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The existence of compact H?ii regions around massive stellar clusters with ages exceeding several Myr challenges our understanding of the physical processes occurring inside such clusters, and their impact on the interstellar medium of the host galaxy. Here, we summarize our recent results dealing with the hydrodynamics of matter ejected by massive stars inside the cluster and show that compact H?ii regions found around some massive clusters may indicate that these are evolving in a bimodal hydrodynamic regime. The latter is characterized by the accumulation of the injected matter in the central, thermally unstable zone, and by the ejection of mass supplied by massive stars in the outer regions of the cluster.  相似文献   

The mass of unresolved young star clusters derived from spectrophotometric data may well be off by a factor of 2 or more once the migration of massive stars driven by mass segregation is accounted for. We quantify this effect for a large set of cluster parameters, including variations in the stellar initial mass function (IMF), the intrinsic cluster mass, and mean mass density. Gas-dynamical models coupled with the Cambridge stellar evolution tracks allow us to derive a scheme to recover the real cluster mass given measured half-light radius, one-dimensional velocity dispersion and age. We monitor the evolution with time of the ratio of real to apparent mass through the parameter η. When we compute η for rich star clusters, we find non-monotonic evolution in time when the IMF stretches beyond a critical cut-off mass of  25.5 M  . We also monitor the rise of colour gradients between the inner and outer volume of clusters: we find trends in time of the stellar IMF power indices overlapping well with those derived for the Large Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 1818 at an age of 30 Myr. We argue that the core region of massive Antennae clusters should have suffered from much segregation despite their low ages. We apply these results to a cluster mass function, and find that the peak of the mass distribution would appear to observers shifted to lower masses by as much as 0.2 dex. The star formation rate derived for the cluster population is then underestimated by from 20 to 50 per cent.  相似文献   

Two independent sets of arguments lead us to conclude that the progenitors of superintense bursts (with an energy yield larger than that for ordinary supernovae by one or two orders of magnitude) are born in massive dense star clusters, but generally flare up only after they have left the cluster; these are the same objects that are the progenitors of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Each of the giant stellar arcs which are grouped into multiple systems of stellar complexes in the LMC and NGC 6946 could only be produced by a single powerful energy release near its center. The progenitors of these systems of arc-shaped stellar complexes must have had a common source nearby, and it could only be a massive star cluster. Such clusters are actually known near both systems. On the other hand, calculations of the dynamical evolution of star clusters show that close binary systems of compact objects are formed in the dense central parts of the clusters and are then ejected from them during triple encounters. Mergers of the components of such systems are believed to be responsible for GRBs. Since their progenitors are ejected from the cluster before merging, the arc-shaped stellar complexes produced by GRBs are observed near (but not around) the parent clusters. If a considerable fraction of the GRB progenitors are formed as a result star encounters in massive star clusters, and if the GRBs themselves trigger star formation near the parent clusters, then observations of GRBs in star-forming regions are consistent with their origin during mergers of pairs of compact objects.  相似文献   

Star clusters are born in a highly compact configuration, typically with radii of less than about 1 pc roughly independently of mass. Since the star formation efficiency is less than 50 per cent by observation and because the residual gas is removed from the embedded cluster, the cluster must expand. In the process of doing so it only retains a fraction f st of its stars. To date there are no observational constraints for f st, although N -body calculations by Kroupa, Aarseth & Hurley suggest it to be about 20–30 per cent for Orion-type clusters. Here we use the data compiled by Testi et al., Testi, Palla & Natta and Testi, Palla & Natta for clusters around young Ae/Be stars and by de Wit et al. and de Wit et al. around young O stars and the study of de Zeeuw et al. of OB associations and combine these measurements with the expected number of stars in clusters with primary Ae/Be and O stars, respectively, using the empirical correlation between maximal stellar mass and star cluster mass of Weidner & Kroupa. We find that   f st < 50  per cent with a decrease to higher cluster masses/more massive primaries. The interpretation would be that cluster formation is very disruptive. It appears that clusters with a birth stellar mass in the range  10–103 M  keep at most 50 per cent of their stars.  相似文献   

In the present paper we combine an N-body code that simulates the dynamics of young dense stellar systems with a massive star evolution handler that accounts in a realistic way for the effects of stellar wind mass loss. We discuss two topics.
  1. The formation and the evolution of very massive stars (with masses >120 M) is followed in detail. These very massive stars are formed in the cluster core as a consequence of the successive (physical) collisions of the 10–20 most massive stars in the cluster (this process is known as ‘runaway merging’). The further evolution is governed by stellar wind mass loss during core hydrogen and core helium burning (the WR phase of very massive stars). Our simulations reveal that, as a consequence of runaway merging in clusters with solar and supersolar values, massive black holes can be formed, but with a maximum mass ≈70 M. In low-metallicity clusters, however, it cannot be excluded that the runaway-merging process is responsible for pair-instability supernovae or for the formation of intermediate-mass black holes with a mass of several 100 M.
  2. Massive runaways can be formed via the supernova explosion of one of the components in a binary system (the Blaauw scenario), or via dynamical interaction of a single star and a binary or between two binaries in a star cluster. We explore the possibility that the most massive runaways (e.g. ζ Pup, λ Cep, BD+43°3654) are the product of the collision and merger of two or three massive stars.

G01 New evidence for a connection between massive black holes and ULX G02 Long‐Term Evolution of Massive Black Hole Binaries G03 NBODY Meets Stellar Population Synthesis G04 N‐body modelling of real globular star clusters G05 Fokker‐Planck rotating models of globular clusters with black hole G06 Observational Manifestation of chaos in spiral galaxies: quantitative analysis and qualitative explanation G07 GRAPE Clusters: Beyond the Million‐Body Problem G08 Orbital decay of star clusters and Massive Black Holes in cuspy galactic nuclei G09 An Edge‐on Disk Galaxy Catalog G10 Complexes of open clusters in the Solar neighborhood G11 Search for and investigation of new stellar clusters using the data from huge stellar catalogues G12 Computing 2D images of 3D galactic disk models G13 Outer Pseudoring in the Galaxy G14 Where are tidal‐dwarf galaxies? G15 Ultra compact dwarf galaxies in nearby clusters G16 Impact of an Accretion Disk on the Structure of a stellar cluster in active galactic nuclei G17 Order and Chaos in the edge‐on profiles of disk galaxies G18 On the stability of OB‐star configurations in the Orion Nebula cluster G19 Older stars captured in young star clusters by cloud collapse G20 General features of the population of open clusters within 1 kpc from the Sun G21 Unstable modes in thin stellar disks G22 From Newton to Einstein – Dynamics of N‐body systems G23 On the relation between the maximum stellar mass and the star cluster mass  相似文献   

We investigate the evolutionary effect of dynamical mass segregation in young stellar clusters. Dynamical mass segregation acts on a time-scale of order the relaxation time of a cluster. Although some degree of mass segregation occurs earlier, the position of massive stars in rich young clusters generally reflects the cluster's initial conditions. In particular, the positions of the massive stars in the Trapezium cluster in Orion cannot be due to dynamical mass segregation, but indicate that they formed in, or near, the centre of the cluster. Implications of this for cluster formation and for the formation of high-mass stars are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study we present the results from realistic N -body modelling of massive star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. We have computed eight simulations with   N ∼ 105  particles; six of these were evolved for at least a Hubble time. The aim of this modelling is to examine in detail the possibility of large-scale core expansion in massive star clusters, and search for a viable dynamical origin for the radius–age trend observed for such objects in the Magellanic Clouds. We identify two physical processes which can lead to significant and prolonged cluster core expansion – mass-loss due to rapid stellar evolution in a primordially mass-segregated cluster, and heating due to a retained population of stellar mass black holes, formed in the supernova explosions of the most massive cluster stars. These two processes operate over different time-scales and during different periods of a cluster's life. The former occurs only at early times and cannot drive core expansion for longer than a few hundred Myr, while the latter typically does not begin until several hundred Myr have passed, but can result in core expansion lasting for many Gyr. We investigate the behaviour of each of these expansion mechanisms under different circumstances – in clusters with varying degrees of primordial mass segregation, and in clusters with varying black hole retention fractions. In combination, the two processes can lead to a wide variety of evolutionary paths on the radius–age plane, which fully cover the observed cluster distribution and hence define a dynamical origin for the radius–age trend in the Magellanic Clouds. We discuss in some detail the implications of core expansion for various aspects of globular cluster research, as well as the possibility of observationally inferring the presence of a significant population of stellar mass black holes in a cluster.  相似文献   

A multivariate classification has been performed for a large sample of dynamically hot stellar systems comprising globular clusters to giant ellipticals, in quest of the formation theory of ultra compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs). For this K means cluster analysis is carried out together with the optimum criterion (Sugar et al., 2003) with respect to three parameters, logarithm of stellar mass, logarithm of effective radius and stellar mass to light ratio. The present data set has been taken from Misgeld and Hilker (2011). We found five groups MK1–MK5. These are predominated by giant ellipticals (gEs), faint dwarf ellipticals (dEs), globular clusters (GCs), massive compact objects (UCDs and nuclei of dE,Ns) and bright dwarf ellipticals respectively. Almost all UCDs are found either in MK3 or MK4. The fraction is roughly 50%–50% between MK3 and MK4. Comparable fraction of UCDs share properties either with normal GCs or with nuclei of dE,N. This adds a quantitative constraint to the long discussed hypothesis that UCDs may be formed either as massive globular clusters or have an origin similar to nuclei of dwarf galaxies. We finally find that for our clustering test in mass-size-stellar M/L ratios, ultra faint dwarf galaxies are attributed to globular cluster group (MK3) and not to the dwarf galaxy group (MK2). This highlights that there is no clear cut morphological distinction between extended star clusters and ultra faint dwarfs. These groups are highly consistent with the groups found in a previous classification for a smaller sample and completely different set of parameters.  相似文献   

Direct N -body calculations are presented of the formation of Galactic clusters using GasEx , which is a variant of the code Nbody6 . The calculations focus on the possible evolution of the Orion nebula cluster (ONC) by assuming that the embedded OB stars explosively drove out 2/3 of its mass in the form of gas about 0.4 Myr ago. A bound cluster forms readily and survives for 150 Myr despite additional mass loss from the large number of massive stars, and the Galactic tidal field. This is the very first time that cluster formation is obtained under such realistic conditions. The cluster contains about 1/3 of the initial 104 stars, and resembles the Pleiades cluster to a remarkable degree, implying that an ONC-like cluster may have been a precursor of the Pleiades. This scenario predicts the present expansion velocity of the ONC, which will be measurable by upcoming astrometric space missions. These missions should also detect the original Pleiades members as an associated expanding young Galactic-field subpopulation. The results arrived at here suggest that Galactic clusters form as the nuclei of expanding OB associations.
The results have wide implications, also for the formation of globular clusters and the Galactic-field and halo stellar populations. In view of this, the distribution of binary orbital periods and the mass function within and outside the model ONC and Pleiades is quantified, finding consistency with observational constraints. Advanced mass segregation is evident in one of the ONC models. The calculations show that the primordial binary population of both clusters could have been much the same as is observed in the Taurus–Auriga star-forming region. The computations also demonstrate that the binary proportion of brown dwarfs is depleted significantly for all periods, whereas massive stars attain a high binary fraction.  相似文献   

We consider the conditions required for a cluster core to shrink, by adiabatic accretion of gas from the surrounding cluster, to densities such that stellar collisions are a likely outcome. We show that the maximum densities attained, and hence the viability of collisions, depend on the balance between core shrinkage (driven by accretion) and core puffing up (driven by relaxation effects). The expected number of collisions scales as     , where N core is the number of stars in the cluster core and     is the free-fall velocity of the parent cluster (gas reservoir). Thus, whereas collisions are very unlikely in a relatively low-mass, low-internal-velocity system such as the Orion Nebula Cluster, they become considerably more important at the mass and velocity scales characteristic of globular clusters. Thus, stellar collisions in response to accretion-induced core shrinkage remain a viable prospect in more massive clusters, and may contribute to the production of intermediate-mass black holes in these systems.  相似文献   

We independently redetermine the reddening and age of the globular cluster (GC) 037−B327 in M31 by comparing independently obtained multicolour photometry with theoretical stellar population synthesis models. 037−B327 has long been known to have a very large reddening value, which we confirm to be   E ( B − V ) = 1.360 ± 0.013  , in good agreement with the previous results. We redetermine its most likely age at  12.4 ± 3.2 Gyr  .
037−B327 is a prime example of an unusually bright early counterpart to the ubiquitous 'super' star clusters presently observed in most high-intensity star-forming regions in the local Universe. In order to have survived for a Hubble time, we conclude that its stellar initial mass function (IMF) cannot have been top-heavy. Using this constraint, and a variety of simple stellar population (SSP) models, we determine a photometric mass of     , somewhat depending on the SSP models used, the metallicity and age adopted and the IMF representation. This mass, and its relatively small uncertainties, makes this object the most massive star cluster of any age in the Local Group. Assuming that the photometric mass estimate thus derived is fairly close to its dynamical mass, we predict that this GC has a (one-dimensional) velocity dispersion of the order of  (72 ± 13) km s−1  . As a surviving 'super' star cluster, this object is of prime importance for theories aimed at describing massive star cluster evolution.  相似文献   

This paper explores if, and to what an extent, the stellar populations of early-type galaxies can be traced through the colour distribution of their globular cluster (GC) systems. The analysis, based on a galaxy sample from the Virgo Advanced Camera for Surveys data, is an extension of a previous approach that has been successful in the cases of the giant ellipticals NGC 1399 and NGC 4486, and assumes that the two dominant GC populations form along diffuse stellar populations sharing the cluster chemical abundances and spatial distributions. The results show that (a) integrated galaxy colours can be matched to within the photometric uncertainties and are consistent with a narrow range of ages; (b) the inferred mass to luminosity ratios and stellar masses are within the range of values available in the literature; (c) most GC systems occupy a thick plane in the volume space defined by the cluster formation efficiency, total stellar mass and projected surface mass density. The formation efficiency parameter of the red clusters shows a dependency with projected stellar mass density that is absent for the blue globulars. In turn, the brightest galaxies appear clearly detached from that plane as a possible consequence of major past mergers; (d) the stellar mass–metallicity relation is relatively shallow but shows a slope change at   M *≈ 1010 M  . Galaxies with smaller stellar masses show predominantly unimodal GC colour distributions. This result may indicate that less massive galaxies are not able to retain chemically enriched interstellar matter.  相似文献   

We present a model for the formation of massive ( M ≳10 M⊙) stars through accretion-induced collisions in the cores of embedded dense stellar clusters. This model circumvents the problem of accreting on to a star whose luminosity is sufficient to reverse the infall of gas. Instead, the central core of the cluster accretes from the surrounding gas, thereby decreasing its radius until collisions between individual components become sufficient. These components are, in general, intermediate-mass stars that have formed through accretion on to low-mass protostars. Once a sufficiently massive star has formed to expel the remaining gas, the cluster expands in accordance with this loss of mass, halting further collisions. This process implies a critical stellar density for the formation of massive stars, and a high rate of binaries formed by tidal capture.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the spatial distribution of various stellar populations within the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We combine mid-infrared selected young stellar objects, optically selected samples with mean ages between ∼9 and ∼1000 Myr and existing stellar cluster catalogues to investigate how stellar structures form and evolve within the LMC. For the analysis we use Fractured Minimum Spanning Trees, the statistical Q parameter and the two-point correlation function. Restricting our analysis to young massive (OB) stars, we confirm our results obtained for M33, namely that the luminosity function of the groups is well described by a power law with index −2, and that there is no characteristic length-scale of star-forming regions. We find that stars in the LMC are born with a large amount of substructure, consistent with a two-dimensional fractal distribution with dimension     and evolve towards a uniform distribution on a time-scale of ∼175 Myr. This is comparable to the crossing time of the galaxy, and we suggest that stellar structure, regardless of spatial scale, will be eliminated in a crossing time. This may explain the smooth distribution of stars in massive/dense young clusters in the Galaxy, while other, less massive, clusters still display large amounts of structure at similar ages. By comparing the stellar and star cluster distributions and evolving time-scales, we show that infant mortality of clusters (or 'popping clusters') has a negligible influence on the galactic structure. Finally, we quantify the influence of the elongation, differential extinction and contamination of a population on the measured Q value.  相似文献   

We use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to construct a sample of 625 brightest group and cluster galaxies (BCGs) together with control samples of non-BCGs matched in stellar mass, redshift and colour. We investigate how the systematic properties of BCGs depend on stellar mass and on their privileged location near the cluster centre. The groups and clusters that we study are drawn from the C4 catalogue of Miller et al. but we have developed improved algorithms for identifying the BCG and for measuring the cluster velocity dispersion. Since the SDSS photometric pipeline tends to underestimate the luminosities of large galaxies in dense environments, we have developed a correction for this effect which can be readily applied to the published catalogue data. We find that BCGs are larger and have higher velocity dispersions than non-BCGs of the same stellar mass, which implies that BCGs contain a larger fraction of dark matter. In contrast to non-BCGs, the dynamical mass-to-light ratio of BCGs does not vary as a function of galaxy luminosity. Hence BCGs lie on a different Fundamental Plane than ordinary elliptical galaxies. BCGs also follow a steeper Faber–Jackson relation than non-BCGs, as suggested by models in which BCGs assemble via dissipationless mergers along preferentially radial orbits. We find tentative evidence that this steepening is stronger in more massive clusters. BCGs have similar mean stellar ages and metallicities to non-BCGs of the same mass, but they have somewhat higher α/Fe ratios, indicating that star formation may have occurred over a shorter time-scale in the BCGs. Finally, we find that BCGs are more likely to host radio-loud active galactic nuclei than other galaxies of the same mass, but are less likely to host an optical active galactic nucleus (AGN). The differences we find are more pronounced for the less massive BCGs, i.e. they are stronger at the galaxy group level.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(3):201-214
We present a review of some of the current major challenges in stellar cluster research, including young clusters, globular clusters, and galactic nuclei. Topics considered include: primordial mass segregation and runaway mergers, expulsion of gas from clusters, the production of stellar exotica seen in some clusters (e.g., blue stragglers and extreme horizontal-branch stars), binary populations within clusters, the black-hole population within stellar clusters, the final parsec problem, stellar dynamics around a massive black hole, and stellar collisions. The Modest Questions posed here are the outcome of discussions which took place at the Modest-6A workshop held in Lund, Sweden, in December, 2005. Modest-6A was organised as part of the activities of the Modest Collaboration (see www.manybody.org for further details).  相似文献   

We explore the gravitational influence of pressure-supported stellar systems on the internal density distribution of a gaseous environment. We conclude that compact massive star clusters with masses  ≳106 M  act as cloud condensation nuclei and are able to accrete gas recurrently from a warm interstellar medium which may cause further star formation events and account for multiple stellar populations in the most massive globular and nuclear star clusters. The same analytical arguments can be used to decide whether an arbitrary spherical stellar system is able to keep warm or hot interstellar material or not. These mass thresholds coincide with transition masses between pressure supported galaxies of different morphological types.  相似文献   

We present new X-ray data (obtained with the Chandra telescope) as well as FUV data of the supergiant shell (SGS) in IC 2574, a dwarf galaxy in the M 81 group. This region has proven to be a unique target for studying the interplay of massive star formation with the surrounding interstellar medium. The Chandra data confirm the presence of soft X-ray emission, indicative of the presence of hot gas. Using optical and FUV data, we estimate the age and the energy input of the stellar cluster inside the SGS. The age estimate agrees well with the age estimated based on the HI data alone – providing further supportfor the view that the stellar cluster interior the SGS is powering its expansion. We conclude that indeed massive stellar clusters can create supergiant shells in galaxies (even at large galactocentric distance) as predicted by the `standard' picture (creation by SN explosions and strong stellar winds), a scenario which has recently been questioned by some authors.  相似文献   

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