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The 22 April 1982 stellar occultation of KME 14 by Uranus was observed from Tenerife, Canary Islands, using the Teide Observatory 1.5-m telescope. From model fits to the immersion and emersion ring profiles, we obtained (1) midtimes of the ring events with a typical uncertainty of 0.01 sec; (2) ring widths for rings 4, α, β, γ, δ, and ϵ with a typical uncertainty of a few tenths of a kilometer; and (3) equivalent widths and normal optical depths of all nine rings. The immersion planetary occultation was clouded out, but emersion was successfully observed, and the stratospheric temperature profile was obtained by numerical inversion. The profile shows a temperature maximum near the 8-μbar pressure level, characterized by T(8 μbar) = 141°K and T(8 μbar)–T(13 μbar) = 5°K for the sampled suboccultation latitude of −11°.9. Both the mean temperature and the temperature variations are consistent with the latitude-dependent atmospheric structure found by B. Sicardy et al. (1985, Icarus 64, 88–106) from widely separated observations of the same event.  相似文献   

The 1 May 1982 occultation of KME 15 by Uranus and its rings was observed at λ = 2.2 μm using the 1.9-m telescope of the Mount Stromlo Observatory. From model fits to the immersion and emersion ring profiles, accurate midtimes for rings 6, 5, 4, α, β, η, γ, σ, and ϵ, and ring widths, equivalent widths, and normal optical depths for all but ring 6 were obtained. The recently discovered ring 1986 U1R is not detectable in the data, setting an upper limit on the product of ring width and normal optical depth of ≤0.4 km at λ = 2.2 μm. From the immersion and emersion atmosphere occultations, vertical temperature profiles were obtained by numerical inversion. Both profiles show mean temperatures near 130°K and a local maximum near the 8-μbar pressure level.  相似文献   

The occultation of a bright (K∼6) infrared star by Neptune revealed a central flash at two stations and provided accurate measurements of the limb position at these and several additional stations. We have fitted this data ensemble with a general model of an oblate atmosphere to deduce the oblateness e and equatorial radius a0 of Neptune at the 1-μbar pressure level, and the position angle pn of the projected spin axis. The results are e=0.0209±0.0014, a0=25269±10 km, pn=20.1°±1°. Parameters derived from fitting to the limb data alone are in excellent agreement with parameters derived from fitting to central flash data alone (E. Lellouch, W.B. Hubbard, B. Sicardy, F. Vilas, and P. Bouchet, 1986, Nature 324, 227–231), and the principal remaining source of uncertainty appears to be the Neptune-centered declination of the Earth at the time of occultation. As an alternative to the methane absorption model proposed by Lellouch et al., we explain an observed reduction in the central flash intensity by a decrease in temperature from 150 to 135°K as the pressure rises from 1 to 400 μbar. Implications of the oblateness results for Neptune interior models are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Simultaneous X-ray images in hard (20–40 keV) and softer (6.5–15 keV) energy ranges were obtained with the hard X-ray telescope aboard the Hinotori spacecraft of an impulsive solar X-ray burst associated with a flare near the solar west limb.The burst was composed of an impulsive component with a hard spectrum and a thermal component with a peak temperature of 2.8 × 107 K. For about one minute, the impulsive component was predominant even in the softer energy range.The hard X-ray image for the impulsive component is an extended single source elongated along the solar limb, rather steady and extends from the two-ribbon H flare up to 104 km above the limb. The centroid of this source image is located about 10 (7 × 103 km) ± 5 above the neutral line. The corresponding image observed at the softer X-rays is compact and located near the centroid of the hard X-ray image.The source for the thermal component observed in the later phase at the softer X-rays is a compact single source, and it shows a gradual rising motion towards the later phase.  相似文献   

《Chinese Astronomy》1978,2(2):341-344
A rare event, the occultation of a star (SAO 158687) by Uranus, occurred on March 10 this year. We observed this event in Peking. The equipment used is a 60 cm reflector with an interference filter centered at 7200A with halfwidth 140A.Photographs 1 and 2 show our photoelectrical records of two occultations by the main ring of Uranus. After correcting for ΔT = 1.s2, the midtime of the first occultation is 20h18m42sUT, duration 9s5, the computed optical thickness is τλ = 1. The second occultation began at 21h47m36s, the records being interupted by center-checking after 8s. The scales of photos 1 and 2 are different. In order to reduce them to the same scale, all the values of intensity in photo 2 must be multiplied by a factor of 1.6. Thus we obtain the value of optical thickness amounting to only τλ = 0.4 for the second occultation.Combining our own observational data and the data from abroad, we obtain Table 1, which shows that the width of main ring is not uniform.The computational results also show that the main ring is an elliptic one with a small inclination to the equatorial plane of Uranus; the semi-major axis a and the eccentricity e are obtained.The radius of Uranus is assumed to be 26450 km in the computations.  相似文献   

A new inversion technique for obtaining temperature, pressure, and number density profiles of a planetary atmosphere from an occultation light curve is described. This technique employs an improved boundary condition to begin the numerical inversion and permits the computation of errors in the profiles caused by photon noise in the light curve. We present our assumptions about the atmosphere, optics, and noise and develop the equations for temperature, pressure, and number density and their associated errors. By inverting in equal increments of altitude, Δh, rather than in equal increments of time, Δt, the inversion need not be halted at the first negative point on the light curve as required by previous methods. The importance of the boundary condition is stressed, and a new initial condition is given. Numerical results are presented for the special case of inversion of a noisy isothermal light curve. From these results, simple relations are developed which can be used to predict the noise quality of an occultation. It is found that fractional errors in temperature profiles are comparable to those of pressure and number density profiles. An example of the inversion method is shown. Finally, we discuss the validity of our assumptions. In an appendix we demonstrate that minimum fractional errors in scale height determined from the inversion are comparable to those from an isothermal fit to a noisy isothermal light curve.  相似文献   

Unexpected asymmetries and variations, which showed up in the first, preliminary reductions of new limb-darkening observations made in June 1986, near the present minimum of solar activity, stimulated a re-analysis of our limb-darkening observations made in April 1981 at Kitt Peak (Neckel and Labs, 1984). The results seem to indicate rather definitely that the intensity distribution across the disk varies at all observed wavelengths between 3300 and 6600 Å with amplitudes in the order of 1–2 % and time-scales from minutes to hours. Asymmetries in the intensity distribution with respect to the disk center are a frequent phenomenon. There can be no doubt, that also the absolute disk center intensity undergoes variations with comparable size and modulation, as they were in fact recently observed by Koutchmy and Lebecq (1986). Presumably, the solar oscillations contribute a significant part to the observed effects. However, due to the 5–7 min periodicity of our observations no definite conclusions can be drawn.Examples for widely differing limb darkening curves - at the same wavelength! - are given in Figure 7. Figure 8 illustrates the variations in time by exhibiting the differences between (north-) western and (south-) eastern radius for a larger number of selected, successive scans, regardless of wavelength. Figure 9 displays some differences between observed limb-to-limb distributions and special, symmetric reference curves.  相似文献   

M.J. Klein 《Icarus》2006,184(1):170-180
We present a self-consistent, 36-year record of the disk-averaged radio brightness of Uranus at wavelengths near 3.5 cm. It covers nearly half a uranian year, and includes both equatorial and polar viewing geometries (corresponding to equinox and solstice, respectively). We find large (greater than 30 K) changes over this time span. In agreement with analyses made of more limited microwave data sets, our observations suggest the changes are not caused by geometric effects alone, and that temporal variations may exist in the deep uranian troposphere down to pressures of tens of bars. Our data also support an earlier suggestion that a rapid, planetary-scale change may have occurred in late 1993 and early 1994. The seasonal record presented here will be useful for constraining dynamical models of the deep atmosphere, and for interpreting observations made during Uranus' 2007 equinox passage. As part of a multi-wavelength observing campaign for this event, the Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) project will continue to make frequent, single-dish observations near 3.5 cm.  相似文献   

Observations of the 24 May 1981 occultation of an uncatalogued star by Neptune made at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory have been analyzed to yield temperature profiles of Neptune's upper atmosphere for number densities near 5 × 1013 cm?3. The mean temperatures at immersion (latitude ?56°) and emersion (latitude ?16°) obtained by numerical inversion were 140 ± 10°K and 154 ± 10°K, respectively. The immersion and emersion profiles are remarkably similar in overall shape, suggestive of global atmospheric layering. From the astrometry of the event, precise relative positions of Neptune and the occulted were obtained.  相似文献   

We present 20-μm photometry of Uranus and Neptune which confirms the presence of a temperature inversion in the lower stratospheres in both planets. We find the brightness temperature difference between 17.8 and 19.6 μm to be 0.8 ± 0.5°K for Uranus and 1.8 ± 0.6°K for Neptune. These results indicate that the temperature inversions on both planets are weaker than previously thought. Comparison to model atmospheres by J. Appleby [Ph.D. thesis, SUNY at Stony Brook 1980] indicates that the temperature inversions can be understood as arising from heating by the absorption of sunlight by CH4 and aerosols. However, the stratospheric CH4 mixing ratio on Neptune must be higher than that at the temperature minimum.  相似文献   

In the framework of the Sobolev approximation, we investigate the effects of limb darkening of the stellar core onto the formation of line profiles in rapidly expanding envelopes.For the case of outward-accelerating envelopes, it is shown that the P Cygni profiles, calculated with and without limb darkening, do appear almost identical as long as the size of the envelope remains large with respect to the radius of the star. As the extent of the envelope decreases, the resulting profiles are found to differ appreciably close to the line center.When considering outward-decelerating (or equivalently inward-accelerating) envelopes, calculations with the limb darkening effects reveal that the P Cygni profiles are more strongly affected than in the previous case. These effects are specially important in the blue wing and near the center of the resulting line profiles, irrespective of the size of the envelope.Chargé de Recherches au Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Belgium.  相似文献   

Comet Bowell (1980b) was observed to pass within 0.25 ± 0.09 arc sec of a star (about 540 km at the comet), where the absorption of starlight by the dust coma was found to be 3% (±1%). The implied optical thickness of 0.03 differs greatly from other determinations and gives a mass of 3 × 1013 g for the coma within 1 × 104 km of the nucleus. Coupled with absolute continuum filter photometry, these results indicate a very low particle albedo consistent with fluffy carbonaceous material. This experiment indicates the need to observe nearly central occulations by several observers to measure the optical thickness profile of a comet. The advantages of using a charge-coupled device area photometer for such observations are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of H-spectrograms obtained with the 21 in. Lyot coronagraph has been examined. Measurements of relative distances between spicules (nearly 50 features) embrace the time interval of about 21 min (38 pictures). It is found out that spicules oscillate along the limb with a characteristic time interval (period) about 1 min, characteristic amplitude of 1 arc sec and velocities about 10–15 km/s. The oscillations show no correlation for distant spicules.  相似文献   

An investigation has been undertaken as to whether the 11-year activity cycle of the Sun can affect the temperature of the stratosphere at heights between 11 km (tropopause) and 36 km. An extended, and more sophisticated analysis of diurnal temperature data, available from radio-sonde measurements made at Berlin during the period 1958–1982, revealed, in contrast to an earlier result, that during both the summer and autumn seasons, when the radiative balance is dominant in determining the temperature profiles, and also during the winter and spring, when warming and cooling effects are present respectively, no clear dependence on the solar cycle was found to exist. Furthermore warming effects observed in winter show no dependence on solar activity.  相似文献   

A stellar occultation by Uranus and its rings was observed on August 15, 1980, from the European Southern Observatory (Chile), at the 3.6-m telescope equipped with an infrared (2.2 μm) photometer. The recording presents the best signal-to-noise ratio obtained since the discovery of the Uranian rings in March 1977. The nine rings were observed, and the profiles of rings α, β, and ? were resolved, the ring α exhibiting a double structure. Strong diffraction peaks are visible in the γ ring profile suggesting an opaque ring with very sharp edges. A broad and faint structure extends outward from the η ring, on a radial scale of about 55 km. Apart from the ring occultations, unexplained sharp and deep events were recorded, and no interpretation is possible until future observations are made. Furthermore, the stellar light curve during the immersion of the star behind the planet provides (via an inversion computation) the temperature profile of the upper atmosphere of Uranus. The temperature is close to 145 ± 10°K at the 3 × 10?2-mbar pressure level and is nearly constant (155 ± 15°K) in the pressure interval from 10?2 to 10?3 mbar. The thermal inversion is as strong as the inversion on Neptune but is located at higher altitudes. This high stratospheric temperature is consistent with the upper limit of the brightness temperature at 8 μm only if CH4 follows its saturation law.  相似文献   

Data from the 13 May 1971 β Scorpii occultation by the southern polar region of Jupiter (Vapillon et al., 1973, Astron. Astrophys. 29, 135-149) are re-analyzed with current methods. We correct the previous results for an inacurrate background estimation and calculate new temperature profiles, that are now consistent with the results of other observers of this occultation, as well as with the current knowledge of the jovian atmosphere. The characteristics of the profiles of temperature gradient and the spectral behavior of the temperature fluctuations are found to be similar to the results of previous investigations of planetary atmospheres and in agreement with the presence of atmospheric propagating gravity waves in the jovian atmosphere. We use a wavelet analysis of the temperature profiles to identify the dominant modes of wave activity and compare the reconstructed temperature fluctuations to model-generated gravity waves.  相似文献   

D. Goorvitch  C. Chackerian 《Icarus》1977,32(3):348-361
With the advent of high-resolution instruments and their use high above most of the telluric water vapor, we can expect to observe the hydrogen pure rotational quadrupole lines at 28, 17, and 12 μm from the atmospheres of the outer planets. We have calculated the best values for the line strengths, pressure-broadening coefficients, diffusion constants, and pressure shifts for these rotational transitions. We have used the collisionally narrowed Galatry profile to calculate brightness temperature line profiles for these H2 transitions for the outer planets Jupiter and Uranus. We have also included the effect of the H2 rotational-translational continuum and the NH3ν2 band.  相似文献   

L.A. Sromovsky  P.G.J. Irwin 《Icarus》2006,182(2):577-593
Near-IR absorption of methane in the 2000-9500 cm−1 spectral region plays a major role in outer planet atmospheres. However, the theoretical basis for modeling the observations of reflectivity and emission in these regions has had serious uncertainties at temperatures needed for interpreting observations of the colder outer planets. A lack of line parameter information, including ground-state energies and the absence of weak lines, limit the applicability of line-by-line calculations at low temperatures and for long path lengths, requiring the use of band models. However, prior band models have parameterized the temperature dependence in a way that cannot be accurately extrapolated to low temperatures. Here we use simulations to show how a new parameterization of temperature dependence can greatly improve band model accuracy and allow extension of band models to the much lower temperatures that are needed to interpret observations of Uranus, Neptune, Titan, and Saturn. Use of this new parameterization by Irwin et al. [Irwin, P.G.J., Sromovsky, L.A., Strong, E.K., Sihra, K., Bowles, N., Calcutt, S.B., 2005b. Icarus. In press] has verified improved fits to laboratory observations of Strong et al. [Strong, K., Taylor, F.W., Calcutt, S.B., Remedios, J.J., Ballard, J., 1993. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 50, 363-429] and Sihra [1998. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Oxford], which cover the temperature range from 100 to 340 K. Here we compare model predictions to 77 K laboratory observations and to Uranus spectra, which show much improved agreement between observed and modeled spectral features, allowing tighter constraints on pressure levels of Uranus cloud particles, implying that most scattering contributions arise from pressures near 2 bars and 6 bars rather than expected pressures near 1.25 and 3.1 bars. Between visible and near-IR wavelengths, both cloud layers exhibit strong decreases in reflectivity that are indicative of low opacity and submicron particle sizes.  相似文献   

The limb event 1982 Jan 22 with Type III + V and Type II bursts and Ha mass ejection is described. The bursts in short dm and cm waves are discussed in terms of the flux rate — time curve. For one main ejection, we find a magnetic field of ~12 G, a mass of ~1038 electrons or ~1014g and an energy of 8 × 1029 erg. We estimate the total energy of this event to be 1030 erg.  相似文献   

P. Foukal 《Solar physics》1989,120(2):249-251
In a recent paper (Neckel and Labs, 1987a) a strong claim is made for detection of surprisingly large variations in photospheric limb darkening over time-scales of minutes to hours. Some of this evidence relies on re-interpretation of our measurements carried out at Kitt Peak between 1980–1982 (Petro et al., 1984). The purpose of this Comment is to draw attention to information we have published which suggests that the variations noted by Neckel and Labs are more likely to be of instrumental than solar origin.  相似文献   

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