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The expected proton and neutrino fluxes from decays of massive metastable relic particles are calculated using the HERWIG QCD event generator. The predicted proton spectrum can account for the observed flux of extremely high energy cosmic rays beyond the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cutoff, for a decaying particle mass of (1012) GeV. The lifetime required is of (1020) yr if such particles constitute all of the dark matter (with a proportionally shorter lifetime for a smaller contribution). Such values are plausible if the metastable particles are hadron-like bound states from the hidden sector of supersymmetry breaking which decay through nonrenormalizable interactions. The expected ratio of the proton to neutrino flux is given as a diagonistic of the decaying particle model for the forthcoming Pierre Auger Project.  相似文献   

We show that the Auger Air Shower Array has the potential to detect neutrinos of energies in the 1019 eV range through horizontal air showers. Assuming some simple conservative trigger requirements, we obtain the acceptance for horizontal air showers as induced by high energy neutrinos by two alternative methods and we then give the expected event rates for a variety of neutrino fluxes as predicted in different models which are used for reference.  相似文献   

We measured the extragalactic 0.7 keV X-ray background by observing the X-ray shadow of a neutral gas cloud in the Magellanic Bridge region. Two ROSAT PSPC observations of total 104 ks were complemented by a detailed H I mapping of the cloud with both the Parkes 64 m telescope and the Australia Telescope Compact Array. From the detected anti-correlation between the observed background intensity and the H I column density of the cloud, we derived the unabsorbed extragalactic background intensity as ∼ 28 keV s−1 cm−2 keV−1 sr−1 at ∼ 0.7 keV. The 95% confidence lower limit 18 keV s−1 cm−2 keV−1 sr−1 is greater than the expected point-like source contribution ? 14 keV s−1 cm−2 keV−1 sr−1, constrained by the mean source spectrum together with the total background intensity in the 1-2 keV band. A significant fraction of the 0.7 keV background likely arises in a diffuse hot intergalactic medium of a few million degrees, as has been predicted in hydrodynamic simulations of cosmological structure formation.Richard McCray  相似文献   

Helioseismological sound-speed profiles severely constrain possible deviations from standard solar models, allowing us to derive new limits on anomalous solar energy losses by the Primakoff emission of axions. For an axion-photon coupling gay 5 × 10−10 GeV−1, the solar model is almost indistinguishable from the standard case, while gay 10 × 10−10 GeV−1 is probably excluded, corresponding to an axion luminosity of about 0.20 L. This constraint on gay is much weaker than the well-known globular-cluster limit, but about a factor of 3 more restrictive than previous solar limits. Our result is primarily of interest to the large number of current or proposed search experiments for solar axions because our limit defines the maximum gay for which it is self-consistent to use a standard solar model to calculate the axion luminosity.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of inflationary models in which the scalar field potential governing inflation is generated by the same nonperturbative gauge dynamics that may lead to supersymmetry breaking. Such models satisfy constraints from cosmic microwave background measurements for natural values of the fundamental parameters in the theory. In addition, they have two particularly interesting characteristics: a “blue” spectrum of scalar perturbations, and an upper bound on the total amount of inflation possible.  相似文献   

We investigate the Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis constraints on the elements of the neutrino mixing matrix which connect sterile with massive neutrino fields, in the framework of the two four-neutrino schemes that are favored by the results of neutrino oscillation experiments. We discuss the implications of these constraints for terrestrial short and long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments and we present several possibilities of testing them in these experiments. In particular, we show that from the Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis constraints it follows that the transition is severely suppressed in short-baseline experiments, whereas its oscillation amplitude in long-baseline experiments is of order 1. We also propose a new parameterization of the four-neutrino mixing matrix U which is appropriate for the schemes under consideration.  相似文献   

We present optical and near-infrared (NIR) surface brightness and colour profiles, in bands ranging from U to K, for the disk and bulge components of a complete sample of 30 nearby S0 to Sbc galaxies with inclinations larger than 50 °. We describe in detail the observations and the determination of colour parameters. Calibrated monochromatic and real-colour images are presented, as well as colour index maps. This data set, tailored for the study of the population characteristics of galaxy bulges, provides useful information on the colours of inner disks as well. In related papers, we have used them to quantify colour gradients in bulges, and age differentials between bulge and inner disk.  相似文献   

We propose a multicomponent analysis of starburst galaxies, based on a model that takes into account the young and evolved stellar components and the gas emission, with their respective extinction, in the frame of a coherent dust distribution pattern. Near-IR signatures are preferentially investigated, in order to penetrate as deep as possible into the dusty starburst cores. We computed the 1.4-2.5 μm spectra of synthetic stellar populations evolving through strong, short timescale bursts of star formation (continuum and lines, R ? 500). The evolution model is specifically sensitive to cool stellar populations (AGB and red supergiant stars). It takes advantage of the stellar library of Lançon & Rocca-Volmerange (1992) [A&ASS, 96, 593], observed with the same instrument (FTS/CFHT) as the analysed galaxy sample, so that the instrumental effects are minimised. The main near-IR observable constraints are the molecular signatures of CO and H2O and the slope of the continuum, observed over a range exceptionally broad for spectroscopic data. The H - K colour determined from the spectra measures the intrinsic stellar energy distribution but also differential extinction, which is further constrained by optical emission line ratios. Other observational constraints are the near-IR emission lines (Brγ, He I 2.06 μm, [Fe II] 1.64 μm, H2 2.12 μm) and the far-IR luminosity. The coherence of the results relies on the interpretation in terms of stellar populations from which all observable properties are derived, so that the link between the various wavelength ranges is secured. The luminosity LK is used for the absolute calibration.We apply this approach to the typical spectrum of the core of NGC 1614. Consistent solutions for the starburst characteristics (star-formation rate, IMF, burst age, morphology) are found and the role of each observational constraint in deriving satisfactory models is extensively discussed. The acceptable contamination of the K band light by the underlying population amounts ≥ 15% even through a 5 arcsec aperture. The model leads to a limit on the direct absorption of Lyman continuum photons by dust situated inside the ionised areas, which in turn, with standard gas-to-dust ratios, translates into small characteristic sizes for the individual coexisting H II regions of the massive starburst area (clusters containing ∼ 102 ionising stars). We show that room is left for IMFs extending to 120 M, rather than truncated at ∼ 60 M as most conservative studies conclude. High internal velocity dispersions (≥ 20 km s−1) are then needed for the H II regions. An original feature of this work is to base the analysis of near-infrared spectral galaxy observations on a large wavelength range, using models constructed with spectral stellar data observed with the same instrument. However a broader use of this spectral evolution model on other spectral or photometric data samples is possible if the spectral resolution of the model is adapted to observations or if colours are derived from the energy distributions.Catherine J. Cesarsky  相似文献   

We investigate numerically the contribution to the cosmic gamma-ray background from cosmic-ray ions and electrons accelerated at intergalactic shocks associated with cosmological structure formation. We show that the kinetic energy of accretion flows in the low-redshift intergalactic medium is thermalized primarily through moderately strong shocks, which allow for an efficient conversion of shock ram pressure into cosmic-ray pressure. Cosmic rays accelerated at these shocks produce a diffuse gamma-ray flux which is dominated by inverse Compton emission from electrons scattering off cosmic microwave background photons. Decay of neutral π mesons generated in p–p inelastic collisions of the ionic cosmic-ray component with the thermal gas contribute about 30 per cent of the computed emission. Based on experimental upper limits on the photon flux above 100 MeV from nearby clusters we constrain the efficiency of conversion of shock ram pressure into relativistic CR electrons to  ≲1 per cent  . Thus, we find that cosmic rays of cosmological origin can generate an overall significant fraction of order 20 per cent and no more than 30 per cent of the measured gamma-ray background.  相似文献   

A procedure with a Bayesan approach for calculating upper limits to gravitational wave bursts from coincidence experiments with multiple detectors is described, where the detection efficiency for small signals is taken into consideration. The Bayesan approach to the upper limit estimation is confronted with the unified approach for the case when no events are observed in presence of a non-zero background.  相似文献   

We discuss collective effects like percolation, quark gluon plasma, or string fusion and their effect on the longitudinal development of high energy showers in Air. It is shown that Iron–Air showers could develop more slowly than expected and produce the observed change in the slope of Xmax at the highest energies.  相似文献   

The nearby radio galaxy Centaurus A is poorly studied at high frequencies with conventional radio telescopes because of its very large angular size, but is one of a very few extragalactic objects to be detected and resolved by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ). We have used the five-year WMAP data for Cen A to constrain the high-frequency radio spectra of the 10° giant lobes and to search for spectral changes as a function of position along the lobes. We show that the high-frequency radio spectra of the northern and southern giant lobes are significantly different: the spectrum of the southern lobe steepens monotonically (and is steeper further from the active nucleus) whereas the spectrum of the northern lobe remains consistent with a power law. The inferred differences in the northern and southern giant lobes may be the result of real differences in their high-energy particle acceleration histories, perhaps due to the influence of the northern middle lobe, an intermediate-scale feature which has no detectable southern counterpart. In light of these results, we discuss the prospects for Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope detections of inverse-Compton emission from the giant lobes and the lobes' possible role in the production of the ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECR) detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory. We show that the possibility of a Fermi detection depends sensitively on the physical conditions in the giant lobes, with the northern lobe more likely to be detected, and that any emission observed by Fermi is likely to be dominated by photons at the soft end of the Fermi energy band. On the other hand, we argue that the estimated conditions in the giant lobes imply that UHECRs can be accelerated there, with a potentially detectable γ-ray signature at TeV energies.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive study of the gamma-ray luminosity function (GLF) of blazars and their contribution to the extragalactic diffuse gamma-ray background (EGRB). Radio and gamma-ray luminosity correlation is introduced with a modest dispersion, consistent with observations, to take into account the radio detectability, which is important for blazar identification. Previous studies considered only pure luminosity evolution (PLE) or pure density evolution, but here we introduce the luminosity-dependent density evolution (LDDE) model, which is favored on the basis of the evolution of the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of AGNs. The model parameters are constrained by likelihood analyses of the observed redshift and gamma-ray flux distributions of the EGRET blazars. Interestingly, we find that the LDDE model gives a better fit to the observed distributions than the PLE model, indicating that the LDDE model is also appropriate for gamma-ray blazars and that the jet activity is universally correlated with the accretion history of AGNs. We then find that only 25–50% of the EGRB can be explained by unresolved blazars with the best-fit LDDE parameters. Unresolved blazars can account for all the EGRB only with a steeper index of the faint-end slope of the GLF, which is marginally consistent with the EGRET data but inconsistent with XLF data. Therefore, unresolved AGNs cannot be the dominant source of the EGRB, unless there is a new population of gamma-ray emitting AGNs that evolves differently from the XLF of AGNs. Predictions for the GLAST mission are made, and we find that the best-fit LDDE model predicts about 3000 blazars in the entire sky, which is considerably fewer (by a factor of more than 3) than a previous estimate.  相似文献   

The current Swift sample of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with measured redshifts allows us to test the assumption that GRBs trace star formation in the Universe. Some authors have claimed that the rate of GRBs increases with cosmic redshift faster than the star formation rate, whose cause is not yet known. In this paper, I investigate the possibility of interpreting the observed discrepancy between the GRB rate history and the star formation rate history using cosmic metallicity evolution. I am motivated by the observation that cosmic metallicity evolves with redshift and GRBs tend to occur in low-metallicity galaxies. First, I derive a star formation history up to redshift   z = 7.4  from an updated sample of star formation rate densities. This is obtained by adding the new ultraviolet measurements of Bouwens et al. and the new ultraviolet and infrared measurements of Reddy et al. to the existing sample compiled by Hopkins & Beacom. Then, adopting a simple model for the relation between GRB production and the cosmic metallicity history as proposed by Langer & Norman, I show that the observed redshift distribution of the Swift GRBs can be reproduced with good accuracy. Although the results are limited by the small size of the GRB sample and the poorly understood selection biases in detection and localization of GRBs and in redshift determination, they suggest that GRBs trace both star formation and metallicity evolution. If the star formation history can be accurately measured with other approaches, which is presumably achievable in the near future, it will be possible to determine the cosmic metallicity evolution using the study of the redshift distribution of GRBs.  相似文献   

The standard CDM model fails to describe the power spectrum of fluctuations since it gives too much power at small scales. Among other possible improvements, it has been suggested that an agreement with observations can be achieved with the addition of a late decaying particle, through the injection of nonthermal radiation and the consequent increase of the horizon length at the equivalence time. We analyze the possibility of implementing this idea in some extensions of the electroweak standard model, discussing the cosmological and astrophysical bounds to which these schemes are subject.  相似文献   

Molecular clouds are clumpy on length scales down to the limits of observational resolution. At least some ultracompactHii regions (UCHiiR) may result from the interaction of a young early type star and this type of cloud. The clumps can act as reservoirs of ionized gas distributed within theHii region. These models reproduce the relatively long lifetimes implied by the population statistics of UCHiiR. We present line profile and emission measure plots based on the simplest case where the flow remains supersonic through to a recombination front. The morphology agrees with the shell-like UCHiiR as classified by Churchwell. The predicted line profiles are broad and double peaked with a separation of about 50 km s–1 for the example given.  相似文献   

We analyze an extended redshift sample of Abell/ACO clusters and compare the results with those coming from numerical simulations of the cluster distribution, based on the truncated Zel'dovich approximation (TZA), for a list of eleven dark matter (DM) models. For each model we run several realizations, so that we generate a set of 48 independent mock Abell/ACO cluster samples per model, on which we estimate cosmic variance effects. Other than the standard CDM model, we consider (a) Ω0 = 1 CDM models based on lowering the Hubble parameter and/or on tilting the primordial spectrum; (b) Ω0 = 1 Cold + Hot DM models with 0.1 ≤Ων ≤0.5; (c) low-density flat ΛCDM models with 0.3 ≤Ω0 ≤0.5. We compare real and simulated cluster distributions by analysing correlation statistics, the probability density function, and supercluster properties from percolation analysis. We introduce a generalized definition of the spectrum shape parameter Γ in terms of σ25/σ8, where σris the rms fluctuation amplitude within a sphere of radius r. As a general result, we find that the distribution of galaxy clusters provides a constraint only on the shape of the power spectrum, but not on its amplitude: a shape parameter 0.18 Γ 0.25 and an effective spectral index at the 20 h−1 Mpc scale −1.1 neff −0.9 are required by the Abell/ACO data. In order to obtain complementary constraints on the spectrum amplitude, we consider the cluster abundance as estimated using the Press-Schechter approach, whose reliability is explicitly tested against N-body simulations. By combining results from the analysis of the distribution and the abundance of clusters we conclude that, of the cosmological models considered here, the only viable models are either Cold + Hot DM ones with 0.2 Ων 0.3, better if shared between two massive ν species, and ΛCDM ones with 0.3 Ω00.5.  相似文献   

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