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The flooding-drying process over the intertidal zone of the Satilla River estuary of Georgia was examined using a three-dimensional (3-D) primitive equations numerical model with Mellor and Yamada's (1982) level 2.5 turbulent closure scheme. The model was forced by the semi-diurnal M2, S2, and N2 tides and freshwater discharge at the upstream end of the estuary. The intertidal salt marsh was treated using a 3-D wet-dry point treatment technique that was developed for the σ-coordinate transformation estuary model. Good agreement was found between model-data comparison at anchor monitoring sites and also along the estuary that suggested that the model provided a reasonable simulation of the temporal and spatial distribution of the 3-D tidal current and salinity in the Satilla River estuary. Numerical experiments have shown that the flooding-drying process plays a key role in the simulation of tidal currents in the main river channel and in water transport over the estuarine-salt marsh complex. Ignoring this process could lead to a 50% under-estimation of the amplitude of tidal currents. The model results also revealed a complex spatial structure of the residual flow in the main channel of the river, with characteristics of multiple eddy-like cell circulations. These complicated residual currents are formed due to tidal rectification over variable topography with superimposition of inertial effects, asymmetry of tidal currents, and baroclinic pressure gradients. Water exchanges over the estuary-intertidal salt marsh complex are asymmetric across the estuary, and tend to vary periodically on the northern side while quickly washing out of the marsh zone on the southern side. Strong Stokes’ drifting velocity was predicted in the estuary, so that the Lagrangian trajectories of particles were characterized by strong nonlinear processes that differ significantly from those estimated by the Eulerian residual currents.  相似文献   

The residence and flushing times of an estuary are two different concepts that are often confused. Flushing time is the time required for the freshwater inflow to equal the amount of freshwater originally present in the estuary. It is specific to freshwater (or materials dissolved in it) and represents the transit time through the entire system (e.g., from head of tide to the mouth). Residence time is the average time particles take to escape the estuary. It can be calculated for any type of material and will vary depending on the starting location of the material. In the literature, the term residence time is often used to refer to the average freshwater transit time and is calculated as such. Freshwater transit time is a more precise term for a type of residence time (that of freshwater, starting from the head of the estuary), whereas residence time is a more general term that must be clarified by specifying the material and starting distribution. We explored these two mixing time scales in the context of the Altmaha River estuary, Georgia, and present a comparison of techniques for their calculation (fraction of freshwater models and variations of box models). Segmented tidal prism models, another common approach, have data requirements similar to other models but can be cumbersome to implement properly. Freshwater transit time estimates from simple steady-state box models were virtually, identical to flushing times for four river-flow cases, as long as boxes were scaled appropriately to river flow, and residence time estimates from different box models were also in good agreement. Mixing time estimates from box models, were incorrect when boxes were imporperly scaled. Mixing time scales vary nonlinearly with river flow, so characterizing the range as well as the mean or median is important for a thorough understanding of the potential for within-estuary processing. We are now developing an imporved box model that will allow the calculation of a variety of mixing time scales using simulations with daily variable river discharge.  相似文献   

Observations are presented of the transverse and vertical structure of residual water, salt and sediment transport in the upper reaches of a partly mixed estuary. Measurements were made over spring and neap tidal cycles at three sections. The residual transport for each variable exhibited a characteristic transverse structure. This structure is interpreted in terms of fundamental physical processes. The results are used to estimate the relative importance of transverse shear, vertical shear and tidal pumping to the axial dispersion of salt and sediment.  相似文献   

The salinity intrusion in the Fraser estuary, Canada, migrates landward during the rising tide and is flushed downstream on the falling tide. Suspended sediment concentrations are higher during unstratified flows than during stratified conditions. Mixing between the upper layer and the salinity intrusion is restricted by a strong density interface on the rising tide but enhanced mixing occurs across a weak salinity gradient on the falling tide. A weakly-developed estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) and positive internal waves occur at the tip of the salinity intrusion as it migrates seaward. Spectral analyses of optical backscatter probe time series indicate that sediment movement from the upper layer is restricted by the density interface on the rising tide. During the falling tide, sediment mixing is enhanced by internal waves at the surface of the ETM. Internal waves generated at the density interface have a higher frequency during the rising tide than the falling tide.  相似文献   

A sampling program was initiated in 1986 in the Skidaway River estuary, a tidally dominated subtropical estuary in the southeastern USA. Hydrography, nutrients, particulate organic matter (POM), and microbial and plankton abundance and composition were measured at weekly intervals at high and low tide on the same day at a single site. Hydrographic and nutrient data during 1986–1996 were given in Verity (2002); particulate organic carbon (POC), nitrogen (PON) and chlorophylla (chla) are presented here; plankton data will be presented elsewhere. Chla was fractionated into <8 μm and >8 μm size classes. All classes of POM exhibited distinct seasonal patterns superimposed upon significant long-term increases during the study period. Total chla, <8 μm chla, and >8 μm chla increased 36%, 61%, and 18%, respectively, however the fraction of total biomass attributable to small phytoplankton (<8 μm) increased 25%. The annual amplitude between minimum and maximum stock sizes increased significantly, meaning that bloom events became larger. POC and PON also increased 16% over the decade and, as observed with patterns in chla, exhibited increases in annual amplitude. The C:N ratio was typically 6.4–6.6 (wt:wt) and did not change significantly, while the annual mean C:Chla ratio decreased 19% from 165 to 140. These characteristics indicated highly labile POM composed of significant amounts of detritus, but which became increasingly autotrophic with time. Averaged over the decade, temperature explained 45–50% of the variance in POM. Nutrients were even better predictors of POM, as 60–75% of the variance in chla, POC, and PON were explained by ambient concentrations of DIN, or PO4. Combined with significant increases in NO3, NH4, PO4, Si(OH)4, and DON during 1986–1996, these data strongly suggest that anthropogenic activities contributed to increased loading of dissolved nutrients, which became incorporated into living and nonliving particulate organic matter.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(5):567-581
The Pearl River estuary is created by the inflow of freshwater from the largest river system that drains into the South China Sea. In recent years, massive economic growth and development in the region has led to excessive release of waste into the environment. The accumulation of contaminants in sediments is likely to pose serious environmental problems in surrounding areas. The study of sediment profiles can provide much information on the metal contamination history and long term potential environmental impacts. In this project, 21 core samples (up to 3.65 m deep) were collected in the Pearl River estuary. About 15 subsamples from each core were analysed for moisture content, total organic matter (L.O.I.), particle size and heavy metal and major element concentrations. The results show that Pb and Zn contents are elevated in the sediments at most of the sampling sites. Compared with historical monitoring results, the sediment metal contents have increased over the last 20 a, particularly for Pb. The west side of the Pearl River estuary tends to be more contaminated than the east side due to the contaminants inputs from the major tributaries and different sedimentation conditions. There are close associations between Fe, Co, Ni and Cu concentrations in the sediments. Zinc and Pb contents in the sediment profiles reflect a combination of the natural geochemical background, anthropogenic influences and the mixing effects within the estuary. The distribution of Pb in the sediments shows strong influences of atmospheric inputs, probably from the coal burning activities in the region.  相似文献   

A model study of turbidity maxima in the York River estuary,Virginia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A three-dimensional numerical model is used to investigate the mechanisms that contribute to the formation of the turbidity maxima in the York River, Virginia (U.S.). The model reproduces the basic features in both salinity and total suspended sediments (TSS) fields for three different patterns. Both the prominent estuary turbidity maximum (ETM) and the newly discovered secondary turbidity maximum (STM) are simulated when river discharge is relatively low. At higher river inflow, the two turbidity maxima move closer to each other. During very high river discharge event, only the prominent turbidity maximum is simulated. Diagnostic model studies also suggest that bottom resuspension is an important source of TSS in both the ETM and the STM, and confirm the observed association between the turbidity maxima and the stratification patterns in the York River estuary. The ETM is usually located near the head of salt intrusion and the STM is often associated with a transition zone between upriver well mixed and downriver more stratified water columns. Analysis of the model results from the diagnostic studies indicates that the location of the ETM is well associated with the null point of bottom residual flow. Convergent bottom residual flow, as well as tidal asymmetry, is the most important mechanisms that contribute to the formation of the STM. the STM often exists in a region with landward decrease of bottom residual flow and net landward sediment flux due to tidal asymmetry. The channel depth of this region usually decreases sharply upriver. As channel depth decreases, vertical mixing increases and hence the water column is better mixed landward of the STM.  相似文献   

A tidally-induced frontal system regularly develops in a small area off Newport News Point in the lower James River, one of the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay. In conjunction with the front, a strong counter-clockwise eddy develops on the shoals flanking the northern side of the channel as the result of tidal interaction with the local bathymetry and estuarine stratification. A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was applied to simulate the eddy evolution and front development, and to investigate time-varying circulation and material transport over a spring-neap tidal cycle. The model results show that variation of tidal range, together with periodic stratification-destratification of the estuary, has a significant impact on the residual circulation of the lower James River. The net surface water circulation, which takes the form of a counterclockwise eddy on the Hampton Flats, is stronger during neap tide than during spring tide. Strong stratification and weak flood current during neap tide results in a dominant ebb flow at the surface, which delays flooding within the channel and advances the phase lead of flood tide on shoals adjacent to the channel, thus increasing both period and intensity of the eddy. Front development in the area off Newport News Point provides a linkage between shoal surface water and channel bottom water, producing a strong net upriver bottom transport. The existence of the vertical transport mechanism was independently demonstrated through tracer experiments. The impact of the dynamics on larval dispersion was investigated through a series of model simulations of the movement of shellfish larvae over multiple tidal cycles following their release at selected bottom sites. These results show that eddy-induced horizontal circulation and vertical transport associated with the frontal system are important mechanisms for the retention of larval organisms in the James River.  相似文献   

P. A. WOOD 《Sedimentology》1977,24(3):437-445
Suspended sediment concentrations were determined for samples collected from the River Rother, West Sussex, and rating loops constructed for several hydrographs. The rating loops often exhibit hysteresis with a greater suspended sediment concentration for a given discharge occurring on the rising limb than on the falling limb. A comparison of these loops indicates that the hysteresis, and the suspended sediment concentration (for a given discharge) become progressively reduced when storm events occur in rapid succession. Various types of rating curves can be identified, and a model of suspended sediment concentration and discharge constructed. Controlling factors of suspended sediment concentration are river discharge, duration and frequency of the storm event, the length of time between successive events, and the time of year.  相似文献   

The fluvio-tidal transition of suspended sediment in terms of mineralogy and composition in the Loire River drainage basin, the largest French river basin, was investigated in the fluvial zone at Montjean and in the tidal zone at Mauves-Thouaré, for a complete seasonal cycle. At Montjean, where the river experiences unidirectional flow, the composition and mineralogy (especially clays and clay minerals) of river suspended material (RSM) are governed by the river discharge, upstream contributions, climatic conditions and microbiological activities. However, due to reversing tidal and river currents at Thouaré, in the zone of tidal dynamics, these relations are changed. In the downstream direction sand and clay content in the RSM decrease while the silt content increases. Among clay minerals, between these two observation stations, montmorillonite remains constant, kaolinite diminishes, and the other minerals increase downstream. Combustible material (organic) and nitrate (NO3) contents in the RSM increase whereas the phosphate (PO43-) and CaCO3 contents decline considerably during transport. At the head of the tidal zone, where the river flow encounters the tidal influence, there is a relatively stationary water mass (tidal slack) where sands, clays, phosphate, carbonate and silica are deposited by physical and chemical processes. Physical sedimentation takes place by simple gravitational deposition (sands), and by sorting and complicated differential settling (clays); chemical sedimentation takes place by precipitation (calcite-CaCO3; apatite-Ca5 (PO4)3 (OH,F,Cl); coagulation of dissolved silica-SiO2) in connection with seasonal algal bloom and eutrophic events.  相似文献   

Fluvial suspended sediment has multi-fold environmental implications and the study of the variation in suspended sediment load (SSL) of rivers is important both in environmental earth sciences and in river environmental management. Based on data collected for the upper Yellow River of China in the past 50–60 years, the purpose of this study is to elucidate the impact of human activity and climate change on SSL, thereby to provide some knowledge for the improvement of the drainage basin management. The results show that the SSL of the upper Yellow River exhibited a remarkable decreasing trend. A number of reservoirs trapped a considerable amount of sediment, resulting in a reduction in SSL at Toudaoguai station, the most downstream station of the upper Yellow River. The analyses based on Mann–Kendall’U and double-mass plot indicate some turning points, which were caused by the Liujiaxia and Longyangxia Reservoirs, two major reservoirs on the upper Yellow River. The implementation of soil and water conservation measures reduced the runoff coefficient, and therefore, the intensity of soil erosion. The climate change also played a role in reducing sediment yield. The increase in air temperature enhanced the evapo-transpiration and reduced the runoff, by which the SSL decreased. The decreased frequency of sand-dust storms reduced the amount of wind-blown, sand and dust to the river reaches located in desert, also reducing the SSL. Seven influencing variables are selected to describe the changing human activity and climate. As some of the influencing variables are strongly inter-correlated, the principle component regression was used to establish the relationship between SSL and the influencing variables. The squared multiple correlation coefficient is R 2 = 0.823. Some further research is suggested with the minerals and pollutants related with the SSL.  相似文献   

Contemporary real-time instruments that advance suspended sediment monitoring capabilities often provide results in units (e.g. volumetric) that are not easily comparable to traditional mass (e.g. gravimetric) methods. A Midwest case study was initiated to assess the accuracy of three methods commonly used to convert volumetric data to mass. Water samples from rural, suburban, and urban stream reaches were analyzed for suspended sediment concentration using laser diffraction and wet sieving methods, resulting in paired volumetric (μl/l) and mass (mg/l) suspended sediment concentrations. Observed volumetric data were converted to mass using an assumed particle density (Pd) of 2.65 g/cm3, a calculated Pd, and linear regression. Using the assumed Pd, estimated mass data differed from observed mass data by as much as 60 %. Dividing mass concentration (mg/l) by the volumetric concentration (μl/l) resulted in site-specific average suspended sediment particle densities ranging from 2.17, 1.99, 1.76 g/cm3 for different land use types. Using a calculated Pd, estimated mass data differed from observed mass data by as much as 45 %. Paired sample t tests showed observed and estimated mass values to be significantly different (p < 0.01). R 2 values for regression equations ranged from 0.82 to 0.88. Conversion difficulties likely result from temporal and spatial variations of Pd. The results illustrate the imprecision of conversion methods and highlight possible estimation errors assuming idealized conditions. Continued work is necessary to improve quantitative relationship(s) between mass and volumetric suspended sediment data and the utility of both types of information for science and land management practices.  相似文献   

Massive construction on the Drava River basin and on the river itself during the last centuries, as well as recent climate change and/or variability, has caused many different and possibly dangerous changes to its hydrological and ecological regime. Since 1975, numerous hydrotechnical works have been carried out on the 60-km long section of the Drava River from the Slovenian–Croatian border to the River Mura mouth. Three hydrotechnical power plants with three reservoirs and three long inlet and outlet canals have been built. Changes in water level, discharge and suspended sediment yield along the Drava River measured in Croatia, downstream of the three Croatian reservoirs, during the last 30–130 years are presented. The investigation focuses on changes that have occurred during the last thirty-odd years, caused by the anthropogenic influences on the Drava River watercourse and its catchment in Croatia and Hungary, and probably by climate change or variability. Methods of rescaled adjusted partial sums, statistical tests, as well as regression and correlation analyses are used to explain changes in water level, discharge and suspended sediment yield. There is evidence in the time series of decreases in the minimum, mean and maximum annual water levels, and minimum and mean discharges on the lower part of the Drava River. One of the main objectives of this study was to examine the effect of dams and reservoirs operation on the changes in the downstream suspended sediment regime. The amount of suspended sediment has been greatly reduced, which can cause serious consequences.  相似文献   

Near surface (<10 cm) sediment distributions of234Th sampled multiple times at five locations along the axis of the Hudson Estuary from the Upper Bay of New York to Haverstraw Bay are compared with210Pb data from longer cores at the same locations. The comparison indicates that while there is little net sediment accumulation anywhere except at one location in the Upper Bay, near surface sediment in this reach of the estuary is mobile on short (months) time scales. The sediment appears to be physically mixed rather than bioturbated. Comparison of the sediment inventories of234Th with calculated water column production indicates short time scale (months) variability in234Th deposition. Some parts of the bottom have234Th inventories in excess of local production but these appear to be balanced by234Th deficient areas, resulting in a general equilibrium. Sediment inventories of Pb, Cu, and Zn normalized to210Pb show no evidence of a uniquely urban source of these metals to the lower estuary. Silver distributions in sediment indicate a possible source of silver from New York City, probably related to sewage inputs.  相似文献   

The effects of estuarine circulation and tidal trapping on transport in the Hudson estuary were investigated by a large-scale, high-resolution numerical model simulation of a tracer release. The modeled and measured longitudinal profiles of surface tracer concentrations (plumes) differ from the ideal Gaussian shape in two ways: on a large scale the plume is asymmetric with the downstream end stretching out farther, and small-scale (1–2 km) peaks are present at the upstream and downstream ends of the plume. A number of diagnostic model simulations (e.g., remove freshwater flow) were performed to understand the processes responsible for these features. These simulations show that the large-scale asymmetry is related to salinity. The salt causes an estuarine circulation that decreases vertical mixing (vertical density gradient), increases longitudinal dispersion (increased vertical and lateral gradients in longitudinal velocities), and increases net downstream velocities in the surface layer. Since salinity intrusion is confined to the downstream end of the tracer plume, only that part of the plume is effected by those processes, which leads to the largescale asymmetry. The small-scale peaks are due to tidal trapping. Small embayments along the estuary trap water and tracer as the plume passes by in the main channel. When the plume in the main channel has passed, the tracer is released back to the main channel, causing a secondary peak in the longitudinal profile.  相似文献   

Sediment-bound polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) measured at several sites in the lower Hudson River Estuary are above equilibrium with the overlying water, providing a thermodynamic driving force for exchange from sediment to water. The fluxes of PCB congeners are estimated for a number potential processes: diffusive release of dissolved and colloidal PCBs from the bed, resuspension and subsequent desorption from resuspended particles, and sediment accumulation and burial. All processes are potentially significant, at least for some congeners. The sediment exchange fluxes of PCB solutes for five sites between Governors Island and Haverstraw Bay are estimated to be 20–860 μm m?2 d?1, which is between 2 and 100 times more than the flux of dissolved PCBs coming down the river at Haverstraw Bay. Much of the exchange from sediment to water may be balanced by burial of sorbed PCBs by sediment accumulation. Advection down the river and sediment exchange dominate other potential sources of PCBs to the lower estuary under current loading conditions. The magnitude of the calculated fluxes is consistent with the nonconservative behavior of PCBs in the same region but is higher than earlier modeling estimates that employed different assumptions.  相似文献   

U.S. National Bureau of Standards (NBS) estuarine sediment 1646 from the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, and surface sediment collected at two sites in the Calcasieu River estuary, Louisiana, were used to evaluate the dilute hydrochloric acid extraction of Cr, Fe and Mn from air-dried and freeze-dried samples that had been treated by one of three methods to remove organic carbon. The three methods for the oxidation and removal of organic carbon were: (1) 30% hydrogen peroxide; (2) 30% hydrogen peroxide plus 0.25 mM pyrophosphate; and (3) plasma oxidation (low-temperature ashing). There was no statistically significant difference at the 95% confidence level between air- and freeze-dried samples with respect to the percent of organic carbon removed by the three methods. Generally, there was no statistically significant difference at the 95% confidence level between air- and freeze-dried samples with respect to the concentration of Cr, Fe and Mn that was extracted, regardless of the extraction technique that was used. Hydrogen peroxide plus pyrophosphate removed the most organic carbon from sediment collected at the site in the Calcasieu River that was upstream from industrial outfalls. Plasma oxidation removed the most organic carbon from the sediment collected at a site in the Calcasieu River close to industrial outfalls and from the NBS estuarine sediment sample. Plasma oxidation merits further study as a treatment for removal of organic carbon. Operational parameters can be chosen to limit the plasma oxidation of pyrite which, unlike other Fe species, will not be dissolved by dilute hydrochloric acid. Preservation of pyrite allows the positive identification of Fe present as pyrite in sediments.  相似文献   

The biodegradation behavior of nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEOs) in estuary sediment of Yangtze River, China, was investigated. NPEOs were readily degraded in the estuary sediment under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The highest biodegradation rate constants for the aerobic biodegradation and anaerobic biodegradation were 0.333 and 0.194 day−1, respectively. Anaerobic biodegradation of NPEOs in estuary sediment was enhanced under sulfate-reducing or nitrate-reducing conditions. The biodegradation constants increased by 23.4 and 56.7% in sulfate-adding treatment and nitrate-adding treatment, respectively. NPEOs were biodegraded through the terminal oxidative pathway in estuary sediment under aerobic conditions while these compounds were biodegraded through the non-oxidative pathway under anaerobic conditions. Estrogenic intermediates were formed during NPEO biodegradation under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Both treatments reached their highest estrogenicities on day 21. Short-chain nonylphenol ethoxycarboxylates (NPECs), which were feasibly mobile, were only formed under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

The integrity of estuarine wetlands is maintained by physical connections between river and sea to floodplain. Their ecological importance can be assessed through plant biodiversity and such ecosystem functions as primary productivity and nitrate removal capacity. Multivariate analysis were used to establish a hierarchy of environmental factors related to the vegetation structure and diversity. Four different measures of plant diversity (both structural and functional) were made on a Seine River wetland. Key functions of estuarine floodplain (productivity and denitrification capacity) were either measured directly or assessed using remotely sensed data. The richest plant communities correspond to mesophilous grasslands which have an intermediate position between natural and anthropogenic disturbance regimes. These species assemblages occur in ecosystems presenting both a regular productivity in time and space and the highest denitrification potentiality.  相似文献   

宋志尧  程晨 《水科学进展》2015,26(3):388-395
基于扩散理论,分析了国内外主要平衡悬沙剖面公式自由面边界条件内在的不合理性及其原因,并结合常数型和线性型悬沙扩散系数的分布特征,应用几何平均法建立了平方根型的悬沙扩散系数表达式,推得了平衡悬沙剖面的新指数公式。通过收集、整理与分析大量水槽与河流实测悬沙资料,对提出的悬沙扩散系数和平衡悬沙剖面公式与van Rijn公式、张红武公式进行了分析比较。研究结果表明,新指数公式不仅对平衡悬沙剖面的刻画精度较高,而且具有表达式特别简洁、床面含沙量为有限定值和可直接解析积分的特点,既利于理论分析,又便于工程应用。  相似文献   

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