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We calculate the expected flux profile of comets into the planetary system from the Oort Cloud arising from Galactic tides and encounters with molecular clouds. We find that both periodic and sporadic bombardment episodes, with amplitudes an order of magnitude above background, occur on characteristic time-scales ∼25–35 Myr. Bombardment episodes occurring preferentially during spiral arm crossings may be responsible both for mass extinctions of life and the transfer of viable microorganisms from the bombarded Earth into the disturbing nebulae. Good agreement is found between the theoretical expectations and the age distribution of large, well-dated terrestrial impact craters of the past 250 Myr. A weak periodicity of ∼36 Myr in the cratering record is consistent with the Sun's recent passage through the Galactic plane, and implies a central plane density  ∼0.15 M pc−3  . This leaves little room for a significant dark matter component in the disc.  相似文献   

Both hypervelocity impact and dynamic spall experiments were carried out on a series of well-indurated samples of gabbro to examine the relation between spall strength and maximum spall ejecta thickness. The impact experiments carried out with 0.04- to 0.2-g, 5- to 6-km/sec projectiles produced decimeter- to centimeter-sized craters and demonstrated crater efficiencies of 6 × 10?9 g/erg, an order of magnitude greater than in metal and some two to three times that of previous experiments on less strong igneous rocks. Most of the crater volume (some 60 to 80%) is due to spall failure. Distribution of cumulative fragment number, as a function of mass of fragments with masses greater than 0.1 g yield values of b = d(log Nf)/d log(m) ?0.5 ?0.6, where N is the cumulative number of fragments and m is the mass of fragments. These values are in agreement or slightly higher than those obtained for less strong rocks and indicate that a large fraction of the ejecta resides in a few large fragments. The large fragments are plate-like with mean values of B/A and C/A 0.8 0.2, respectively (A = long, B = termediate, and C = short fragment axes). The small equant-dimensioned fragments (with mass < 0.1 g and B ~ 0.1 mm) represent material which has been subjected to shear failure. The dynamic tensile strenght of San Marcos gabbro was determined at strain rates of 104 to 105 sec?1 to be 147 ± 9 MPa. This is 3 to 10 times greater than inferred from quasi-static (strain rate 100 sec?1) loading experiments. Utilizing these parameters in a continuum fracture model predicts a tensile strenght of σmε?[0.25–0.3], where ε is strain rate. It is suggested that the high spall strenght of basic igneous rocks gives rise to enhanced cratering efficiencies due to spall in the <102-m crater diamter strength-dominated regime. Although the impact spall mechanism can enhance cratering efficiencies it is unclear that resulting spall fragments achieve sufficient velocities such that fragments of basic rocks can escape from the surfaces of planets such as the Moon or Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— Impact craters are not always circular; sometimes their rims are composed of several straight segments. Such polygonal impact craters (PICs) are controlled by pre‐existing target structures, mainly faults or other similar planes of weakness. In the Argyre region, Mars, PICs comprise ? 17% of the total impact crater population (>7 km in diameter), and PICs are relatively more common in older geologic units. Their formation is mainly controlled by radial fractures induced by the Argyre and Ladon impact basins, and to a lesser extent by the basin‐concentric fractures. Also basin‐induced conjugate shear fractures may play a role. Unlike the PICs, ridges and graben in the Argyre region are mostly controlled by Tharsis‐induced tectonism, with the ridges being concentric and graben radial to Tharsis. Therefore, the PICs primarily reflect an old impact basin‐centered tectonic pattern, whereas Tharsis‐centered tectonism responsible for the graben and the ridges has only minor influence on the PIC rim orientations. According to current models of PIC formation, complex PICs should form through a different mechanism than simple PICs, leading to different orientations of straight rim segments. However, when simple and complex PICs from same areas are studied, no statistically significant difference can be observed. Hence, in addition to enhanced excavation parallel to the strike of fractures (simple craters) and slumping along the fracture planes (complex craters), we propose a third mechanism involving thrusting along the fracture planes. This model is applicable to both simple and small complex craters in targets with some dominating orientations of structural weakness.  相似文献   

Resolution of Voyager 1 and 2 images of the mid-sized, icy saturnian satellites was generally not much better than 1 km per line pair, except for a few, isolated higher resolution images. Therefore, analyses of impact crater distributions were generally limited to diameters (D) of tens of kilometers. Even with the limitation, however, these analyses demonstrated that studying impact crater distributions could expand understanding of the geology of the saturnian satellites and impact cratering in the outer Solar System. Thus to gain further insight into Saturn’s mid-sized satellites and impact cratering in the outer Solar System, we have compiled cratering records of these satellites using higher resolution CassiniISS images. Images from Cassini of the satellites range in resolution from tens m/pixel to hundreds m/pixel. These high-resolution images provide a look at the impact cratering records of these satellites never seen before, expanding the observable craters down to diameters of hundreds of meters. The diameters and locations of all observable craters are recorded for regions of Mimas, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, and Phoebe. These impact crater data are then analyzed and compared using cumulative, differential and relative (R) size-frequency distributions. Results indicate that the heavily cratered terrains on Rhea and Iapetus have similar distributions implying one common impactor population bombarded these two satellites. The distributions for Mimas and Dione, however, are different from Rhea and Iapetus, but are similar to one another, possibly implying another impactor population common to those two satellites. The difference between these two populations is a relative increase of craters with diameters between 10 and 30 km and a relative deficiency of craters with diameters between 30 and 80 km for Mimas and Dione compared with Rhea and Iapetus. This may support the result from Voyager images of two distinct impactor populations. One population was suggested to have a greater number of large impactors, most likely heliocentric comets (Saturn Population I in the Voyager literature), and the other a relative deficiency of large impactors and a greater number of small impactors, most likely planetocentric debris (Saturn Population II). Meanwhile, Tethys’ impact crater size-frequency distribution, which has some similarity to the distributions of Mimas, Dione, Rhea, and Iapetus, may be transitional between the two populations. Furthermore, when the impact crater distributions from these older cratered terrains are compared to younger ones like Dione’s smooth plains, the distributions have some similarities and differences. Therefore, it is uncertain whether the size-frequency distribution of the impactor population(s) changed over time. Finally, we find that Phoebe has a unique impact crater distribution. Phoebe appears to be lacking craters in a narrow diameter range around 1 km. The explanation for this confined “dip” at D = 1 km is not yet clear, but may have something to do with the interaction of Saturn’s irregular satellites or the capture of Phoebe.  相似文献   

We consider the largest impact craters observed on small satellites and asteroids and the impact disruption of such bodies. Observational data are considered from 21 impact-like structures on 13 satellites and 8 asteroids (target body radii in the range 0.7-265 km). If the radius of the target body is R and the diameter of the largest crater observed on this body D, the ratio D/R is then the main observational parameter of interest. This is found on the observed bodies and compared to data obtained in the laboratory. Taking the largest observed value for D/R as a proxy for the ratio Dc/R (where Dc is the diameter of the largest crater that can be formed on a body without shattering it) it was found that for the observed icy satellites Dc,icy≈1.2R and for the asteroids and the rocky satellites Dc,rocky≈1.6R. In laboratory experiments with ice targets at impactor speeds of 1 to 3 km s−1 we obtained Dc,icy≈1.64R.  相似文献   

The author proposes a laboratory simulation of cosmic shock waves by means of the mathematical correlations between the shock equations in the classical and the relativistic fluid dynamics, respectively. In the present note only the normal shock is treated.  相似文献   

Abstract– Planetary surfaces are subjected to meteorite bombardment and crater formation. Rocks forming these surfaces are often porous and contain fluids. To understand the role of both parameters on impact cratering, we conducted laboratory experiments with dry and wet sandstone blocks impacted by centimeter‐sized steel spheres. We utilized a 40 m two‐stage light‐gas gun to achieve impact velocities of up to 5.4 km s?1. Cratering efficiency, ejection velocities, and spall volume are enhanced if the pore space of the sandstone is filled with water. In addition, the crater morphologies differ substantially from wet to dry targets, i.e., craters in wet targets are larger, but shallower. We report on the effects of pore water on the excavation flow field and the degree of target damage. We suggest that vaporization of water upon pressure release significantly contributes to the impact process.  相似文献   

The relation between the ejected plasma cloud and the shock wave propagating ahead of it is examined for 27 pairs of such events. The flare sprays and the eruptive prominences observed in H line as well as the fast-moving sources of type-IV radio bursts have been considered as such ejected plasma clouds. Propagation of the shock wave in the solar corona has been examined from the observations of type-II radio bursts. Using the Parker model of the propagation of a shock wave, the shock wave velocity has been compared with the plasma cloud velocity. Energy interconnection between these two events has been studied. In the majority of the investigated cases there exists an energetic interconnection between the plasma cloud and the shock wave.  相似文献   

Stationary hypersonic flow around a descent vehicle is examined by considering equilibrium and nonequilibrium reactions. We study how physical-chemical processes and shock wave conditions for gas species influence the shock-layer structure. It is shown that conservation conditions of species on the shock wave cause high-temperature and concentration gradients in the shock layer when we calculate spacecraft deceleration trajectory in the atmosphere at 75 km altitude.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Footwall Breccia layer in the North Range of the Sudbury impact structure is up to 150 m thick. It has been analyzed for several aspects: shock metamorphism of clasts, matrix texture, mineralogy, and geochemistry with respect to major and trace element compositions. The matrix of this heterolithic breccia contains mineral and lithic fragments, which have suffered shock pressures exceeding 10 GPa, along with clasts of breccia dikes originating from the crater basement. The matrix in a zone near the upper contact of the breccia layer is dominated by a dioritic composition with intersertal textures, whereas beneath this zone the matrix is characterized by poikilitic to granular textures and a tonalitic to granitic composition. Major and trace element analyses of adjacent slices of a thin-slab profile from the breccia show that the matrix is chemically inhomogeneous within a range of 3 mm. The breccia layer has been thermally annealed by the overlying Sudbury Igneous Complex, which is interpreted as a coherent impact melt sheet. The Rb-Sr isochron age of 1.825 ± 0.021 Ga for the matrix is a cooling age after partial melting of fine grained clastic material by the melt system. Two-pyroxene thermometry calculations give temperatures in excess of 1000 °C for this thermal overprinting. Clasts were affected by recrystallization, melting, and reactions with the surrounding matrix at that time. The crystallization of the molten matrix resulted in the observed variety of igneous textures. Results of clast population statistics for the Footwall Breccia along with both geochemical considerations and the Sr-Nd isotopic signature of the matrix indicate that the breccia constituents exclusively derived from the Levack gneiss complex, which forms the local country rock to the breccia layer in the Levack area. K-feldspar-rich domains, which tend to replace parts of matrix and felsic gneiss fragments have been formed due to metasomatic activities during the Penokean orogeny, ~ 1.7 Ga ago. The available observations suggest that the Sudbury structure represents the remnant of a multi-ring basin with an apparent diameter between 180 and 200 km and a diameter of the transient cavity of about 100 km. For a crater of the size of the Sudbury basin a maximum depth of excavation of ~21 km and a depth of shock-melted target rocks of ~27 km are obtained. In the Sudbury crater, the Footwall Breccia layer represents a part of the uplifted crater floor directly underlying the thick coherent impact melt sheet.  相似文献   

Similarity solutions, for one-dimensional unsteady flow of a perfect gas behind a spherical shock wave produced on account of a sudden explosion or driven out by an expanding piston including the effects of radiative cooling, are investigated. The shock ahead of the point of explosion or piston is propagating into a transparent medium at rest with non-uniform density. The total energy of the wave is assumed to be time dependent obeying a power law.  相似文献   

This paper considers a spherical shock, in a conducting gas, of self-gravitating gas propagating in a non-uniform atmosphere at rest. Similarity principle has been used to reduce the equations governing the flow to ordinary differential equations under the assumption that the density varies as an inverse-power of distance from the point or explosion. The total energy of the wave is variable.Supported by CSIR, New Delhi under grant No. 7/57/287/81/EMR-I.  相似文献   

A comparison between the terrestrial, Cytherean and lunar cratering records indicates that the large craters (diameters   D > D 0)  on these surfaces all have cumulative numbers that are proportional to   D -2.59±0.05  . Atmospheres have a negligible effect on the formation of   D > D 0  craters. It is shown that this limiting diameter is  45±3 km  in the case of Venus, and  21.0±1.5 km  in the case of Earth. In this large-diameter range, there are about  1.51±0.34  times more craters, per unit area, on Venus than on the Earth, and about  1350±310  times more craters, per unit area, on the Moon than on the Earth.  相似文献   

Martian cratering 8: Isochron refinement and the chronology of Mars   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
William K. Hartmann 《Icarus》2005,174(2):294-320
This paper reviews and refines the technique of dating martian surfaces by using impact-crater isochrons (defined as size distributions of impact craters on undisturbed martian surfaces of specified ages). In the 1970s, this system identified not only abundant ancient martian volcanic surfaces, but also extensive lava plains with ages of a few 108 y-old; this dating was initially controversial but confirmed in the 1980s and 90s by martian meteorites. The present update utilizes updated estimates of the Mars/Moon cratering ratio (the most important calibration factor), improves treatment of gravity and impact velocity scaling effects, combines aspects of the crater size distribution data from earlier work by both Neukum and Hartmann, and for the first time applies a correction for loss of small meteoroids in the martian atmosphere from Popova et al. (2003, Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 38, 905-925). The updated isochrons are not radically different from the previous “2002 iteration” but fit observed data better and give somewhat older model ages for features dated from small craters (diameter D<100 m). Crater counts from young lava flows in various areas give good fits to the new isochrons over as much as 3 orders of magnitude in D, confirming the general isochron shape and giving crater retention ages in the range of some 106 to some 108 y, interpreted as lava flow ages. More complex, older units are also discussed. Uncertainties are greatest if only small craters (D?100 m) are used. Suggestions by other workers of gross uncertainties, due to local secondary craters and deposition/exhumation, are discussed; they do not refute our conclusions of significant volcanic, fluvial, and other geologic activity in the last few percent of martian geologic time or the importance of cratering as a tool for studying processes such as exhumation. Indeed, crater count data suggest certain very recent episodes of deposition, exhumation, and ice flow, possibly associated with obliquity cycles of ∼107 y timescale. Evidence from ancient surfaces suggests higher rates of volcanism, fluvial activity, glaciation, and other processes in Noachian/Hesperian time than in Amazonian time.  相似文献   

The present Letter deals with the problem of implosive and re-explosive shock wave in magnetohydrodynamics. A self-similar solution has been obtained neglecting thermal conduction and assuming a linear profile of the plasma velocity.  相似文献   

Self-similar flows of self-gravitating gas behind a spherical shock wave which are driven out by a propelling contact surface, propagating in a nonuniform atmosphere at rest, are investigated. The total energy content of the flow between a shock front and contact surface is taken to be time-dependent. In brief, the self-similar homothermal flows of self-gravitating gas behind a shock wave and Roche's model case are also studied in the present paper.  相似文献   

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