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Chris Taylor 《Area》2002,33(4):368-381
The geography of education remains an under-researched area, particularly in light of major transformations in education provision over the last two decades. This paper reaffirms the position of a geographical approach to studying the education system by focussing upon the differential impact of two major features of national policy reforms on secondary school admissions in England: the desire to enhance choice and diversity in the provision of schooling.  相似文献   

The Argualas rock glacier is located on the southern side of the Central Pyrenees (Argualas massif). Vertical electric sounding, debris surface analysis and a topographic survey were performed on this rock glacier between 1991 and 2000. High precision measurement records were obtained using a total station. Horizontal and vertical movements of the rock glacier were measured by means of sixteen steel rods. Horizontal and vertical angles and distances to each rod were measured from three stations on a bedrock ridge. Total and annual average displacements were derived from the emergence value and the horizontal displacement of each rod. Then the horizontal and vertical displacement rates in different sectors of the rock glacier were compared. The inferred surface deformation was characterized by both extensional and compressive flows as well as thinning of the frozen body. The displacement rates showed temporal variations related to atmospheric thermal changes, pointing to a high sensibility of the rock glacier.  相似文献   

Using an exploratory case study approach, this research used semi‐structured interviews to investigate the motivations, expectations and experiences of high school students in New Zealand who travelled to Cambodia on a school supervised field‐trip. Findings suggest students are motivated by altruistic behaviour and the desire for unique experiences. Students had very high expectations, predicting the experience to be either life changing or incredibly important. Post‐trip interviews revealed that the volunteer work undertaken was perceived as positive and that experiences of poverty were challenging and influential. Finally, personal development and an increased sense of social responsibility were identified as important effects of the trip.  相似文献   

认知地图作为人对人地关系复杂系统进行抽象化和秩序化的内在表征,是个体空间行为决策、空间认知与空间规划的理论基础,也是地理学的重要研究领域之一。论文通过CiteSpace文献学分析方法并结合经典文献回顾,从多学科视角系统梳理认知地图1948—2020年共70余年的发展脉络与研究热点。研究认为,认知地图在地理学的学科发展过程中扮演了重要角色,特别是在认知空间与城市意象、空间扭曲与空间偏好、空间知识与决策行为等方面丰富了地理学内涵。近期与地理学有关的认知地图跨学科研究出现3大转向:大数据时代重新定义认知空间与城市意象的数字转向,以特定群体或事件的空间偏好为切入点的情感转向,以第一人称视角解译空间知识与决策行为的神经转向。最后指出认知地图空间分析的地理学在跨学科融合发展中的角色与应用前景。  相似文献   

地理院系调整研究旨在通过对地理学认同产生不利影响的高校地理院系调整的解析,揭示地理学发展存在的学科与体制认同问题。基于对高校地理院系调整的回顾,分析地理院系调整的原因及影响,并结合当前地理院系发展态势阐明其启示。结果显示:学科认同与院系调整互为关联,尽管地理院系调整导致的解体并不表明地理学的终结,一般意义的调整也存在积极影响,但不同类型地理院系调整对地理学(特别是人文地理学)学科认同的不利影响仍然明显,并影响着体制层面的学科再生产。地理院系调整的发生是多因素共同影响的结果,复杂多样的因素及其影响表明地理院系面临竞争,需要地理学者既“正名”(塑造科学性、统一性的学科形象)又“指实”(完整的院系体制建设);既“向内”(地理院系及地理学家的努力)又“向外”(维护地理学及地理院系的完整性认同)的集体努力,在强化地理学综合性基础上形成“多轨发展”机制,强化地理学学科与体制认同。“跨学科典范”的塑造或许是当前地理院系应努力的现实目标。  相似文献   

基于文献引用关系和知识图谱的时空关系研究热点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用“Web of Science”数据库收录的1999-2013年期间发表的探讨时空关系相关文献,包括2263篇直接文献和这些文献引用的78139篇参考文献为基础数据,采用Histcite软件构建时空关系研究文献数据库,结合Citespace软件对该数据库进行文献引用关系和知识图谱的可视化处理,并对热点文献进行解读与分析,从而分析时空关系研究的研究热点和发展趋势。研究发现:2000年前后,时空关系研究与GIS结合逐步突破了传统时间地理学研究的技术瓶颈和研究框架,迅速进入了一个文献爆炸的阶段,研究的内容逐步从时空行为的描述转向对时空关系的解释。随着时空GIS技术的不断成熟,本领域的研究更多地把时空行为作为一种变量,对各种时空现象和社会问题进行解释,而不仅仅是一个被描述和解释的对象,其学科应用价值将逐步突显。  相似文献   

余官胜  林俐 《地理研究》2015,34(2):364-372
企业对外直接投资海外集群和区位选择均是当前理论和政策的热门话题,着眼于研究两者之间的关系。由于东道国国别经济存在较大的差异,因此中国企业在对外直接投资区位选择过程中较为注重特定的国别状况,东道国经济规模、人均收入、贸易开放、资源条件等因素均构成了企业对外直接投资区位选择的影响因素,此外本国企业在东道国的海外集群也是企业对外直接投资区位选择决策的不可忽视因素。利用浙江省微观企业数据构造二值选择模型,并使用浙江省在某东道国的对外直接投资项目数度量在该国的海外集群状况,研究发现:企业海外集群是东道国吸引新晋企业对外直接投资的重要区位优势,并且这种区位优势在资源越丰富和市场规模越大的国家发挥的作用也越大。为了消除回归的内生性问题,使用地理距离作为企业海外集群的工具变量,通过二阶段二值选择模型得出了类似的结论;并且通过分样本实证研究发现无论在发达国家还是发展中国家东道国,企业海外集群吸引新晋企业对外直接投资的正向影响均保持不变。结果说明了企业对外直接投资海外集群具有自我延续性,也反映了信息在企业对外直接投资区位选择中的重要性。  相似文献   

赵思敏  芮旸  杨钰华 《地理研究》2022,41(3):810-829
学前和义务教育阶段学生由乡到城的跨尺度流动影响教育资源配置和社会治理,事关乡村振兴和教育公平。解析乡村学生跨尺度流动的内涵并构建其研究框架,融合县级统计数据和调查访谈数据对陕西省淳化县进行实证分析。结果表明:① 淳化县乡村学生存在跨尺度流动现象并趋于加剧,突出表现为跨县域的跳跃流动成为主体和流动时间提前至幼儿园阶段,乡村义务教育设施的小规模化趋势和学前教育设施“城挤乡空”的潜在风险因此出现。② 乡村学生跨尺度流动的影响因素呈4级递阶结构,进城落户和随迁就学政策是深层动因,教育资源配置、父母文化程度与学校教学质量、家庭经济资本、父母籍贯分别为中层与浅层影响因素,父母工作地、家庭购房情况、学校寄宿条件和上学距离是表层直接影响因素。③ 推力因素和家庭心理门槛的消除促使乡村学生流出,但实现流动需克服“人、钱、居”三大中间阻力和路径门槛,流入地的最终确定则受拉力因素和区位门槛的共同作用,整个流动过程的发生始终受资源分配不均形成的梯度力和随迁就学等政策的影响。建议多渠道增加乡村优质教育资源供给,扩大省级政府及副省级城市的教育统筹权,推动教育治理模式的流动性转向。  相似文献   

The effects of armed conflict on cities constitute a large field of research in both conflict studies and urban studies. The topic of urban expansion is also explored by the domain of remote sensing, a sub-branch of geoinformation science. Remote sensing researchers analyze the spatial development of cities in conflict and non-conflict environments using satellite imagery.However, a dialogue or collaboration between these disciplines is virtually non-existent in the scientific discourse, mainly due to stark differences in their methodologies – namely, intensive on-the-ground field research in the case of conflict and urban studies and highly elaborate computer-based analysis of remotely-gathered data in the case of remote sensing.We aim to demonstrate a simple and thus feasible approach for the use of satellite imagery by non-experts of remote sensing, to add a spatio-temporal dimension to the results of in-depth field studies. We apply our approach to the city of Goma, in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is located at the center of protracted armed conflict that has raged for decades. With the support of local knowledge acquired during field visits, we visually analyze a time series of Landsat data and add our own results to those of existing research. Contextualizing the mapped results of Goma's urban expansion between 1986 and 2015, we show how urban growth is linked to particular waves of forced displacement caused by different stages of armed conflict and one particular natural disaster.  相似文献   

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