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Wind-tunnel experiments were carried out to study turbulence statistics in the wake of a model wind turbine placed in a boundary-layer flow under both neutral and stably stratified conditions. High-resolution velocity and temperature measurements, obtained using a customized triple wire (cross-wire and cold wire) anemometer, were used to characterize the mean velocity, turbulence intensity, turbulent fluxes, and spectra at different locations in the wake. The effect of the wake on the turbulence statistics is found to extend as far as 20 rotor diameters downwind of the turbine. The velocity deficit has a nearly axisymmetric shape, which can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution and a power-law decay with distance. This decay in the near-wake region is found to be faster in the stable case. Turbulence intensity distribution is clearly non-axisymmetric due to the non-uniform distribution of the incoming velocity in the boundary layer. In the neutral case, the maximum turbulence intensity is located above the hub height, around the rotor tip location and at a distance of about 4–5.5 rotor diameters, which are common separations between wind turbines in wind farms. The enhancement of turbulence intensity is associated with strong shear and turbulent kinetic energy production in that region. In the stable case, the stronger shear in the incoming flow leads to a slightly stronger and larger region of enhanced turbulence intensity, which extends between 3 and 6 rotor diameters downwind of the turbine location. Power spectra of the streamwise and vertical velocities show a strong signature of the turbine blade tip vortices at the top tip height up to a distance of about 1–2 rotor diameters. This spectral signature is stronger in the vertical velocity component. At longer downwind distances, tip vortices are not evident and the von Kármán formulation agrees well with the measured velocity spectra.  相似文献   

Thermal stability changes the properties of the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer, and in turn affects the behaviour of wind-turbine wakes. To better understand the effects of thermal stability on the wind-turbine wake structure, wind-tunnel experiments were carried out with a simulated convective boundary layer (CBL) and a neutral boundary layer. The CBL was generated by cooling the airflow to 12–15 °C and heating up the test section floor to 73–75 °C. The freestream wind speed was set at about 2.5 m s?1, resulting in a bulk Richardson number of ?0.13. The wake of a horizontal-axis 3-blade wind-turbine model, whose height was within the lowest one third of the boundary layer, was studied using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (S-PIV) and triple-wire (x-wire/cold-wire) anemometry. Data acquired with the S-PIV were analyzed to characterize the highly three-dimensional turbulent flow in the near wake (0.2–3.2 rotor diameters) as well as to visualize the shedding of tip vortices. Profiles of the mean flow, turbulence intensity, and turbulent momentum and heat fluxes were measured with the triple-wire anemometer at downwind locations from 2–20 rotor diameters in the centre plane of the wake. In comparison with the wake of the same wind turbine in a neutral boundary layer, a smaller velocity deficit (about 15 % at the wake centre) is observed in the CBL, where an enhanced radial momentum transport leads to a more rapid momentum recovery, particularly in the lower part of the wake. The velocity deficit at the wake centre decays following a power law regardless of the thermal stability. While the peak turbulence intensity (and the maximum added turbulence) occurs at the top-tip height at a downwind distance of about three rotor diameters in both cases, the magnitude is about 20 % higher in the CBL than in the neutral boundary layer. Correspondingly, the turbulent heat flux is also enhanced by approximately 25 % in the lower part of the wake, compared to that in the undisturbed CBL inflow. This study represents the first controlled wind-tunnel experiment to study the effects of the CBL on wind-turbine wakes. The results on decreased velocity deficit and increased turbulence in wind-turbine wakes associated with atmospheric thermal stability are important to be taken into account in the design of wind farms, in order to reduce the impact of wakes on power output and fatigue loads on downwind wind turbines.  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel experiments were performed to study turbulence in the wake of a model wind turbine placed in a boundary layer developed over rough and smooth surfaces. Hot-wire anemometry was used to characterize the cross-sectional distribution of mean velocity, turbulence intensity and kinematic shear stress at different locations downwind of the turbine for both surface roughness cases. Special emphasis was placed on the spatial distribution of the velocity deficit and the turbulence intensity, which are important factors affecting turbine power generation and fatigue loads in wind energy parks. Non-axisymmetric behaviour of the wake is observed over both roughness types in response to the non-uniform incoming boundary-layer flow and the effect of the surface. Nonetheless, the velocity deficit with respect to the incoming velocity profile is nearly axisymmetric, except near the ground in the far wake where the wake interacts with the surface. It is found that the wind turbine induces a large enhancement of turbulence levels (positive added turbulence intensity) in the upper part of the wake. This is due to the effect of relatively large velocity fluctuations associated with helicoidal tip vortices near the wake edge, where the mean shear is strong. In the lower part of the wake, the mean shear and turbulence intensity are reduced with respect to the incoming flow. The non-axisymmetry of the turbulence intensity distribution of the wake is found to be stronger over the rough surface, where the incoming flow is less uniform at the turbine level. In the far wake the added turbulent intensity, its positive and negative contributions and its local maximum decay as a power law of downwind distance (with an exponent ranging from −0.3 to −0.5 for the rough surface, and with a wider variation for the smooth surface). Nevertheless, the effect of the turbine on the velocity defect and added turbulence intensity is not negligible even in the very far wake, at a distance of fifteen times the rotor diameter.  相似文献   

Wind-turbine-wake evolution during the evening transition introduces variability to wind-farm power production at a time of day typically characterized by high electricity demand. During the evening transition, the atmosphere evolves from an unstable to a stable regime, and vertical stratification of the wind profile develops as the residual planetary boundary layer decouples from the surface layer. The evolution of wind-turbine wakes during the evening transition is examined from two perspectives: wake observations from single turbines, and simulations of multiple turbine wakes using the mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Throughout the evening transition, the wake’s wind-speed deficit and turbulence enhancement are confined within the rotor layer when the atmospheric stability changes from unstable to stable. The height variations of maximum upwind-downwind differences of wind speed and turbulence intensity gradually decrease during the evening transition. After verifying the WRF-model-simulated upwind wind speed, wind direction and turbulent kinetic energy profiles with observations, the wind-farm-scale wake evolution during the evening transition is investigated using the WRF-model wind-farm parametrization scheme. As the evening progresses, due to the presence of the wind farm, the modelled hub-height wind-speed deficit monotonically increases, the relative turbulence enhancement at hub height grows by 50%, and the downwind surface sensible heat flux increases, reducing surface cooling. Overall, the intensifying wakes from upwind turbines respond to the evolving atmospheric boundary layer during the evening transition, and undermine the power production of downwind turbines in the evening.  相似文献   

The effects of atmospheric stability on wind-turbine wakes are studied via large-eddy simulations. Three stability conditions are considered: stable, neutral, and unstable, with the same geostrophic wind speed aloft and the same Coriolis frequency. Both a single 5-MW turbine and a wind farm of five turbines are studied. The single-turbine wake is strongly correlated with stability, in terms of velocity deficit, turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) and temperature distribution. Because of the Coriolis effect, the wake shape deviates from a Gaussian distribution. For the wind-farm simulations, the separation of the core region and outer region is clear for the stable and neutral cases, but less distinct for the unstable case. The unstable case exhibits strong horizontal variations in wind speed. Local accelerations such as related to aisle jets are also observed, whose features depend on stability. The added TKE in the wind farm increases with stability. The highest power extraction and lowest power deficit are observed for the unstable case.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of meandering of the wind-turbine wake comprises the motion of the wake as a whole in both horizontal and vertical directions as it is advected downstream. The oscillatory motion of the wake is a crucial factor in wind farms, because it increases the fatigue loads, and, in particular, the yaw loads on downstream turbines. To address this phenomenon, experimental investigations are carried out in a wind-tunnel flow simulating an atmospheric boundary layer with the Coriolis effect neglected. A \(3 \times 3\) scaled wind farm composed of three-bladed rotating wind-turbine models is subject to a neutral boundary layer over a slightly-rough surface, i.e. corresponding to offshore conditions. Particle-image-velocimetry measurements are performed in a horizontal plane at hub height in the wakes of the three wind turbines occupying the wind-farm centreline. These measurements allow determination of the wake centrelines, with spectral analysis indicating the characteristic wavelength of the wake-meandering phenomenon. In addition, measurements with hot-wire anemometry are performed along a vertical line in the wakes of the same wind turbines, with both techniques revealing the presence of wake meandering behind all three turbines. The spectral analysis performed with the spatial and temporal signals obtained from these two measurement techniques indicates a Strouhal number of \(\approx 0.20 - 0.22\) based on the characteristic wake-meandering frequency, the rotor diameter and the flow speed at hub height.  相似文献   

The wake characteristics of a wind turbine in a turbulent boundary layer under neutral stratification are investigated systematically by means of large-eddy simulations. A methodology to maintain the turbulence of the background flow for simulations with open horizontal boundaries, without the necessity of the permanent import of turbulence data from a precursor simulation, was implemented in the geophysical flow solver EULAG. These requirements are fulfilled by applying the spectral energy distribution of a neutral boundary layer in the wind-turbine simulations. A detailed analysis of the wake response towards different turbulence levels of the background flow results in a more rapid recovery of the wake for a higher level of turbulence. A modified version of the Rankine–Froude actuator disc model and the blade element momentum method are tested as wind-turbine parametrizations resulting in a strong dependence of the near-wake wind field on the parametrization, whereas the far-wake flow is fairly insensitive to it. The wake characteristics are influenced by the two considered airfoils in the blade element momentum method up to a streamwise distance of 14D (D = rotor diameter). In addition, the swirl induced by the rotation has an impact on the velocity field of the wind turbine even in the far wake. Further, a wake response study reveals a considerable effect of different subgrid-scale closure models on the streamwise turbulent intensity.  相似文献   

We examine the influence of a modern multi-megawatt wind turbine on wind and turbulence profiles three rotor diameters ( $D$ D ) downwind of the turbine. Light detection and ranging (lidar) wind-profile observations were collected during summer 2011 in an operating wind farm in central Iowa at 20-m vertical intervals from 40 to 220 m above the surface. After a calibration period during which two lidars were operated next to each other, one lidar was located approximately $2D$ 2 D directly south of a wind turbine; the other lidar was moved approximately $3D$ 3 D north of the same wind turbine. Data from the two lidars during southerly flow conditions enabled the simultaneous capture of inflow and wake conditions. The inflow wind and turbulence profiles exhibit strong variability with atmospheric stability: daytime profiles are well-mixed with little shear and strong turbulence, while nighttime profiles exhibit minimal turbulence and considerable shear across the rotor disk region and above. Consistent with the observations available from other studies and with wind-tunnel and large-eddy simulation studies, measurable reductions in wake wind-speeds occur at heights spanning the wind turbine rotor (43–117 m), and turbulent quantities increase in the wake. In generalizing these results as a function of inflow wind speed, we find the wind-speed deficit in the wake is largest at hub height or just above, and the maximum deficit occurs when wind speeds are below the rated speed for the turbine. Similarly, the maximum enhancement of turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence intensity occurs at hub height, although observations at the top of the rotor disk do not allow assessment of turbulence in that region. The wind shear below turbine hub height (quantified here with the power-law coefficient) is found to be a useful parameter to identify whether a downwind lidar observes turbine wake or free-flow conditions. These field observations provide data for validating turbine-wake models and wind-tunnel observations, and for guiding assessments of the impacts of wakes on surface turbulent fluxes or surface temperatures downwind of turbines.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made in both a neutral and a stable boundary layer as part of an investigation of the wakes of wind turbines in an offshore environment, in the EnFlo stratified flow wind tunnel. The working section is long enough for the flow to have become very nearly invariant with streamwise distance. In order to be systematic, the flow profile generators of Irwin-type spires and surface roughness were the same for both neutral and stable conditions. Achieving the required profiles by adjusting the flow generators, even for neutral flow, is a highly iterative art, and the present results indicate that it will be no less iterative for a stable flow (as well as there being more conditions to meet), so this was not attempted in the present investigation. The stable-case flow conformed in most respects to Monin–Obukhov similarity in the surface layer. A linear temperature profile was applied at the working section inlet, resulting in a near-linear profile in the developed flow above the boundary layer and ‘strong’ imposed stability, while the condition at the surface was ‘weak’. Aerodynamic roughness length (mean velocity) was not affected by stability even though the roughness Reynolds number ${<}1$ , while the thermal roughness length was much smaller, as is to be expected. The neutral case was Reynolds-number independent, and by inference, the stable case was also Reynolds-number independent.  相似文献   

The fundamental properties of turbulent flow around a perfectly staggered wind farm are investigated in a wind tunnel. The wind farm consisted of a series of 10 rows by 2–3 columns of miniature wind turbines spaced 5 and 4 rotor diameters in the streamwise and spanwise directions respectively. It was placed in a boundary-layer flow developed over a smooth surface under thermally neutral conditions. Cross-wire anemometry was used to obtain high resolution measurements of streamwise and vertical velocity components at various locations within and above the wind farm. The results show that the staggered configuration is more efficient in terms of momentum transfer from the background flow to the turbines compared to the case of an aligned wind turbine array under similar turbine separations in the streamwise and spanwise directions. This leads to improved power output of the overall wind farm. A simplified analysis suggests that the difference in power output between the two configurations is on the order of 10%. The maximum levels of turbulence intensity in the staggered wind farm were found to be very similar to that observed in the wake of a single wind turbine, differing substantially with that observed in an aligned configuration with similar spacing. The dramatic changes in momentum and turbulence characteristics in the two configurations show the importance of turbine layout in engineering design. Lateral homogenization of the turbulence statistics above the wind farm allows for the development of simple parametrizations for the adjustment of flow properties, similar to the case of a surface roughness transition. The development of an internal boundary layer was observed at the upper edge of the wind farm within which the flow statistics are affected by the superposition of the ambient flow and the flow disturbance induced by the wind turbines. The adjustment of the flow in this layer is much slower in the staggered situation (with respect to its aligned counterpart), implying a change in the momentum/power available at turbine locations. Additionally, power spectra of the streamwise and vertical velocity components indicate that the signature of each turbine-tip vortex structure persists to locations deep within the wind farm.  相似文献   

We use the Wind Farm Parameterization(WFP) scheme coupled with the Weather Research and Forecasting model under multiple resolution regimes to simulate turbulent wake dynamics generated by a real onshore wind farm and their influence at the local meteorological scale. The model outputs are compared with earlier modeling and observation studies. It is found that higher vertical and horizontal resolutions have great impacts on the simulated wake flow dynamics. The corresponding wind speed deficit and turbulent kinetic energy results match well with previous studies. In addition, the effect of horizontal resolution on near-surface meteorology is significantly higher than that of vertical resolution. The wake flow field extends from the start of the wind farm to downstream within 10 km, where the wind speed deficit may exceed 4%. For a height of 150 m or at a distance of about 25 km downstream, the wind speed deficit is around 2%. This indicates that, at a distance of more than 25 km downstream, the impact of the wind turbines can be ignored. Analysis of near-surface meteorology indicates a night and early morning warming near the surface, and increase in near-surface water vapor mixing ratio with decreasing surface sensible and latent heat fluxes. During daytime, a slight cooling near the surface and decrease in the near-surface water vapor mixing ratio with increasing surface sensible and latent heat fluxes is noticed over the wind farm area.  相似文献   

风电场流场特性及风机布局数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对风电场流场特性研究对风力机工作性能提高的重要意义,采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法在单机风力机模拟验证的基础上,对某风电场单风力机和三种布局条件下的风电场流场特性进行了数值模拟研究.考察了不同布局条件下风电场速度、叶轮表面压力以及湍流涡的分布特性.结果表明:叶轮后方尾流效应明显,速度损失随着相对距离的增加而逐渐减小,...  相似文献   

Helical tip vortices in the wake of a wind turbine have been investigated in this study. To elucidate the near-wake flow field of the wind turbine, the wake has been explored in the Reynolds number (Re) range 1000 ≤?Re?≤?5000 using qualitative dye flow visualization and quantitative digital particle-image velocimetry techniques. Flow visualization showed the dye getting trapped in the shape of spirals surrounding the helical vortex cores. It was found that the helical vortex core size was increasing with downstream distance. It was also found that the normalized stream-wise component of the wake velocity decreased with increasing tip-speed ratios. The results indicate that vorticity peaks at the center of the core and it decays as the vortex moves downstream, showing that the viscous dissipation is active even at length scales of approximately 5 diameters.  相似文献   

Turbulence Structure in the Wake Region of a Meteorological Tower   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A meteorological tower significantly modifies the air flow, the mean windspeed and wind direction as well as the turbulencestructure of the air. Suchchanges can be noticed in particular in the wake region of the tower.Measurementson the 200 m tower ofForschungszentrum Karlsruhewere carried outusing Solent sonic anemometers in the lee of the towerand cup anemometers on both sides.In the wake region, spectral energydensity is increased in the high-frequency range. Superposition of this disturbance spectrum on the undisturbedspectrum yields a `knee' in the resulting spectrum. In the case of low turbulence intensity with stable stratification,a plateau with a constant energy content is observed in front of the knee.This effect is caused by the new production of turbulence energy from the mean flow as well as by an energy transfer fromlarger to smaller vortices. Power spectra in strongly stable conditionsshow a more rapid decrease of intensity in the region where the inertialsubrange is expected.The relevant scales of wake turbulence are derived from the maximum of the disturbance spectrum.Locations of the high-frequency peak do not depend on atmospheric stability,but are controlled mainly by mean wind speed.Apart from the reduction of the mean wind speed, the spectra and cospectra exhibit a strong anisotropy for such cases.The results demonstrate the significant influence of a tower on turbulence spectra in the wake region.  相似文献   

以张家口某处风电场为实验场地,采用两台多普勒激光雷达(Wind3D 6000和WindMast WP350)分别测量风力机的尾流和来流风速,对全尾流、半尾流和独立尾流3种工况进行研究。结果表明,3种工况下随着尾流发展尾流宽度均不断变大,而尾流深度和速度衰减则不断减小;全尾流和半尾流工况中,上游风力机的存在会增加下游风力机尾流宽度,且全尾流比半尾流的增加量大;全尾流和半尾流工况中,相较于上游风力机,下游风力机尾流深度和速度衰减均较小。  相似文献   

为了提高风电场风速预报和功率预测的精度和准确率,并考虑风机测风数据的不稳定因素,以多年服务的内蒙古中部某风力发电场A为研究区,在勘察风电场地形及风机布局后,按照季节、风向进行风机间风速时空相关性分析,划分出风机轮毂高度风速高相关为典型特征的风机网格分类片区,采用卡尔曼滤波方法,通过直接和间接两种订正方案,分别进行风机片区风速订正。结果表明:风速高相关风机片区的划分,对于提高风电场风速预报及功率预测精度和准确率具有一定作用,利用风电场区测风塔梯度观测风速,对风机片区进行间接订正,可有效改善数值模式预报风速,15个片区类型下相关系数由0.18~0.72提高至0.67~0.91,误差绝对值由1.6~2.9 m·s-1降低至1.0~1.5 m·s-1。  相似文献   

The wake characteristics of a wind turbine in a turbulent atmospheric boundary layer under different thermal stratifications are investigated by means of large-eddy simulation with the geophysical flow solver EULAG. The turbulent inflow is based on a method that imposes the spectral energy distribution of a neutral boundary-layer precursor simulation, the turbulence-preserving method. This method is extended herein to make it applicable for different thermal stratification regimes (convective, stable, neutral) by including suitable turbulence assumptions, which are deduced from velocity fields of a diurnal-cycle precursor simulation. The wind-turbine-wake characteristics derived from simulations that include the parametrization result in good agreement with diurnal-cycle-driven wind-turbine simulations. Furthermore, different levels of accuracy are tested in the parametrization assumptions, representing the thermal stratification. These range from three-dimensional matrices of the precursor-simulation wind field to individual values. The resulting wake characteristics are similar, even for the simplest parametrization set-up, making the diurnal-cycle precursor simulation non-essential for the wind-turbine simulations. Therefore, the proposed parametrization results in a computationally fast, simple, and efficient tool for analyzing the effects of different thermal stratifications on wind-turbine wakes by means of large-eddy simulation.  相似文献   

In considering the weak non-linear effect, and using the small parameter expansion method, the analyt-ical expressions of the wind distribution within PBL (planetary boundary layer) and the vertical velocity at the top of the PBL are obtained when the PBL is divided into three layers and different eddy transfer coefficients K are adopted for the three layers. The conditions of barotropy and neutrality for the PBL are extended to that of baroclinity and non-neutral stratification. An example of a steady circular vortex is used to display the characteristics of the horizontal wind within the PBL and the vertical velocity at the top of the PBL. Some new results have been obtained, indicating that the magnitude of the speed in the lower height calculated by the present model is larger than that by the model in which k is a constant within the whole boundary layer, for example, in the classical Ekman boundary layer model and the model by Wu (1984). The angle between the wind at the top of the PBL and the wind near the surface calculated by the present model is less than that calculated by the single K model. These results are in agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

本文分析了官厅水库近水面层的温、湿、风廓线规律,指出水面的波浪状况对廓线规律有影响。给出了中性层结时水面粗糙度、动力摩擦速度及阻力系数与风速和浪高的关系。得出了适用于水面的层结订正函数。还分析了不稳定层结条件下的温度廓线规律,并对温、湿、风廓线的相似性问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The boundary-layer solutions for oscillatory interior flow in a neutral fluid show that, away from the critical latitude, the planetary boundary-layer flow is composed of two vertically propagating waves; one is of shorter vertical wavelength and attenuates faster with height while the other is of longer wavelength and attenuates slowly with height. At the critical latitude, the longer wave is of the nature of an inertial oscillation and penetrates the entire depth of the fluid and gives rise to a rather stronger (but finite) vertical motion than in the surroundings at great height, but below 2 km this difference is not very great. In general, the vertical velocity of the boundary-layer flow depends on both the vorticity and the divergence of the interior flow, and the influence of the former is to intensify while that of the latter is to diminish the existing vertical motion. The influence of the stable stratification above a mixed, neutral surface layer on the boundary-layer flow of the equatorial waves is analyzed in detail. It is shown that the boundary-layer flow is greatly impeded by the stable layer and the horizontal velocities of the boundary-layer flows are made to change their directions in the upper part of the mixed layer and above, so that the vertical velocity is greatly reduced. The effect of the critical latitude is almost absent in the antisymmetric Rossby waves under stable stratification.  相似文献   

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