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Characteristics of cloud drop spectra were studied using 400 samples obtained from 120 warm cumulus clouds formed during the summer monsoon season.The total concentration of cloud drops (N T) varied from 384 to 884 cm–3 and the maximum concentration was observed in the layer below the cloud-top. The width of the drop spectrum was broader in the cloud-base region and in the region below the cloud-top. The spectrum was multimodal at all levels except in the cloud-top region where it was unimodal. The concentration of drops with diameter greater than 50 m (N L) varied from 0.0 to 0.674 cm–3.N L was larger in the cloud-base region.N L decreased with height up to the middle level and thereafter showed an increase. In the cloud-top region no large drops were present. The computed values of the liquid water varied between 0.132 and 0.536 g m–3 and the mean volume diameter (MVD) varied between 8.1 and 12.0 m. The LWC and MVD showed a decrease with height except in the middle region of the cloud where the values were higher than the adjacent levels. The dispersion of the cloud drops was lower (0.65) in the cloud-top region and higher (1.01) in the cloud-base region.The observed cloud microphysical characteristics were attributed to vertical mixing in clouds induced by the cloud-top gravity oscillations (buoyancy oscillations) generated by the intensification of turbulent eddies due to the buoyant production of energy by the microscale-fractional-condensation (MFC) in turbulent eddies.  相似文献   

Auroral precipitating electrons pass through an acceleration region before entering the atmosphere. Regardless of what produces it, a parallel electric field is assumed to cause the acceleration. It is well known that from kinetic theory an expression for the corresponding upward field-aligned current can be calculated, which under certain assumptions can be linearized to j = KV. The K constant, referred to as the Lyons-Evans-Lundin constant, depends on the source density and thermal energy of the magnetospheric electrons; it is an important parameter in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling models. However, the K parameter is still rather unknown, and values are found in a wide range of 10–8–10–10Sim–2. In this study, we investigated how the type of auroral structure affects the K values. We look at onset and westwards-travelling surge (WTS) events and make comparisons with earlier results from observations of more stable auroral arcs. A new analysis technique for studying those magnetospheric parameters using ground-based measurements is introduced. Electron density measurements are taken with the EISCAT radar, and through an inversion technique the flux-energy spectra are calculated. Source densities, thermal energies and potential drops are estimated from fittings of accelerated Maxwellian distributions. With this radar technique we have the possibility to study the changes of the mentioned parameters during the development of onsets and the passage of surges over EISCAT. The study indicates that the linearization of the full Knight formulation holds even for the very high potential drops and thermal temperatures found in the dynamic onset and WTS events. The values of K are found to be very low, around 10–11Sm–2 in onset cases as well as WTS events. The results may establish a new technique where ionospheric measurements are used for studying the ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling processes.  相似文献   

Observations taken by aircraft and conventional platforms are used to investigate dynamical, physical, and radiative processes within a marine stratus cloud during the Canadian Atlantic Storms Program (CASP) II field project which took place over the east coast of Canada. Stratus which formed over the ocean on February 6, 1992 during the nighttime, is studied to analyze cloud top and base processes. The cloud was supercooled during the study period. Fluctuations and fluxes are calculated along constant flight altitude legs approximately 100 km long in space. The scales of structures larger than 5 km are removed from the analysis using a running average technique. Droplet spectra obtained by a forward scattering spectrometer probe (FSSP) were used in a 1-D radiative transfer model to calculate infrared (IR) fluxes and radiative heating rates. A heat conservation equation was used to estimate vertical air velocity (w a ) within the cloud. The results showed that, because of a warmer ocean surface, significant moisture and heat were transferred from the ocean surface to the boundary layer. The cloud base was at about 400 m height and the top was at about 1.4 km.w a at the cloud base was estimated about 5 cm s–1. Strong IR cooling rate at the cloud top was calculated to be 75°C day–1 for a 100 m thick layer. Negative skewness inw a , suggesting narrow downdrafts, was likely due to radiative cooling at the cloud top. The entrainment velocity was found to be about 1.5 cm s–1 at cloud top. Mean moisture and heat fluxes within the cloud were estimated to be comparable to those from the ocean surface. Vertical air velocity at the cloud top due to radiative cooling was found to be about –40 cm s–1.  相似文献   

New equations and techniques for dealing with drop breakups are developed and applied to the modelling of the evolution of raindrop spectra in rainshafts. Breakup experiments byMcTaggart-Cowan andList (1975) served as data base.No matter what the original size distribution, the spectrum evolution will always lead to a Marshall-Palmer type equilibrium di tributionN=N 0e–D, with =constant andN 0 proportional to the rainfall rateR. (D stands for raindrop diameter.) ForR29 mm h–1 and an original Marshall-Palmer distribution, the required fall height to reach equilibrium is 2 km.The equilibrium distributions are characterized by linear relationships betweenR, the radar reflectivity factorZ, the liquid water content LWC and theN 0 of the Marshall-Palmer distribution. Possible explanations for the discrepancy with observations are given.The fact that the all-water processes cannot produce drops withD2.5 mm (as confirmed by observations) leads to the conclusion that observed large raindrops withD5 mm represent melted hailstones and have not yet reached an equilibrium distribution. These latter conclusions were reached within the original assumption of videspread, steady state precipitation.  相似文献   

During 1986 planktonic primary production and controlling factors were investigated in a small (A0 = 11.8 · 103 m2, Zmax = 11.5 m) meromictic kettle lake (Mittlerer Buchensee). Annual phytoplankton productivity was estimated to ca 120 gC · m–2 · a–1 (1,42 tC · lake–1 · a–1). The marked thermal stratification of the lake led to irregular vertical distributions of chlorophylla concentrations (Chla) and, to a minor extent, of photosynthesis (Az). Between the depths of 0 to 6 m low Chla concentrations (< 7 mg · m–3) and comparatively high background light attenuation (kw = 0,525 m–1, 77% of total attenuation due to gelbstoff and abioseston) was found. As a consequence, light absorption by algae was low (mean value 17,4%) and self-shading was absent.Because of the small seasonal variation of Chla concentrations, no significant correlation between Chla and areal photosynthesis (A) was observed. Only in early summer (June–July) biomass appears to influence the vertical distribution of photosynthesis on a bigger scale. Around 8 m depth, low-light adapted algae and phototrophic bacteria formed dense layers. Due to low ambient irradiances, the contribution of these organisms to total primary productivity was small. Primary production and incident irradiance were significantly correlated with each other (r2 = 0.68). Although the maximum assimilation number (Popt) showed a clear dependence upon water temperature (Q10 = 2.31), the latter was of minor importance to areal photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The CUTLASS Finland HF radar has been operational since February 1995. The radar frequently observes backscatter during the midnight sector from a latitude range 70–75° geographic, latitudes often associated with the polar cap. These intervals of backscatter occur during intervals of substorm activity, predominantly in periods of relatively quiet magnetospheric activity, with Kp during the interval under study being 2-and KP for the day being only 8-. During August 1995 the radar ran in a high time resolution mode, allowing measurements of line-of-sight convection velocities along a single beam with a temporal resolution of 14s, and measurement of a full spatial scan of line-of-sight convection velocities every four minutes. Data from such scans reveal the radar to be measuring return flow convection during the interval of substorm activity. For three intervals during the period under study, a reduction in the spatial extent of radar backscatter occurred. This is a consequence of D region HF absorption and its limited extent in the present study is probably a consequence of the high latitude of the substorm activity, with the electrojet centre lying between 67° and 71° geomagnetic latitude. The high time resolution beam of the radar additionally demonstrates that the convection is highly time dependent. Pulses of equatorward flow exceeding 600 m s–1 are observed with a duration of 5 min and a repetition period of 8 min. Their spatial extent in the CUTLASS field of view was 400–500 km in longitude, and 300–400 km in latitude. Each pulse of enhanced equatorward flow was preceded by an interval of suppressed flow and enhanced ionospheric Hall conductance. The transient features are interpreted as being due to ionospheric current vortices associated with field aligned current pairs. The relationship between these observations and substorm phenomena in the magnetotail is discussed.  相似文献   

Two cirrus cloud systems observed during the winter of 2001 at the Southern Great Plains site of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurements program in Oklahoma, USA are studied because of the distinct neutrally stratified layers formed within the clouds. Observations are obtained with 35 GHz millimeter-wave radar and backscattering cross-section η(t) signals within radar-reflectivity restricted sublayers of the clouds are analyzed. The neutrally stratified layers of cirrus clouds are known to be associated with the existence of generating cells. The statistics of radiative properties within the neutrally stratified layers is obtained to be non-Gaussian and time-dependent. The purpose of this research is to derive a model of the cloud-generating cells layer in cirrus based on the statistics of observations. The Fokker–Planck equation approach provides suitable framework to treat non-Gaussian, time-dependent probability density functions (pdfs) such as those found for the η(t) signals. It is shown that the deviations from Gaussianity of radiative properties of the neutrally stratified generating cells layer in cirrus can be modeled by linear stochastically perturbed dynamics with multiplicative noise statistics. Because the multiplicative noise is often identified with state-dependent variations of stochastic feedbacks from unresolved system components it is expected that derived stochastic model will be useful for parameterization of cirrus in global circulation models (GCMs).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es werden die Grundgleichungen der Ionisations-Neutralisationsbilanz in derE-Schicht präzisiert und auf die Notwendigkeit der Berücksichtigung des Einflusses der lokalen ionisierenden Strahlungsquellen auf der Sonnenscheibe, der dynamischen ionosphärischen Vorgängen und der Veränderungen des äquivalenten Rekombinationskoeffizienten hingewiesen. Ferner wird eine Methodik zur Bestimmung der charakteristischen Grössen der Ionisations-Rekombinationsbilanz (q 0m ,q d, ) dargelegt. Zu dem Zweck werden die Messergebnisse aus der Periode der Sonnenfinsternis von zwei unweit voneinander gelegenen Ionosphärenstationen verwendet. Die Methodik wird auf die während der totalen Sonnenfinsternis am 15. Februar 1961 auf den Ionosphärenstationen in Sofia und Nesebar erhaltenen Ergebnisse angewandt. Für den Rekombinationskoeffizienten werden Werte zwischen 0,63·10–7 cm3sec–1 und 2,32·10–7 cm3sec–1 und für die Elektronenproduktion unter dem Einfluss der ionisierenden Strahlung von der homogenen Sonnenscheibeq 0m 1700 cm–3sec–1 erhalten.
Summary The basic equations for the ionisation-neutralisation balance in theE layer have been shown the necessity to take in account the influence of the local ionisation sources on the disk of the sun, the dynamic ionospheric processes and the variations in the equivalent recombination coefficient. The method for determining the characteristic quantities of the ionisation-recombination balance (q 0m ,q d, ) has been exhibited for this purpose are used measurement data from two ionospheric stations located not far from each other, in the period of the solar eclips on 15 February, 1961. The quantity of the recombination coefficient lay between 0.63×10–7 sec–1 cm3 and 2.32×10–7 sec–1 cm3; the electron production under the action of the ionising radiation of the homogen disk showsq 0m 1700 sec–1 cm–3.

This paper provides a complete generalization of the classic result that the radius of curvature () of a charged-particle trajectory confined to the equatorial plane of a magnetic dipole is directly proportional to the cube of the particles equatorial distance () from the dipole (i.e. 3). Comparable results are derived for the radii of curvature of all possible planar chargedparticle trajectories in an individual static magnetic multipole of arbitrary order m and degree n. Such trajectories arise wherever there exists a plane (or planes) such that the multipole magnetic field is locally perpendicular to this plane (or planes), everywhere apart from possibly at a set of magnetic neutral lines. Therefore planar trajectories exist in the equatorial plane of an axisymmetric (m = 0), or zonal, magnetic multipole, provided n is odd: the radius of curvature varies directly as n=2. This result reduces to the classic one in the case of a zonal magnetic dipole (n = 1). Planar trajectories exist in 2m meridional planes in the case of the general tesseral (0 < m < n) magnetic multipole. These meridional planes are defined by the 2m roots of the equation cos[m()–nm)] = 0, where nm = (1/m) arctan (hnm/gnm); gnm and hnm denote the spherical harmonic coefficients. Equatorial planar trajectories also exist if (nm) is odd. The polar axis ( = O,) of a tesseral magnetic multipole is a magnetic neutral line if m > I. A further 2m(nm) neutral lines exist at the intersections of the 2m meridional planes with the (nm) cones defined by the (nm) roots of the equation Pnm(cos ) = 0 in the range 0 < 9 < , where Pnm(cos ) denotes the associated Legendre function. If (nm) is odd, one of these cones coincides with the equator and the magnetic field is then perpendicular to the equator everywhere apart from the 2m equatorial neutral lines. The radius of curvature of an equatorial trajectory is directly proportional to n=2 and inversely proportional to cos[m(–)]. Since this last expression vanishes at the 2m equatorial neutral ines, the radius of curvature becomes infinitely large as the particle approaches any one of these neutral lines. The radius of curvature of a meridional trajectory is directly proportional to rn+2, where r denotes radial distance from the multiple, and inversely proportional to Pnm(cos )/sin . Hence the radius of curvature becomes infinitely large if the particle approaches the polar magnetic neutral ine (m > 1) or any one of the 2m(nm) neutral ines located at the intersections of the 2m meridional planes with the (nm) cones. Illustrative particle trajectories, derived by stepwise numerical integration of the exact equations of particle motion, are pressented for low-degree (n 3) magnetic multipoles. These computed particle trajectories clearly demonstrate the non-adiabatic scattering of charged particles at magnetic neutral lines. Brief comments are made on the different regions of phase space defined by regular and irregular trajectories.Also Visiting Reader in Physics, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK  相似文献   

A unified model is proposed for explaining the frequency dependent amplitude attenuation and the coda wave excitation on the basis of the single scattering process in the randomly inhomogeneous lithosphere. Adopting Birch's law and a direct proportion between density and wave velocity, we statistically describe the inhomogeneous medium by one random function characterized by the von Karman autocorrelation function. We calculate the amplitude attenuation from the solid angle integral of scattered wave energy on the basis of the Born approxiimation after subtracting the travel-time fluctuation effect caused by slowly varying velocity inhomogeneities. This subtraction is equivalent to neglect energy loss by scattering within a cone around the forward direction. The random inhomogeneity of the von Karman autocorrelation function of order 0.35 with the mean square fractional fluctuation of 7.2×10–3 1.3×10–2 and the correlation distance of 2.15.1 km well explains observed backward scattering coefficientg and the ratioQ P –1 /Q S –1 , and observed and partially conjecturedQ S –1 for frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 30 Hz.  相似文献   

Initial coagulation rates of colloidal hematite (-Fe2O3) particles (diameter less than 0.1 µm) were measured experimentally in well-defined laboratory systems at constant temperature. The relative stability ratio,W, was obtained at various ionic strengths in NaCl medium and at pH values in the range from 3 to 12. ExperimentalW values ranged from 1 to 104 in various systems. The results delineate the roles ofspecific andgeneralized coagulation mechanisms for iron oxides. Among the specifically-interacting species (G ads 0 >G coul 0 ) studied were phosphate, monomeric organic acids of various structures, and polymeric organic acids. The critical coagulation-restabilization concentrations of specifically-interacting anions (from 10–7 to 10–4 molar) can be compared with the general effects of non-specific electrolyte coagulants (10–3 to 10–1 molar). The laboratory results are interpreted with the help of a Surface Complex Formation/Diffuse Layer Model (SCF/DLM) which describes variations of interfacial charge and potential resulting from variations of coagulating species in solution. Comparison of these laboratory experiments with observations on iron behavior in estuarine and lake waters aids in understanding iron removal mechanisms and coagulation time scales in natural systems.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a Rn222 survey in wells of the Larderello geothermal field (Italy) and observed considerable variations in concentrations. Simple models show that flow-rate plays an important part in the Rn222 content of each well, as it directly affects the fluid transit time in the reservoirs. Rn222 has been sampled from two wells of the Serrazzano area during flow-rate drawdown tests. The apparent volume of the steam reservoir of each of these two wells has been estimated from the Rn222 concentration versus flow-rate curves.List of symbols Q Flow-rate (kg h–1) - Decay constant of Rn222 (=7.553×10–3 h–1) - Porosity of the reservoir (volume of fluid/volume of rock) - 1 Density of the fluid in the reservoir (kg m–3) - 2 Density of the rock in the reservoir (kg m–3) - M Stationary mass of fluid filling the reservoir (kg). - E Emanating power of the rock in the reservoir (nCi kg rock –1 h–1). - P Production rate of Rn222 in the reservoir: number of atoms of Rn222 (divided by 1.764×107) transferred by the rock to the mass unit of fluid per unit time (nCi kg fluid –1 h–1). - N Specific concentration of Rn222 in the fluid (nCi kg–1) - Characteristic time of the steam reservoir at maximum flow-rate (=M/Q)  相似文献   

This work aims at processing the data of CP1 and CP2 programs of EISCAT ionospheric radar from 1987 to 1994 using the –full profile method which allows to solve the –temperature-composition ambiguity problem in the lower F region. The program of data analysis was developed in the CEPHAG in 1995–1996. To improve this program, we implemented another analytical function to model the ion composition profile. This new function better reflects the real profile of the composition. Secondly, we chose the best method to select the initial conditions for the –full profile procedure. A statistical analysis of the results was made to obtain the averages of various parameters: electron concentration and temperature, ion temperature, composition and bulk velocity. The aim is to obtain models of the parameter behaviour defining the ion composition profiles: z50 (transition altitude between atomic and molecular ions) and dz (width of the profile), for various seasons and for high and low solar activities. These models are then compared to other models. To explain the principal features of parameters z50 and dz, we made an analysis of the processes leading to composition changes and related them to production and electron density profile. A new experimental model of ion composition is now available.  相似文献   

Meteor radar measurements of winds near 95 km in four azimuth directions from the geographic South Pole are analyzed to reveal characteristics of the 12-h oscillation with zonal wavenumber one (s = 1). The wind measurements are confined to the periods from 19 January 1995 through 26 January 1996 and from 21 November 1996 through 27 January 1997. The 12-h s = 1 oscillation is found to be a predominantly summertime phenomenon, and is replaced in winter by a spectrum of oscillations with periods between 6 and 11.5 h. Both summers are characterized by minimum amplitudes (5–10 ms–1) during early January and maxima (15–20 ms–1) in November and late January. For 10-day means of the 12-h oscillation, smooth evolutions of phase of order 4–6 h occur during the course of the summer. In addition, there is considerable day-to-day variability (±5–10 ms–1 in amplitude) with distinct periods (i.e., 5 days and 8 days) which suggests modulation by planetary-scale disturbances. A comparison of climatological data from Scott Base, Molodezhnaya, and Mawson stations suggests that the 12-h oscillation near 78°S is s = 1, but that at 68°S there is probably a mixture between s = 1 and other zonal wavenumber oscillations (most probably s = 2). The mechanism responsible for the existence of the 12-h s = 1 oscillation has not yet been identified. Possible origins discussed herein include in situ excitation, nonlinear interaction between the migrating semidiurnal tide and a stationary s = 1 feature, and thermal excitation in the troposphere.  相似文献   

Marked wavelike variations of the lower stratospheric wind observed on 7–10 May, 1985 by an MST radar in Japan (by the MU radar) are analyzed assuming that they are induced by monochromatic internal inertio-gravity waves. These variations are mainly composed of two modes (periods: 22 and 24 hours), both of which have zonal phase velocities (C X ) slower than the mean westerly wind (). A statistical analysis of the zonal phase velocity shows thatC X above andC X below the tropopause jet stream, which is considered to be a vivid proof of wave selection due to the tropospheric mean flow and upward wave emission from the tropopause jet. A comparison between the MU radar results and routine meteorological observations leads to the conclusion that the marked waves appear when the jet stream takes a maximum wind speed.  相似文献   

Summary The previous investigation of the probability of occurrence of largest earthquakes in the European area continued by applying the Gumbel theory of largest values to three periods 1901–1930, 1901–1955 and 1901–1967, respectively. The values of magnitudes which will be exceeded with the probabilityP=1%, 2% and 10% were determined from the lines fitting the distributions of magnitudes and corresponding probabilities for all three periods. It was assumed that the relationship between the differences M P% [k](67)=M k,P%M 67,P% (k=30, 55, 67) and the observation period follow the hyperbolic law. This tendency was used for the estimation of the probability line corresponding to an infinite observation period.Presented at The Sixth UMC Symposium on Geophysical Theory and Computers in Copenhagen in 1969.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of mantle materials are being investigated up to pressures of 16 GPa and temperatures of 1600°C for times up to 24 h, using a new sample assembly for the 6–8 multi-anvil apparatus. Al2O3 pistons, together with a liquid confining medium, are used to generate deviatoric stress in the specimen. Strain rates are estimated by monitoring the relative displacement of the guide blocks of the multi-anvil apparatus, scaled to the total axial strain of the sample. The applied stress on the sample is estimated using grain size piezometry. Strain rates and flow stresses of approximately 10–4 to 10–6 s–1 and 50 to 250 MPa respectively, are presently attainable.Preliminary results on San Carlos olivine single crystals, partially dynamically recrystallized to a grain size of 10 to 300 m, indicate that the effective viscosity of polycrystalline olivine is consistent with values obtained from olivine single crystal creep laws. Assuming a dislocation creep mechanism (n3.5) with (010)[001] as the dominant slip system, the data are best fit using a creep activation volume of 5 to 10×10–6 m3 mol–1.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of various fluxes, namely net radiation, soil heat, sensible heat and latent heat observed at a tropical station are presented in this paper. The time variation of these fluxes are examined in relation to various meteorological parameters and atmospheric conditions. The turbulent transfer coefficients have been evaluated to examine the applicability of the classical theory or the non-equivalence theory for eddy transport in the lower layers of the atmosphere. The energy balance at a tropical station is evaluated. It is found over year there is a net surplus of 94,000 ly. A detailed discussion of the disposal of this energy by various consuming processes is given.Symbols and notation All the quantities represented by symbols in the text of the paper are defined below C p specific heat at constant pressure in cal. g–1 °K - E evaporation in g cm–2 hr–1 - E * evaporative heat flux cal. cm–2 sec–1 (in Eq. 10) - e vapour pressure in millibars - e z ,e 2z vapour pressure at heightsz and 2z - g acceleration due to gravity - H sensible heat flux cal cm–2 sec–1 (in Eq. 12) - K M ,K H ,K W coefficients of eddy diffusivities of momentum, heat, and water vapour respectively in cm2 sec–1 - k von Karman' constant=0.4 - L Monin-Obukhov length (according to Monin and Obukhov [53] the structure of the turbulent boundary layer is determined by the non-dimensional variableZ/L whereL is defined byL=–(u * 3 C p T)/(kgH) - ly langleys - Q c Q—sensible heat flux in langleys (in Eqs. 3 and 4) - Q e E—latent heat flux in langleys (in Eqs. 3 and 4) - Q s S—soil heat flux in langleys (in Eqs. 3 and 4) - Q i Q c +Q e +Q s whenK M K H K W , (in Eq. 6) - Q' i Q' c +Q' e +Q s whenK M =K H =K W (in Eq. 7) - qq mean specific humidity g kg–1  相似文献   

During a summer period we studied the vertical variation of in vivo and chlorophyll a specific phytoplankton absorption spectra in relation to the underwater light climate of ten deep North Patagonian Andean lakes of Argentina. The lakes were thermally stratified, and the underwater light climate was characterized by extended euphotic zones which included highly illuminated epilimnetic layers (both UVR and PAR) and metalimnia exposed to dim blue-green light. Most of the lakes presented the development of Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM) at the metalimnetic layers, near 1% of surface PAR irradiance. Analyzing the fourth-derivative plots of in vivo phytoplankton absorption spectra [dIVaph(λ)], we were able to identify several maxima absorption values attributed to different pigments. Considering lakes with DCM, a significant positive linear relationship was found between dIVaph (495–500 nm) normalized by chlorophyll a and downward irradiance. Indeed, a negative significant relationship was found between dIVaph (495–500 nm) normalized by chlorophyll a and diffuse PAR attenuation coefficients. These results point out an increase in the relative concentration of different carotenoids at surface layers indicating the role of photoprotection of these pigments. On the other hand, significant negative linear relationships were found between fourth-derivative spectra normalized by chlorophyll a at 650, 590–595, 560–565 and 520–525 nm and downward irradiance. These results indicated an increase in the relative concentration of photosynthetic accessory pigments at deep layers of the euphotic zone. Furthermore, we found a decrease in depth of specific absorption spectra at 440, 670 nm and in the ratio aph* (440 nm) to aph* (670 nm). This pattern was associated with the package effect concept. The increase in relative photosynthetic accessory pigment concentrations and the decrease in values of specific absorption spectra at the bottom of the euphotic zone were attributed to changes in phytoplankton communities between surface and deep layers. These outcomes pointed out that the underwater light climate and temperature water structure are, like in marine systems, very important factors governing the distribution of phytoplanktonic organisms. In addition, the possession of specific photosynthetic accessory pigments suggests that dominant species in the DCM are well adapted to these dim blue-green light scenarios.  相似文献   

Two major pyroclastic surges generated during the 4 April 1982 eruption of El Chichon devastated an area of 153 km2 with a quasi-radial distribution around the volcano. The hot surge clouds carbonized wood throughout their extent and were too hot to allow accretionary lapilli formation by vapor condensation. Field evidence indicates voidage fraction of 0.99 in the surge cloud with extensive entrainment of air. Thermal calculations indicate that heat content of pyroclasts can heat entrained air and maintain high temperatures in the surge cloud. The dominant bed form of the surge deposits are sand waves shaped in dune forms with vertical form index of 10–20, characterized by stoss-side erosion and lee-side deposition of 1–10 cm reversely graded laminae. A systematic decrease in maximum lithic diameter with distance from source is accompanied by decrease in wavelength and amplitude. Modal analysis indicates fractionation of glass and pumice from the surge cloud relative to crystals, resulting in loss of at least 10%–25% of the cloud mass due to winnowing out of fines during surge emplacement. Greatest fractionation from the –1.0–0.0– grain sizes reflects relatively lower pumice particle density in this range and segregation in the formative stages of the surge cloud. Extensive pumice rounding indicates abrasion during bed-load transport. Flow of pyroclastic debris in the turbulent surge cloud was by combination of bed-load and suspended-load transport. The surges are viewed as expanding pyroclastic gravity flows, which entrain and mix with air during transport. The balance between sedimentation at the base of the surge cloud and expansion due to entrainment of air contributed to low cloud density and internal turbulence, which persisted to the distal edge of the surge zone.  相似文献   

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