon to the concentration within it and is shown to be linearly related to windspeed above the street. The dimensionless transfer coefficient wT/U represents the ventilation efficiency of the canyon (here, wT is a transfer velocity,U is the wind speed at the boundary-layer top). Observed values are between 1.5 and 2.7 ×10-3 and, for the case where H/W0 (ratio of buildingheight to street width), values are in the same range as estimates of transfer from a flat plate, giving confidence that the technique yields accurate values for street canyon scalar transfer. wT/U varies with aspect ratio (H/W), reaching a maximum in the wake interference regime (0.3 < H/W < 0.65). However, when upstream roughness is increased, the maximum in wT/U reduces, suggesting that street ventilation is less sensitive to H/W when the flow is in equilibrium with the urban surface. The results suggest that using naphthalene sublimation with wind-tunnel models of urban surfaces can provide a direct measure of area-averaged scalar fluxes.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the modelling of the flow in the urban canopy layer. It critically reviews a well-known formula for the spatially-averaged wind profile, originally proposed by Cionco in 1965, and provides a new interpretation for it. This opens up a number of new applications for modelling mean wind flow over the neighbourhood scale. The model is based on a balance equation between the obstacle drag force and the local shear stress as proposed by Cionco for a vegetative canopy. The buildings within the canopy are represented as a canopy element drag formulated in terms of morphological parameters such as λ f and λ p (the ratios of plan area and frontal area of buildings to the lot area). These parameters can be obtained from the analysis of urban digital elevation models. The shear stress is parameterised using a mixing length approach. Spatially-averaged velocity profiles for different values of building packing density corresponding to different flow regimes are obtained and analysed. The computed solutions are compared with published data from wind-tunnel and water-tunnel experiments over arrays of cubes. The model is used to estimate the spatially-averaged velocity profile within and above neighbourhood areas of real cities by using vertical profiles of λ f .  相似文献   

城乡火险预报模式探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
文章探讨了建立火险预报模式的必要性和可行性,分析了1981~1990年辽宁省火灾次数与风速、月降水量和相对湿度的关系。并从概念模式出发,讨论了与火险有关的逐因子,建立了定量的火险预报模式,试用效果较好。  相似文献   

A scheme that couples a detailed building energy model, EnergyPlus, and an urban canopy model, the Town Energy Balance (TEB), is presented. Both models are well accepted and evaluated within their individual scientific communities. The coupled scheme proposes a more realistic representation of buildings and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, which allows a broader analysis of the two-way interactions between the energy performance of buildings and the urban climate around the buildings. The scheme can be used to evaluate the building energy models that are being developed within the urban climate community. In this study, the coupled scheme is evaluated using measurements conducted over the dense urban centre of Toulouse, France. The comparison includes electricity and natural gas energy consumption of buildings, building façade temperatures, and urban canyon air temperatures. The coupled scheme is then used to analyze the effect of different building and HVAC system configurations on building energy consumption, waste heat released from HVAC systems, and outdoor air temperatures for the case study of Toulouse. Three different energy efficiency strategies are analyzed: shading devices, economizers, and heat recovery.  相似文献   

二维街谷地面加热引起的流场特征的水槽实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用拖曳式水槽,采用激光粒子成像速度场测量系统(PIV),模拟了街谷存在地面加热时流场特征;讨论了环境风场对其的影响。我们发现在静风条件下,街谷中环流完全由热力驱动,对流活动可伸展至街谷上方;在建筑物层顶以上,也可发现水平和垂直方向的运动。这些对流活动有助于基本风场为零时,街谷内外动量和物质的交换。当街谷较宽时,对流形成的涡旋可能为两个以上,形态较为复杂并随时间变化,当街谷变窄时,涡旋蜕化成只有一个。当有弱环境风场存在时,街谷中的对流呈现为一个主涡旋,随着风速增加,涡旋形状更加规则,其中心并向下风向移动。  相似文献   

王建凯  王开存  王普才 《大气科学》2008,32(5):1119-1127
地表反射率是控制地表能量平衡的一个重要参数。城市建筑物的分布具有较大的不均一性,这不仅给地基观测城市地表反射率带来了很大困难,数值模拟城市地表反射率也是非常困难的。作者开发了一个三维城市地表反射率模式city_photo,该方法结合了蒙特卡洛方法和几何光学方法的优点,具有较高的精度和较快的计算速度。通过引入城市地图的概念,该模式能够计算具有不同结构的城市的地表反射率。2002至2004年晴空MODIS(MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,中分辨率成像光谱辐射计)1~7通道可见光和近红外通道地表反射率资料被用来检验模式的有效性,位于北京朝阳区的中国科学院大气物理研究所的AERONET站点观测得到气溶胶光学特性和水汽资料,6S(Second Simulation of Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum)大气辐射传输模式被用来对其进行大气订正。模式计算的北京城市地表反射率个例与MODIS 7个通道地表反射率观测结果具有很高的相关性,相关系数在0.80~0.93之间,说明模式能够较好地模拟城市地表反射率随太阳和观测角度的变化情况。最后讨论了城市结构对城市地表反射率的影响。  相似文献   

北京城市紫外辐射变化特征及经验估算方程   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
胡波  王跃思  刘广仁 《高原气象》2007,26(3):511-518
利用2004年4月—2005年6月在中国科学院大气物理研究所铁塔分部的紫外辐射观测数据,分析了北京城市紫外辐射的变化特征,结果表明,紫外辐射的变化规律与太阳总辐射一致,紫外辐射与总辐射的比值变化范围在0.02~0.04之间,晴天恒定在0.03,阴天在0.04左右,在沙尘暴过程中比值最小,为0.02。通过分析紫外辐射与大气质量数和平均晴空指数之间的关系,建立了适合于北京的全天候紫外辐射的估算方程。利用建立的估算方程及观测的总辐射值进行了紫外辐射的估算,紫外辐射的计算相对误差在10%以内。  相似文献   

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