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太阳系人造天体VLBI观测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简介介绍了VLBI技术用于太阳系人造天体观测的进展状况,并对这一研究方向的天文研究课题作了展望。  相似文献   

关于太阳系中光压对各种天体运动的影响问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于太阳辐射(简称光压)对各种天体(大行星、小行星、慧星以及各类航天器)运动的影响,本文从较完整的力学模型着手,作了详尽的分析,其结论是:由于太阳辐射相对较弱,而辐射压的作用大小还取决于承受天体的有效面质比,对太阳系中各自然天体(包括慧星的一些物理现象)运动的影响并不重要,而对各类航天器运动的影响却是不可忽视的。中文给出的力学模型和相应的研究方法,在一定条件下同样适用于强辐射的天体系统。  相似文献   

赵长印  刘林 《天文学报》1994,35(4):434-438
本文讨论了太阳系P型逆行小天体运动的稳定区域问题,首先,指出了P型逆行小天体顺行小天体的Hill稳定区域及数值稳定区域的差别,然后,讨论了大行星间P型逆行小天体存在的可能性问题。  相似文献   

回顾了中国用小望远镜进行的一些科研项目,如小行星的天体测量和测光观测,近地天体的观测和天然行星卫星的天体测量观测.介绍了小行星和近地天体轨道的测定,以及行星/月球历表的编制.简述了天体测量标准区的建立,从射电源光学对应体推算光学和射电参考架的联系,双星轨道的测定,以及星团成员星自行的测定.提出了改进GSC2.3的新项目...  相似文献   

太阳系起源基本问题的评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要地评述了各种太阳系起源学说关于行星的物质来源、行星的形成方式、太阳系有序结构的形成等基本问题的主要观点 ;介绍了作者创立的太阳系自组织进化论新学说的基本观点  相似文献   

美国航天局的凌星系外行星巡天望远镜(Transiting Exoplanet Survey Telescope,简称TESS)任务由麻省理工学院的天体物理学家领导。该望远镜于2018年4月18日发射升空,主要目标就是寻找太阳系外行星.  相似文献   

太阳系的元素丰度   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

在4次成功的近距离彗星探测之后,天文学家找到了有关太阳系起源的一些重大问题的线索。 彗星的神秘 偶尔地——大概每隔10年左右——夜空中就会出现壮观的景象。这使得它们成为了大众痴迷的对象,也让它们成为了某种重要的“征兆”。这就是彗星。它们有时还会影响我们地球,例如很多古生物的灭绝就有可能源自一颗远古彗星的撞击。当然这很大程度上仅仅是巧合,它们不太可能影响到我们的日常生活。然而,由于彗星保存了大约45亿年前行星刚刚形成时太阳系早期状况的记录,它们于是便具有了特殊的科学意义。  相似文献   

张捍卫  郑勇  杜兰 《天文学报》2003,44(1):28-36
以太阳系质心参考系为基础,根据太阳系的质心参考系和非旋转地球质心参考系的坐标转换关系,推导了太阳系天体地面VLBI观测的相对论时间延迟模型,给出了一个通用的解析表达式.根据这一公式可以得到平劲松博士所采用的公式,以及当地心与源的距离无限大时,可得河外射电源VLBI观测的Zhu—Groten模型、Shapiro模型和IERS(92,96)推荐模型.所推导的公式严格解析且无误差,在实际应用中建议采用这一公式.同时详细地讨论了所推导公式的实用范围和各种舍掉项的量级估计,并详细给出了时间延迟理论模型的计算步骤.  相似文献   

通过角动量守恒计算,证明了原始星云角动量不足,单纯靠星云自转惯性离心力无法抗衡中心部位星云的吸引力,无法在星云赤道处形成星云盘.原始星云角动量不足,同时星云收缩时径向方向速度不等,内快外慢,结果中心部位星云形成太阳,外部赤道部位星云物质因赶不上内部星云物质收缩而掉队形成星云盘.再由星云盘分裂、掉队形成星云环;星云环形成行星、卫星.对太阳系一些主要特征,作了分析和说明.  相似文献   

The solar system, as we know it today, is about 4.5 billion years old. It is widely believed that it was essentially completed 100 million years after the formation of the Sun, which itself took less than 1 million years, although the exact chronology remains highly uncertain. For instance: which, of the giant planets or the terrestrial planets, formed first, and how? How did they acquire their mass? What was the early evolution of the “primitive solar nebula” (solar nebula for short)? What is its relation with the circumstellar disks that are ubiquitous around young low-mass stars today? Is it possible to define a “time zero” (t 0), the epoch of the formation of the solar system? Is the solar system exceptional or common? This astronomical chapter focuses on the early stages, which determine in large part the subsequent evolution of the proto-solar system. This evolution is logarithmic, being very fast initially, then gradually slowing down. The chapter is thus divided in three parts: (1) The first million years: the stellar era. The dominant phase is the formation of the Sun in a stellar cluster, via accretion of material from a circumstellar disk, itself fed by a progressively vanishing circumstellar envelope. (2) The first 10 million years: the disk era. The dominant phase is the evolution and progressive disappearance of circumstellar disks around evolved young stars; planets will start to form at this stage. Important constraints on the solar nebula and on planet formation are drawn from the most primitive objects in the solar system, i.e., meteorites. (3) The first 100 million years: the “telluric” era. This phase is dominated by terrestrial (rocky) planet formation and differentiation, and the appearance of oceans and atmospheres.  相似文献   

Soft X-ray observations from comets are analysed on the assumption that the X-rays arise from electron captures by multiply charged ions of the solar wind in collisions with the neutral atoms and molecules of the cometary atmospheres. The collisions populate excited states of the ion formed in the transfer of charge which then decay in a cascade of radiative transitions in the soft X-ray and ultraviolet regions of the spectrum. A comparison of detailed models of the resulting spectra with observations of Comet McNaught-Hartley yield information on the solar wind ion composition. A similar process in which solar wind ions interact with neutral atoms in the heliosphere contributes to the diffuse soft X-ray background. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

喻福  苏杨  张哲  黄宇 《天文学报》2020,61(4):40
硬X射线成像是研究太阳耀斑等爆发现象的重要手段.由于采用调制成像而非直接成像的原因, X射线图像在日面上的位置需要借助太阳指向镜提供的仪器指向的日面坐标来确定.因此,指向信息对于耀斑定位实现多波段研究,理解太阳耀斑的物理过程具有重要的科学意义.在此对两种太阳指向镜指向信息的获取算法进行了测试.结合太阳指向镜的设计方案,首先利用SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory)/AIA (Atmospheric Imaging Assembly) 4500?的数据产生测试图像,其次对其进行二值化处理,分别提取日面轮廓和4个边角指定区域面积;最后分别利用最小二乘法和四象限法对太阳中心坐标进行反演.初步结果显示最小二乘法受随机噪声影响小,定位精度相对稳定约为0.25′′,并可提供四象限法解算的初值;后者的精度可以优于0.14′′,但受随机噪声影响较大.两种算法的精度都显著优于硬X射线成像仪(Hard X-ray Imager, HXI)太阳指向镜的设计要求,可为指向数据在将来科学分析中的实际应用提供参考.  相似文献   

The very high rates of second generation star formation detected and inferred in high-redshift objects should be accompanied by intense millimetre-wave emission from hot core molecules. We calculate the molecular abundances likely to arise in hot cores associated with massive star formation at high redshift, using several different models of metallicity in the early Universe. If the number of hot cores exceeds that in the Milky Way Galaxy by a factor of at least 1000, then a wide range of molecules in high-redshift hot cores should have detectable emission. It should be possible to distinguish between different models for the production of metals and hence hot core molecules should be useful probes of star formation at high redshift.  相似文献   

详细分析了一次太阳低层大气磁场重联触发的喷流事件.这次喷流发生在2014年8月1日,爆发自美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA)活动区12127边缘的一个卫星黑子处.该喷流爆发包括日浪、紫外喷流、极紫外高温和低温喷流.大熊湖太阳天文台(Big Bear Solar Observatory,BBSO)的Goode Solar Telescope (GST)高分辨率氧化钛(TiO)谱线的光球观测显示,喷流爆发过程中,卫星黑子一直衰减.到喷流结束,卫星黑子面积共减少了80%.在此过程中,太阳动力学天文台(Solar Dynamics Observatory, SDO)日球磁场成像仪(Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager, HMI)的视向磁场观测表明,该卫星黑子对应的负极磁场与相邻的正极磁场发生明显对消,产生喷流足部亮点.根据SDO卫星太阳大气成像仪(Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, AIA)的多波段观测,该足部亮点首先出现在紫外1600?波段.待紫外(1600?)喷流从紫外足部亮点顶部向上喷发,在极紫外波段也观测到相应的亮源.随着足点源亮度突然增强,有明显的极紫外低温喷流和日浪从足部亮点侧面喷发.从GST的高分辨率Hα图像上,可见日浪由许多精细纤维组成,这些纤维扎根在足点源的东南侧.根据从光球层过色球层再到日冕层的多波段高分辨率观测,色球中下层的磁场对消触发了这次喷流事件.向上喷发的物质流可以携带能量进入上层大气,并加热上层大气.研究结果表明,低层大气磁重联可能对解决日冕加热问题起重要作用.  相似文献   

A study has been undertaken of the gas-grain chemistry of protostellar disks which are sufficiently cool that in the outer regions, where the gas density is less than 1013 cm–3 and the ionization rate highest, a bimolecular chemistry resembling that of dark clouds can occur. Since the gas-grain collision rate is so high, outgassing mantle molecules effectively determine the gas phase composition at any position in the disk. In contrast to previous work, a detailed gas phase chemistry is considered along with the accretion and desorption of mantle species which is controlled locally by the dust temperature.  相似文献   

According to the conservation principle of angular momentum, we calculate in this paper the revolution period and the distance between the Earth and the Moon in the equilibrium state of the tidal evolution in the Earth-Moon system. The difference of energy between the current state and the equilibrium state is used to compute the time needed to fulfil the equilibrium state. Then the long-term variations of the Earth-Moon distance and of the Earth rotation rate are further estimated.  相似文献   

H2 formation in metal-free gas occurs via the intermediate  H  or  H+2  ions. Destruction of these ions by photodissociation therefore serves to suppress  H2  formation. In this paper, I highlight the fact that several processes that occur in ionized primordial gas produce photons energetic enough to photodissociate  H  or  H+2  and outline how to compute the photodissociation rates produced by a particular distribution of ionized gas. I also show that there are circumstances of interest, such as during the growth of H  ii regions around the first stars, in which this previously overlooked form of radiative feedback is of considerable importance.  相似文献   

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