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The Bindal Batholith is the largest granitoid batholith in the Scandinavian Caledonides, emplaced prior to or during the Scandian collision in a complex scenario of Ordovician to Middle Silurian nappe assembly. The Bindal Batholith ranges in compositon from mafic gabbro to leucogranite, but granites and granodiorites are by far the most abundant rock types.

Pb---Pb, Sm---Nd and Rb---Sr isotopic results from plutons of the batholith constrain the origin of the Bindal Batholith magmas. The isotope results suggest the presence of several source reservoirs, giving rise to the granitoid magmas. Both a source relatively depleted in U, Th and Rb and enriched in Sm, a source enriched in U and Rb and depleted in Sm, a source enriched in Th and Rb, but depleted in Sm, and, finally, a source enriched in Th and Sm, but depleted in Rb, is indicated by the initial compositions of the radiogenic isotope ratios. It is suggested that the depleted source reservoirs were contemporaneous depleted mantle and mantle derived rocks in the nappe sequences, that the enriched source reservoir was sediments derived from Proterozoic upper crust of Baltic Shield affinity and that the Th-enriched source reservoir was various Proterozoic rocks, in a lower crustal position, of either Baltic or Laurentian affinity.  相似文献   

Granulite facies anorthosites on Holsenøy Island in the Bergen Arcs region of western Norway are transected by shear zones 0.1–100 m wide characterized by eclogite facies assemblages. Eclogite formation is related to influx of fluid along the shears at temperatures of c. 700d?C and pressures in excess of 1.7 GPa. Combined carbon and nitrogen stable isotope, 40Ar/36Ar, trace-element and petrological data have been used to determine the nature and distribution of fluids across the anorthosite-eclogite transition. A metre-wide drilled section traverses the eclogitic centre of the shear into undeformed granulite facies garnet-clinopyroxene anorthosite. Clinozoisite occurs along grain boundaries and microcracks in undeformed anorthosite up to 1 m from the centre of the shear and clinozoisite increases in abundance as the edge of the shear zone is approached. The eclogite-granulite transition, marked by the appearance of sodic pyroxene and loss of albite, occurs within the most highly sheared section of the traverse. The jadeite-in reaction coincides with increased paragonite activity in mica. The separation between paragonite and clinozoisite reaction fronts can be semiquantitatively modelled assuming advective fluid flow perpendicular to the shear zone. The inner section of the traverse (0.25 m wide) is marked by retrogressive replacement of omphacite by plagioclase + paragonite accompanied by veins of quartz-phengite-plagioclase. C-N-Ar characteristics of fluid inclusions in garnet show that fluids associated with precursor granulite, eclogite and retrogressed eclogite are isotopically distinct. The granulite-eclogite transition coincides with a marked change in CO2 abundance and δ13C (<36ppm, δ13C=-2% in the granulite; <180 ppm, δ13C=-10% in the eclogite). The distribution of Ar indicates mixing between influxed fluid (40Ar/36Ar > 25 times 103) and pre-existing Ar in the granulite (40Ar/36Ar < 8 times 103). δ15N values decrease from +6% in the anorthosite to +3% within the eclogite shear. The central zone of retrogressed eclogite post-dates shearing and is characterised by substantial enrichment of Si, K, Ba and Rb. Fluids are CO2-rich (δ13C ~ -5%) with variable N2 and Ar abundances and isotopic compositions. Both Ar and H2O have penetrated the underformed granulite fabric more than 0.5m beyond the granulite/eclogite transition during eclogite formation. Argon isotopes show a mixing profile consistent with diffusion through an interconnecting H2O-rich fluid network. In contrast, a carbon-isotope front coincides with the deformation boundary layer, indicating that the underformed anorthosite was impervious to CO2-rich fluids. This is consistent with the high dihedral angle of carbonic fluids, and may be interpreted in terms of evolving fluid compositions within the shear zone.  相似文献   

A few eucrites have anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions. To help understand their origin and identify additional samples, we have analyzed the oxygen isotopic compositions of 18 eucrites and four diogenites. Except for five eucrites, these meteorites have Δ17O values that lie within 2σ of their mean value viz., −0.242 ± 0.016‰, consistent with igneous isotopic homogenization of Vesta. The five exceptional eucrites—NWA 1240, Pasamonte (both clast and matrix samples), PCA 91007, A-881394, and Ibitira—have Δ17O values that lie, respectively, 4σ, 5σ, 5σ, 15σ, and 21σ away from this mean value. NWA 1240 has a δ18O value that is 5σ below the mean eucrite value. Four of the five outliers are unbrecciated and unshocked basaltic eucrites, like NWA 011, the first eucrite found to have an anomalous oxygen isotopic composition. The fifth outlier, Pasamonte, is composed almost entirely of unequilibrated basaltic clasts. Published chemical data for the six eucrites with anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions (including NWA 011) exclude contamination by chondritic projectiles as a source of the oxygen anomalies. Only NWA 011 has an anomalous Fe/Mn ratio, but several anomalous eucrites have exceptional Na, Ti, or Cr concentrations. We infer that the six anomalous eucrites are probably derived from five distinct Vesta-like parent bodies (Pasamonte and PCA 91007 could come from one body). These anomalous eucrites, like the isotopically normal, unbrecciated eucrites with 4.48 Gyr Ar-Ar ages, are probably deficient in brecciation and shock effects because they were sequestered in small asteroids (10 km diameter) during the Late Heavy Bombardment following ejection from Vesta-like bodies. The preservation of Vesta’s crust and the lack of deeply buried samples from the hypothesized Vesta-like bodies are consistent with the removal of these bodies from the asteroid belt by gravitational perturbations from planets and protoplanets, rather than by collisional grinding.  相似文献   

A peat bed found under solifluction deposits on Godøya island, western Norway, accumulated during a few decades around 11 000 yr BP, at the end of the Allerød period of the Late Weichselian. Palaeoecological investigations showed a local vegetation succession on wet sand culminating in a mire community dominated by Carex nigra. Periodic flooding brought in sand and silt, which decreased as drainage was impeded sufficiently for standing water to develop. The surrounding terrestrial vegetation was dominated by Salix scrub, with some open heath and alpine habitats nearby. Apart from two aquatic species, the 29 insect taxa recorded are characteristic of alpine heaths, plant litter (under Salix scrub) and stream-sides. Their remains, together with the terrestrial plant macrofossils, were washed into the mire from nearby. Because the fossils are locally derived, the environmental reconstructions are of the actual conditions at Godøy at ca. 11 000 yr BP. Palaeotemperature estimates from beetles and plants are in agreement. The coleopteran estimates (Mutual Climatic Range Method) suggest mean July temperatures of 10–13°C, slightly cooler than today (13.5°), and January temperatures between +1 and ?10°C, similar to or much colder than today. Summer temperature estimates from individual plant taxa indicate that temperatures during the Allerød period were similar to today's, but estimates from the reconstructed vegetation and timber-line positions give estimates up to 3.5° cooler. Temperatures fell 2.5–7.5°C at the Younger Dryas. This abrupt and severe cooling initiated the solifluction processes on Godøya that buried the peat. The Godøy peat bed and its contained fossils provide a rare glimpse of Allerød biota and environments at the local (site) scale.  相似文献   

胶南榴辉岩矿物氧同位素平衡及其Sm-Nd年代学制约   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
对苏鲁地体中的胶南榴辉岩进行了矿物氧同位素分析,并与同一手标本矿物的Sm-Nd内部等时线定年和Nd-Sr同位素分布进行了对比。研究表明,石榴子石与绿辉石之间的氧同位素平衡与否能够对矿物Sm-Nd同位素体系的平衡状况和内部等时线定年结果的有效性给予直接制约。合理的石榴子石+绿辉石Sm-Nd内部等时线年龄产于两矿物之间达到并在峰变质条件下保持氧同位素平衡的样品中,而两矿物之间处于氧同位素不平衡的样品不能给出正确的Sm-Nd内部等时线年龄。同一矿物在手标本尺度出现显著的O-Nd-Sr同位素不均一性,据此对这些元素在石榴子石和绿辉石中的扩散速率顺序进行了估计,不仅得到了与实验扩散系数相吻合的结果,而且由此估计出在峰变质条件下达到矿物内部同位素均一化所需要的时间应大于10Ma。  相似文献   

Structural and petrographic relationships on east Hinnøy, north Norway, indicate that the Caledonian nappes which are exposed directly to the east were emplaced over an older Precambrian crystalline terrane (Lofoten terrane) while at amphibolite facies metamorphic conditions. Caledonian structural and metamorphic effects disappear structurally downward away from the basal thrust of the nappe stack. The limited involvement of the basement in Caledonian deformation is explained by the limited availability of water which was introduced from external sources. The external water source is hypothetically the autochthonous and allochthonous cover, and the Precambrian Austerfjord Group metasedimentary rocks within the basement, which underwent prograde metamorphic dehydration during Caledonian orogenesis. The mechanisms by which addition of water concentrated strain in the basement probably include reaction-induced ductility-and hydrolytic weakening of the constituent silicate minerals. There are two main tectonic implications: (1) in collisional metamorphic belts, the lithosphere of the underthrusted plate may remain rigid below 15–25 km depth; and (2) the common phenomenon of detachment of crystalline thrust sheets at mid-crustal levels may be controlled in some cases by the limited access of water to pre-existing crystalline rocks, rather than by thermal structure.  相似文献   

W.L. Griffin  A. Raheim 《Lithos》1973,6(1):21-40
Amphibolite-facies gneisses of the Frei group include pelitic migmatites, mica schists, quartzites, marbles, augen-gneisses and ecologites. Field relations indicate that the eclogites are supracrustal rocks metamorphosed in situ. Kyanit- Kspar-quartz that the assemblages in the gneisses indicate PH2O <Pload.Late-tectonic dolerite sills in the gneisses show corona-forming reactions leading to omphacite-garnet-plagioclase associations. Pyroxene-garnet pairs formed by these reactions yield equilibration temperatures near 700°C, though the experimentally determined equilibrium positions of the reactions cover a wide range of T and P. The dolerites were probably intruded between 4.5 and 9 Kb and cooled rapidly; the corona-forming reactions were initially overstepped and proceeded metastably at the T and P of the surrounding eclogite terrane.During retrogression of eclogites to granulite-facies assemblages (cpx + gnt + lag + qtz), omphacite loses Na and Al as plagioclase (An10–20) exsolves in perthite-like textures, and garnet loses Ca as it is resorbed. Similar reactions are seen between pyroxene and garnet in the coronites and eclogitic metadolerites. These reactions are ascribed to uplift during cooling of the terrane.  相似文献   

对中国东部A型花岗岩有代表性的碾子山、山海关、崂山、苏州以及魁岐岩体的Nd-Sr-O同位素地球化学组成进行了系统研究。经过筛选的全岩Rb-Sr等时线拟合结果表明,基本未遭受岩浆期后大气降水交换的苏州和魁岐Rb-Sr等时线年龄分别是108±10Ma和109±5Ma,它们代表岩浆冷却结晶时代。其它遭受热液蚀变较为显著的碾子山、山海关以及崂山岩体Rb-Sr等时线年龄的地质意义不明确。全岩εNd(t)、(87Sr/86Sr)0以及锆石δ18O综合示踪研究表明,中国东部A型花岗岩可能起源于曾经历过高温海水热液交换的再循环下部俯冲洋壳的部分熔融。模型计算结果表明,碾子山、山海关以及崂山等岩体所表现出的εNd(t)-δ18O脱耦变化与大洋沉积物析出流体与下覆辉长岩洋壳之间不同程度的交代有关。在此基础上,提出了中国东部A型花岗岩统一的成因模式,并对其地球动力学意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

L. G. Medaris  Jr. 《Lithos》1980,13(4):339-353
Core and rim compositions of minerals in garnet-bearing assemblages in the Lien peridotite define a retrograde metamorphic trend from 820° C, 28.1 kbar, to 645° C, 17.6 kbar. Eclogites in Basal Gneiss near the peridotite contain a record of prograde metamorphism which converges with the retrograde trend of the ultramafic rocks. The Lien peridotite appears to have been derived from the upper mantle under eclogite facies conditions and emplaced into unusually thick continental crust during a Caledonian eclogite facies metamorphic event.  相似文献   

Eion M. Cameron   《Lithos》1993,29(3-4):303-309
Several metamorphic and magmatic events were associated with the Sveconorwegian orogeny ( 1.1 Ga) that affected the Bamble shear belt, south Norway. Among the most important were (1) granuliteto amphibolite-facies metamorphism of the entire belt; (2) intrusion of mafic dykes (“hyperites”), followed by their localized metamorphism to amphibolite; (3) intrusion of granitic sheets, which in granulite terrane caused rehydration and retrogression. Previous studies have shown that rocks from across the belt metamorphosed to amphibolite and granulite grade during event (1) are strongly depleted in Au, Sb and As; while some granulites are also depleted in Rb, Cu and S. Gold and chalcophile elements were also lost during (2) amphibolization of hyperites. This paper is concerned with event (3), at which time the granulites had been uplifted and cooled. H2O---CO2 fluids, at least in part derived from the granitic magma, caused localized rehydration and retrogression of granulite. This was accompanied by the variable reintroduction of the same elements (Au, As, Sb, Cu, S and Rb) that had earlier been depleted. The nature of the reintroduction of Au and other elements has relevance to the origin of mesothermal gold deposits.  相似文献   

We report in situ ion microprobe analyses of the oxygen isotopic composition of the major silicate phases (olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, silica, and mesostasis) of 37 magnesian porphyritic (type I) chondrules from CV (Vigarano USNM 477-2, Vigarano UH5, Mokoia, and Efremovka) and CR (EET 92042, EET 92147, EET 87770, El Djouf 001, MAC 87320, and GRA 95229) carbonaceous chondrites. In spite of significant variations of the modal proportions of major mineral phases in CR and CV chondrules, the same isotopic characteristics are observed: (i) olivines are isotopically homogeneous at the ‰ level within a chondrule although they may vary significantly from one chondrule to another, (ii) low-Ca pyroxenes are also isotopically homogeneous but systematically 16O-depleted relative to olivines of the same chondrule, and (iii) all chondrule minerals analyzed show 16O-enrichments relative to the terrestrial mass fractionation line, enrichments that decrease from olivine (±spinel) to low-Ca pyroxene and to silica and mesostasis. The observation that, in most of the type I chondrules studied, the coexisting olivine and pyroxene crystals and glassy mesostasis have different oxygen isotopic compositions implies that the olivine and pyroxene grains are not co-magmatic and that the glassy mesostasis is not the parent liquid of the olivine. The δ18O and δ17O values of pyroxene and olivine appear to be strongly correlated for all the studied CR and CV chondrules according to:

The determination of the thermal (temperature–time) histories of high‐P metamorphic terranes has been commonly based on the concepts of slow cooling and closure temperatures. In this paper, we find that this approach cannot reconcile a geochronological data set obtained from the amphibolite‐facies allochthonous Leknes Group of the Lofoten islands, Norway, which reveals an extremely complex thermal history. Using detailed results from several different geochronometers such as 40Ar/39Ar, Rb–Sr and U–Pb, we show that a model invoking multiple, short‐lived thermal pulses related to hot‐fluid infiltration channelized by shear zones can reconcile this complicated data set. This model suggests that hot fluids infiltrated throughout basement shear zones and affected the overlying cold allochthon, partially resetting U/Pb rutile and titanite ages, crystallizing new zircon and produced identical 40Ar/39Ar and Rb/Sr ages in muscovite, biotite and amphibole in various rocks throughout the region. This paper shows the enormous potential of coupling laser Ar‐spot data with thermal modelling to identify and constrain the duration of short‐lived events. An optimal P–T–t history has been derived by modelling the age data from a previously dated large muscovite crystal (Hames & Andresen, 1996, Geology, 24 :1005) and using Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry which is consistent with all geochronological data and geological constraints from the basement zones and allochthon cover. This tectonothermal model history suggests that there have been three episodic hot‐fluid and 40Ar‐free infiltration events, resulting in the total resetting of Ar ages during the Scandian (425 Ma) for 1 Ma at 650°C and two reheating events at 415 Ma for 400 ka at 650°C and at 365 Ma for 50 ka at 600°C, which are modelled as thermal spikes above an ambient temperature of 300°C. Independent confirmation of these parameters was provided by Pb‐diffusion modelling in rutile and titanite. The model suggests that the amphibolite facies rocks of the Leknes Group probably remained cold before being exhumed for at least 60 Ma (425–365 Ma) and successfully explains the presence of different minerals that crystallized or were totally/partially reset in the allochthon and in the basement. The migration of hot fluids for short periods of times within conduits extending through the basement and allochthon rock units is likely associated with episodic seismic activity during the Caledonian orogeny.  相似文献   

To understand oxygen and carbon stable isotopic characteristics of aragonite stalagmites and evaluate their applicability to paleoclimate, the isotopic compositions of active and fossil aragonite speleothems and water samples from an in situ multi-year (October 2005-July 2010) monitoring program in Furong Cave located in Chongqing of China have been examined. The observations during October 2005-June 2007 show that the meteoric water is well mixed in the overlying 300-500-m bedrock aquifer, reflected by relatively constant δ18O, ±0.11-0.14‰ (1σ), of drip waters in the cave, which represents the annual status of rainfall water. Active cave aragonite speleothems are at oxygen isotopic equilibrium with drip water and their δ18O values capture the surface-water oxygen isotopic signal. Aragonite-to-calcite transformation since the last glaciation is not noticeable in Furong stalagmites. Our multi-year field experiment approves that aragonite stalagmite δ18O records in this cave are suitable for paleoclimate reconstruction. With high U, 0.5-7.2 ppm, and low Th, 20-1270 ppt, the Furong aragonite stalagmites provide very precise chronology (as good as ±20s yrs (2σ)) of the climatic variations since the last deglaciation. The synchroneity of Chinese stalagmite δ18O records at the transition into the Bølling-Allerød (t-BA) and the Younger Dryas from Furong, Hulu and Dongge Caves supports the fidelity of the reconstructed East Asian monsoon evolution. However, the Furong record shows that the cold Older Dryas (OD) occurred at 14.0 thousand years ago, agreeing with Greenland ice core δ18O records but ∼200 yrs younger than that in the Hulu record. The OD age discrepancy between Chinese caves can be attributable to different regionally climatic/environmental conditions or chronological uncertainty of stalagmite proxy records, which is limited by changes in growth rate and subsampling intervals in absolute dating. Seasonal dissolved inorganic carbon δ13C variations of 2-3‰ in the drip water and 5-7‰ in the pool and spring waters are likely attributed to variable degrees of CO2 degassing in winter and summer. The variable δ13C values of active deposits from −11‰ to 0‰ could be caused by kinetically mediated CO2 degassing processes. The complicated nature of pre-deposition kinetic isotopic fractionation processes for carbon isotopes in speleothems at Furong Cave require further study before they can be interpreted in a paleoclimatic or paleoenvironmental context.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope ratios of various minerals were measured in a granulite-grade iron formation in the Wind River Range, Wyoming. Estimates of temperature and pressure for the terrane using well calibrated geothermometers and geobarometers are 730±50° C and 5.5±0.5 kbar. The mineral constraints on fluid compositions in the iron formation during retrogression require either very CO2-rich fluids or no fluid at all. In the iron formation, isotopic temperature estimates from quartz-magnetite fractionations are controlled by the proximity to the enclosing granitic gneiss, and range from 500° C ( qz – mt=10.0) within 2–3 meters of the orthogneiss contact to 600° C ( qz – mt=8.0) farther from the contact. Temperature estimates from other isotopic thermometers are in good agreement with those derived from the quartz-magnetite fractionations.During prograde metamorphism, the isotopic composition of the iron formation was lowered by the infiltration of an external fluid. Equilibrium was achieved over tens of meters. Closed-system retrograde exchange is consistent with the nearly constant whole-rock 18Owr value of 8.0±0.6. The greater qz-mt values in the iron formation near the orthogneiss contact are most likely due to a lower oxygen blocking temperature related to greater exchange-ability of deformed minerals at the contact. Cooling rates required to preserve the quartz-magnetite fractionations in the central portion of the iron formation are unreasonably high (800° C/Ma). In order to preserve the 600° C isotopic temperature, the diffusion coefficient D (for -quartz) should be two orders of magnitude lower than the experimentally determined value of 2.5×10–16 cm2/s at 833 K. There are no values for the activation energy (Q) and pre-exponential diffusion coefficient (D 0), consistent with the experimentally determined values, that will result in reasonable cooling rates for the Wind River iron formation. The discrepancy between the diffusion coefficient inferred from the Wind River terrane and that measured experimentally is almost certainly due to the enhancement of exchange by the presence of water in the laboratory experiments. Cooling rate estimates were also determined for iron formation retrograded under water-rich conditions. Application of the experimentally determined data to these rocks results in a reasonable cooling rate estimate, supporting the conclusion that the presence of water greatly enhances oxygen diffusion.Contribution 441 from the Mineralogical Laboratory, University of Michigan  相似文献   

Kyanite‐ and phengite‐bearing eclogites have better potential to constrain the peak metamorphic P–T conditions from phase equilibria between garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + quartz/coesite than common, mostly bimineralic (garnet + omphacite) eclogites, as exemplified by this study. Textural relationships, conventional geothermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling have been used to constrain the metamorphic evolution of the Tromsdalstind eclogite from the Tromsø Nappe, one of the biggest exposures of eclogite in the Scandinavian Caledonides. The phase relationships demonstrate that the rock progressively dehydrated, resulting in breakdown of amphibole and zoisite at increasing pressure. The peak‐pressure mineral assemblage was garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + coesite, inferred from polycrystalline quartz included in radially fractured omphacite. This omphacite, with up to 37 mol.% of jadeite and 3% of the Ca‐Eskola component, contains oriented rods of silica composition. Garnet shows higher grossular (XGrs = 0.25–0.29), but lower pyrope‐content (XPrp = 0. 37–0.39) in the core than the rim, while phengite contains up to 3.5 Si pfu. The compositional isopleths for garnet core, phengite and omphacite constrain the P–T conditions to 3.2–3.5 GPa and 720–800 °C, in good agreement with the results obtained from conventional geothermobarometry (3.2–3.5 GPa & 730–780 °C). Peak‐pressure assemblage is variably overprinted by symplectites of diopside + plagioclase after omphacite, biotite and plagioclase after phengite, and sapphirine + spinel + corundum + plagioclase after kyanite. Exhumation from ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) conditions to 1.3–1.5 GPa at 740–770 °C is constrained by the garnet rim (XCaGrt = 0.18–0.21) and symplectite clinopyroxene (XNaCpx = 0.13–0.21), and to 0.5–0.7 GPa at 700–800 °C by sapphirine (XMg = 0.86–0.87) and spinel (XMg = 0.60–0.62) compositional isopleths. UHP metamorphism in the Tromsø Nappe is more widespread than previously known. Available data suggest that UHP eclogites were uplifted to lower crustal levels rapidly, within a short time interval (452–449 Ma) prior to the Scandian collision between Laurentia and Baltica. The Tromsø Nappe as the highest tectonic unit of the North Norwegian Caledonides is considered to be of Laurentian origin and UHP metamorphism could have resulted from subduction along the Laurentian continental margin. An alternative is that the Tromsø Nappe belonged to a continental margin of Baltica, which had already been subducted before the terminal Scandian collision, and was emplaced as an out‐of‐sequence thrust during the Scandian lateral transport of nappes.  相似文献   

Erling J. Krogh 《Lithos》1980,13(4):355-380
Country-rock eclogites and amphibolites in the Sunnfjord area occur as pods, lenses and layers within gneisses of granitic to tonalitic composition. The contacts towards the enclosing gneisses are mostly tectonic, although apparent primary intrusive contacts occur. Geochemical data show that central parts of eclogitic bodies represent fairly undisturbed magmatic compositions, while the margins of such bodies show varying degrees of contamination. Exchange of components with the enclosing gneisses occurred at both a pre-eclogitic and a post-eclogitic stage. Petrographical and petrological data show that the eclogites developed from garnet amphibolites to eclogites during a prograde stage, and that a subsequent uplift/decompression period took place at fairly constant temperatures. The data presented here are compatible with an in situ model for the genesis of Norwegian country-rock eclogites.  相似文献   

The exhumation mechanism of high‐pressure (HP) and ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogites formed by the subduction of oceanic crust (hereafter referred to as oceanic eclogites) is one of the primary uncertainties associated with the subduction factory. The phase relations and densities of eclogites with MORB compositions are modelled using thermodynamic calculations over a P–T range of 1–4 GPa and 400–800 °C, respectively, in the NCKFMASHTO (Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3) system. Our modelling suggests that the mineral assemblages, mineral proportions and density of oceanic crust subducted along a cold P–T path are quite different from those of crust subducted along a warm P–T path, and that the density of oceanic eclogites is largely controlled by the stability of low‐density hydrous minerals, such as lawsonite, chlorite, glaucophane and talc. Along a cold subduction P–T path with a geotherm of ~6 °C km?1, lawsonite is always present at 1.1 to >4.0 GPa, and chlorite, glaucophane and talc can be stable at pressures of up to 2.3, 2.6 and 3.6 GPa respectively. Along such a P–T path, the density of subducted oceanic crust is always lower than that of the surrounding mantle at depths shallower than 110–120 km (< 3.3–3.6 GPa). However, along a warm subduction P–T path with a geotherm of ~10 °C km?1, the P–T path is outside the stability field of lawsonite, and the hydrous minerals of chlorite, epidote and amphibole break down completely into dry dense minerals at relatively lower pressures of 1.5, 1.85 and 1.9 GPa respectively. Along such a warm subduction P–T path, the subducted oceanic crust becomes denser than the surrounding mantle at depths >60 km (>1.8 GPa). Oceanic eclogites with high H2O content, oxygen fugacity, bulk‐rock XMg [ = MgO/(MgO + FeO)], XAl [ = Al2O3/(Al2O3 + MgO + FeO)] and low XCa [ = CaO/(CaO + MgO + FeO + Na2O)] are likely suitable for exhumation, which is consistent with the bulk‐rock compositions of the natural oceanic eclogites on the Earth's surface. On the basis of natural observations and our calculations, it is suggested that beyond depths around 110–120 km oceanic eclogites are not light enough and/or there are no blueschists to compensate the negative buoyancy of the oceanic crust, therefore explaining the lack of oceanic eclogites returned from ultradeep mantle (>120 km) to the Earth's surface. The exhumed light–cold–hydrous oceanic eclogites may have decoupled from the top part of the sinking slab at shallow depths in the forearc region and are exhumed inside the serpentinized subduction channel, whereas the dense–hot–dry eclogites may be retained in the sinking slab and recycled into deeper mantle.  相似文献   

The carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of Fe-carbonate ore and its calcitic to dolomitic Devonian host rocks at the Steirischer Erzberg siderite deposit (Greywacke zone, Upper Austroalpine Unit) were determined in order to constrain the source and nature of the Fe-rich mineralizing fluid. The 18O-values obtained for various Fe-carbonate generations and the carbonate host lie within a similar range between + 14.6 and + 21.6 (V-SMOW). No good correlation exists between the relative ages of the carbonate phases and their O isotopic composition. The variation in 18O-values is due to metamorphic recrystallization with locally variable fluid/rock ratios. The average 13C-value of the carbonate host is +0.5 ± 1.2 (PDB) which corresponds well to worldwide Phanerozoic marine carbonate values. The first Fecarbonate generation has slightly lower 13C-values, on average -1.4 ± 0.8 (PDB). Recrystallization of both the carbonate host minerals and the ankerite/siderite led to significantly lower 13C-values of -4.2 ± 0.6 and-4.7 ± 0.7, respectively. Within the basal breccia of the post-Hercynian transgression series matrix calcite/ dolomite shows an average 13C-value of -2.9 ± 0.7, and matrix siderite/ankerite an average value of-4.1 ± 0.4. These data, together with Sr isotope data published previously, strongly support a late-diagenetic or epigenetic first Fe-mineralization from convecting formation waters. They ascended along extension faults and were driven by an increased heat flow caused by crustal thinning during a Devonian rifting phase that initiated the separation of the Noric terrane from Africa. A potential source of the Fe could have been the underlying Ordovician acid volcanics. Regional metamorphism related to collision tectonics in the Late Carboniferous (Hercynian) and later during the Alpine orogeny, caused intensive recrystallization and partial mobilization of the various carbonate phases.  相似文献   

Sejrup, Hans Petter 1987 03 01: Molluscan and foraminiferal biostratigraphy of an Eemian-Early Weichselian section on Karmøy, southwestern Norway. Boreas , Vol. 16, pp. 27–42. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
At Karmøy, southwestern Norway, a section with marine sediments from the last interglacial (the Avaldsnes Interglacial) and from two ice-free periods (the Torvastad and Bø Interstadial) in the Weichselian have been examined for molluscs and foraminifera. The following conclusions concerning the depositional environments of these sediments can be drawn: (1) The Avaldsnes Interglacial was a high-energy environment with a sea level 20 to 50 m higher than at present, regressing towards the end of the interglacial. Sea temperatures were as in the area today or slightly warmer. (2) During the Torvastad Interstadial (71–85 ka) the sea level was between 0 and c . 20 m higher than at present, and sea temperatures were as between Svalbard and northern Norway today. (3) The Bø Interstadial (40–64 ka) shows a complete interstadial cycle, with changing sea level and temperatures. Its optimum was close to the conditions prevailing in North Norway today or slightly colder. By comparison with other sites, a total of at least four interstadial episodes through the Weichselian in southwestern Norway is proposed. These date to c . 30 ka, 40–64 ka, 71–85 ka and 87–101 ka. The episodes and the glacial advances between them do not directly correlate with published interpretations of changes in surface circulation in the Norwegian Sea through the Weichselian. It is suggested that the nourishment of the southern part of the Scandinavian ice sheet might be more related to sea surface conditions in the North Atlantic than to those of the Norwegian Sea.  相似文献   

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